Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Jimmy V Week

“Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” 
                                Jimmy Valvano, 1993 – announcing the Jimmy V Foundation

November 30 - December 9 is Jimmy V week on ESPN.  You may not know who Jimmy Valvano was, but if you have had the misfortune of knowing someone afflicted with cancer, the odds are he and his life’s mission impacted your life. 

Jimmy Valvano was a successful basketball coach, commentator, and author.  He was a person of strong conviction and personal drive.  At an early age he pulled out white index cards and began to write down his personal goals for life.  He wanted to play high school and college basketball, he wanted to become an assistant coach, go on to become a head coach, cut down the nets in Madison Square Garden and win a National Championship.  At age 36, he was able to pull out those cards and cross off every item on the list.  Throughout his life he developed a personal philosophy which allowed an ordinary man to accomplish the extraordinary.  He was commented, “There are 86,400 seconds in a day.  It is up to you to decide what to do with them.”  Jimmy V chose to cherish and make the most of each one. 

After accomplishing his goals on the basketball court, he explored new directions from writing to commentating.  He was not interested in limiting himself to a single profession.  He embraced diversity in his life and his interests.

In 1993, Jimmy Valvano was given an obstacle that would prove to be his most difficult.  He was diagnosed with cancer.  The cancer proved to be too much for him to personally overcome, but through his vision and passion he has inspired and continues to inspire funding for education and research to cure cancer.  At the time of his diagnosis, cancer was an underfunded and devastating disease.  His charismatic and infectious attitude towards life and easy appeal to people made him an ideal person to raise the awareness of cancer and its impacts on our world and to raise arms to find a way to cure cancer.  While no cure has been found, through continued research many forms of treatment have been developed.  The Jimmy V Foundation has risen over $100 million in the past 20 years to fund cancer awareness and research. 

Jimmy V is an inspiring person.  His attitude towards life, even in the face of overwhelming obstacles is something to admire.   

Below is a video clip from the 1993 ESPY awards when he received the Arthur Ashe award for Courage.  During his speech he announces the Jimmy V Foundation.  This is a must see!!!

Below are the highlights from the 1983 National Championship.  It was one of the most exciting endings the tournament has ever seen.

What do you think of Jimmy Valvano, his life and his mission? If I gave you five index cards to write down your goals and dreams for your life, what would you write down?  


  1. I really really love what Jimmy V has done for the people who have been diagnosed with Cancer. I think that Jimmy V has the attitude to never give up know matter what your dissability is.

    What I would write on the index cards are to go to a very good collage, be a good role model have beautiful kids and become the best Emergency Room doctor in the hospital that I work at.

  2. I think that Jimmy V was a man that always fought hard and did his best in everything. No matter what others said he always stayed true to himself. I have known three people who have had cancer, a friend of mine, and two of my aunt's. My friend survived cancer but she told us that it was one of the hardest things she has ever gone through. My first aunt died awhile ago but my second aunt just died Monday. Especially with the most recent diagnosis of my aunt, I have realized how much cancer van tear a person apart, and their surrounding family and friends. Jimmy V was one of those people that didn't let cancer stop him from doing the things that he loved to do in life. He embraced cancer and took it into his own hands to do something about it. I think it is amazing how he could turn something so bad around and make something out of it.

    On my first card I would like to become 8th grade student body president. 2nd I would like to win a high school state championship.3rd I hope to go to the University of Notre Dame. 4th I want to be a father, and 5th I would like to have a good job and a successful family.

  3. I think Jimmy Valvano is a very brave, courageous, and inspiring person, because of how he treated his life, even when it is super hard. Also,he teaches us to brave through the things in life and life every single moment of it. He re-enforced that you should never give up, and he shows it to us. His mission is very inspiring, too. I can imagine that many people will follow his mission, and make their own paths, using him as a role model. It is a wonderful mission, and it would be a good thing to do for a community service and help out in the Jimmy V Foundation.

    On my index cards, I would write down, go to Notre Dame for college, because I would try to get a good education. Next, I would put down that I would be an Olympic figure-skater/professional figure-skating coach, or a doctor, probably a pediatrician or a radiologist, because I would like to get a good job. After that, I would put helping out younger kids/homeless/sick/those in need. Then, I would write down having a family and having good children. Last, I would like to be the best person I can be, and live life to the fullest.

  4. I think that Jimmy Valvano had and lived and amazing life. He should be someone that all people look up to as inspiration if you are failing at something or if you are not doing to well. I also think that Jimmy Valvano is a very brave and awesome person. If I had cancer, I might have just given up on hope right then and there because I know that it is a very deadly illness that many people die from every year. To be able to think that you could live through having cancer and to be able to get back up and fight takes bravery to be able to take on everything that comes on with the disease. It seems like Jimmy lived an awesome life and because he had goals at a very early age, he was able to know how he was going to do everything and he knew some of the expectations he was required to meet to be able to achieve everything he put down. Because he achieved his goals and showed the work it takes to achieve him, I think his life is amazing and he should have been grateful for every second of it which he was. Jimmy Valvano had an awesome life.

    On my index cards I would put to get into Harvard University so I could be able to finish my education like my father did when he was near the end of college. My second index card would be to become a doctor. My father is a doctor and gets to help many people which seems fun, but requires a lot of hard work. On my third card would be to become a volunteer at a shelter someplace in the world to help all of the people who are abused or mistreated to make their life better. My fourth index card would say I would want to travel the world while helping people. I don't have very many opportunities to travel very often so traveling the world would be AWESOME! On my final index card, I would put turn into a better person. Right now I am a good person, but I want to try to become a better one by doing even more good deeds and living every day to the fullest.

  5. I love Jimmy and what he has done for the people with Cancer. I think Jimmy V is like Martin Luther King to never give up on what he wants. I would write down that my goal is to be a teacher for the school year and then be a hairstylist for the summer so I don't have to chose between them. My dream is to get a scholarship to Seattle University.

  6. I think that it was so cool that he never gave up. He never second guessed himself and knew what he wanted to do. I think that he was so determined and followed more than just one of his dreams. He did ALL of his dreams. He is a role model to all people that want to do something that they have as wanted to do since a young age. He showed courage and even when he was close to dying he had a healthy and happy spirit with him. I love that when he was diagnosed with cancer he did not let that stop him. I wish that I can be as brave and take my abilities to the highest levels that I could get to just like him.

    On my index cards I would have all of my goals. card #1 I want to go to a great college like Oregon or Notre Dame. Card #2 would be that I want to be in the army to serve my country for what they have done for me. Card #3 would be to become a police officer or a CIA agent because I want people to look at me and say he will keep me safe. On Card #4 I would like to become a father and raise a family. On Card #5 I would like to give to the poor and give to people more than I get from others.

  7. I think that it is incredible all that Jimmy has done in his life. He never gave up and like in his quote, he made every second of every day count. He didn't just right down an easy goal like get an A on test; he pushed himself to right down 6 incredible goals. He is a good role model and helps inspire all who need perseverance. To top off all that he has done, he inspires people to start the Jimmy V Foundation which helps research ways to cure cancer. I can't imagine doing all he has done in his life.
    If I was given five index cards, I would write down #1 to play for BK basketball JV in high school by Sophomore year. #2 I would like to go Notre Dame for college. #3 I would like to be a father and raise a family. #4 I would like to have a successful job and #5 I would like to live my my life to the fullest and have very second matter.

  8. I think that Jimmy is a great guy. How he helped his team win the national title and how he helped people who have been diagnosed with cancer. It is incredible how he did super great things for people even when he had cancer himself. I love his quote, he shows people that you can accomplish anything even if you have struggles in your life. He accomplished his dreams even when he had cancer. I love how was able to cross of everything on his to-do list.

    On my first index-card I would write down that I wanted to get onto the Varsity team by my second tear of high school. #2 I would want to go to Stanford for college. #3 I would want to be a great husband and father. #4 I would want to be a Neurosurgeon. #5 I would want to live my life as well as I can and to the fullest. I would want to go places and see things. Thank You.

  9. Jimmy Valvano is a role model to everyone. He is so brave and courageous even in the hardest times he has worked so hard to save the lives of others. It is unbelievable how he has been able to accomplish such an amazing thing for him and others. Jimmy is inspiring,he goes through his day with no fear and a smile on his face the whole time. I loved his speech, my favorite parts were
    "You should laugh everyday,you should think everyday, and you should have emotions." Another thing that he said was,"Cancer can take away all of my abilities but it can not touch three things that it is my mind,my heart and my soul."

    On my index cards I first write that I want to get into a good college with a great education.Second, I want to get into the Varsity volleyball team in High School.Third, I want to be an engineer and have good job. Fourth, I want to have an amazing family. Fifth, I want to go to the animal shelter and care for the sick animals their for a job before I become an engineer.

  10. I think that Jimmy was a pretty great person. It is hard not to watch that video and think to yourself, wow. What he has done is incredible. He should be an inspiration and example to everyone, to show people that even when tough times come around that you can still get through it. In the world today we need more people like him. I think that Jimmy's life mission was a good one because he did just what he wanted to and while doing it he gave hope and joy to others.

    #1 I would like to play varsity football at BK and hopefully win state
    #2 I would like to go to Montana State University
    #3 I would like to be a back-country skiing guide
    #4 I would like to raise a family
    #5 I would like to die knowing that I made a positive difference in the world

  11. I think that Jimmy Valvano should be a role to everyone to never give up and keep trying no matter what obstacle life throws at you. I think he lived an amazing life if had gotten cancer I would not have done the things that he did, I would have given up. He was so thoughtful to think about finding a cure for cancer to save other peoples lives instead of just focusing on his own. He always stayed positive and not be negative. He set goals in life and he achieved them because he didn't give up, and became a great basketball coach. He worked towards make a foundation to help find a cure for caner it has made a lot of money to find one, they haven't found one yet but they are still trying.

    On my index cards I would write on my first one to get into a good collage so I can have a good job when I'm older, on my second card I would write I want to live my life to the fullest on my third card I would write that I want to become a really good basketball player, on my fourth card I would write that I want to become a cardiovascular surgeon on my fifth card I would write that I want to help people in need in any way I can.

  12. I think that Jimmy Valvano had an amazing story. He should be remembered forever. He is an amazing role model to those with or without cancer. He has done many great things and I hope to be just as successful. I would be proud if I were him. He has taught to always believe. I know many people who should read this. He can inspire so many people and he did!

    On my cards I would say first off that I want to do great in school. Secondly I would right that I want to become a better singer. I would next write that I want to inspire people of all ages. For my fourth card I would write that I want to have a happy loving family. Last but not least I would say that I want my kids to always feel happy but also have consideration for others.

  13. I think Jimmy is a role model to everyone. He teaches us to never give up and keep fighting. He inspires me because some of my family has had cancer and he helped them because they used his method. He will set goals for himself and not give up.

    First Card: I want to get into a awesome college in Cali.
    Second Card: I want to maintain a awesome relationship with all my friends and do fun things with them.
    Third Card: I want to become a Orthopedic surgeon and work with my bestie.
    Fourth Card: I want to become a professional skier.
    Fifth Card: I want to get a scholarship to Keely's Camp.

  14. I think that Jimmy Valvano hd a great story, and was a great man. He supported by finding a cure. Hr did many great things to help people who needed it. He was inspiring to me and probably to many others. He even helped people in my family when they had cancer so he was a big help. He shows that even when hard times come nothing can stop you!

    #1 Get into Cal Poly
    #2 Play professional Basketball, Volleyball, or golf
    #3 I would always want to make someone feel good and inspire them like Sarah said
    #4 I want to get a good job and make sure I can provide for my family but still have time to have fun
    #5 I want to make sure I am always generous even If I can't give any more.

  15. I think that Jimmy V. is an inspiring man and a role model. He is brave, amazing, and incredible. As I watched the video i could only think of how amazing and encouraging he is.

    On my index cards i would put getting into a good college, get a good job, have a family, be the person that God made me to be, and to also like Jimmy V. be an inspiration for others.

  16. I think Jimmy V is a very brave, outgoing person that did great things for others with want to defeat cancer. He inspires me because I want to make a difference and help others in need.

    1.Make a high school sports team at BK
    2.Play a college sport
    3.Become the best athlete I can be and play a professional sport
    4.Raise a Catholic family and be a great Husband and Father
    5.Maintain a great Catholic Faith and give back to those in need

  17. I think that Jimmy Valvano is a very inspiring person. He is a very good role model who never gave up. he fought through those hard times. he didn't let cancer stop him from accomplishing his goals. he started a fundraiser to find a cure for cancer even when he has it himself. He is very brave and helpful and inspiring.

    On my index cards, the first thing that I would write down is go to a good collage school so I can get a good education. on my second card I would write, get a scholarship in gymnastics or become an Olympic gymnast in one of the upcoming Olympics. On my third index card I would put, become a dental hygienist or a doctor. On my fourth card I would write down, raise a happy family . On my fifth card I would write, inspire other to do good things.

  18. In my opinion, I think that Jimmy Valvano was SO inspiring, and he was brave. He didn't give up, and once he set his goals, he worked hard to achieve them. Also, he didn't want too many more people to have to go through cancer like he did, so he found a cure to treat people with the same condition as himself. He's a great role model, and everyone (with cancer or without cancer) should thank him for what he has done in this world.

    On my first index card, I would put to get into a good college like Harvard or something like that. On my second, I would put to become a good college tennis player. That's the reason I put to get into a good college on the first one, because I wouldn't be able to become a college tennis player if I didn't get into a college. On my third index card, I would put to be successful in school. On my fourth index card, I would put to have a good family, and on the final card, I'd put to have a good job.

  19. I think that what Jim V. does is great. I think that he is great how he can coach, play, commentate, and fight cancer. Those people that have cancer and fight it, are the most brave people alive. The awards that he won and the things he did to help save lives for all of the victims of cancer.

    #1 Get good grades at BK.
    #2 Go to Syracuse and play basketball.
    #3 Get a good, high paying job.
    #4 Be a good father to my family.
    #5 Do everything I would love to do before I pass away.

  20. I believe that Jimmy V. was a truly a good person and he did so many good things. I am amazed by all the good he has done. I thing that it was a really good idea to try to accomplish all of his goals.
    On my index cards I would write this;
    -Have a healthy relationship with my family and friends
    -Go to a a good collage
    -Get married and have a family
    -Get an amazing job
    -Play high school basketball
    -Help people who really need it on a regular basis.

  21. I think that Jimmy V was a really good person and did so much to help others.I am impressed on all he has done. I think he did some good accomplishing his goals.
    On my index cards, I would put
    -Become a professional dancer
    -Be successful in college
    -Get a good job
    -Raise a good family
    -inspire others

  22. I think Jimmy V was a very inspirational, and a good person. I am amazed how he had cancer and still tried accomplishing goals.
    On my index cards I would say...
    - To be a vet
    - Get married and have a family
    - Go to college in Oregon (don't know which one)
    - Get a scholarship for volleyball
    - Raise wonderful kids

  23. I think Jimmy V. was a very brave, persevering man. the fact that he had cancer, and still pushed on to achieve his goals. He is very inspirational to me and to everyone else who read this article or knew him.
    On my five index cards I would put:
    1. Play tennis in college.
    2. Become either a neurosurgeon or an orthopedic surgeon like my grandpa.
    3. Go to Notre Dame or Stanford.
    4. Have an amazing family.
    5. Travel all over the world and meet new people.

  24. I think Jimmy V. was a person who believed in himself and believed that he could do it if he worked hard. On my five index cards I would put...

    1. Go to Boise State
    2. Become a Boise state cheerleader
    3. Become a dance teacher
    4. Graduate collage
    5. Get married and start a family

  25. I think Jimmy V has a great motive. I can't believe how much he's donated to cancer.

    1- go to a good college
    2-Play in the MLB
    3-Have a good job
    4-To have good friends
    5-To be a good son

  26. I think that Jimmy V was a person who never gave up and fought for what he wanted. Even though he had cancer he DID not let that stop his dreams. He looked at that cancer and made the best of it. I think it is amazing how Jimmy V took that bad thing and flipped it around to something good.

    On my first card I would like to get a scholarship in volleyball. #2 like to go to collage. #3 I would like major in Photography. #4 I want to be a mother. And on my fifth card I want to be successful.

  27. I think Jimmy V was a very good person. He inspired people to not give up. He seemed to be able to accomplish a lot during his life.

    1 I would like to go to college.
    2 I would like to be a professional tennis player or basketball player.
    3 become a tennis coach or basketball coach.
    4 to be good person.
    5 get good grades

  28. I think he is doing a very good thing for those who have cancer and he should be proud.
    He has inspired so many people to do good.

    I would for my first job work as a zoologist at a zoo because I love animals and want to help them. Then I really want to study to be a circulatory system surgeon because ever since I studied this in 5th grade I have been interested in it very much.

  29. that he was a great person and will never be forgotten.I think he inspired people that their will be life challenges but you can overcome them.

    1.Go to collage
    2.Get a good job
    3.Enjoy life
    4.Have hobbies in free time
    5.Be a good person

  30. I love the fact that even after Jimmy V was diagnosed with cancer he kept fighting and lived each day to the fullest. I also love how having cancer didn't set hime back from being able to create a foundation for cancer research.

    1.Go to an academically challenging college
    2.Maintain a healthy relationship with my friends and family
    3.Travel all around the world!
    4.Find a career that I enjoy
    5.Build a happy family

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I think that Jimmy V led a great life and even though he had cancer he persevered through it encouraging people to never give up!

    1.Get a scholarship
    2.become a sculptor a good dad
    4.get paid well
    5.inspire other people

  33. I think Jimmy V. is a a very inspritational person. He shows us that you can get through anything if you set your mind to it. He is amazing and I think it's awesome that he started the Jimmy V. Foundation. It shows that even if he couldn't save himself from cancer, he would at least try to save others. Another thing I like about him is that when we wrote down and set his goals, he would work his butt off to acheive them. We should get the message from him that life isn't successful unless you put effort and work into it.

    On my index cards I would put...
    -Win basketball tournaments with my basektball team across the country.
    -Go to college, preffereably Yale, UCLA, Stanford, or Harvard.
    -Find a career or job that I enjoy.
    -Be successful
    -Live in LA and become famous;)

  34. I love that he knows that he is diagnosed with cancer and that he is able to decide that they might not be able to save his life but they might be able to save other peoples life with his impact.
    1. Go to a really good college like Notre Dame or Stanford.
    2. Travel to all of Europe and Asia.
    3. Play soccer in at least college.
    4. Become a artist.
    5. Have a happy family.

  35. It was good and I loved him playiying

    #1. Get a good job.
    #2. Get a wife
    #3. Have kids.
    #4. Have a home.
    #5. Help people around the world.

  36. I really like how he has inspired so many people to fight cancer. And for the list:
    1. Get a good job.
    2. Raise a family.
    3. Graduate from college.
    4. Help people when thy need it.
    5. Have a nice house.

  37. I love how he showed everyone that live life to the fullest no matter what. And how he inspired all people to fight not only cancer but all diseases.

    1.Get a fun job
    2.have a family.
    3.Have a nice wife.
    4.Be good at sports.
    5.Help people, and donate things to charity.

  38. I love how he fought hard never let cancer stop him from living life to the fullest.

    1. Go to a good college and get a good job.
    2. Get married and start a family.
    3. Be positive and look on the bright side of things
    4. Help others always.
    5. Live in the moment.

  39. I think Jimmy Valvano’s life if great and his missions in life are pretty good as well to have goals like play High school and college basketball be an assistant coach then go on to be a head coach then cutting the net at Maddison square national championships. He is a very strong a passionate man one of the reasons is because he started a fund raiser called Jimmy v some other accomplished goals of is becoming a successful sports commentator and author. In the videos I watches I like that he put some of your emotions into tears and that even cancer didn’t stop I’m and that he said cancer cannot touch my heart my mind or my soul.
    Some of my goals and dreams are I want to learn to play drums, I want to go to a good college, I want to start my own business when I am older, I would like to go to Disney world Disney land or on a Disney cruise, and I would like to be an electrician.

  40. Jimmy Valvano suffered from cancer so he knows first-hand what it is like so he really knew that a lot of people need help and he is such an amazing person that really deserves recognition and appreciation for being a good role model. helping many many people, being hope and inspiration to so many people.

    If I had 5 index cards to write down goals I would write
    - Be a better person because I am not the nicest or humblest or best person and I will never be but I will try hard to work closer to it.
    - Make sure that I stop worrying about death or others death until they actually happen
    - Love others more that yourself because if there weren't others in life then we wouldn't be here.
    - Be humble and let others have the spotlight sometimes.
    - Lastly I would like to try to remember to get a memory because I basically don't remember anything. One time it was a Monday and someone asked me what I did the the day before and I said that I was at school...

  41. I believe that Jimmy V did amazing things showing the world to never give up, that its not over till that last buzzer goes off. He should be more appreciated for what he did and have some sign of recognition. we should recognize what he did also that he died from cancer, he was a kind and loving person.

    1. Have a good Family.
    2. I would like to also apologize to those who I had done wrong to.
    3. Live in New York. after collage at Montanan State University.
    4. Become a professional skier(freestyle).
    5. Lastly thank my teachers and parents they help me and guide me the most.

  42. I think Jimmy Valvano is an amazing person all around. He teaches us to accomplish goals and never give up.

    1. Live a healthy/happy life.
    2. To go to Juliard.
    3. Become a professional dancer.
    4. Move to New York
    5. Make a dance wear line.

  43. I think Jimmy V was a great guy. He accomplished any goal he put his mind to.
    1. Succeed in school
    2.get a good college
    3.get a job
    4.move to southern Idaho a city


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