Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September 11th - 15 Years Later

This Sunday marks the 15th anniversary of one of the most tragic days in modern American history.  While the day began as any other day, it would end with images and stories of unfathomable death and destruction.  It was a day no one saw coming and no one will ever forget.

While truly tragic, it was also a day which demonstrated the incredible will and strength of the human spirit.  There were as many stories of heroism as there was destruction.  We witnessed countless acts of bravery and selflessness.  And these are only the stories we know.  Many of the incredible stories forever died with the victims.

The following is a brief timeline of the day’s events.

At 8:45 am, the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  The crash instantly killed hundreds of innocent people and trapped hundreds more above the 110th floor.  While emergency crews sprang into action, a mere 18 minutes later, a second plane crashed into the South Tower.  It was evident to all, this was not a coincidence, the United States was under attack. 

At 9:45 am, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon.  The jet fuel caused a devastating fire causing a small structural collapse. 

15 minutes after the Pentagon crash, the South Tower collapsed.  It was less than one hour from the time the plane crashed into the building to when it fell to the ground.

 At 10:10, the country became aware of a fourth plane wreck.  United Flight 93 had left the Newark airport late.  40 minutes after departure, terrorists took control of the plane.  The passengers on the plane, aware of the events of New York and Washington, decided to take action.  They overtook the terrorist and in the process crashed the plane into a Pennsylvanian field.  All aboard were killed instantly.

At 10:30, the inevitable occurred.  The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.  While the nation watched in awe, the brave firefighters, police officers and other city officials continued to respond to their call to duty.  Due to the devastation created when the Twin Towers collapsed, four other building would fall to the ground during the day. 

As the day concluded we began to hear the devastating carnage from the day.  In New York City approximately 3,000 people were killed, including 343 firefighter and paramedics, 23 police officers and 37 Port Authority officers.  In Washington, DC, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed at the Pentagon in addition to the 64 people on board the flight.  An additional 45 people were killed in the Pennsylvanian field from Flight 93.

What do you know about the events of September 11th?   Do you think this is a day of tragedy or triumph for the United States?  After the events of the day, the country promised to "Never Forget". Do you think the country does enough to make sure the victims and sacrifices of 9/11 are not ever forgotten? What else could be done? 


  1. I know that the World Trade Center and the 2 Twin towers got bombed by terrorists. It was a day of tragedy for the United States. Yes I do. I think it would be pretty cool if they did a imitation of it being bombed. That would show what it would be like to be in the World Trade Center when that happened.

  2. What I know about the events of 9/11 are that a terrorist group hijacked three planes and killed all of the pilots, so they were in charge of the planes. They crashed into the Twin Towers killing everyone on the planes and a bunch of innocent people working in the Twin Towers. They also crashed into the Pentagon, starting big fire. Yes, I think that this is a huge tragedy for the United States and I hope something like that never happens again. I think we do a pretty good job making sure the the people who lost there lives are never forgotten, but I think that (if they don't already do this yet) there should be a big memorial in New York City so that we can remember those who lost there lives.

  3. Well, I know that it was a terrorist attack and I think it was a tragedy and a triumph for America. We lost a lot of people, but saw a lot of good too.

    The terrorist controlled four aircrafts and hit the Twin Towers, the pentagon and the one that crashed in a field. They killed the pilots. When they hit the towers they killed everyone one board. It was a suicidal mission. 2,996 people lost their lives in the September 11 attacks, 2,977 of which were victims and 19 were hijackers. It was the worst terrorist attack on America ever. This tragic event was very depressing to all. We do a great job to recognize all the lives we have lost in the 9/11 event. But I think all the churches should dedicate the whole service to pray and remember all the people we lost.

    I have gone to see the memorial in New York City. It is one of the most touching memorials I have ever gone to. All the names of the people who we lost are engraved on the two frontends of the fountains where the buildings used to be.

  4. I know that it was a terrorist attack that hurt many people, and all of America. I have also heard that flight 93 was headed for the white house if the people hadn't crashed it, but I don't know if that is just a rumor.
    9/11 was a very tragic time for America. It was also a time to grow, because our country had to come together to help each other work through this tragedy.
    I have been to the 9/11 memorial in New York and I think that they are doing a pretty good job of honoring the spot where this tragedy happened. I think we could do job of recognizing the people that died in the pentagon and flight 93, because whenever someone says 9/11 everyone thinks of the twin towers not the other two flights. 9/11 was a terrible day that will never be forgotten.

  5. In the events of September 11, I knew that the planes crashed into the North and the South Tower, and I also knew that a plane crashed into the Pentagon, and started a fire. It was a tragedy because many people died. It could be avoided if people are more tolerant with religious and cultural differences. However, in certain aspect, I think it was a triumph for the United States because it showed that the country could stick together, even in really hard times. I do think the country does enough to make sure the victims and sacrifices of 9/11 are not forgotten, but I also think the country could do more about it. Something else that could be done would be teaching children at a young age to be respectful of others, and to not judge other people, even if they are different than we are. I think we should start educating future generations so that this unfortunate thing may not happen again.

  6. I know that there was a terrorist attack in New York on that day, when two terrorist's hijacked two airplanes, then crashed into the two twin towers, and was a terrible day. I think that even though all the tragedy happened, It made the U.S. people come together to help the victims in the attack. I think that was a day of tragedy because of all the innocent people killed. I think that the victims, or families are never forgotten because they have a lot of memorials about them. I also think, that we could do more to make the people never forgotten by maybe putting something in front of both towers, to say that we will never forget them.

  7. I don't know very much about September 11. One thing I do know is that the Twin Towers were bombed and destroyed on this day. Many lives were lost. I believe that this is a tragedy for the United States for many reasons. For one, many lives were lost. It is also a tragedy because the towers were destroyed. Those towers are like a landmark for New York because they are so tall and they held many offices in which people could work in. I think that more could be done to remember the people who died in the attack. For example, I think that we should have the names of all of the people read who had died, to show respect. I also think that we could write more about the September 11 attacks, so then we are showing respect and learning more about the people who died, and learn more about what happened.

  8. I know that this was an act of terrorism. Many people died because of this. The terrorists flew an airplane into the Twin Towers. This was a big tragedy that took lives. Now the building is used as a memorial for those lost.

  9. I know that 2 planes being piloted by terrorist flew into the twin towers on September 11th destroying the towers and taking many lives. I think it was a tragedy for the United States for all the lives taken and more reasons. I believe that we have done a good job to make the victims and sacrifices never going to be forgotten. Other things that can be done are more things to memorize the people on that day.

  10. I know that 9/11 was a tragedy that destroyed the Twin Towers in New York. I think that it is a day of both triumph and defeat, because it is a day that helped us for the better to learn that we need better security. It was also bad because it was a tragedy and day of mourning for everyone who had relatives or just people around America. I think that America does a great deal to respect those who were in the attacks, they have a memorial and we have a special day for them. We could make more movies to recognize those who died.

  11. I know that 9/11 was a very bad tragedy. It was not a day of triumph because many people lost there lives. I know they make sure they are not forgotten because they have a mini waterfall with all the people that died and now 9/11 can't be forgotten. I think they should have a big memorial that everyone celebrates.

  12. I know that on 9/11 Al-Queda hijacked 3 airplanes and crashed them into the twin towers, killing everyone on the planes and many people in the towers. They also crashed a plane into the Pentagon, causing the President to evacuate. This was a horrible tragedy for the USA. I don't think the country has and ever will forget this. Many people (including myself) have visited and still visit the memorial in New York City. I don't think we need to spread much more awareness about it here in the US, because I'm pretty sure that nearly everyone knows about it, and griefs about it. I think we should show our respect to the families who lost someone in this horrible tragedy. I also think we should keep improving our security (even though we have tremendously) so that ISIS, Al-Queda, and other terrorists groups stop attacking us. Those are a few things we can do to help.

  13. I know that It was a tragedy. I know a lot of the story because I have watched a documentary on it but I know that planes were taken over, one crashed on its way to the White house but the others crashed into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. Over 1000 people died. It was sad that people actually wanted to kill some of our fellow Americans. I think that it was a tragedy and a little bit of a triumph . It was sad because so many people lost their lives but it was good because the country came more connected and made us a closer together country. I think that we did enough for them because we made a memorial but I still think that we should pray for them every day not just on the day of the attacks

  14. I know that the 9/11 attack was a tragedy and a triumph. It was a tragedy because many people lost their lives that day, but it also a triumph because it probably made people open their eyes and think about a new security system that will help prevent these things from happening again. I also know that those three planes were hijacked and lots of people died. The two planes that were hijacked and flown into the twin towers killed everyone on the plane and many people were in that tower. Many people were trapped on the top of the tower. I feel that our country has done more than enough to remember that attacks on 9/11. A very sad day. They had built a big memorial where one of the towers used to stand. With many of the names of people who died that day. We still should pray every day for the families who may still be alive who had relatives in the terrible event.

  15. I know that planes that were taken over by terrorists crashed into the twin towers. By reading this I learned so much. I do think that this was a day of triumph and a lot of tragedy. This day too me is still super sad to hear about because so many people died and it was huge tragedy.I think we do so much to make sure we remember all the people who died and risked there lives. To do more to never forget them we should have a gathering so everyone can get together to remember and learn more about all the people and all the series of things that happened.

  16. I know that 2 planes hit the world trade center, it was a hard day for all Americans. Passengers thankfully they brought the plane down they made a noble sacrifice for thousands of people we need to remember the victims and remember them.

  17. I know that the World Trade Center,the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania were crashed into by planes. I also know that our country came together and regular civilians made great acts of heroism. I think that September 11, 2001 was a day of tragedy and triumph. Mrs.G showed us a video and in it the main character said that "The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph." I think that our country does a very good job about Never Forgetting the victims and the people who sacrificed there lives for the greater good.

  18. I know that 9/11 had tragedy and triumph. It was very tragic that many Americans died, but the triumph was much more important. 9/11 had triumph because many Americans came together and helped each other through this horrible day. I think this day showed a lot of Americans that when tragic things happen like this, we will all help each other. I think America is doing a great job of remembering 9/11 but I think we should remember it forever. 9/11 was a very sad and important day in American history.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I know that this horrible event took the lives of about 3,000 people, some firemen, some policemen, some people who tried to save others, normal people who didn't do anything to deserve this, and many more. It was both, a day of tragedy AND triumph because the tragedy was that a bunch of people died, but the triumph was having the country come together and try to figure out what was going on. I DEFINITELY think that our country does a great job remembering the victims, especially the families of the victims. There were and are so many families that lost a loved one in this tragic event. Maybe the United States could have 1 meeting each year for just the victim's families, and people who were at the numerous places that the planes attacked. At this meeting, they would remember their loved ones and not celebrate about their deaths, but celebrate about America's unity.

  21. I only really know that two planes crashed into the twin towers and that the passengers aboard the last plane sacrificed their lives to save what could have been the destruction of the White House. I think that that day was of triumph for the U.S because I think it brought out the best in everyone. I think that they said "never forget" because they will never forget the day that the U.S came together and became as selfless as God. I also think that people will never forget that day. I think that everything that could be done is done.

  22. I know that planes hit the 2 twin towers and the Pentagon. I think that it was a day of tragedy. I think that the country does enough to make sure the victims are not forgotten. I think have the president give a speech every year at the memorial.

  23. I know that 9/11 was a day of tragedy but yet a day of triumph for America. I also was happy to hear that on Flight 93 the passengers fought against the terrorists so the plane couldn't fly into the white house. Thats how the country remembers the victims of 9/11. I think that every year of September 11th the President should go to the 9/11 memorial and give a speech and pray for the victims and there families of 9/11.

  24. I know that on 9/11 many people died, about 3,000 people died that day and more than 6,000 people were injured. I consider 9/11 both a tragedy and a triumph. It was a tragedy because so many people lost their family and friends. It was also a triumph because families relied in others to support them , people comforted others. Everyone who was effected by 9/11 all grew a little closer. I think we do a good job of remembering what happened on that day. On 9/11 everyone should get a reminder on their phone , i pad , computer , T.V. etc. to take a moment out of their day to say a prayer for and remember those who died and their families.

  25. I didn't know that much about 9/11 before we talked about it. I knew that a lot of people died in a plane crash in Pennsylvania, in the Pentagon, and in the North and South Tower. I didn't know the times of when it happened or how many people died. I think that it was a tragedy yet a triumph because many good and innocent people died that day and they could have had families to go back home to but it did encourage us to have better airport security and better security in general. I think we do an okay job making sure these people are never forgotten but we could do a lot better and take a bit more time out of our day to remember these beautiful people that were here and went through that horrible experience.

  26. I know that on 9/11 many people died, but also many made huge sacrifices. I think this event was a tragedy because all the innocent lives that were lost in the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and the plane. I think these actions brought America together, not necessarily in triumph, but a loving compassion and support to all the families who lost loved ones and those still recovering from the horror they witnessed that day.I know that our country honors the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on this date every year. I think we can honor them even more by keeping them in our thoughts when we go through tough times. We can remember how some people such as "The Man in the Red Bandanna" risked his own life to save people he didn't even know.

  27. I did know that a ton of people died on 9/11. But I did not know all of the details. I think think it was a sad day, but it made the country come together as one country. We still remember the people who risked their lives to save others. We do a good job to never forget the victims. We could help by recognize the hero a bit better then we do now.

  28. I know that terrorists attacked the two Twin Towers.It was a tragedy, but it made the community come together as one to help each other. Last night at the Boise State football game they did a moment of silence to honer the victims of 9/11. I thought that was really nice and we should do more things like that.

  29. I know that there was a terrorist attack and that the two twin towers were hit by a planes. I think it was a tragedy and a triumph because many people with families lost their lives just going to work, but it was great to know the community was trying to help as much as the could. I think they are doing a pretty good job of making sure 9/11 is never forgotten in the United States. I think could mention some names of people that lost their lives for others, like Welles.

  30. I learned lots of details and about that the planes crashed into more than the Twin Towers. It was very sad because lots of people died and (or) were seriously injured. Lots of people risked their lives to save other people. 9/11 will not be forgotten.

  31. I know that 3 planes crashed in the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and a 4th was brought down before it hit the Capitol. I think this was a day of tragedy for the United states because thousands of people died. I think the country will never forget this day and that there isn't much more that can be done to help us remember.

  32. I know that there was a terrifying event that will be remembered forever. There were terrorists that hit the two twin towers and the south tower collapsed. I think it was a tragedy and a triumph because it was amazing how many people came to help but it was a tragedy that many people lost there life. No, I think that there should be parades. It will not be forgotten. It will always be in everyone's heart.

  33. I know that on 9/11 many people made huge sacrifices for people they didn't know just out of the goodness of their hearts. This event was a tragedy because many innocent people lost their in the fire of the Pentagon, the plane crash in Pennsylvania, and the collapsing of the Twin Towers. I know that they have a memorial where the victims name's are written on the site of where the Twin towers were. I think that there should be an hour where all the channels turn to this program where we pray for the victims and their families and where videos of the people who gave their lives for other people are played to remember them properly.

  34. I don't really know much about 1911 but I do know that was a tragedy and America learned from that to intensify security systems and I know that that was an unforgettable tragedy.

  35. I know that 9/11 was a day of sadness. Many people lost there lives in this horrible act of terrorism. I know that there where four planes that where hijacked by terrorist. It was a long day of tragedy. Many people lost relatives and friends. It was not a day of triumph because people died and America was attacked by terrorist. I do think America does allot to remember the lost ones in 9/11. I think that they could make sure all workers get the day off because it was a day that many workers died horribly. Also maybe they could put in a moment of silence for every town at 8:46am. By going over the speakers all through the town saying that now is the moment of silence.

  36. I know that 2 planes crashed into the world trade towers and one into the the pentagon and also tried to crashed into the white house.I think it was both because lots of people died so it was bad but it was good because we had learned from it.well I think we are doing the best we can to remember.

  37. The attack on our country on 9/11/01 was a tragic day for the U.S.A. It is now a day to pause to remember those that died on that day, but also a day to remember how great our country is. It is a day to remember that when people are in need, you can count on your fellow Americans to help out. For example when individuals were trying to escape, boats were helping many people flee Manhattan to safety.

  38. I think that 9/11 was a sad day I know that planes crashed into the twin towers. Although people died I think that it made us stronger as a country. I think that the victims will never be forgotten I also think that we should come together on September 11 every year and think about the victims that where killed in 9/11.

  39. I think that 9/11 was a triumph for the united states, we learned from the sad attacks that we need to gain more trust in each other. It was a sad day, I think that we are doing a good job of remembering those who died in the 9/11 attacks. I think we can do a better to remember them by gathering hands around the monument.


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