Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Jimmy V Week

“Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” 
                                Jimmy Valvano, 1993 – announcing the Jimmy V Foundation

November 30 - December 9 is Jimmy V week on ESPN.  You may not know who Jimmy Valvano was, but if you have had the misfortune of knowing someone afflicted with cancer, the odds are he and his life’s mission impacted your life. 

Jimmy Valvano was a successful basketball coach, commentator, and author.  He was a person of strong conviction and personal drive.  At an early age he pulled out white index cards and began to write down his personal goals for life.  He wanted to play high school and college basketball, he wanted to become an assistant coach, go on to become a head coach, cut down the nets in Madison Square Garden and win a National Championship.  At age 36, he was able to pull out those cards and cross off every item on the list.  Throughout his life he developed a personal philosophy which allowed an ordinary man to accomplish the extraordinary.  He was commented, “There are 86,400 seconds in a day.  It is up to you to decide what to do with them.”  Jimmy V chose to cherish and make the most of each one. 

After accomplishing his goals on the basketball court, he explored new directions from writing to commentating.  He was not interested in limiting himself to a single profession.  He embraced diversity in his life and his interests.

In 1993, Jimmy Valvano was given an obstacle that would prove to be his most difficult.  He was diagnosed with cancer.  The cancer proved to be too much for him to personally overcome, but through his vision and passion he has inspired and continues to inspire funding for education and research to cure cancer.  At the time of his diagnosis, cancer was an underfunded and devastating disease.  His charismatic and infectious attitude towards life and easy appeal to people made him an ideal person to raise the awareness of cancer and its impacts on our world and to raise arms to find a way to cure cancer.  While no cure has been found, through continued research many forms of treatment have been developed.  The Jimmy V Foundation has risen over $100 million in the past 20 years to fund cancer awareness and research. 

Jimmy V is an inspiring person.  His attitude towards life, even in the face of overwhelming obstacles is something to admire.   

Below is a video clip from the 1993 ESPY awards when he received the Arthur Ashe award for Courage.  During his speech he announces the Jimmy V Foundation.  This is a must see!!!

Below are the highlights from the 1983 National Championship.  It was one of the most exciting endings the tournament has ever seen.

What do you think of Jimmy Valvano, his life and his mission? If I gave you five index cards to write down your goals and dreams for your life, what would you write down?  

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Veteran's Day 2016

November 11 is Veteran’s Day in the United States.  It is a day to remember the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting the American way of life.  Through the years these individuals have put their safety and well-being in jeopardy in the name of freedom, liberty, and justice.  We owe all former and current members of our armed services a great deal of gratitude.

Whether or not you agree with the involvement of our military around the world, the support of our troops is necessary.  It is not the soldier who decides where to go, they take orders.  They go where they are needed and where they are asked to go.  It is a difficult life.  In addition to risking their life, they are often separated from their families for months on end.  They give up the comforts of Saturday afternoon football games, microwave popcorn, and a nice fireplace in exchange for tents in the middle of the desert.

It is fitting we dedicate a day during the year to remember those brave men and women who truly understand what it means to be called to duty.

What are your thoughts on Veteran’s Day?  What ways can you personally honor our veterans and current military members?  What do you think life would be like in the armed services today?

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Inside the Actor's Studio

There are so many TV channels and shows on these days it is hard to keep track of them all. On occasion I find an interesting show. I have been known to get caught up in watching "Inside the Actor's Studio" hosted by James Lipton. He has actors on his show in front of a group of acting students to review their career's ups and downs. Depending on the actor it can be a trip down memory lane.

One of the most interesting segments comes at the end when Mr. Lipton asks them a series of questions which require them to give the audience a glimpse of their true selves. I like the questions so much, I thought I would ask you some of them to share with everyone. 

For your comment please respond to the following:

1. What is your favorite word?
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What inspires creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
5. What sound or noise do you love?
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
7. What profession would you like to attempt?
8. What profession would you not like to do?
9. When you get to Heaven, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Tuesday, October 11, 2016


Last week, two Florida girls, ages 12 & 14, were arrested on felony charges of taunting and bullying after a 12 year old Florida girls committed suicide.  This is a sad realty in our world today.  Bullying is no longer happening face to face.  It is happening everywhere we have access to the internet and at all hours of the day.  For a victim it is difficult to escape or find refuge when the attacks are happening even when you should be in the safety of your own home.

Rebecca Sedwick committed suicide by jumping from an abandoned cement factory tower in Lakeland, FL on September 9th.  She had been a victim of bullying by at least 15 other girls utilizing
on-line social networking sites such as, Instagram, Kik, and Voxer. 

For parents, schools and students this is a difficult evolution.  According to a 2016 study, 26% of teens state they are the subject of regular cyberbullying, while 40% admit to be on one side or the other over the past year. It is difficult for parents to keep up with the latest trends in social networking. It seems many of us just figured out Facebook only to have to new application such as Instagram or become the application of choice.

The situation is even more complicated by other trends evident especially today. Whether it be the election or immigration or Colin Kaepernick, it is so easy to find hate filled speech tearing everyone apart for their ideas. The action modeled by adults is not consistent with the message to stop cyberbullying with our children and students. 

We are living in a digital age and the responsibilities of parents, schools, and children have changed.  We have to educate our children about the proper etiquette for using social networking.  As parents we have to be open and honest with our children and have to be willing to learn about new technology and be willing to check on our kids.  It is fine line between protecting our children and respecting their privacy. 

In addition to parents having more responsibilities, so do you students.  Here are some tips on how to prevent and stop cyberbullying:

·         Make sure if you are members of social networking sites, protect yourself by using the security features (for example, make your profile private if you are on Instagram)
·         Never accept a “friendship” request unless you know the person
·         Refuse to pass on cyberbullying messages
·         Tell friends or others to stop
·         Block communication with cyberbullies, delete messages without reading them
·         Never post or share personal information online including full name, parents’ names, address
·         Never share internet passwords with anyone
·         Never put anything online you wouldn’t want your classmates to see
·         Do not send messages when you are angry or upset
·         Always be as polite online as if you were in person

If you are a victim of cyberbullying or become aware of cyberbullying, you need to ask for help.  Find a
teacher or trusted adult and ask for assistance.

How many different social networking sites do you belong to?  Have you ever witnessed acts of cyberbullying?  Besides the suggestions I provided, what are steps you believe would be helpful to stopping this behavior?

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Teacher Day - Confucius

September 28 is a Confucian Holiday celebrating the birth of Confucius. It is also celebrated as Teachers' Day. While many confuse Confucius ism with a religion, it is actually more of a philosophy. Confucius was not a priest or a deity, he was a teacher.

Confucius was born around 551 BC in the small state of Lu. He was born into an aristocratic family, although there is debate as to whether he had any money or not. During his life he served many influential people and his teachings became not only fundamental to Confucian philosophy, but to the general Chinese philosophy.

The 6th century BC China was a bad time politically and socially in China. Leaders had lost their way.  There was a greater emphasis on the people serving the leader instead of being there to support the people and grow a strong community.   Ethics and integrity meant little to the leaders of the time. Confucius was disgusted by this development. At the time, he was a widely unknown teacher. He attempted to revive society by re-introducing the great moral teachings of the past.

At the cornerstone of his teachings was the belief that ethical considerations should be the guiding principle of government. He did not accept the idea of a strict legal system. He believed the primary task of a ruler was to promote the welfare and happiness of the people. The ruler should be a role model, his behavior should be better than everyone else. The leader’s strong ethical behaviors would influence the people's behaviors. Customs and voluntary adherence would be the best way to achieve and maintain an orderly society. Furthermore, he believed leadership should be given to the educated, not the noble. 

Confucius never wrote many of the quotations we see today. After his death, many of his disciples gathered and compiled his teachings. Here are a few quotations:

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

"Forget injuries, never forget kindness."

"He who will not economize will have to agonize."

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

"Respect yourself and others will respect you."

Throughout history, we have seen many teachers influence the world. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, and Confucius have significantly changed the world and redefined the way many of us view right from wrong.

Who are the teachers in your life that have influenced you the most and how did they influence you? What life lesson have you gathered from an effective and influential teacher? What is the wisest or most influential quote you have ever heard from a teacher? 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Travis Rudolph and Bo Paske

In our crazy world it often seems we cannot find those special acts of kindness that demonstrate the exceedingly generous human spirit we each possess. If we watch the news or troll through social media, we all too often witness quite the opposite. Our news is littered with political rants, divisive actions by so-called leaders, and acts of violence committed all over the world.

That is absolutely not the case with the story I am going to share with you.

Earlier this month, football players from Florida State were asked to visit a local middle school in Tallahassee, FL. The players arrived at lunch time and were to mingle with the students. This was the moment that would dramatically change the lives of two individuals and hopefully enlighten and inspire people all over the world.

Travis Rudolph, a junior wide receiver for the Seminoles, entered the lunch room and saw a young boy sitting by himself eating his lunch. That boy was Bo Paske. Unknown to Travis at the time, Bo was diagnosed with Autism many years ago. All Travis knew was that he was alone. Travis approach the table and asked Bo if he could join him. The two sat and enjoyed a conversation and a meal.

The resource officer at the school took a picture of the two and sent the photo to Bo's mother. In addition to being relieved to know today her son was not eating alone, she posted the picture to Facebook. The picture and the story quickly went viral.

The relationship between the two did not stop there. Travis was able to return not too soon after with a jersey for Bo and tickets to last Saturdays game. Travis and Bo have received a significant amount of media coverage from the event, even though ironically that was never the intent.

Below is a follow up story I watched on ESPN. Please take a moment to watch the video.

Why do you think we do not see more news like this in our world today? Should we be?  What lessons do you take away from this story? What can we do to be more aware of others? 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September 11th - 15 Years Later

This Sunday marks the 15th anniversary of one of the most tragic days in modern American history.  While the day began as any other day, it would end with images and stories of unfathomable death and destruction.  It was a day no one saw coming and no one will ever forget.

While truly tragic, it was also a day which demonstrated the incredible will and strength of the human spirit.  There were as many stories of heroism as there was destruction.  We witnessed countless acts of bravery and selflessness.  And these are only the stories we know.  Many of the incredible stories forever died with the victims.

The following is a brief timeline of the day’s events.

At 8:45 am, the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  The crash instantly killed hundreds of innocent people and trapped hundreds more above the 110th floor.  While emergency crews sprang into action, a mere 18 minutes later, a second plane crashed into the South Tower.  It was evident to all, this was not a coincidence, the United States was under attack. 

At 9:45 am, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon.  The jet fuel caused a devastating fire causing a small structural collapse. 

15 minutes after the Pentagon crash, the South Tower collapsed.  It was less than one hour from the time the plane crashed into the building to when it fell to the ground.

 At 10:10, the country became aware of a fourth plane wreck.  United Flight 93 had left the Newark airport late.  40 minutes after departure, terrorists took control of the plane.  The passengers on the plane, aware of the events of New York and Washington, decided to take action.  They overtook the terrorist and in the process crashed the plane into a Pennsylvanian field.  All aboard were killed instantly.

At 10:30, the inevitable occurred.  The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.  While the nation watched in awe, the brave firefighters, police officers and other city officials continued to respond to their call to duty.  Due to the devastation created when the Twin Towers collapsed, four other building would fall to the ground during the day. 

As the day concluded we began to hear the devastating carnage from the day.  In New York City approximately 3,000 people were killed, including 343 firefighter and paramedics, 23 police officers and 37 Port Authority officers.  In Washington, DC, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed at the Pentagon in addition to the 64 people on board the flight.  An additional 45 people were killed in the Pennsylvanian field from Flight 93.

What do you know about the events of September 11th?   Do you think this is a day of tragedy or triumph for the United States?  After the events of the day, the country promised to "Never Forget". Do you think the country does enough to make sure the victims and sacrifices of 9/11 are not ever forgotten? What else could be done?