Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Inside the Actor's Studio

There are so many TV channels and shows on these days it is hard to keep track of them all. On occasion I find an interesting show. I have been known to get caught up in watching "Inside the Actor's Studio" hosted by James Lipton. He has actors on his show in front of a group of acting students to review their career's ups and downs. Depending on the actor it can be a trip down memory lane.

One of the most interesting segments comes at the end when Mr. Lipton asks them a series of questions which require them to give the audience a glimpse of their true selves. I like the questions so much, I thought I would ask you some of them to share with everyone. 

For your comment please respond to the following:

1. What is your favorite word?
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What inspires creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
5. What sound or noise do you love?
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
7. What profession would you like to attempt?
8. What profession would you not like to do?
9. When you get to Heaven, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?


  1. My favorite word is meat. My least favorite word is vegetables. What inspires me is homily at the mass because it explains the Gospel. The sound that I love is Pop music. The sound that I do not like is silence.
    I would like to be an Emergency Room Doctor. I would not like to be a Teacher. When I get in to heaven I would like to hear Him say"Ian, Welcome to my kingdom."

  2. My favorite word is phlebotomist. My least favorite word is cancer. What inspires me are people who work hard for what they want. What turns me off is when I see people or animals in pain or suffering. The sound that I love is the sound of football pads hitting each other. A sound that I hate is nails on a chalkboard. When I grow up I would like to be a pro athlete, if I cant be that I would like to be a Nike clothes and shoe designer. I would not like to be an exterminator. I would like to hear God say, "You are safe, nothing bad will ever happen to you again."

  3. My favorite word is tried. My least favorite word is failed. Motivational music inspires me to try my hardest. Hunger turns me off. I can't do anything when I am hungry. I love the sound of a plane because I love to fly. I hate hearing a sound like nails on a chalkboard. I would like to attempt to be an architect. I would not like to be a plumber. The thought of digging around in toilets doesn't really appeal to me. When I get to heaven I would like to hear God tell me that animals go to heaven.

  4. my favorite word is leo. My least favorite word is bored. Music inspires me. Stress turns me off. I love the sound of a basketball making a swoosh. I hate the noise when people chew with there mouth open. I would like to be a professional dancer. I would not like to be a fast food worker. i would like God to say to me that i have gone to heaven.

  5. My favorite word is family. My least favorite word is fail. I am inspired by Couch Rebekah. She was my first volleyball coach I have ever had. She thought me so much besides volleyball. She's though me you will never be successful in anything if you just quit on the spot. I cant do anything when I just get distracted. I love the sounds of the waves splashing against the shore of the ocean. I hate the noise when someone is filing their nails. I would like to attempt photography. I would not want to be a garbage man. When I get to haven I would like to hear God say all my family members are there waiting for me.

  6. My favorite word would be hope, because it is always good to believe and dream big. My least favorite word would be fail, because in life, failing is a very negative thing, and I don't believe in failure. Listening to some of my favorite songs and being with nature in a quiet place inspires me to relax, take a deep breath, and continue on, working harder than ever. Loud noises turn me off. I can't focus or concentrate, and it hurts my ears. I love the noise of the ocean, and I hate the noise of bells ringing nonstop, especially if they make the same sound. That noise gives me goose bumps. I would like to be a pediatrician or an Olympic figure skater and would not like to be a construction worker. I would want God to say to me," Justine Lam, welcome to the Pearly Gates. Welcome to my kingdom."

  7. My favorite word is ski. Least favorite is fail. My friends and family inspire me. Lies turn me off, I HATE when people lie. It makes me mad and sad. I love the sound of basket ball shoes screeching around on the gym floor. I hate knives on plates!! I would want to be a surgeon. I would not want to be a maid. I would want him to say, " Sarah B. Strickland welcome to heaven. Here are your family members...

  8. My favorite word is faith because it reminds me of God and his never ending love for us and that in a time of need, I need faith in him. My least favorite word is failure because I believe that no one can fail at anything even if the person believes they are bad at something. It is also my least favorite word because you want to think of positive things to keep your spirits up and you don't want to think you are going to fail when you do something. My teachers inspire me because everyone tells me that I will be something that will do good in the world, so I look at my teachers as inspiration because they show me that I can be whatever I want to be in life. Bullies turn me off. The reason they do is they tell you negative things and make you think that you are not good enough. They also turn me off because they make me feel like being myself isn't the best thing I can be. I love the sounds of nature because they relax me and make me feel refreshed. I also like the sound of laughter. I like it because it makes me feel loved and happy. I hate the sound of loud noises because they make me unable to concentrate and unable to think. The profession I would like to do is to be an Olympic swimmer. I would not like to be a construction worker because I would get tired of building all day long. When I go to Heaven, I would like to hear God say to me, "Elleanor Isabelle Lynch, Welcome to Heaven! Come through the gates and become a guardian angel to your sisters.

  9. My favorite words are bird brain. My least favorite word is nuke and beautiful. What inspires me most is when people devote their life to either someone or something. What turns me off is when I am cold and hungry. The sound that I love is when you hear people splashing in a pool or in the ocean. The noise that I hate is someone filing their nails. I would love to attempt being a veterinarian or someone who owns an animal sanctuary. I would not like to attempt to become a cafeteria lady. When I arrive at heaven I would like God to say "Welcome home Ellen."

  10. My favorite word is proximity because it shows that nothing is to far, it is always near you. It gives you something to strive for. My least favorite word is erroneous, because it means wrong and I do not believe that doing wrong things. I do not believe that you should do wrong, you should always respect everyone and everything. Some music makes me feel good because I think that it shows we can do anything and inspire others. Things that turn me off are when people speak hate and lies. The sound I like is music. The sound I hate is silence, I hate having nothing going on around me, there has to be some type of sound around me. I would like to be a contractor because it takes a lot of work and you get to choose the layout of the house. I would not be a cricket player, it just does not seem appealing to me. I would like God to tell me, "welcome to heaven," when I get to heaven.

  11. My favorite word is bubble. I can never say bubble in a mad or angry voice. When Meghan is mad I tell her to say bubble in an angry voice and she can't it's just to happy of a word. My least favorite word is impossible. Nothing is impossible so it shouldn't be a word. It is a depressing word and it is not needed. When I listen to music I feel excited and it helps me concentrate. If I could listen to music in every class I definitely would. What turns me off is when people around me are silent. It puts me in an awkward position and I feel like everyone is watching me waiting for me to make a mistake, it makes it really hard to focus. I love the sound of light rain, when I lived in Memphis, Tennessee, it would rain all the time and I got used to it. It's peaceful for me to hear sounds as I fall asleep. I hate the sound of nails on a chalkboard, grinding of teeth, and the squeaking of pencils. They all give me the chills. I want to become a lawyer because I think it would be really cool to fight for peoples rights as a job everyday. I also want to become a teacher and teach little kids. All of my teachers have inspired me to be my best self. I think it would b really hard teaching older kids though. I never want to work as a doctor, I hate blood and watching people suffer and cry. I wouldn't want to mess up, if I did depending on what it was, they could die. When I enter the gates of Heaven I want God t tell me 'WELCOME HOME' it would make me feel happy and welcome. I would want to know I am safe and all my worries are gone.

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  13. My favorite word is hi. Because it's easy to say. My least favorite word, is bye. Because you are saying that you are leaving. Music, because it can maybe distract you if you are having troubles in other parts of your life. I hate it when people are NOT socializing, because socializing helps me to concentrate because if you are the last person doing a test, you don't want to feel like EVERYONE is waiting for you to finish. I like the sound of trotting horses, I have NO idea why! I hate squeaking, because it makes me feel weird. I would like to become a pro tennis player. I would not like to be garbage truck guy. I would like to here "Welcome To Heaven Stephen."

  14. My favorite word is candy. I don't the word small or tiny. Movies inspire me to work harder in life so I can be just like them except for the people who die. Homework does not inspire me at all. I love the sound of music because sometimes it calms you. I hate the sound of my printer because it sounds like a boy trying to scream. Being better at art because I love drawing and would love to be good at it. I would not like to run because it just makes me so tired. Welcome to your new home with all of your family and friends, would you like me to show you around.

  15. My favorite word moist and my least favorite word is tingle. Books inspire me and TV shows but what turns my creativity off is Homework. I love the sound of fireworks and I hate the sound of someone getting a fork and scrape it across a board. I would love to attempt a doctor because that is what I want to do. I wouldn't want to try a builder. I would like him to say welcome to the world of Heaven!

  16. My favorite word is wispy. It sounds so magical and mysterious. I do not like the word splash. It annoys me when people say things like I'll have a SPLASH of water. Music is a very great inspiration to me because I love to sing and I am decent. The thing that turns me off is stress. I get stressed by many things. I relieve stress by taking deep breaths. My favorite noise is the sound of a fire. I love the crackling noises. I do not like the sound of crying. I feel so sad when others are feeling down. I want to be a singer because singing is my passion. I would not want to be a coach. I always feel bad critisizing others. I want God to look at me and say " I love you."

  17. My favorite word is win. My least favorite word is maybe. I like to see a cross it really makes me feel good and inspired. I don't like to see negative influences it is just not right and it gets my down. I like the sound of chips cracking in my mouth because it reminds me that I have chips in my mouth and who doesn't like that. I absolutely hate anything that sounds remotely like nails on a chalk board. I would love to be a pro athlete or agent sports really intrigues me. I would not like to be a surgeon all the blood and stuff grosses me out. I would just like to get there, so all I need is a simple hello.

  18. My favorite word is cool. I use it in almost every sentence because I think everything can be described with that word. My least favorite word is ugly because I believe that no one and nothing is ugly. All that word can do is bring you down, but if someone calls you cool it can bring your spirits up. Pop music inspires be because whenever I listen to it, I start thinking outside of the box. Things that turn me off are gossip and rumors. No one should ever spread rumors or talk behind someone's back because it will just make them feel bad about themselves. I hate the sound of nails on a chalkboard and people grinding their teeth because it gives me the chills. Once I hear that sound, I can't get rid of the feeling all day. I would like to attempt being an orthopedic surgeon or a neurosurgeon. My family has a history of being doctors and nurses. My grandpa was a doctor in the Vietnam War and right now my uncle is in Haiti helping the victims of Hurricane Matthew. I would not like to be a teacher because I am so unorganized. I also wouldn't want to be staying up late grading papers. When I go to heaven, I want God to tell me that he is happy with me and what I have done on Earth.

  19. My favorite word is achievable. My least favorite word is terrible or fail. Some things that inspire me or make me want tom work harder/do better is when all my team makes cheer not only me on, but everyone else. The sound of laughter when we do something funny or just have a good time together also inspires me and makes me happy. The thing that turns me off is when someone does something wrong and they know that is is wrong. I love the sound of laughter! It makes me so happy when I get to hang out with my friends and have a really good time. The sounds that I absolutely hate are nails scratching against cotton sheets that go on your bed. It gives me the chills and I have to cover my ears. I would love to be an Olympic gymnast or a dental hygienist. They are almost the complete opposite thing! I would not like to be a construction worker.When I get to the pearly gates of heaven I would like God to say, "Welcome."

  20. My favorite word is try. My least favorite word is stop because nothing slows me down, I will keep trying, and never stop. Some things that make me want to work harder is people who work even harder. One thing that turns me off is people who are mean. If someone is mean to one of my loved ones or
    friends I will do whatever it takes for that person never to be mean again! I love the sound of laughter, it makes me happy, and when I am happy I can make other people happy. It makes me happy to see other people happy! One sound I hate is the sound of crumbling, I don't know why, but what I do know is that my ears don't agree with it! I would love to be a volleyball player or a architect. I would hate to be a plumber or a construction worker. I would want to hear "Welcome to my kingdom, you are safe now."

  21. my favorite word is right my least favorite is wrong music inspires me in all those ways what does not is politics i like to hear music with a good beat i don't like classical music or the chalkboard when it scratches on something metal I would like to be a comedian when i grow up i would not like to be sitting behind a desk at a store that makes all this fancy stuff and is way to big an crowded i don't like to sit to much and when i pearly gates of heaven i would want god to says "your family is waiting for you."

  22. My favorite word is Boo Ya!!! My least favorite word is grounded. What inspires me is my family. What turns all that stuff off is when someone is being annoying. I love the sound of a horse's shoe on the street or cement. I don't like the sound of someone scratching paper it hurts my ears. I would like to be a vet. I want to be a vet cause I love any kind of animals but I hate blood. I don't want to be a garbage man because I would not be able to take the stinky smell.

  23. My favorite word is gnar. My least favorite word is slush. Speeches inspire me. It turns me off when people don't finish what they start. I like the sound of rain. I hate the sound of chickens. I would like to be a back country skier guide. I would not like to be a vet. I would like to hear God say "We have skiing in heaven."

  24. My favorite word is tennis because I play it, but my least favorite word is terrorism because I hate when people scare other innocent people for no reason. My tennis coaches inspire me, because they teach me to fight hard and to keep trying. One thing that turns me off is when my brother starts fighting with me, and when he starts talking nonstop! I like the sound of crickets when I am watching the sunset, but I hate the sound of something rubbing against styrofoam, because it gives me goosebumps, and I shudder when I hear that sound. I'm not really sure what I want to be when I grow up yet, but I do NOT want to work at McDonalds because the pay is low, and it's not a very challenging job. When I get to heaven, I would like to hear God say, "Good job. You have done well."

  25. My favorite word is "Thank you" . It makes me feel appreciative when I say it and grateful when I hear it. I also like "God Bless You" when someone sneezes. My least favorite word is "Hate". It is a nasty, distasteful word. What inspires me is a good talk with a class or with a friend. I am also inspire by stories of great human spirit from ordinary people. What takes away my inspiration is irrational fighting and disrespectful actions. We are all here together, working together, it is not that difficult to treat each other with dignity. The sound that I love is laughter. It is contagious. The sound that I hate is arguing. I also do not like the sound of liquid being poured into a glass... I don't know why, but I do.. I would like to be a teacher when I grow up.. I want to be the best teacher possible. I want to inspire students and have students inspire me. I cannot see myself doing anything else the rest of my life. But I am open to new possibilities. You never can tell what may be presented to you.. I do not ever want to be in a job requiring sales. I tried that and disliked it greatly. I do not like asking people for money. In all honesty I do not like the whole idea of money. I want to have enough to take care of my family and enjoy simple things. That's all.... When I get to heaven, I do not want God to say anything, I just want him to look at me and laugh about all the crazy things that have happened during my life. Everyone needs to be able to laugh at themselves. In addition I think it would be great to bring God to laughter.

  26. My favorite word is corn. My least favorite word is loser. Who inspires me to work hard and be creative is my dad. What turns me off is being mad. The sound that I love to hear is laughter. The sound that I hate is actually no sound at all. I hate silence. I would like to be a professional football or tennis player. I would not like to be a worker who had to do manual labor. When I get to heaven I would like to hear God say, "Well kid you made it!"

  27. My favorite word is winner because everyone's a winner. My least favorite word is loser because no one is a loser. What inspires me is people motivating me and encouraging me to do better. What turns me off is when I see animals in pain or when they are mistreated. I love the sound of the ocean when the waves crash into each other. I hate the sound of nails on a chalkboard or a knife scraping against a plate. I would like to attempt to become a professional athlete. I would not like to become not like to be a plumber. I would like God to say to me, "Samuel Thomas Henson, welcome to heaven. Here are your family members."

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  30. My favorite word is enjoy. My least favorite word is no. God inspires me. snoring turns me off. I like cooking sounds. I hate annoying sounds. I want to be a surgeon or a chef. I don't want to be a farmer. When I get to heaven I want god to say, "congratulations".

  31. My favorite word is optimism because you should always be hopeful. HATE is my least favorite word. Soccer and friends is what inspires me. I love the sound of the cold night air. I hate the sound of knives against a chalkboard. Soccer or engineer. I would not like to do water polo. I would like him to say "welcome to heaven Anton James Waldmann"

  32. My favorite word is kindness and my least favorite word hate.what inspires me is my family because they have done many different like my great grand father who was a very high rank in the milatary during World War Two and then later became a deacon.A profession I would like to attempt is a water treatment engineer and what not to attempt is a author.To be honest I don't know sense no one hear knows God very well.

  33. My favorite word is hope because it gives us the power to do anything no matter how hard it is. I hate the word fail. It is like giving up. If you can't do something try even harder. Don't quit. You will never fail if you try. My parents inspire me that I can do anything that I can dream of. They give me strength when I am down and are amazing to me. What never helps is being just like everyone else. I want to stand out. Just doing the minimum is not enough, you have to go higher than anyone for someone to really succeed. I love the sound of rain hitting things. It really opens my ears and makes me feel happy. I hate the sound of nails on a chalkboard or a forks screeching on glass. It messes me up and whenever I here it I want to cry. I want to be a police officer when I get older. Right now thy make me feel safe and I want to have the same effects on kids my age if I can do this job. I also want to protect my country and give back for what they have done for me. I will never be a banker because they don't move. My future job has to be active or a will be bored to death. When I get to heaven I want God to say to me, " Nice job, You did it!"

  34. My favorite word is fun. My least favorite word is bored. My parents inspire me by always encouraging me to do my best. Lots of noise turns me off because noise makes it hard for me to think. I like classical music because I find it soothing. I don't like rap music Because it is distracting to me. I want to be a chemist because I like figuring out new things. I don't want to be president. I think that it would be to much trouble to handle. When I get to heaven I want God to say, "Welcome to heaven."

  35. My favorite word is bubble. My least favorite word is hate. Other people around the world are inspiring to me because they show how you can do anything if you put your mind to it.It turns me off when people list the negative things of the situation when you need to think positively. A sound that i love is rain and a sound that I hate is when everything is quiet and all you here is a ringing in your ear. A profession that i would like to do is be a professional dancer. A profession i would not like to do is plumbing or a garbage truck driver or a truck driver in general. When I go to Heaven i would like to hear God tell me that i am with him now and i will get to see the world in a different perspective and that i made it to Heaven with a "Yay!" or a "Good Job!".

  36. My favorite word is think. My least favorite word is hate. The thing that inspires me is God, he leads me. What turns me off is when I hear mean things such as "ugly,jerk." The sound that I love to hear is water, I hate when I hear a tapping noise. I would like to become an artist or a gymnast, I love working out as well. One thing I would not like to do would be severing time in jail or port-a-potty cleaner! When I arrive to heaven I would like to hear him ask me if I think I did a good job obeying the Ten Commandments, I would share with him my sins. So I could finally kneel before My King. #blessed

  37. My favorite word is cat because my nickname is Kat. My least favorite word is ugly because it is very hurtful.My friends inspire me creatively because whenever I am around my friends I can never have a dull thought. What turns me off is terrorists like ISIS and hurting other peoples lives. I love the sound of pop or rap music. Whenever I hear it, it makes me want to get up and dance. I hate the sound of other people screaming and I also hate the sound of bombs.I would like to attempt being in the Air Force so I can help my country.I would HATE to attempt a professional runner. I would like God to tell me good job Katie.

  38. My favorite word is probably paperclip or something weird like onomatopoeia because they remind me of myself and what I like. My least favorite word is hate or suffer. I don't like the word hate because I know it is an emotion that we all feel in our lives and I wish we could just forget about it. i don't like the word suffer because I know that so many people suffer and I want to help them but I know I can't help all of them. Something that really inspires me is a book called Tuesdays with Morrie. It is a book about an older man who gets ALS and still considers himself lucky to have all this time with the disease to say goodbye to the people he loved. Something that just really turns me off is when I think about things like how inevitable death is and how people sometimes live their whole lives in terror or fear and never truly feel happiness. I like listening to the things I hear in my head because I always have a song or a thought inside of my head and the things I think about can be so random. I know that some of these thoughts could come from dreams but I have never remembered / had a dream before. I hate hearing just one noise in complete silence which is kind of weird so I will probably not be good living by myself. When I am older I would like to be a you-tuber because I have always felt like I have something to share with the world. I would also like to be a game designer so that again I could share something with the world. I would defiantly NOT like to be a doctor that has to deal with blood because I can't handle that much blood coming of someone. When I go to heaven I want God to tell me,"Eden, you helped someone out there somewhere and you deserve to see your family."

  39. My favorite word is extraordinary. My least favorite word is wake up because I hate to wake up. Something that inspires me is dance because I love dance and it makes me happy. Something that turns me off is when someone is mean or rude to others. One sound I love is SILENCE because it feels relaxing or music feels relaxing to. One sound I hate is nails on chalkboard. One profession I would love to do is to be a professional dancer. A profession I would not want to do is clean toilets! Just nasty! I would like God to say welcome home.

  40. My favourite word is excitement. My least favourite word hate. Something that inspires me is paper craft. Something that turns me off is Khan. A sound I love is silence. A sound I hate is screaming. A profession I would like to be is an architect. A proffesion I would NOT like to have would to be a lawyer. I would like God to say Welcome!

  41. My favorite word is Fun.My least favorite word is dumb because it is hurtful to someone else.Something that inspires me is playing outside.Something that turns me off is when I lay in bed.The noise I love is singing.The sound I dislike is screeching.I would like to be a maneger of a store.I don't want to be a sewer cleaner.I think God would say You did some great things,so welcome!

  42. My favorite word is "chocolate" because I couldn't survive a day without it. My least favorite word is "can't" because even though it may be hard at first you can still try the best you can to do what you may think is impossible. I am inspired by music. I like to turn my radio on really high and dance with my cat. That makes me smile. Also, as soon as I get in the car if it's silent I turn the radio on and sing. It turns me off when people are obnoxious or try too hard to get attention. I love the sound of a kitten meowing or a puppy barking. I hate humming and repetitive tapping. It drives me crazy. I think I get that from my mom because she doesn't like it either. I would like to attempt advertising or merchandising. I am really good at organizing and setting things up in an attractive way so that people will buy it. I would not like to attempt being a plumber because I don't want to unclog toilets or a surgeon because all the blood grosses me out. When I get to heaven and reach the Pearly Gates, I would like God to say, "Welcome Daniele Macdonald to my kingdom. You are now safe under my wings and are healed with holy spirit."

  43. My favorite word is happiness my least favorite word is destruction. Something that inspires me is basketball. Something that turns me off is watching the sunset by myself. i love the sound of people in a croud. I hate the sound of screeching metal. I would like to attempt being a entrepreneur and buying real estate and possibly buying a struggling company and turning it into something huge. I would not like to be a factory worker. Once I reach the gates I would like God to say " Come enter you are know entering the house of the Lord welcome to paradise.

  44. My favorite word is chill because I use it a lot and I am a person who always likes to stay calm and happy. My least favorite word is decor mainly because I hate the way it sounds. Music usually inspires me and puts me in a certain mood. Silence really turns off my creative engines because it always makes it harder for me to think. I love the sound of calm relaxed music because it always settles my nerves. On the other hand I hate the sound of nails on a chalkboard because it's a repulsive sound. I would love to have a profession of something like an International aid worker or travel writer because I would love to learn about different cultures and traditions while making a difference in people's lives. I would not like to be a person who works in a small cubicle 24/7 because I don't like staying in one place for a long time and it seems that it would get pretty boring. If I get to Heaven and reach the gates I would like God to tell me that I have made a difference in someone's life.

  45. My favorite word is happy. My least favorite word is fail. Music inspires me and silence doesn't. My favorite sound is an angel chorus and my least is squeaking. I would like to be in a job where I get to help people. I would not like to be in one that hurts people. When I reach the gates of heaven, I would want to say to me tha I have made a difference in someone's life in a good way.

  46. My favorite word is "Nutella" because I love it so much! My least favorite word is suffering, because it makes me think of my current situation, and bad things that have happened in the past. Art inspires me creatively because I think of it as life. There are so many different choices and options. But if you are doing your art in something permanent, you can make a mistake. And sometimes you can't fix your mistake. This refers to how in life some decisions are written in stone and you can't turn back. Something that turns me off is pain. When I see people or animals in pain, it's like taking a knife to the heart. That's why it turns me off. A noise that I love is a laugh. I feel happy when others are too. I love hearing and telling jokes which is why laughing is my favorite sound. A sound that I hate is a siren. When I hear, I know someone is in pain, or something horrible happened. It reminds me of all the horrible things in this world. I would like to attempt being a lawyer, because I love finding out the facts and trying to make a statement. I also love proving people wrong. I would definitely not want to be a veterinarian. I would never be able to stand seeing so many animals in pain. Even though I understand I would be helping them, I still wouldn't be able to see them suffer. When I reach the Gates of Heaven, I would want God to say that everyone I knew who had passed away would be happy in Heaven. I would also want to hear that no one on Earth missed me, because I wouldn't want them to be sad.

  47. My favorite word is butter. Don't ask. My least favorite word appearance, because it is very judgmental. Things that inspire me are art and ceramics, because they are things a really enjoy. I really do not like writing class because the teacher always puts me on a leash, like "write 2 pages, but you have to use x and y, and make sure it's about z. I feel like I have no freedom when that happens. A noise I like is just plain white noise, because it is a lot better than silence and always constant. I hate crickets, even though most people really enjoy it. It's just the on and off that bugs me. A profession I would want to do is being an orthodontist. I would not want to be one of those people flipping signs on the side of the road. That's pretty self-explanatory. When I reach the Pearly Gates I would want to hear God say that I'd done well.

  48. My favorite word is super because it describes me. My least favorite word is school because I hate school. Soccer inspires creativity for me because it makes you make new moves to fake out the defender. Sadness because it brings you down and you don't want to do anything. I love the sound of water because I am always thirsty. I hate the sound of people erasing because it makes a squeaky sound. I like to do soccer because it makes me strong and healthy. I do not want to do basketball because I think its boring. I want to hear god answer all of my questions of the mystery of the world.


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