Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Veteran's Day 2016

November 11 is Veteran’s Day in the United States.  It is a day to remember the men and women who have dedicated their lives to protecting the American way of life.  Through the years these individuals have put their safety and well-being in jeopardy in the name of freedom, liberty, and justice.  We owe all former and current members of our armed services a great deal of gratitude.

Whether or not you agree with the involvement of our military around the world, the support of our troops is necessary.  It is not the soldier who decides where to go, they take orders.  They go where they are needed and where they are asked to go.  It is a difficult life.  In addition to risking their life, they are often separated from their families for months on end.  They give up the comforts of Saturday afternoon football games, microwave popcorn, and a nice fireplace in exchange for tents in the middle of the desert.

It is fitting we dedicate a day during the year to remember those brave men and women who truly understand what it means to be called to duty.

What are your thoughts on Veteran’s Day?  What ways can you personally honor our veterans and current military members?  What do you think life would be like in the armed services today?


  1. I think that Veteran's Day is an amazing day. I know how it feels to have a loved one go away for a long time because my dad was away in Germany helping people become healthy again. I think that it is a great day, because then you are showing that you appreciate people and all that they do for you and your country. I can personally honor veterans and current military members by celebrating Veteran's Day and by thanking all of our veterans. I can also honor these people by making cards for those overseas or in a different countries telling them that they should know that they are being honored and should feel good about themselves knowing that they are protecting their country. Without the armed forces, I think that everyone would be scared of bombing attacks and worried if they will die from attacks for people in different countries. I also think that people would be more grateful for everything they have and that they are safe if there are no armed forces because they know that they could possibly be in danger of dying. I also think that people would be afraid to do anything thinking that they would be caught. I think that the United States would be invaded and attacked.

  2. I think that Veteran's Day is a very special day. We honor those who have protected us, and those who have fallen, also protecting us. I imagine the American flag, and I always wonder, how many people have passed away, trying to protect that flag, the USA, their families and friends, loved ones, and me? I also wonder how the world would be like without them. All I can think of is chaos, fear, black, and darkness.
    I can personally honor our veterans by wearing red, white, and blue. I can also say a prayer to them, and pray that they made it/make it safely to heaven. Also, I would pray that God watches over them and protects them, just like how they protected us. I could also visit the veterans and thank them personally for what they have done for us.
    I think life would be like a very hard life, waking up early and working really hard. I wonder if it would be like school, except you would work super hard, and train, not for the money, but to serve the country. I can guess it would be hard to leave a loved one, but I think that your military friends would be like your brothers and sisters. I also think they would loose a close military friend, and that would be really hard and very sad. They might also think, everyday in the morning, "Today, I have a high chance that I will die." They must also know their sacrifice to the country, and they know that back at home, they are missed, and loved. At least when they come home, someone will be waiting for them.

  3. Veteran's Day is a very special day. We honor all of the military and veteran members who have protected and saved us from danger. If my dad was in the military and he died, I can't think of how the children, moms, wives and loved ones could go a day without thinking about their special one's death. I was wondering, how could survive a day without thinking about your mom/dad in the military when you look up to see the USA flag? To honor all the veterans and people in the military I would like to thank Mr.McGarry for all that he done to protect us. Also, I could visit the veterans center and say thank you to them for what they've done. I could say a prayer to them and ask that they are protected under God's wings. I think that it is very hard work and if you do something wrong they would whip you into shape. Also, I couldn't imagine going to war and the last thought before you die is," My job is done and it is now it is my time to serve my new leader, God." Veteran's Day is a very sad and special day to recognize all of the people who have died protecting our world. We should always remember the people who died serving our country.

  4. I absolutely love Veteran's Day. I take Veteran's Day into consideration, I have an uncle in the Navy, two cosines in the army, and all of my moms side has been in the Army, Navy, or Marines. Even my grandma was in the army. Luckily no one has died in my family. I enjoy this day because it reminds me and everyone of their loved ones and others who risks their lives so we can have a nice peaceful life. We don't have to worry if a boom will hit our school or even a home. Personally I think that I could give cards to my uncle t give to all the Veteran's. Or give a speech to the class. If I was in the Army I think it would be scary. Fighting with guns for your own life, And the stuff you would see. The video that was provided on the blog post, there was a picture of a man carrying a boy with bold on the towel from the boy. I could not image that, I would not want to image that. That is my opinion.

  5. I love Veteran's day, I think it is wonderful that we celebrate everyone who put there lives in danger to protect us. I think I can personally recognize veterans by praying for them and thanking them for all of the wonderful and courageous things they do to make our country safer. I think if I were in the armed services right now I would be so very scared that I would die and that is why I respect our veterans so much because they were probably scared about dying but they fought through the hard times. Also, if I were in the armed services today I would love to receive care packages knowing that there are people back home caring about me and loving me as I would be fighting for our country. I don't think that I can ever do what the military soldiers do today. Veteran's day is a very important day remembering all of the brave souls that give up there lives to keep people safe.

  6. I think that Veteran's Day is very special. We honor all of the military members and veterans who have protected us from fear and danger. Where would our country be without them? It's hard to imagine because all you would think of is danger, darkness, and never ending fear. I can honor our veterans and current military members by praying for them and that they are safely in heaven with God. I can visit the Veteran center and say thank you for all they have done. I can't imagine how tough it is to be in the military. Waking up early, training everyday, leaving your family, and risking your own life. They don't do it for money, but to protect us. I think that if you risk your life to protect everyone else in the military, you should fore sure make it to heaven. I want to thank all of those you have done everything I've said to save us. Especially, Mr. McGarry.

  7. I feel that Veterans Day is great because we always need to be doing all we can for the living and dead that put their lives on the line for us every day. I don't think we do enough to show our great appreciation for them. Like the seventh graders said, the people at the veterans home would be lining up to have someone to talk to, that goes to show that the little things can make a huge difference. These people are the rock and safety of our country, they keep us alive. I think we can all set aside time to go talk with people at the veterans home and learn about their experiences, and to give them something to look forward to. I could not imagine being in a family with one or two of the parents in the armed forces, I would be scared and hopeful that they would come back safe. That must have been an extreme weight lifted off of the McGarry family. I would be relieved to have a family member come home safely. If I had a family member or was in the armed forces, I would be proud. These people are the ones who are on the front lines to keep us safe. Whenever you look at the flag, you should think about those who serve us,they are the core of America.

  8. I think that Veterans Day is a great way to honor those who have fought and died for our country. I think that I can personally honor veterans by saying a prayer on Veterans Day for them. It must be hard to have one of your family members shipped off to some foreign country halfway across the world. Being in the service of your country must be a lot of tough training, but you can remember all those lives you've saved.

  9. I think that Veterans Day is a great way to remember all of our Armed Forces. I think I can say thank you to a Veteran who had fought and even died for us. I could also do it by saying a special prayer. I still think it is tough,but not as tough as it was in the 1900 because we now have a stronger military and better military and weapons.

  10. I love Veterans Day! We need to honor all of the veterans who have fallen and who are still standIng. They have done so much for us, and we need to give back. They risk their lives to save ours, they know what that American flag stands for and they will protect it for as long as they can! There is not enough ways to say thank you to them. Imagine life without the veterans here, every day we would not know what would be coming, we would not know if we could survive just one more day without them. They take a year sometimes even longer to protect our country, friends, family, and me. Every day we would be scared and all we could ever think about was the darkness and evil. I will make sure that I pray six times on Veterans Day, I will also make sure that everyone I know will thank the veterans for what they have done. Being in the military today would be hard and confusing, we might have better weapons since World War I and two but still other countries are developing good weapons. There was no way that I would step up and be in the military, People in the military are very brave men and women, I don't know how to do it. All I know is that they want to do a good deed and help out the entire United States of America.

  11. I love Veterans Day. Coming from a military family, it had definitely been a big part of my life. My dad is and mom was in the military, as well as most of their friends are too. I think we should make Veterans Day a bigger deal than we do now. I love how we celebrate the lives of the brave soldiers who fought to save us. We should be sure to pray for the families and friends of the people who have lost their lives for us. The military is hard work but I think I could do it. I went to my parent's Air Force Academy Reunion. It really made me want to go there and I want to apply. I feel like it would be an amazing experience and I feel like it would be fun. I know that it would be a great opportunity to give back to our country.

  12. My thoughts on veterans day are I like it because we Americans all come together and honor the people who fought for our country. It is important to honor those who have fought so that future generations will want to continue to join our military and continue to fight for our freedom and safety. I can honor Veterans by putting up a flag, maybe talking to a veteran or participating in community events that honor veterans. It would be hard for me to be Veteran because it would be hard to be away from my family and friends, I also think it would be scary to risk my life for the country but I would honored to fight for the safety and freedom of our country.

  13. I like veterans day is a very nice holiday because we honer and respect all the Americans that fought for our country from the past and right now. what I would think if we so much armed services today I would think someone has stared world war three!

  14. I love veterans day. Since I am from a military family I love honoring those who serve for our country. My dad was in the military and so was my grandfather. When I was in first grade, my dad was deployed for a year. I can personally honor the vets,by praying form them. Also I could go to the VA and talk to them and say thank you. The life that I think people have in the military right now is a dangerous job. Also I would feel really honored to serve our country.

  15. I think that Veteran's Day is very important, and all veterans should get lots of appreciation on this day and every other day. I have an uncle in the National Guard, and I can honor veterans and current military members personally by sending a card or a gift, or I can just go find one to talk to and to ask questions about being in the army. Being in the armed services today, I think, would be scary because first of all, being in wars, and second of all, mostly, leaving your family to fight for our country. Even though you're doing something good, which I totally support, there are still many risks to being in the army, and it's very dangerous.

  16. I feel that Veteran's day is one of the most important days of the year. It is a day that we dedicate to all people that have fought for my country. I love the day because that day we pay attention to what they did for us and pray and cherish what they have done. My uncle and my grandpa were in the Navy. They served in the Vietnam War. I can honer them be visiting with them or just giving a few minutes and thank them for their sacrifice that they have made to keep us safe. I want to feel that and hope to join the army when I am older to show appreciation and to give back to the country that has done so much for me. I think that today if I was in the situation I would be afraid of what could happen but honored. I think that it would be hard to leave but be worth it. I hope that I could join someday to give back to the country.

  17. I think that Veteran's Day is a very important holiday that doesn't get enough recognition. Almost every relative of my father has been in the military so I think of it very highly. We should all pray and honor the people who have served and are serving our country right now for it is a huge sacrifice. I think that life in the military is very challenging but I would love to be a part of it. Of course life in the military is different for everyone but for me personally I really like the idea of helping our country.

  18. I think that Veteran's Day is and amazing and great day. My grandpa was in the military and got injured. I think that we can pray to honor Veteran's Day. Also there can be a giant parade for Veteran's Day. Also in boise we can all have a mourning time for the people who have been lost in war. I think that it would be rough because of the wars in Syria and Afghanistan because sometimes you might drop an air strike and hit innocent people and then you would feel extremely bad if you do.

  19. I think Veterans Day is an AMAZING holiday. On this holiday I honer my cousin Mike who is now in the Air Force in Afghanistan. I am also happy that he is coming back THIS CHRISTMAS!!! fighting the ISIS terrorist group. We can personally honor the veterans and our current family members by praying for them and telling them thank you for serving our country and sacrificing there lives for us. I think that the life in the armed forces today would be scary because there is terrorist groups like Boco Haram, ISIS, Al-Shabaab, Tehrik-e Taliban, and Lashkar-e-Tayyiba.

  20. I think that Veteran's Day is a day of mourning, gratefulness, and respect. I especially appreciate our veterans because I know what it feels like to have a family member be diploid over seas. My Uncle Craig has been diploid 9 times and is now working at the Pentagon. I think that we should do more than we do now to honor our veterans. My goal this Veteran's Day is to say a prayer 9 times. I think being in the armed forces today would be scary because of how advanced combat is. Now there is chemical warfare, cyber warfare, and nuclear warfare.

  21. My thoughts on Veteran's Day are I think it is amazing that we celebrate this holiday it is a day of honor and respect.We should all appreciate this holiday we honor our army, navy, air force, and marines who have fought for us in the wars. I feel I can personally honor our veterans by praying to god about them and taking a day to visit their memorials. We can also visit and talk with our veterans who don't get many visitors. In the armed forces today it is terrifying and very sad for people in the armed forces who miss their family. But I think every one in the armed forces is honored and proud.

  22. I think that Veteran's day is a very important. It is important to honor our military for keeping us safe and happy. Without them, tour country would be in ashes. They deserve so much respect and that's why Veteran's Day is important. A way to honor our veterans would be to thank them for their service. I think they appreciate it when kids like us thank them. We can also pray for them, especially those who have died fighting for us. Overall, we should keep them in our prayers. I think that if I was in the armed services, I would be absolutely terrified. I would probably die right away. I know nothing about fighting and shooting guns. But, I think that with all the new technology, life in the military isn't as bad as it was, even just 10 years ago.

  23. I think veterans day is a day to be grateful for all the veterans who serve us to make sure that we are protected. Veterans need to be honored so that they feel that everything they do is paying off. I can personally honor our veterans by praying for them, saying thank you, and sending letters that say thank you. Being in the military today would be scary because you have to go up against other militaries that have advanced weapons that are better than ours. Also, you put your life on the line, and I am not that brave, unlike our military who know that they can die but still fight.

  24. I think Veterans Day is the day to be thankful for all the veterans who are helping keep everyone safe. A way I can honor the veterans and the people in the military is by saying a prayer and giving thanks for them. If I joined the military I would be terrified and scared, but all these other men and woman in the military are brave and are strong, I could never be that. To some people they may want to join and others may not but, my moms friend has a son and all he wanted to do was join the air force and he did, so I am thankful for all the military members.

  25. I think Veterans Day is a day to honor people that dedicated there life to keep America safe. I can honor them by praying for them and even visit some of there memorials. I think life would be interesting because there are a lot of bad people out there. I am thankful everyday for veterans.

  26. I think that Veteran's day is a holiday that deserves to be a holiday. We should honor the armed forces because the give up so much every day. We can honor veteran's through simple acts of respect. We should always treat them with so much respect because we have no idea what they have to go through every day. We can also thank them for their service and their sacrifice that they make. I think life in the armed services would be hard, because you would probably be a way from almost all of the people that you love for a long period of time. Also if you had a family back home and didn't know if your kids were all right or if something had gone wrong. I also think that you would be inspired to keep going every day with the thought that you were doing this for your country and all thepeople who are counting on you to do your job.

  27. I think that Veterans Day is a very important day of the year to celebrate. We are honoring the loved ones we have lost and are giving thanks to the people who have served in the military. They fought for are freedom, and we should all take a moment to honor them. I think in the military it would be hard (as in physically hard). I know that there is one week during training in the military where it is 4x harder than usual. These brave people give a lot to serve out country. I am very thankful for their service.

  28. I love veterans day so much. I think it is great because we are honoring those who have fought for us. They do so much for us and make so many sacrifices for our country. I think a good way to honor them would be to visit them more often. Some veterans never get visitors and I am sure it would make their day. I think being in the armed services would be rough. I would miss my family so much. I love my family so much and I would miss them a bunch.

  29. I think that veterans day is a VERY important day, because we need to honor the people that have kept us safe for hundreds of years. A good way to honor our veterans is to go to veterans homes, and talk to them, because they probably don't usually get visitors. I think it would be tough, and very hard and serious. I think that It would be a really hard change!

  30. I that Veterans day is a very important day. It is the day that we get to honor all of those who have joined and fought in the military. I think a good way honor our veterans doesn't have to be a huge thing . It can simply be praying for all of the families and their loved ones that are going to be away for a while. Going to visit the veterans at homes to talk to them is also a good way to honor veterans. I think that the military is a lot more strict and hard. They probably have to train a lot harder for every possible thing that could happen. They have to work all night sometimes to keep everyone safe. It is a very big sacrifice to join the military, so that is why we honor and support military families.

  31. I think that Veteran’s Day is a important day for us to recognize the sacrifice made by all the people in military even our local police, firemen, Hospitals, and Coast guard. Many people think that only the military are risking their lives but we should all recognize the importance of are local hero's. A great way to honor the veterans is to visit them or their grave. I think that life in the military or even our local hero's is still a harsh life and I think it is important to honor Americas Freedom.

  32. I think that Veterans Day is a great day that honors the men and women that have given their lives and are serving in the military today. I can personally honor our veterans by making cards, going to events that honor veterans, and visiting the veterans at the VA. I think that conditions are like for the military today is tough and even tougher for them to leave their families.

  33. I believe that Veteran's day is a very important event. It is amazing that we dedicate something to honor our brave veterans, but I think we could do even more. By visiting veterans homes and making cards to thank them, we can give back to our veterans and encourage more people to participate as well. Life in the armed forces today is very dangerous, especially with the threat of ISIS. It has always been tough for our military and it always will be. That is why we need to honor our veterans who have served our country with pride and dedication.

  34. I think it is a good that they made a day so that we can honor the people who severed our country and died doing it. I can pray for them that they stay safe and when the war is over they can go back to their families. I think it would be kind of scary but you would also know that you are saving millions of lives and also that you family would stay safe and I would die knowing that my family stays safe because of me and what I did to protect them.

  35. I am so glad that we have a whole day to honor these beautiful people that have given up so much if not all to help our country. I want to remember these people, pray for them, to be proud and to have confidence in saying that I am an American. It would be so hard because I know what it feels like to not be with a family member and be constantly worrying about them. My dad leaves every Monday and comes back on Friday so my dad flies on planes all the time and I get freaked out when I think about how the plane could very possibly crash. It would be hard to handle that feeling for about four months.

  36. I think Veterans day is an awesome holiday. we can go to there graves and say a prayer. If there alive I think that we should go talk to them and thank them. I think that it would be hard physically and emotionally. My grandfather on my dads side was actually in world war 2 and is still alive. One year for my birthday he gave some of his badges from the war. I am very thankful for the veterans service.

  37. Veterans day is important to me because most of my family generation has severed, so I think honoring those who severed on this day is very good. My family honors veterans by letting my dad(severed in army) sit down first at the head of the table. I think that being in the service now would be better than it was 20 or 30 years ago.

  38. I think that Veterans day is an important day to me because I think it is nice to remember those people who served.I can personally honor them by praying for them.What I would think life in the armed services would be going to far off places a lot and not coming home to see your family a lot.

  39. I like Veterans day is a day to celebrate because we are honoring all those that serve our country. I don't know what I would do without them. I think it would be scary to be in the military, with a high risk of dying, but also knowing that you are serving millions of people. When someone in the military unfortunately dies, we honor that person. I pray for all the veterans. It would be hard to be away from your family for a really long time.

  40. I think veteran's day is important to me because without our soldiers we would be helpless and probably be taken over by now. It would creep me out because I would be risking my life for other people and leaving my family but I know that is a good price to pay for the safety of my country


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