Thursday, April 30, 2015

Week of Tragedy and Triumph

This past weekend has been filled with terrible and remarkable stories.  Baltimore, Maryland and Nepal have both been the point of tremendous suffering and incredible demonstrations of the human spirit since this past weekend.


It has been a trying week in the City of Baltimore.  Monday night resulted in 235 arrests, 20 police officers injured, 6 seriously, 144 vehicle fires and 19 structural fires.  The peaceful riots turned to violent acts of vandalism and destruction of property.  

The incident began with the arrest of 25 year old, Freddie Gray.  About a week after his arrest, Freddie died of a spinal injury.  Many in the Baltimore community have been protesting over the treatment of Freddie by the police.  Up until Monday, the protests were non-violent.  That all changed Monday, the day of Freddie’s funeral, when groups decided not to protest non-violently, but to create chaos and crime throughout the city.  

The residence of Baltimore, the family of Freddie Gary, and many Americans were horrified by the actions taken by these lawless thugs.  The Mayor and Governor of Baltimore have responded with additional protection for the residence and the police.  

If Monday was utter chaos, Tuesday was a sign that peace can overcome.  While protests continued, many of the people of the city spent the day cleaning the streets.  A group of committed and considerate citizens spent the day standing between the police and angry demonstrators in an effort to maintain civility.  Tuesday had 10 arrests and countless acts of concern and care for the community and law enforcement. While the underlying issue remains, hopefully the members of the community can continue to look for solutions in productive and non-violent actions.


The country of Nepal was rocked with a 7.8 magnitude earthquake over the weekend.  Most recent reports estimate the death toll at 6,100.  Cities and communities were turned to rubble.  Approximately 450,000 people will be displaced, having to find a new home.  Additionally the earthquake triggered a landslide on Mount Everest, killing 19 climbers.  The death toll is expected to continue to increase as the debris is cleared.  

Nepal is one of Asia’s poorest nations.  Recent estimates believe the cost to rebuild Nepal will exceed $5 billion. This is about 25% of the entire Gross Domestic Product.  The international community is expected to assist Nepal in their recovery efforts.

With all the tragedy, there have been miraculous stories.  For example, after 22 hours of being buried beneath the debris, rescuers recovered a 4 month old boy.  The efforts of the first responders and the strength of the human spirit are never short of amazing.

What are your reactions to the events in Baltimore and Nepal?  What actions can we take to assist the people of Baltimore and Nepal?  


  1. My reactions to the events in Baltimore and Nepal are that I am sad for the people in Nepal who died. Also I am sad for ones who lost family and lost there homes during the 7.9 earthquake. In Baltimore I am a little disappointed that they riot in Baltimore for something happening on the way to the police station and yet they don't riot when a person gets shot in the back six times by a cop. The actions we can take to help the people of Nepal is donate money or have workers go over there and help rebuild houses and schools. In Baltimore I think that we need to help the society get over this and move on to how it use to be, a nice and friendly city.

    1. I am saddened and shocked about what has happened in Nepal and Baltimore, respectively. In Nepal the fact that it is such a poor country and that they were struggling BEFORE the earthquake is just proof of how badly they were hit by the earthquake. We absolutely need to help Nepal, we need to send supplies, rescue teams, anything that might help Nepal recover.
      Baltimore, however, I am shocked at a) the apparent cruel manner in which the police treated Freddie Gray, and at the awful reaction by the people. Sure, the police were in the wrong and you SHOULD be protesting, but looting stores and hurting the police? That is just as bad as what they did. Baltimore is still in need of the people promoting civility.

  2. Both the events in Nepal and Baltimore are devastating. In Nepal, all the deaths and poverty and hopelessness of the situation is quite saddening. In Baltimore it is less extreme. Monday was chaotic, but Tuesday people were helping the officers and cleaning the streets. The people who looted the stores have admitted that they weren't doing it as an act of revenge, they were just living in poverty and wanted an excuse to have more supplies like medicine and food. I believe that the issue in Baltimore will blow over very quickly. In Nepal, though their dire situation, there is hope. The 4 month old baby, for example is a symbol of that hope. If that baby made it and is alive and healthy, others can do it; they just need to work together and cooperate, if they don't, they will get no where and Nepal will stay in ruins.
    Like I said, in Baltimore the situation will blow over quickly so the only thing we can really do is maybe send some doctors over to tend to the policemen and pray for them. In Nepal, we need to send people to help fix the damage, doctors to care for the wounded and sick, donations of food and water to feed the people, and we need to pray; pray for all those who lost family and are now starving on the streets, pray for the souls of those who died, pray that Nepal is quickly back to its better self and can support all those people, and most of all; pray that such a terrible disaster never strikes Nepal, or anywhere, ever again. Please, please: pray for Nepal.

  3. In both Nepal and Baltimore the results are saddening. I feel awful for the people in Nepal who had loved ones die and have to find new homes. As in Baltimore, I am a little disappointed that there were riots. I believe that there could've been a more peaceful solution than anger, fires, deaths, and injuries. I don't think that violence is the answer to everything. However, I am really proud of the people who helped the policemen and helped clean the streets. I think that those people sent a very powerful and positive message to people all around the world. Some actions that we can take regarding Baltimore is to learn from the destruction and anger of the riots and to not make our world that angry and saddening. We can also do acts of kindness, following the example of those people who helped the policeman and made the streets a better place. As for doing actions regarding Nepal we can keep the victims in our thoughts and prayers and hope that through helping that country we can rebuild Nepal. And as a community and as one we can achieve that and spread a lot of love to people who need it very much at a time like this. I am hoping for the best in the future for both Nepal and Baltimore.

  4. Baltimore and Nepal's stories are very sad. We could help Baltimore we could help bring peace. Everyone wants to have peace so there would be no riots or chaos. In Nepal we could donate to people that lost their homes or are injured from the earthquake. That story about how they found that 4 month old baby we could donate to their family to help them to rebuild their home. There are many ways we could help both of these life threatening situations.

  5. There are natural bad events and bad human caused events. I am shocked that somebody died and also socked that the people ruined THEIR city. The burned down THEIR CVS pharmacy. I also don’t know what the people of Nepal are going through. I know it is extremely hard and when one person died it is horrible when more than 6100 die it is beyond words can explain. For Nepal we can send Red Cross and other disaster help groups. I think in Baltimore we can send police men to help, but not hurt people. We are keeping both Nepal and Baltimore in our prayers. I hope that soon they can resolve the riots and burnings in Baltimore. I also think police men are trying to help and protect people. Overall the world is scary and happy, it can be good and bad. Sometimes we cannot choose whether good or bad happens in the world like at Nepal, but we can help. Sometimes people can choose whether there is good or bad in the world like in Baltimore. We can still send people to help.

  6. What is happening in Nepal and Baltimore is horrible. There are both having some tragedy. Although in Baltimore people are stealing. Residents are not understanding that you do not need to steal a pharmacy! The people that stole did admit to stealing the pharmacy just because they were poor. They had a chance to get something they wanted so they got it. Nepal is a different story. They had a 7.8 magnitude earthquake! The people should not give up hope though! If the 4-month old boy from the photo survived, so can many others.

  7. My reactions to Nepal and Baltimore ia that this is not good at all and just plain horrible. Both need terribly help right now and are going through a tragedy. For Baltimore the people need to stop the rioting and violence now. This has gone to far and because of all the violence it has caused many more problems. Baltimore is a nice place, but they just need to understand to settle down just a little bit. Nadal is nothing good at all to because of the 7.8 earthquake it has caused many people to become homeless. Now they need to pay 5 million dollars to repare. But they are not going to give up. If that baby 4 month old baby lived then their hopes should not be saved up because their could be much more survivors.

  8. What happened to Baltimore and Nepal were outrageously sad. I was amazed how Baltimore had this riot that turned to a really bad riot with stealing and ruining other people's property. What also amazed me was on Monday it was crazy and then the riots went to being so peaceful on Tuesday. In Nepal I thought was just plain old sad. These people were poor already and then their lives changed dramatically. I think they should really help in Nepal. These people didn't do anything to deserve that. I am glad that not all was lost but we should help out in Nepal. I think we should give charity to the stores that were destroyed so the workers get their job back. For Nepal I think they can get all the help they can get. That is what I think of the bad things that have happened recently.

  9. What happened in Nepal and Baltimore are extremely sad. I think it is crazy what is happening in baltimore all the robbing and and burning buildings and hurting policemen is outrageous they need to realize that they are solving nothing and burning buildings isn't the best way to help out everybody and they are taking jobs away from lots of people and they can't do anything I think they need to stop all this nonsense in baltimore and i saw on the news that they are not letting the people into any sports games i thought that was a good idea because if they did let these people in then it could have made thinks lots worst. Now in Nepal we really need to help them out and we need to give them support but we can not do it all they need to all step up as a community and help the hurt or sick and help rebuild the community. Also some of the extremely old building have been destroyed witch would kind of put you down America and many other countries are trying to help them out witch is very great

  10. I think what happend in Baltimore and Nepal were devistating and extremely horrifing. I am very suprised how Baltimore's small non- violent protests, became very dangerous with 235 arrests and 6 people serisouly injured. Baltimore needs to stop the riots and violence. I feel horrible that Freddie Gray died, but I think the people could of been more responsible than to riot! They could of went to court or something like that. I am thankful that people helped cleaned the streets and helped the police officers, and hopefully that Baltimore is safe and sound. But that is nothing comperd to the devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake that hit the country of Nepal. To start of with, Nepal is one of Asia's poorest nations and for it go through so much trauma is horrible. I belive that the Baltimore riots will stop rather quickly, and everyone involved in it will see what they did wrong. I don't nesseicerily that we need to assist Baltimore. For now we could send more police officers to help, some nurses to help the injuerd and a lot of volunters to help clean up. But the actions to help Nepal will really help. I think we should send medical workers over to help the injured, lots of food, and donate money so they can repair thier nation. We can even send over teams to help clean up the debris left over from the earthquake. What happend to Boltimore and Nepal is both very devistating and I hope it will never happen again.

  11. My reaction to the earthquake in Nepal is that what happened is terrible, you can't escape natural disaster. I think it is amazing to hear about all of these stories of parents saving their children as the ruble is being cleared. I hope that all of the families that lost loved ones are comforted. I pray for all of the people that we Marjory affected by the earthquake. I have almost the opposite reaction to what happened in Baltimore because yes its terrible but it was the peoples fault. In Nepal you can't stop the earthquake but in Baltimore the riots could have continued peacefully but instead the people made the decision to make the riots violent. For the people of Nepal I have much sympathy. To help the people in Nepal we can send food medical bare and money to help rebuild the country. For the people in Baltimore what we can do is send positive thoughts and help them get back on track towards peaceful ness.

  12. The things that happened in both Nepal and Baltimore were very sad and showed that tragic things can still happen today. What happened in Baltimore showed that there is still segregation in america.Its very sad to see people burning down buildings and trashing the city. They are not helping just causing chaos because I don't think burning things down and injuring police is the right thing. What happened in Nepal is also very sad and devastating but at least the damage wasn't people being reckless. I think the best way to help the people in Nepal and Baltimore is to get them food and water and help support them. But specificly for Baltimore I think police should take extra precaution from doing anything else to upset the people. ITs like the oxygen to a fire.

  13. The two stories are very sad, but totally different incidents. The week was filled with very sad events in Nepal, all caused by natural disasters. On the other hand, with Baltimore the tragic event was out of anger. I think it is very unnecessary, but hopefully will put all of this to an end and all of us to gain some understanding and meet a compromise. They have gone way to far, ending innocent lives, looting innocent stores, and citizens cars, etc. Nepal, on the other hand, we cant really take into our own hands because it is just Earth being Earth. I think that the rioters need to know that the world isn't going to come to end just because of a black life, and there is worse things happening in the world (like Nepal).

  14. The two stories are very sad, but totally different incidents. The week was filled with very sad events in Nepal, all caused by natural disasters. On the other hand, with Baltimore the tragic event was out of anger. I think it is very unnecessary, but hopefully will put all of this to an end and all of us to gain some understanding and meet a compromise. They have gone way to far, ending innocent lives, looting innocent stores, and citizens cars, etc. Nepal, on the other hand, we cant really take into our own hands because it is just Earth being Earth. I think that the rioters need to know that the world isn't going to come to end just because of a black life, and there is worse things happening in the world (like Nepal).

  15. I think that if my brother got arrested and then eventually beaten up so bad by a cop that he died, I would be so angry with the cops. The cops are supposed to protect us, and in Baltimore and many other cities across the country, "protecting us" means killing black dudes because they're black. I understand why the black community is lashing out like this, but I don't support destroying their community. I think they are kinda doing the same thing the cops are; by destroying other innocent people's livelihood, is pretty much the same thing the cops are doing. I think the national and local government of the places affected by the riots, need to have a peaceful and openminded discussion with the leaders of the black community and of local government. Now, back to Nepal. That is devastating! Especially since they are the poorest country in Asia. If 20 billion USD is their GDP, and the cost to rebuild the country is 5 billion USD, they are gonna need a financial boost. That comes from the not so poor countries and organizations. We have got to help them because they have so many people who need help. While we are helping Nepal, we could also push for better structural standards incase of an earthquake of this magnitude ever happens again.

  16. I have been hearing about the riots in Baltimore and the massive earthquake in Nepal. Both are devastating. When the people of Baltimore were protesting peacefully, I thought it wasn't a big deal but now it is a very big deal. I don't know what I could even do to help them. In Nepal, we need to get them help immediately because they are such a poor country. We need to get them a rescue team and builders to help make shelter for the people. I hope we can rebuild both broken communities.

  17. In Baltimore there has been many riots and looting . In Nepal there was a huge earthquake and thousands 0f people died. This is to devastating. In Nepal there are so many acient temples and important things that cannot be replaced. To help here we need to help clean up the earthquake and start rebuliding. In Baltimore all we can try and do is spread kindness and love. Baltimore was, and still is one of the most kind citys in america and so we all need to do is spread love.

  18. In Baltimore there has been looting. Many homeless peolpe looted stores. Although they did amite that they needed more food and medcation. When the officers were trying to deal with the people many citizens kept on giving them food and water. In Nepal a 7.9 earthqauke happened. I am very sadf or those who were killed in this disater. For the families who had lose a family memmber. I hope that all of us catholic will keep them in our prayers. That we will go to Nepal and help them. Cause we know it would be the right thing to do.

  19. Neither situation is good and both have a massive amount of destruction that comes along with them. Baltimore is a little different from Nepal though. In Baltimore, people are destroying houses and looting stores and maybe even burning some venues down. Nepal was a natural disaster and couldn't have been stopped. I think that both need to be seen as a tragedy and then we need to help everyone in both of these bad situations. I think that we can help the people in Baltimore by listening to everyone rioting who wants to have fair rights. I love it when somebody that I'm arguing against actually takes time and considers my point. In Nepal we can help by sending supplies like clean water and medical supplies. We also could send doctors so that everybody could get help and the already high death toll doesn't get any higher.

  20. My reactions to Nepal and Baltimore are very sad. Its not a good situation to be in if you were on of them. What we could do to help is send resources to there places and help deal with all of there problems.

  21. Both stories were very sad and they both have a huge amount of destruction. In Baltimore the destruction could have been stopped but in Nepal it couldn't have been stopped. We should help everyone in both situations. In Nepal we can send supplies but in Baltimore we can listen to them

  22. I think it is always good to help people in need.What is going on in Baltimore is beyond any force we can use to stop it. But in Nepal you can always can help in a natural disaster like sending over food,water and medical help for anyone would need it.

  23. In Baltimore we can try to stop it but there is more people then police men. But in Nepal we can help. Nepal was hit by an earthquake and they made it through and we are helping them. But in Baltimore we can try and try and try but we can only contain it not stop it.

  24. I was in shock to hear about all of the riots in Baltimore already, then just a few later, there is a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Nepal. It's just too bad that these things have to happen. I guess with the Baltimore riots situation, we can try to contain the people and try to put the riots to rest but there isn't much we can do because there are lots of people in the city. In Nepal we should do our best to donate and send money there because they were already a very poor place before, now imagine how much trouble they're in. Yesterday at mass, they sent the baskets around to collect money from people to send to Nepal. We have to do our best to help Nepal and Baltimore. It's just too bad that this had to happen.

  25. Both Nepal and Baltimore are devastating. The act in baltimore was pure violence by the comminity because of what was seen by many as a racitialy unfair treatment. In nepal a horrible earthquake hit leaving many orphans and homless. Most of the people in nepal are having to find new homes leaving the memories of family behind and starting over. Many of the survivors just feeling lucky that the horrible quake did not take their lives. I have heard many stories of miracles that came with the earthquake and stories about all of the places people are finding young childrenfighting for their lives underneath the ruble. Also the earth quake was not just bad for nepal but also for the climbers braving mount everest. 19 of the climbers were killed. WE can take actions as a community and as indiviguals. We can donate money and supplies to the organizations in nepal. we can pray for baltimore and nepal.

  26. Both Nepal and Baltimore are devastating. The act in baltimore was pure violence by the comminity because of what was seen by many as a racitialy unfair treatment. In nepal a horrible earthquake hit leaving many orphans and homless. Most of the people in nepal are having to find new homes leaving the memories of family behind and starting over. Many of the survivors just feeling lucky that the horrible quake did not take their lives. I have heard many stories of miracles that came with the earthquake and stories about all of the places people are finding young childrenfighting for their lives underneath the ruble. Also the earth quake was not just bad for nepal but also for the climbers braving mount everest. 19 of the climbers were killed. WE can take actions as a community and as indiviguals. We can donate money and supplies to the organizations in nepal. we can pray for baltimore and nepal.

  27. I think it is tragic that this terrible things are happening. I think in Balitamore the protest where meant to be peaceful but turned violent. I think people where using the protests as an excuse to go loot stores. The community has come together though. People are helping to clean up the streets and the community is coming together. I think it is sad of what has happened in Nepal. It is also remarkable of how an that infant sur

  28. I am just dumbfounded to see what has happened in baltemore and nepal. Just because of one man being arrested and dying caused a ton of the city to start violent riots and looting. These were ment to be peaceful, but just because this man died this had to start. It probably was unfair and heartbreaking that he died, but the way that they responded was horrific. They should have settled this more peacfully.
    The earthquake in Nepal was horrible over 6000 people died from this devestating earthquke, and hundreds are yet to be found. But so many people are oing to nepal to help find people and heal them. There have been a ton of relief efforts raising money for people in nepal to use to bring their home back to normal.
    Both of these events are so horrible and there is so much we can do to help. Donating to relief efforts would help. We can pray for both of these cities that they will have normal lives again soon.We can do so mech to help these suffering cities.

  29. I think what happened in Nepal was absolutely horrible, thousands of people died in that 7.8 magnitude earthquake and then it was followed by another one soon after which I think is devastating for Nepal. I heard about all the isolated villages that need relief and the soldiers that went MIA there. Regarding the riots in Baltimore I think the act of the police was surprising because the cops should be super careful now but it seems that the cops are being more arrogant than usual or maybe the media is just focusing on it more. Anyway what happened in Baltimore was terrible and the CVS looting was also really bad.

  30. Some of my reactions to Nepal and Baltimore are that for Nepal we should give money. Not just the government but the citizens too. We can send rescue and building crews along with food, water, and other supplies. In Baltimore I think that it is horrible what the police did to Freddie but it is also amazing what some of the people did. Some of them helped the police while others cleaned the streets. It is a big sign of what the US can do and what it will do for its citizens.


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