Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Travis Rudolph and Bo Paske

In our crazy world it often seems we cannot find those special acts of kindness that demonstrate the exceedingly generous human spirit we each possess. If we watch the news or troll through social media, we all too often witness quite the opposite. Our news is littered with political rants, divisive actions by so-called leaders, and acts of violence committed all over the world.

That is absolutely not the case with the story I am going to share with you.

Earlier this month, football players from Florida State were asked to visit a local middle school in Tallahassee, FL. The players arrived at lunch time and were to mingle with the students. This was the moment that would dramatically change the lives of two individuals and hopefully enlighten and inspire people all over the world.

Travis Rudolph, a junior wide receiver for the Seminoles, entered the lunch room and saw a young boy sitting by himself eating his lunch. That boy was Bo Paske. Unknown to Travis at the time, Bo was diagnosed with Autism many years ago. All Travis knew was that he was alone. Travis approach the table and asked Bo if he could join him. The two sat and enjoyed a conversation and a meal.

The resource officer at the school took a picture of the two and sent the photo to Bo's mother. In addition to being relieved to know today her son was not eating alone, she posted the picture to Facebook. The picture and the story quickly went viral.

The relationship between the two did not stop there. Travis was able to return not too soon after with a jersey for Bo and tickets to last Saturdays game. Travis and Bo have received a significant amount of media coverage from the event, even though ironically that was never the intent.

Below is a follow up story I watched on ESPN. Please take a moment to watch the video.

Why do you think we do not see more news like this in our world today? Should we be?  What lessons do you take away from this story? What can we do to be more aware of others? 


  1. I believe we do not see this more often on the news because people are not nice more often. Some people might not like this which is a shame. Others might not want to do this because they only want attention for doing nice things. I think everybody should show asks of kindness. I believes this story shows that any act of kindness can change peoples life, even if as little as opening the door for them. We should not be self-absorbed and pay action to our surroundings.

  2. I think that we don't see this in the news because these acts of kindness may effect one person greatly but it doesn't effect too many other people. I don't think that people need to recognize some of these actions because it is good to learn that not all of your kind actions are going to be noticed and at least you are helping someone that might need it. A good lesson that I take away is that you should be kind to everyone that you meet no matter their situation. We can help others by being humble, knowing that you aren't trying to get recognition but just helping when people really need it.

  3. I think we don't see this more because people are less caring today I wish people would be as nice as Travis Rudolph because it was really heart warming when he did that it is nice to see that people still have hearts. Now, I am going to try and be a better person.

  4. I think we do not see this on the news because the news only talks about what people want to hear and see which is the lives of celebrities and gossip. The lessons I took from this story is that if you do one little act of kindness you can change the world or the way people act. To be more aware of people we can take a moment to look around and find someone that has no one and become that someone.

  5. I think we do not see more news like this because people sometimes overlook these acts of kindness that others do, like what Travis Rudolph did. People are more focused on other types of news, such as politics, the presidential election, and religions. We should hear more stories about this because one act of kindness can shower kind seeds, and those seeds would have a ripple effect, sending good things across the world.The lessons I took away from this story is that it doesn't matter if your kindness gets noticed, but the effect that can change many people's lives. We can be more aware of others by looking around to see if people are getting left out. We can also be more inclusive in things we do in our lives, like during lunch, if someone is alone, you can sit by them, or encourage others to be with you at the playground, or in class.

  6. I believe that we don't see news like this like this in our world today is because people these days mostly like to hear about famous people and there lives and don't really understand how heart warming and pleasureful theses types of things really are. Yes, I think we should be seeing this stuff a lot more often. Lessons I take away from this story are to not judge people for who they are because were all special and to try to do kinds things like these. What we can do to be more aware of others is not gossiping about people for just who they are and accepting them. This story is truly amazing and I wish that everyone did this.

  7. I believe that we do not see these random acts of kindness every day because the world has become some what evil. Such as ISIS and other terrorists groups.Also we only hear about celebrities and most of the time the celebrities are usually getting paid. I think we should be because a lot of people in the world are like Bo Paske and they need help. I take away from this story that we need to be more kinder and understanderble everywhere at school at the grocery store etc. I think we should be more aware of our sourondings because there are people like that all over the world.

  8. I think we don't see these acts of kindness (Not random) as often because most people don't want to listen to this kind of stuff, and they pay attention more to like natural disasters and the presidential election, which, in their opinion, is more interesting. We should hear more about this stuff because first of all, it's good to do, and second of all, some people might get inspired to be more like the people they are hearing about. At the same time, though, we should want to do acts of kindness anyways, not just to be a big hit on the news. Whenever we see someone in the need of help, then we should ALWAYS help them. From this story, the lessons that I take away are even if you won't get noticed or recognized, you should still be really helpful and caring to other people. It might change that person's life if you do even one small act of kindness, and the kindness will definitely spread. People can be more aware of others by looking around you and making sure that everyone is okay, and if they aren't ask what's wrong and what you can do to help.

  9. We see more news is because people can be more crazy sometimes. That is why we should be a better person all the time because we need to be good.

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  11. I don't think that people want to see more news like this because they don't think that it is as important as other things in this world. We need to hear more stuff like this because first of all people need to know that simple acts of kindness can do so much for a person. We also need to watch more news like this because people who have illnesses need to be recognized for support and they need to be loved and respected. I think the lessons that we should take from this is that you need and should be kind to everyone. Another lesson we should learn from this story is that even little things can show great love, so we should teach others to care for those who have an illness. We should be more aware of others, and we can notice those who are lonely. That way, we can show other people to be kind and welcoming to all. We can also be more aware by raising awareness by hosting drives.

  12. I think it is cool because that was just a small act of kindness, but it affected the boy so much. I wish everyone would do small acts of kindness because the world would be a better place. I think Mr. Rudolph set a pretty good example and a good lesson for us to learn. I hope we can all do things like that in our lives.

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  14. I think the reason why we don't see kindness that much anymore is because people that it is like workout just saying,"You look nice" or "I love your dress" Many kids and adults don't say anything cause they say they are too busy. We should at least see something that tells our community that we need to step it up. Travis Rudolph set an amazing example that tells us even famous football players show acts of kindness.Since, Travis is famous people might want to be a part of this amazing journey. When there is more and more people showing this kindness everyone will get involved. I take away a great lesson from this story. You can't judge ANYONE by what they look like or what their problem may be. You don't know if they could be crazy on the outside but warm hearted on the inside. We can do more community service projects or starting a fundraiser. We need to be less selfish and not take things for granted, if you are getting recognized for helping the elderly don't be a show off and brag just be thankful and proud that you did this to help make the world a bigger,better place.

  15. I think the reason why we don't see kindness much anymore is because people won't take the time to say something nice to someone. Or for someone to sit down to talk to someone who is alone. Travis Rudolph sets an AMAZING example for little kids and adults that just one act of kindness can change a life. I take a great lesson out of this story because it has inspired me to be like Travis. You can't judge a book by its cover, just like Travis did. We can give more, like the make a wish foundation or the Ronald McDonald House. Everyone who has done something good feels great after doing it. Like when Travis felt like a hero after doing one small act of kindness.

  16. I think the reason with don't see kindness like this that much anymore in the news because people don't take the time to do acts of kindness like what Travis Rudolph did. I think people should do wonderful acts like this one more often because it makes children and a adults who are disabled or not as privileged feel happy. The lesson that we take away from this is that even the littlest acts of kindness make a big difference.We can be more aware of others by paying to people and to know to help someone when they need help. Travis Rudolph is inspiring to help others.

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  18. I think we don't see news like this anymore because it can effect other people who don't like watching this kind of stuff, which can hurt the person who has the opportunity and gets their feelings hurt. I think we should show this more because it is an act of kindness and everyone should give an act of kindness, cause every little act of kindness can make a big difference in adults and kids lives. Some lessons that we take away from this story is that every little bit of kindness makes a big difference. We can be more aware of others by inviting the people who sit by themselves at lunch or the ones that don't have many friends and make your act of kindness.

  19. I think that we do not see those kinds of acts of kindness because people don't want to take the time to actually go out and do these kinds of nice things. People are always so caught up in life that they don't slow down and do a nice thing like Travis Rudolph did. we should see more of this because these are just thing that regular, or celebrities do. You do not have to be known by a lot of people to make a difference. The lesson I learned is that anyone can make a difference, no matter how small, or how big. To be more aware of others is see who they hang out with or what they do. If they seem always to be alone, we can go talk to them or hang out with them, even if people make fun of you for it.

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  21. I think we don't see more of these kind of stories in the news today because most acts of kindness these says are very simple and can go unnoticed. Also, many people these days are caught up in themselves and their own problems in life. I think that we don't necessarily need to be seeing more of the stories on the news because most acts of kindness go completely unnoticed and unrecognized but it is important that we still keep doing them anyway. A few days ago, we watched this video in Health about a man who did a few simple acts of kindness every day and over time, those choices he made greatly impacted many people's lives. I was inspired by that video because that man always thought about others before himself, and at first his acts of kindness were unrecognized but he did them anyway. The lesson I took away from this story is that a small act of kindness to you, can make a big impact in someone else's life. To be more aware of others we can always watch out for people at school who have no one to hang out with. We can also include everyone in our activities and make never to leave anyone out, no matter who they are, what they look like, or how much different they are from us.

  22. We don't see more of this kind of news because they pay more attention to the political race and terrorists. We should see more stories like this because it shows people that there is not only bad stuff going on in our world. The lesson I take away from this story is that you should not judge people who are different than you and that you should be nice to everyone no matter what. We can be more aware of others by paying attention and seeing when they need help.

  23. I think we do not see these small acts of kindness anymore because people don't want to go out and try and help other people. When a watched that video it made me fell like, why can't everyone just be like that and help kids like that. It wold make the world such a better place without even doing the biggest job in the world. Travis Rudolph changed Bo Paske's life by simply sitting by him at lunch.The lessons that we learn from this story is small things can make a difference. Each and everyone of us can make a big difference. We all need to help others. It is the right thing to do and it overall just makes you feel good.Maybe you can sit with someone or hangout with someone that you don't really know or maybe they don't have a lot of friends to play with. You never know how someone really feels.

  24. I don't think we see many small acts of kindness anymore people are a little bit selfish and don't want to go out to help people. I think we should be seeing more of this in the world today. What I take away from that is something even as small as sitting with someone at lunch can make a huge difference is someones life. We can be more aware of others by just listening to them or talking to them.

  25. I don't think that we see those things too much anymore because people have changed in the world and do not think to do that like they did before now. We should set good examples for others so they can do that now. I learned that the simplest act of kindness can change someones life and that people can give hope to others and set a great example. We can be more aware of people if we just take the time to be with them and talk with them to understand what that person is trying to tell others. If we give that time we can let them prove themselves.

  26. the reason that I do not think we are showing the average amounts of kindness is because people do not feel like doing small acts of kindness anymore which is why I think that the small act of kindness Mr. Rudolph showed changed that boy's life.

  27. I don't think we see new's like this everyday because people are more interested in other things like sport's not kindness. I think we should see more new's like this because people will see what other people's kindness can do and they can learn that kindness changes lives. One lesson that I can take away from this story is that kindness changes people's live's even if it is small. I think that we can be more aware to other's by helping them being nice to them.

  28. I think that We don't see news like this more often is because people are too interested in their phones and TV. We should see more news like this because it shows others that kindness and love can change lives. One lesson that I can take away from this story is that you can do small actions with great love. I think that we can be more aware of others by being kind to others and helping them being nice to other people.

  29. I don't think that this is common on the news because people aren't really doing things like this anymore. They think that they are to good to do a little bit of extra kindness.

  30. I think that we do not see more stuff like this on the news because people don't pay close enough attention. I think we should be seeing more of this on the news because it inspires people to do likewise and I think everybody should take that message into account. A lesson that I take away from this is that you can make that change in the world, that you can be that change. We can be aware of others by taking into account what other people are feeling.

  31. I think that we don't see stuff like this on the news because people aren't as nice as they used to be. Also, news reporters feel that they should only cover the bad news, because that's what the people want to hear. They don't care about the good stuff, they just want to know about the drama and the bad things that happen in our world. Yes I do think we should have more things like this on the news because it spreads a positive message to the people watching. And I think that our country (even the whole world) needs that small, positive spark. It seems as if our world is always being negative and spreading bad messages. And I think that if the news could have at least 1 good story a day, that could make a big impact. A lesson from this story is that if someone is different for whatever reason, that doesn't make them a bad person. Like Travis Rudolph did, try to hang out and comfort the people that are sitting alone at lunch or not playing with anyone at recess. Sometimes, we don't know that these small acts can make a huge impact in the persons life. Maybe they could really use a hug or a high-five because someone in their family passed away or something is going terribly wrong. To be more aware of others, we can make sure that everyone is being inclusive and that no one is being excluded from an activity or game. We need to remember that we are all God's children and that we need to except each other. We need to be able to help each other whenever needed, and do small acts of kindness as we go about our day. These are a few things we can do to be aware of others.

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  33. I think that news reporters usually report bad things. They also look for big events or actions. Yes, I definitely think we should do acts like this one. I think a good lesson is that small things can make a big difference. Like in this video, Travis Rudolph just sat with Bo Paske and it made a huge difference in Bo's life. I think that we could try to find people who are feeling down or not being included and engage with them. We could talk to them, sit with them, or play with them.

  34. I think that we don't see as much news like this because it seems that the media focuses on the negative. I think that we should be focusing on more stories like this. I learned that a small random act of kindness can make a big difference in our world. I feel like we could more by noticing people that could be helped and taking action by helping and being kind while doing it.

  35. I think we don't see more news like this today because there are things that are very big(not saying this isn't big) that we focus on. I think we should see this more because it gives other people the courage to stand up to this stuff. I think that we learn to except people for who they really are. I think that we should notice people more often and sit next to them or let them play with us even if they are more different than us.

  36. I think we don't see a lot of news like this in our world because people just don't do things like that often. People are way more focused on the lives of celebrities, and all the bad things so that's the news that reporters focus on. I believe we should though for it raises awareness on situations and more people want to make an impact. I also think this taught a lot of lessons and really inspired people to do small actions like Travis. I feel like to be more aware of others you can't always be thinking about your own problems and your own group of friends and try to hang out with others.

  37. The news usually reports huge things and I also feel like people don't do that very much. I feel like we should be hearing more heart warming stories like this. The lesson I take from this is always engage with those who don't seem to have friends. We can be more aware of people by playing with everyone.

  38. The news seems to report hate and violence. I think there should be a news channel with stories like this. I think we should give others a chance. We can play with others and sit with them at lunch.

  39. I think that we don't see as much news like this these days, is because the world is not as good place as it should be, when you talk about random acts of kindness. Yes, i think we should be more like travis, because then the world would become a better place. A lesson that i take away from this is, that I should do more random acts of kindness. We can hang out with the kids you usually don't, and thats how we can be more aware of others.

  40. I think we should hear more of this today because it is just a nice thing to do. I think we don't see as much today because people make their own little clicks. I think that we should branch out to those who need us and be more aware by paying attention to people who seem lonely.

  41. I dont think we see news like this because some people don't want to because they think that the people by them selves are wierd. They aren't though they have the same things we do. Yes I do think we should see more acts like this because it will make people feel happy and maybe they will want to do it to. I learned that no matter what other people think, go make the ones by them selves feel happy and good. To be more aware of others we could help them who are sad. Stand up for people who are getting bullied. Also if you here rumors being spread try to stop them.

  42. I know that this happens all the time, but, it is rarely on the news, or YouTube. Most news reporters freak us out by only telling us the bad things that happen. We definitely should see more of this on the news, to be honest, think more people would watch it if there were good, happy, and sweet things we see on the news. I feel like everyone is focusing on the negative (all the bad things that happen) in stead of realizing that good things DO happen, we just don't hear about it on the news. News reporters should focus on mostly good things to tell us, just think about it, there is so much anger and sadness in the world because people don't like what they are being told by news reporters. After reading about this story I've realized that you don't have to do a huge thing to make a big difference, everyone has their bad days, when things don't go their way, that is when a little kind gesture can change their whole day. Hopefully in a good, positive way.

  43. I think that the reason we don't see more news like this is because most people these days are selfish and they think about themselves before others. Like some people who have a group they sit with at lunch or hang out with all the time. I think we should be seeing more of this because small things that don't seem like much to you mean a lot to others. Small things that you can do each day can have an impact. Lessons I took away from this story were that being selfish is not always a good thing, especially if you think about yourself before others. If you're thinking about yourself sometimes that's not the greatest. Somethings we can do to be more aware of others is to pay more attention to our surroundings. Like at lunch before you're about to sit down with your friends I would look around and see if anyone is alone and go sit with them. Or if you just see someone who is like maybe feeling left out or sad, you can comfort them and tell them to maybe to join what you are doing. I think that's mostly it.

  44. I don't think we see as much of this news because people always focus on the bad things happening in the world instead of the positive things. We should definitely see more of happy news or uplifting news because it makes all of us feel better. Lessons that I take from this story is to be nice to everyone and that we should not judge a book by its cover. We all deserve the same rights and we should love one another. We can be more aware of others when we include them in activities. For example... When we play four square on the playground and you see that someone is sitting all alone you should ask if they would like to join but if not you should ask the other person what they might like to do.

  45. I think we don't see this as often is because a lot of us only think of us an our friends.I think we should but sense a lot of us think about ourselfs.To be more aware if there is a full table you can sit with someone lonely.

  46. I don't think that we see good stuff like this in the news very often because this is a small act of kindness and people prefer to focus on the bigger badder stuff that is going on in this world. We should here stuff like this from local news channels or newspapers, but I think that the bigger stuff that effect the entire planet should be on global news. I learned that small acts of kindness like sitting with a kid who is all alone, mean a lot to a person and also inspire others to do kind things. to be more aware of others we can look outside of our small close group of friends and find others who are all alone to sit with or ask them to come sit with you. If we look outside our comfort zone and find people that need some kindness to make their day better, it will make so many more people happy. It doesn't take very much effort to make someone happy.


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