Monday, May 11, 2015

First Year of Middle School

Congratulations.  You are two and a half weeks from completing your first year of middle school.  As you are well aware, school is more challenging.  You are expected to take more accountability for yourself and your work.  I say you have done a nice job.

Middle school requires you to change classes every 43 minutes.  You have 6-7 teachers instead of 1 or two.  Each of you teachers has a different personality and expectations.  By now you have a good idea what upsets each one of your teachers and what makes us happy.  You understand the nuances with our tests and teaching styles.

You have also realized that with middle school come more privileges.  You have your own locker.  A private space to hang up your pictures of One Direction or whatever else you may have an interest.  You have lunch with the older students and use the annex for afternoon break.  You no longer have to wear the school plaid or blue shorts and pants.  Next year you get even more privileges.  You are eligible to fully participate in TVCS sports and dances.  In addition, you get to play in the Hallissey tournament and enjoy the assembly.

Before we move on to next year, I would like you to reflect on this past.  What was your favorite part of being in the middle school?  How would you describe each of your middle school teachers?  What advice would you give to next year’s sixth graders?


  1. I loved this year. I made so many great memories. I will definitely miss coming here next year because I am not going here next year. My favorite part was all of the presenting that we did. I also loved the different uniforms and how we had a different area to play. Mrs. G is a very nice and caring teacher who you could always talk to. Mrs. Carlise is a good reader. Mr. Yanci is really funny and cool. Mrs. McClure is a fantastic note taker and sweet. Mrs. Russel is an understanding and very serious about Math. Mr. Grant is a helpful and kind. Mrs. Gamboa is sympathetic to our class. Every single teacher is fantastic anyway! I want to say that the next year's 6th graders better be on top of it or they will be in trouble.

    1. This year was definitely the most interesting year I've ever had. It was a new adventure down every hallway and every classroom and was waaaay more exciting then the lower grades. We got lockers, got a separate playground, and got the prestigious hoodies that all the younger kids want. All our teachers are great and took some getting used to, but they all turned out awesome. Mr. Grant can seem terrifying and intimidating, and while he is, he is EXTREMELY knowledgeable and if you listen in his class, you can learn things that are awesome. In Mrs. G's class, it is a no-pressure environment and every class seems to end up with a lengthy discussion about something totally off topic. Ms. Carlise is awesome and when she's in a good mood, she can be really fun. Mrs. Russell is quite literally the best math teacher you have ever had. Maybe the best you will ever have. She is extremely passionate about math and her students learning and her assignments are always reasonable and never terrible and long. Mrs. McClure is equally passionate about science and you must be prepared to take notes and study because her tests are so hard they will knock you off your feet(an A is a heroic achievement). Mrs. Gamboa loves writing and will give you several various writing/presentation projects that will scare the living daylights out of you. Nevertheless, she is always positive and relaxed. Your two "elective" teachers, Mrs. Miller and Mr. Aspiri both have very fun classes that everybody enjoys. Lastly, Mr Yanci will welcome you and is very nice. We also end up getting sidetracked in his class, and as long as he isn't angry, class can be really fun. Next year's students need to remember that just because they were the top of the "foodchain" in 5th grade does NOT mean they are on top of the world coming into 6th grade. They need to just obey all rules if they want to have a good year.

  2. I loved this year it was the best year that I have had at st. joe's. I think it was just the new invironment and having new teachers. all the sixth graders come in really scared because it is the seventh graders job to scare them, but really it is never as hard as anyone ever says. But next year as a seventh grader it will be me and all of my classmates jobs to scare the new sixth graders as much as possible. I have really loved every thing we have done. I really liked Mr. Grant as my home room teacher because he always starts off the day with something funny even if he doesn't know it. Mrs. G was a great health and PE teach. Mr. Lundgrid has been a really fun sub in health and gets work done effecently. He also introduced a new sport evey week in PE which I think is really fun. Mrs. Carlise has been a really good reading teacher and I have had fun in debates in her class. Mrs. Russell is the best teacher of all time and has really helped me in math. Mrs. McClure has really gone in depth in science and we always get off topic whether it is taliking about worms or why we don't fall off the earth. Mrs. Gamboa has come up with a lot of cool projects. I really have enjoyed art with Mrs. Miller and hope I get her for an ellective next year. I always love Mr. Yanci's class when we get into big debates on things like gay marriage and other things about the Catholic church. The next sixth graders need to get their acts together.

  3. I hade a wonderful year so far! I made so many fun and funny memories to keep for the rest of middle school. I love everything we did! The ice bucket challenge was awesome and a great experience! I love our colorful uniforms. Mrs. G I love how you are a loving and curing teacher. How you tell me about what kind of health and what is c\good and what is bad for my health. Mrs. Carlise I love how you make reading fun. I sometimes didn't like to read and do chapter books cause I think they are really boring. Well you helped me relies that once you get into the book you will love it. Mr. Yanci is so fancy! : ) I like how when you make a funny voice when you are trying to tell us how you think. Mrs. McClure I love how you make science the way it is. You make fun experience and you just make science more interesting that any other science teacher then I had have. Mrs. Russell you make math rock. You explain math so well that I can understand it much much more better. You are one of my fav costumers at Bandanna! Mr. Grant you are a wonderful teacher and love when you are very funny. You make me laugh when you are teasing us. Mrs. Gamboa I had a really fun time with the speech contest and the research project. I look forward to have all the same teachers next year! I am very excited to go on and be a seventh grader Also have more privileges! See you all next year! : ) ; )

  4. I have had a very good year this year and is one of the best years so far. I've made new friends and learned new things. I've had so much fun the year feels like it should only be November. I like the different privileges we have and the different teachers and their personalities. One thing I have realized is that after fourth grade you get a reality check and see school isn't easy especially when you get to middle school. The expectations are higher, we have more test, and harder tests. And I am getting ready to charge seventh grade full on. I am Going to work on study skills and memorization skills over the summer and even work on participating in class instead of being shy. Some advise I would give incoming fifth graders start with one thing, ORGANIZATION. I was not very prepared for middle school because I couldn't get any tips and wasn't organized. It helps you keep track of notes, tests, and homework. Another thing I suggest is up the maturity level. The fifth grade teachers weren't very strict but the middle school teachers may tolerate it for the first week but after that I recommend not messing around or goofing off. Last, I think one of the most important tips I can give is study. Tests get very hard especially science. Those are all the tips I have and I can't wait for next year!!!!!!!

  5. My favorite part of middle school was switching classes and hanging out with my friends. I was a stranger to this school but you all welcomed me with open arms. I think this is the fastest I have ever made friends! And good, loyal friends none the less. All the teachers were really considerate and welcoming as well.
    Mrs. G is a very calming person to be around. Whenever we would walk in the classroom really crazily she would calm us down and start our day on a nice relaxing note. Mr. Lundgren is a very good teacher and not only reads what is in the book, but takes it to the next level to where we really deeply understand the content of what we are learning.
    Mrs. Carlise is always excited to read the books in class, even if she has read them before. Her energy is contagious and gets everyone excited abut reading or just learning in general. Mr. Yanci can always put a smile on your face no matter what your mood. He has the perfect answer to every question we throw at him and is happy to teach us in depth about the Old Testament, how simply fascinating it is, not just the story of people from thousands of years ago walking in circles for 40 years. He teaches everything really well but still lets us throw in our two cents as well.
    Mrs. Russell is the best math teacher I have ever had in all of my life. We move quickly, but not so fast that some of us are left in the dust. She is funny and sweet and is a "reasonable human being" as she says. She is super energetic and loves her subject with her whole being which is very infectious and makes learning so much fun. Mrs. McClure is super funny and good teacher. She has a way of explaining things that makes it really easy to understand and comprehend. The build-its that we do are so much fun and make you think and plan to come up with an idea that we think will work. Also the faces that she makes when she imitates us are hilarious! She has a good way of explaining things so that we understand it deeper. We truly know the information and that makes it easier to remember.

  6. Mr. Grant: You have such a deep way of thinking it sometimes makes my head hurt. When you teach us something, we look over it, talk about it, watch a video about it, write an essay about it, an then review it. This insures that we never, ever, ever forget any thing that you have taught us. You could probably ask me a question from our first chapter (Human Geography) and I could probably answer it with accuracy. You also crack jokes and make people laugh a lot. We are, like you said, not needed, expensive mutts who's cats will eat us once we die. It is really fun being in your class because I know that if I ask a question, you will answer it straight forward and in a way I can understand while still being deep and that makes it fun to learn and ask questions.
    Mrs. Miller was a great art teacher. She could see art and beauty in everything. We were inspired by this and that was what made art fun. We could also listen to music and talk as long as we were calm about it. Her classroom was a fun, relaxing place to be. Mr. Aspiri and Mrs. Moody are both really good musicians who are passionate about what they do. They even make learning the more boring stuff like definitions and classical music really interesting and exciting. I am genuinely pumped to go see the pipe organ now. Mrs. Gamboa is very understanding and considerate. She knows we have had a long day and gives us a little slack for that. She is very considerate and makes sure that presenting stuff in class doesn't become scary or nerve-wracking. She is funny and likes to laugh and have a fun time. She is a good teacher and makes people inspired to write.
    Some future advice to the upcoming sixth-graders: Don't be stupid and think you are cool if you break school rules, you just make it harder for everyone else so, just, don't do that and you will be good to go. Stay organized, when you can't find your stuff it makes it hard to be prepared for school. Also don't lolly-gag on your way to class, you will be late and that leads to detentions. Be sure to have all the supplies you need for each class, and always have extra paper, pencils, pens, etc. for those who don't have those supplies. If you do all that, school will be so much easier and less stressful. That is a good way to go through school. Stress-free and easy.

  7. Wow, what I year. At the start of middle school, I was afraid it was going to be a really boring, difficult year. Well, it wasn't. It was by far the best year in all of my years at St. Joes and I've been here since kindergarten. I made so many new friends, ones that I didn't even really talk to the year before. Plus, I feel that you have a lot more freedom in middle school. The teachers are awesome. At first I thought that having 8 different teachers was going to be awful. Well, it's actually a lot better than having one or two teachers. I feel that I am very close to all eight of them and I just love all of them they are really great. Okay, advice to all you fifth graders about to enter in your first year of middle school, trust me, everything will be okay. On the first day of school, it will seem really scary because you do not really know where to go and stuff. But don't worry, that's what the teachers are for. You just have to know that the teachers are there for you an they really care about you. Okay, advice for the rest of the year: 1. Always try your best. If you try your best, you will succeed in middle school and that's a fact. 2. Try to never be late to each class, there will be detentions and you could get in big trouble. 3. Always be prepared, always have your supplies ready for each class and always be ready for a test because they can be pretty tough. I just wanna give a shoutout to all the teachers and my friends. I couldn't have done it without you guys. This has been an awesome year that I will never forget. And good luck to all of the upcoming sixth graders. It will be an awesome year, trust me.

  8. This year has been such a great year! I really enjoyed it! I learned so much and about so many things that I had no idea about. I favorite part of middle school was changing classes, wearing a different uniform from the younger kids, getting a locker, being in student council, and at lunch recess, playing in the parking lot across from the church. There were also many other things that were super great about middle school. Mrs. G. is very good at telling stories and helping us understand things in Health and P.E. Mr. Lundgren is very awesome and is great at making P.E. very fun. Ms. Carlise had us read lots of wonderful books over the past year that I really enjoyed. Mr. Yanci is very funny and makes religion interesting. Mrs. Russell makes learning enjoyable and helps me in math. Mrs. McClure is very good at teaching us science and our world and what is in it and why we need to protect it. I also really love her labs and sense of humor. Mr. Grant makes history so much fun! I love his style of teaching and his research papers before a unit. Mrs. Miller is a fantastic art teacher, always teaching us new techniques in art. Mr. Aspiri did a truly awesome job at the spring concert and I really loved taking part in it. Mrs. Gamboa introduced many extremely fun writing projects and I really enjoyed all of them. All of my teachers made this year very fun and enjoyable. To all of the upcoming 6th graders here are a couple of tips: Don't procrastinate things like studying for a test or a project till the night before, Be organized!!!!, Take a chance on student council and TVCS sports ( They are both fantastic!), and have fun!!. Don't over think middle school because it is not nearly as scaring and hard as you think it will be. You will have a blast and an amazing year!!!!! I certainly did!!!!!

  9. I had a great year. I was able to meet so many new friends and reunited with the other people that have been to St. Joe's 6 years like I have. I have had so many great teachers this year. Mrs. G she is so nice and really easy to approach. She lets us express our ideas on whatever we are working on that day. Mrs. Carlise lets us read in the library every other Thursday. It is really fun. Right now we are working in our end of the year projects. Mr. Yanci is one of the best teachers I have had. He takes a good time to review thing is funny and lets us pop out ideas even if they are way off topic. Mrs. Russell is a really fun math teacher. She lets us do things like pi day and she goes over our homework together. We also do examples in class and a few problems from our homework. Mrs. Mclure is a great science teacher. We do build its and different labs. Mr. Grant You always pop jokes. You go over things at least three times so we won't forget it.. Mrs. Miller I only had for half of the year but she was a great art teacher. We did plenty of awesome art projects. Mr. Aspiri and Mrs. Moody are great music teachers. We are going to do a pipe organ tour for the last three days. Mrs. Gamboa is really easy to talk to and we do a lot of fun creative writing projects. For all the upcoming sixth graders don't be nervous you will have a great year and your teachers will help you through it.

  10. This was probably one of the best years of school I have ever had. I loved all of my teachers and there is one perk in middle school the is amazing, If your having a bad day and you are mad at your teacher you get to switch classes every 43 minutes. I also loved all of the things that I learned in sixth grade like in social studies we got to learn all about the different countries in the west hemisphere, or in religion, we would have lengthy discussions about whatever we had read and then we would get WAY off of topic and Mr Yanci was okay with that. Over all I would say that each teacher that taught me this year did an amazing job and I really felt like I could count on them to always help me with anything. To any incoming sixth grader I would say that your probably going to be nervous and no one can help that but your teachers will help those feelings go away really quick.

  11. Even though I moved to St. Joes in the middle of the year, I think this was my best time ever at a school. It is truly amazing how you can get to know people in such a short time. I was very scared to start this school but now I look back and laugh at myself. St. Joes is such a loving school and everyone cares for you. All of the sixth grade is my family! I loved how I got to learn things I have never known before! I have made so many memories that I can save and rember for the rest of my life. The best part about our school is our loving teachers. For heath we had Mrs. G. She had the best attitude, she was super sweet and caring. She always knows when something is wrong. Now we have Mr. L our sub. He is so awesome and full of energy. I know we can talk a lot and he somehow deals with it! Next is Mrs. Carliese I love how she always gets us ready for our tests. Then Mr. Yanci, he is probally the funniest teachers I will ever know. I love how we can just talk to him in the middle of class! But he really is a great teacher. Mrs. McClure is awesome! She is also super funny, like in the middle in the middle of class the hunger game whistle went off and it was super funny. She is very good at helping us and a lot more. Mrs. Russell is a amzing math teacher. She is very good at teaching and helping us understand. She also is very encouraging. Mr. Grant is a awesome teacher he is so funny and gives us a lot of fun projects! Mr. Aspiri is so much fun! We got baptized at the ssame time and went through the RCIA. He is very funny and his class is very fun. Mrs. Gamboa is very very nice, she gives the best projects and assignments. All in all as you can see all of the teachers are amazing! So if I had to give some advice for the fith graders.... Well first of do not be scared! Yes, I know going into sixth grade, being able to be with all of the other middle school seems scary. Well trust me its not. You are going to have so many more possibilityto show your teachers how amazing you are. Also it may seem overvelming to have 7-8 teachers, but it really is not. Once you get to know the teachers it is so easy and the scedual is super easy. Finding your looker is easy as well as finding your way around the school, thats the least you can worry about. But make sure to be in dress code! All in all this was a amazing year and I am so happy I got to share it with everyone at St. Joes.

  12. This was a very fun year of school!! Im so sad that is already over! I loved that we got to participate in more school activities including: middle school nights, tug-a-war and a whole bunch of other things.I think 7th grade will be a lot of fun. I loved all the new teachers and i loved how we did those projects in social studies on the Galapagos islands. It was so fun presenting!! I also liked that we did those projects in English I got Argentina and we had to write a report. It was fun learning about the writing process. I made so many memories here at St. Jose. I'm sad to see some of my best friends leave the school. But I have made so many new friends since kindergarten. I will miss them but i can wait to make new friends upcoming years.

  13. The first year of middle school has been so amazing!!!! Everyone treats you like family and they are SO nice! It was scary at first because we are the youngest ones, but after a while, you get used to it and you feel like you are the oldest. My favorite thing about my first year of middle school would probably have to be all the projects we did. From the book projects to the big presentaions, it was absolutley THE BEST! Mrs. Governale is the best. She is so sweet and kind, listens to everyone's opions, and is SO easy to talk to. Now we have Mr. Lundgren as a sub, and he is really great as well. He always deals with us, even if we are being total pests. Ms. Carlise is so friendly and nice, and tries to deal with us in fair ways, but always does other things if certain people are being really bad. Mr. Yanci is so funny and kind. He makes learning about the bible fun, and tries to do group work for the review and stuff. Mrs. Russell is really nice, and makes learning math fun by making up creative ways to do certain things. She is also, as she says, a reasonable human being. Mrs. McClure is super nice and is really funny. She'll just randomly say something in a weird voice, and she has the best facial expressions! When she imitates us are when she makes some of the best faces! She also explains things really well, and makes science fun by doing labs. Mr. Grant, you are so nice and are funny, too. I have to admit, class can get a bit boring if you have to explan one topic for twenty minutes, but it always helps us on our tests a lot. Mrs, Miller is so nice and calm. She always comes up with the coolest art projects, and gave us starburts if we were good. Mr. Aspiri and Mrs. Moody are amazing music teachers. They always come up with the MOST AMAZING concerts, and they teach us about older music, compared to modern day music. And last, but not least, Mrs. Gamboa. She is SUPER nice and understands us. She is SO easy to talk to and always comes up with really cool projects. For advise to next years sixth graders: don't misbehave so much that you get in trouble every single day, and don't mess around at times that you shouldn't, be smart with your decisions. Make sure to turn in your assingments, and always be prepared for class, have paper, a pen, a pencil, any assingments. Just make sure you follow the rules. Wear the uniform, turn in your assinments on time, and just overall, ENJOY MIDDLE SCHOOL AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!!!! Overall middle school is SO much fun and is SO AMAZING!!!! I love it at St. Joe's SO MUCH, and will always remember the great years that I've had here.

  14. I cant believe how fast this year went by. It seems like only yesterday we were buying our school supplies and getting ready for school to start. Now we are going into 7th grade. Its sad that Hannah and Gabby are leaving. We had our laughs, but once its gone you wish you could've gotten more of it. We will miss them. Our teachers are totally amazing. Mr. Grant makes everything fun. We don't have to read out of a boring book ever single day and take notes off that. He makes power points and we watch videos and stuff everyday instead. Although Mrs. G is gone for the rest of the year, she was awesome. We did a ton of fun stuff in her class and we would always laugh. Mrs. Carlise makes reading fun. I really liked The Watson's Go to Birmingham. That was probably my favorite book we read. Mrs. Russell is probably the best math teacher ever. She helps me out with problems I get stuck on in khan and homework. She sets khan goals for us which makes you work harder to achieve that goal. Mrs. McClure is awesome. Whenever we do labs we really get into it and it is really competitive! Mrs. Gamboa is funny and nice. Sometimes she calls herself the Gamboastrictor and its really funny. We always have a good time writing our papers. Mr. Yanci is really cool. One of the best memories of his class was when he put his leg on his podeium and it snapped and he hit his chin. It was hilarious. For next years 6th graders, I think you all should trust your teachers and if they call you out, they are doing it so you can learn something. Also don't talk out or be disruptive!

  15. My favorite part of middle school is the teachers I love how different they all are and I look up to each and every one of them. I will always remember one thing about all of my teachers they all want me to do well even when they assign a huge assignment and no one wants to do it but you have to. I love how Mr.Grant gives us all of our tests on chrome books because for me it is easier to have everything organized on a computer. I love Mrs.G because she made sure that we understood things before we took a test. I love Miss.Carlise because she helps us on our projects and is really funny. I love Mrs.Russell because you can come to her for help on anything. I love Mrs.McClure because she works us hard but is really fun. I love Mrs.Gamboa because she always tells us funny stories. I love Mrs.Miller because she helps me get better at art and I loved Mr.Aspiri because he made sure we had an awesome Christmas concert. I love how Mr.Yanci teaches us because he is funny but still makes sure we learn religion. My advice for incoming sixth graders work hard don't be overwhelmed by your teachers because trust me they are really nice and you will learn the expectations they have for you as a student.

  16. My favorite part of six grade is there is more of a community feel and less of you’re in this class and you won’t see the other class very often. Mr. Grant is nice and likes to ask students a lot of questions about the subject. Mrs. G like to teach you things through stories and sometimes our class goes in to tangents about the subject. Mr. Lundgren likes to teach through discussing about the subject. Mrs. Carlise likes you to rewrite the question. Mrs. Russell likes to get things done efficiently and does not like when you get out of dress code. Mrs. McClure appreciates hard work and her test are really hard. Mrs. Gamboa likes to do a lot of writing assignments and make sure you can type for Mr.Grant’s class and Mr. Gamboa’s class. Mr. Yanci likes when you take notes in your religion book and when you actively read. All teachers will like S.L.A.N.T. Sit up, Lean forward, Ask questions, Nod, Talk to your teachers.

  17. My favorite part about being in sixth grade is feeling more challenged and more responsible. I also like to be considered in "middle school" at this point. For my half year at St.Joes, I have loved every minute of it. I loved getting to learn about Catholics and meet new people. I also loved being more involved in a community and well appreciated. I love every single one of my teachers. They all are amazing and unique in their one way. Mrs. Governale was very sweet and comforting and helped me get through the beginning of the year. Mr. Lundgren is nice, and had a good attitude about school and is so funny! Mrs. Carlise is nice and only expects kids to do what they have to do, nothing less. Mr. Yanci is a very nice man who demands respect and gives it back. He explains the Catholic religion to me really well and he makes some jokes here and there. You can relax in his class and feel safe. Mrs. McClure is a nice woman and expects your best work. Learning about out space this semester has been so interesting. She knows science is hard that's why she wants us to know it well. Mrs. Russell is very smart and kind and expects good work. She has a warm personality and you want to be your best for her. Mr. Grant is an amazing teacher. He teaches the subject really well and ties our lives in to the subjects so we can understand the ideas better. I love his connections. Mr. Aspiri was one of the teachers that was really nice to me and related to my life. He likes going fishing and so do I. He is also the only teacher I remember in the shadow day as going out of his way to connect with me personally. Mrs. Moony is a nice woman and wants everyone to be good it the class. She is light-hearted and fun to around. Mrs. Gamboa is a very nice woman and explains her subject really well. She is so helpful and fun to talk to about anything. All of my teachers show kindness and make me feel comfortable. They are well organized which helps me be organized too! They help with not only school related subjects, but also in life, growing up and all that. For new sixth graders coming in, I advise them to be organized and stay on top of their homework. Also, follow the rules at St. Joes and you should be fine. I love St. Joes and I am so glad to be going this school.

  18. My favorite part about 6th grade is to finally see what 6th grade is like! Last year I was very scared to go into 6th grade, but now look I got through it. Their is only 2 weeks left of school! It is a little challenging, but isn't 6th grade for everyone! But anyway it is so much easier to have lockers and 8 teachers because last year it was kind of a pain to have 2 teachers and jam all my books in my desk! Especially have a lot of new students this year, I made so many new friendships with most of them. but I can't till next year to have 10 new students like I've heard. The 8 new teachers are especially really sweet, even if I ask some pretty dumb questions sometimes they help me out so much no matter what happens. To give you 6th graders a little advice, DO NOT get on the teachers nerves or else you what will happen. I am kind of a chatter box, that was not so good because if I were to talk while a teacher was talking. It did not turn out so pretty. But now I know better to not talk during when a teacher is talking. Just all I have to say to all you new 6th graders, that it is going to be such a fun year and you are going to learn so much new things!

  19. My favorite thing about the year was that we got lockers and we could change into comfortable clothes. This year we also got to do lots of interactive things such as doing presentations instead of essays. We also did a lot of great groupwork. All of my middle school teachers are great and they really care about you. None of them are too strict or too nice (although some really make sure you stick to the dress code; so dont forget to tuck your shirt in!). Some advice I think would help is to always stay organized. NEVER be lazy or else you will stop doing assignments. And of course be nice to people. I hope that the next sixth grade class has a great year!

  20. My favorite this about this year was the presentations. I really learned a lot about the subjects I spoke about. I learned to come out of my comfort zone. I really like changing classes and having my own locker. I really enjoyed running track this year and making new friends. I liked that I could wear shorts when it was hot out. All of the teachers taught me a lesson and taught me how to stay organized. I really liked my teachers. My advise for the new students next year is to stay calm and follow the rules. The number one thing is to be a happy student.

  21. My favorite part of middle school is the changeing of classes and the different activities to participate in.
    Mr. Grant- funny, awesome, and entertaining.
    Mrs. Governale- nice, good health/PE teacher
    Mrs. Carlise- awesome reading teacher
    Mrs. Muclure- funny and exciting science teacher.
    Mrs. Russel- best math teacher ever
    Mrs. Gamboa- Entertaining with always something to do.
    Mrs. Miller/Mr. Aspiri- Awesome elective teachers
    Mr. Yanci- Calm and funny.

  22. This year was awesome! I had raised up my grades a lot and I made much better friendships.
    -Mr. Grant, I loved the way he teached, it made it a lot more interesting
    -Mrs. Governale, I liked how she showed us the steps of the sport in PE before we learned it
    -Ms. Carlise, Introduced me to so many great new books
    -Mrs. McClure, Made learning very interesting and can't wait to learn more!
    -Mrs. Russel, Made sure everyone knows how to do it before she moves on, I REALLY appreciate that
    -Mrs. Gamboa, I LOVE the writing essays she assigns us
    -Mr. Yanci, I have learned so much about the Lord and my faith has grown a lot
    I would say a few things to the new sixth graders next year. Make sure to stay organized!!! It helps so much that you know where everything is. Make sure you always stay on task, Its very scary when you get in trouble. Do not be afraid to talk to the seventh and eighth graders! They won't think you're weird, they will most likely just become your friend!

  23. I like how you get to get to be with some of the other people in 6Gov class in math and science. Lots of teachers have different personalities. Mr. Grant is always thinking of how we can study but also have fun. Mr. Lundgren is cool and very funny. Mrs. Carlise is cool but sometimes sheets feed up with our behavior. Mrs McClure is always talking about cool science related things. Mrs Russel is always teaching us new things in math. Mrs. Gamboa is always keeping us occupied. Mrs Miller/Mr. Aspire are always having fun. Mr. Yanci is always talking about different things.

  24. I loved my first year of middle school because I love having 45 minutes for each class and changing classes.
    -Mr.Grant, He is so funny but very serious about everything, He also made S.S. a lot more interesting.
    -Mrs.Governale/Mr.Lundgren, Mrs.G is so sweet and nice and I love how she explains deeply into every lesson she teaches she is also very QUIET. Mr.Lundgren is very LOUD when he started to teach us I was NOT expecting a LOUD voice at all.
    -Mrs. Carlise, Introduced me to many great books
    -Mrs. Russell, is an amazing math teacher and has taught me more than my parents know thanks Mrs. Russell for making me better at math than my parents. haha!
    -Mrs.McClure, Is a great science teacher and makes science more interesting, I LOVE LABS. She is so funny
    -Mrs.Gamboa,has made English WAY more fun I love the essays we have to type.
    -Mr.Aspiri is a AMAZING music teacher
    -Mrs.Miller is a AMAZING art teacher and I LOVE art!
    -Mr.Yanci is really funny and I love the lectures we get into.
    Incoming 6th graders I recommend staying organized and keeping a planner. Stay on top of everything.

  25. My favorite pert about middle school is that we had a lot more freedom.
    -Mr.Grant Interesting stories
    -Mrs. G Talks ALOT
    -Ms. Carlisle Short
    -Mrs. Russell Best math teacher
    - Mrs. McClure difficult but you learn so much
    -Mrs. Gamboa creative
    - Mr. Yanci Funny
    My advice for the upcoming sixth graders is stay organized and always be prepared.

  26. Ms.carlise Great reading teacher had lots of fun
    Mrs g learned a lot
    Mr.Grant Learned a lot had lots of fun with him
    Mrs mcclure learned many things i did not know
    mrs.russell BEST MATH TEACHER
    Mrs Gamboa loved how she taught her class
    Mr.yanci really funny

    make sure to stay organized and to have fun


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