Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Teacher Day - Confucius

September 28 is a Confucian Holiday celebrating the birth of Confucius. It is also celebrated as Teachers' Day. While many confuse Confucius ism with a religion, it is actually more of a philosophy. Confucius was not a priest or a deity, he was a teacher.

Confucius was born around 551 BC in the small state of Lu. He was born into an aristocratic family, although there is debate as to whether he had any money or not. During his life he served many influential people and his teachings became not only fundamental to Confucian philosophy, but to the general Chinese philosophy.

The 6th century BC China was a bad time politically and socially in China. Leaders had lost their way.  There was a greater emphasis on the people serving the leader instead of being there to support the people and grow a strong community.   Ethics and integrity meant little to the leaders of the time. Confucius was disgusted by this development. At the time, he was a widely unknown teacher. He attempted to revive society by re-introducing the great moral teachings of the past.

At the cornerstone of his teachings was the belief that ethical considerations should be the guiding principle of government. He did not accept the idea of a strict legal system. He believed the primary task of a ruler was to promote the welfare and happiness of the people. The ruler should be a role model, his behavior should be better than everyone else. The leader’s strong ethical behaviors would influence the people's behaviors. Customs and voluntary adherence would be the best way to achieve and maintain an orderly society. Furthermore, he believed leadership should be given to the educated, not the noble. 

Confucius never wrote many of the quotations we see today. After his death, many of his disciples gathered and compiled his teachings. Here are a few quotations:

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

"Forget injuries, never forget kindness."

"He who will not economize will have to agonize."

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

"Respect yourself and others will respect you."

Throughout history, we have seen many teachers influence the world. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, and Confucius have significantly changed the world and redefined the way many of us view right from wrong.

Who are the teachers in your life that have influenced you the most and how did they influence you? What life lesson have you gathered from an effective and influential teacher? What is the wisest or most influential quote you have ever heard from a teacher? 


  1. Some teachers in my life that have influenced me the most would be my skating coach, Coach Amy, my piano teacher, Ms. Luann, and all of my teachers at St. Joes. I can't pick a favorite because all of them inspired me in different ways, but an example would be my skating coach, because she is a great skater, and she pushes me to do better. That also goes for my piano teacher, who is a great pianist, and pushes me to do better. Some teachers inspire me to be a great mathematician, scientist, geographer, and so many more things, including being a great person in general. A life lesson I have gathered would be that everyone fails, but your failures help you become a better person. The most influential quote I have ever heard from a teacher would be, "Obstacles don't have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it." Also, my skating coach always tells me, "It is not me, or your parents that drive you to keep on going. It is you who wants to make it happen, and it will happen."

  2. One teacher that has influenced me in my life was Mrs. Jeanne, my teacher at Holy Spirit. She influenced me because she would make learning fun she could be nice but also be strict. One of my most influential quote that I had ever heard was If an obsticale stands in your way, go around the obsticle.

  3. One teacher that has inspired me is my dance coach. She taught me to be myself and to always stay healthy. She taught me to open up she gave me self confidence that I hardly had. She says you can never be overdressed or overeducated.

  4. My most influencing Mrs. Russel. She influenced me to do my best and try my hardest even if it's not perfect. From my basketball coaches, to try my hardest. My favorite quote is "Be quick but don't hurry".

  5. One teacher that influenced my life was Mrs.Turner. (she was a math teacher.) She influenced me a lot she would bring me up if I was down. She made learnings so much fun. Mrs. Turner would do competition. We would go to the board and she would tell us a math problem and the first one done and who got it right would be called the math wise the rest of the day. One of the my favorites I have heard from a teacher quote is " You might not be there yet, but you where closer than yesterday." By: Mrs. Pietkiewicz.

  6. one teacher that was influencing in my life was Mrs. Seibert she was my 3rd grade teacher. she influenced me to have a positive attitude at school and never be afraid to ask questions.She thought me to have fun learning and always pay attention.My favorite quote I heard from a teacher I have had is "We are all failures". Mr. Grant.

  7. One teacher that influenced me the most was my kindergarten teacher Mrs. Marcus because she always picked me up if I was feeling down and led me into the path of life. Life lessons I have gathered from her are to pay attention, ask for help when needed, to have fun, and to share with others. My favorite quote from a teacher is, "We are all failures in life." By: Mr. Grant

  8. One teacher that has influenced me is Mr. Ansotogui my fourth grade teacher.He helped me when I was struggling on "exponents".He influenced me to always ask for help when I need it.My favorite quote is from Ben Franklin"Never put off until tomorrow which can be done today.

  9. On teacher that has influenced me is my soccer coach. He inspires me to never give up and to keep going no matter what happens. You always need to work hard even if is really hard, nothing is impossible so work at it until you perfect it! My favorite quote is by my coach "keep climbing until you get to the top it is hard, but you can do it".

  10. The teachers that have influenced me the most are my tennis coach, all of my basketball coaches, and every single one of the teachers at St. Joseph's Catholic School. It would probably be one of the hardest decisions of my life to pick one of those, because all of them have helped me excel in different ways. They inspire me to push harder, and for example, my tennis coach, Adam, inspires me to come out onto the court AT LEAST twice a week, and he inspires me because he is a great tennis player. A life lesson is that everyone fails, but that helps us to learn from our mistakes. My favorite quote isn't really a quote, but it is "Never give up", because you should always try harder, and you should also know that you will fail!

  11. Mr. Siebert she taught me allot such as never give up and always be yourself. My most life learning lesson was on the first day of 6th grade I learned that teachers are ALWAYS there for you when you have questions. My most influential quote was from awesome Mr.Grant, "You will all fail, get over it"

  12. A teacher who has influenced me me was my fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Langston. She taught me to never give up, but most importantly she taught me to myself. She always acted herself even is she was a little crazy at times but she was funny and creative. A life lesson that I have learned from a teacher is that even if you fail try a different way but if you fail again try another way until you succeed. My most influential quote from a teacher is ''try try again'' by all the teachers I know.

  13. Every teacher that I have ever had, included coaches, has influenced me all in good but different ways. For example, every gymnastics coach that I have ever had pushed me to keep going. I wouldn't be where I am today in gymnastics if I didn't have my coaches. There was a couple times in my life where I just wanted to quit and give up the sport that I loved to do, but my coaches were there to keep pushing me. And in school, I wouldn't love to learn if I didn't have great teachers. Some life lessons that I have learned is to just do it. You can't be afraid to do anything in life or you will never get to the where you want to be. I have never heard any of my coaches say a influential quote before. He liked to read from a influential book though. But I have a couple favorite quotes. 1. "If your dreams don't scare you their not big enough."- Muhammad Ali. And 2. "Every champion was once a contender that refused to give up." - Rocky Balboa.

  14. A teacher who has influenced me in my life is my volleyball coach, he always has us watch some volleyball videos to get us moving, it also makes me want to do better. Some life lessons I learned is it's okay also go for the ball. My most influential quote from a teacher is You Will Fail in Life By: The Awesome Mr. Grant

  15. Every teacher that I have had in my life has influenced me in my life because they are all different. I have gathered many life lessons from all of my teacher's like how to behave in church or how to multiply or divide. A very wise quote was from my favorite teacher Mr. Grant " you will fail".

  16. A lot of teachers has influenced me where ever I've gone. They do that because they want to teach me life lessons.

  17. One teacher who has influenced me greatly is my soccer coach, Jim Thomas. He influenced me by pushing me to get better each day. Some of my teammates thought he was mean when he yelled at hem when they messed up, but doing that he inspired me to work even harder no matter how tired I already was. One of my favorite quotes is "Play like a champion today". Every morning when I wake up, I see that banner on my wall and I become motivated for the day.

  18. Every school teacher I ever had has some sort of influence on me, but the teachers that have been the biggest influence on me is my parents. They are my biggest influence because they have been the first and greatest teachers I have learned from. They are the people who have made me who I am today. The life lessons I have gathered from my parents is that I need to be the greatest person I can ever be and I need to try my hardest even if times get tough. One quote I have heard from a teacher is, "You Will Fail" by my Social Studies teacher Mr. Grant. This quote means that there will be some times in life when we will fall but there will always be a way to get back up.

  19. The teachers that have been the most influence on me are all of my soccer teachers ever.(including my brother) They have influenced me because I would not be the person I am today without them. A life lesson that I gathered from them is that constantly winning is worse than failing and learning from it." You miss 100% of the shots you never shoot."

  20. The teacher who has influenced me the most is my cross country coach. She has influenced me to work harder and not give up. A life lesson I have learned from a teacher is that when you don't succeed the first time it doesn't mean you completely failed it just means you need to try harder the next time. One of my favorite quotes from a teacher is "You will fail." -Mr.Grant

  21. The most influential teacher that I have had was Mrs. Cox. Mrs. Cox taught me that I can do anything that I believe that I can do. She inspired me to do so. The most influential quote a teacher has taught me was "A smooth sea does not make a skillful sailor."

  22. The teacher who has influenced me the most is my dance teacher, Ms.Christina. She has influenced me to grow and become stronger as a person and a dancer. A life lesson i've learned from a teacher was that you should always try something new, even if you don't like it afterward it's the fact that you even tried it. My favorite quote from a teacher is "You will fail" by my Social Studies teacher Mr. Grant.

  23. The teacher that influenced me the most was my parkour coach, Mr max. He helped me grow in action and in mental skill. The life lesson that I learned was the big things come in small boxes. My favorite quote from a teacher was "Don't fear failure… In great attempts it is even great to fail" it was originally said by Bruce Lee, but my parkour teacher told it to me.

  24. The teacher who has influenced me the most is my Cross Country.She always pushes me and makes me work harder. The day before the race she pushes all of the runners. She is trying to push so that one day I will be in front of everybody.

  25. One teacher that influenced me was Mrs. Skinner because I had her for two years when she moved up a grade. She showed me self discipline and respect.She always said to keep trying, not in quotes, but in her attitude.

  26. The teacher that has influenced me most is Jesus. The life lesson that I have learned from Jesus is, sometimes you have to sacrifice for the greater good. my favorite quote from Jesus is "I thirst." He said this right before he died.

  27. The teacher who has influenced me the most was my tennis coach, Pete Peterson. He influences me by always teaching me what to do in tennis, and he sometimes relates to them in the real world. He is really funny, and that makes me feel happy! He teaches me to have me self-confidence, and he teaches me to be humble. My favorite quote from Pete is, "You know what to do, do it!" He says that to me everyday.

  28. The teacher that has influenced me was Mrs. Marcus, my Kindergarten teacher. She was an awesome teacher and taught me so much. The life lessons that I learned is to care for others and to share with others. She influenced me to love others. I also learned how to listen and to be honest and kind. My favorite quote from a teacher is " Learn from your mistakes," by Mrs. Weaver.

  29. The teacher that has influenced me is Ms.Leda. She always taught me to stick up for myself and to use my voice. The life lessons she has taught me is that people will never take you seriously if you can't speak up. My favorite quote from her is "We all have a voice so we might as well use it!"

  30. A teacher that has inspired me is Mrs. Watanabe, or when I was in her class, Ms. Camman. She inspired me to do great things and to be a god individual. She taught me so many useful things when I was in her class. I can't remember any quotes from a teacher, but my favorite quote overall is, "Learn to use criticism as fuel, and you will never run out of energy." -Annonymous

  31. Mrs Skinner taught me cursive and influenced me to become a better student. She worked hard with me because I was from a bad school. My favorite quote from a teacher is Nothing is impossible the word itself says I'm possible-Audrey Heburn.

  32. One of the teachers who influenced me the most is my defensive coach in football he just made me a better football player and person in general. He taught me to hit the guy as hard as I can but make sure to pick him up after. My favorite quote is it is not about the name on the back of the jersey but logo on the front.

  33. I think my dad has been my greatest teacher. He always emphasizes that I work hard and try my best at every thing I do. His most important lessons is that I take responsibility for all of my actions. It is hard some times, but I know he is right. My favorite quote is from Ben Franklin, which is; Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.

  34. Mrs.skinner because at the begging of school I was having trouble and she helped.and a teacher that gave me a life lesson is Mother Teresa and it is giving to others and God will give back.and a good quote from aberham Lincoln and it is look where you set your feet then stand firm.

  35. One of the teachers who influenced me the most is my 2nd grade teacher, Miss Moore. She taught me to have fun while also learning a lot. One life lesson I've learned is that if you stick your nose in a book all day, you'll miss out on life. One quote I have heard is that "We will all fail sometimes" -Mr. Grant.

  36. The teacher that has most influenced me in my life so far is my mom. She is always pushing me to be the best I can be. She doesn't let me give up. She tells me to try new things and be nice to all people no matter what their differences are. A life lesson she has taught me is to ask for help when you need to. When she had her surgery it was really painful. She couldn't take a shower by herself or get her own food. Sometimes she would cry because it hurt so bad but she asked for help and we all helped her. She said it was hard because she is usually so strong. She kept trying and pretty soon she could walk again. My mom also tells me it is really important to get a good education. My favorite saying is "Fail Harder." I like it because I am really hard on myself when. I can't do something. That saying reminds me that it is ok to fail and that you will be better if you fail sometimes.

  37. A great teacher that has influenced me is my dad and he influenced me by showing me different things that I really love to do like code, play soccer, and do different artistic things. A lesson that my dad taught me is that sometimes you just need to buck up and be tough sometimes which is why I'm tougher when I do some things. A good quote that I know is from someone who is very selfless. "It's horrible to watch my body slowly wilt away to nothing. But it's also wonderful because of all the time I get to say good-bye. Not everyone is so lucky." - Morrie Schwartz

  38. A great teacher that has influenced me is Mrs. Gamboa She is a really good English teacher and is a little more laid back and doesn't make us stress as much she tells us don't sweat the small stuff. My favorite quote is " Put your feetin the right place and then stand firm" by Abraham Lincoln.

  39. A teacher who has influenced me was my kindergarden teacher, Mrs. Simone, she was always so happy and cheerful even when she was sad. She died in 2013 and the whole school made a hall for her, she was always so nice and I want to try to be more like her. I like how Mr. Grant tells us that failing is okay, he tells us that it isn't bad, but it is an opportunity to get better. I think that everyone needs to know that it is OK to fail sometimes.

  40. I think my kindergarten teacher influenced me the most because she encouraged me to keep going. I've gathered skills like telling time, counting money, and counting. Mr.Maxwell's favorite quote is "In order to ride a bicycle you must keep your balance.

  41. All my teachers have had a great influence on my life but one of them stood out, my 1st grade teacher Mrs. Tomlinson. She influenced me a lot because taught me how to read. Since then I have never stopped reading. I gathered a very important life lesson from my 3rd grade teacher Mrs. Skinner taught me, she taught me that not everything has to be perfect, but that we just have to try our hardest. One quote that I found was by John F. Kennedy. He taught all of us how to be strong and be good leaders. The quote I found was, "Ask not what your country to do for you, but what you can do for your country."

  42. The teachers that influenced me the most are my St. Joes teachers. They have been basically all of my teachers ever. They have shaped me to be who I am today and have taught me the greatest things ever.I learned that "we are all going to fail, but it isn't how hard you fall, it's how well you get up", that can be used throughout your life, that is a great thing to live by. A life lesson I have learned is that don't worry about what others think of you, but only care about what you think about yourself, and you should never doubt that.


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