Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Hurricane Katrina

10 years ago the United States experienced the most costly and one of the most lethal natural disasters in history when Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast and the City of New Orleans.  Between the dates of August 23rd and August 31st, 2005, the world watched in disbelief as one of America’s most iconic cities was submerged under water and chaos ensued.

Hurricane Katrina was a category 5 hurricane and the third strongest storm to strike the United States.  The hurricane claimed over 1800 lives and caused $108 billion in damage.  The greatest damage was to the City of New Orleans. 

Most of the City of New Orleans is actually under sea level.  Surrounding the city are a series of
levees designed to retain the water from the Gulf Coast and Lake Pontchartrain.  The damage to the city was not only caused by the force of the hurricane, but by the flooding throughout the city after the levees failed.  Over 80% of the city was flooded, up to 20 feet in some areas.

Prior to the hurricane, citizens were told to evacuate the city.  Unfortunately for nearly 60,000 residents, evacuation was not an option.  Many had nowhere to go and many lacked the financial means to leave the area.  As a result after the storm and the flooding, thousands of New Orleans citizens were trapped.  Federal and local disaster relief organizations, including FEMA, were unprepared for such a catastrophe and these citizens spent days isolated without food, clean water, or other facilities. 
Without basic necessities, many turned to looting.  Police responded with force and the chaos grew.  Finally after many days FEMA took charge and coordinated with the Red Cross, National Guard and others to supply the people with food and begin an evacuation of the city.

10 years later the city still shows the signs of Hurricane Katrina.  While many places in the city have been restored to the greatness of the past, places such as the Lower 9th Ward have had little restoration completed.  Even today, each year Bishop Kelly sends a group of students to New Orleans to aid in the rebuilding effort.

Prior to the hurricane New Orleans had a population of 455,188.  As of 2006, the population had dropped to 208,548.  As of 2013, the population is 378,715, close to 80,000 lower than pre-hurricane population.

Prior to reading this and watching the video, what did you know about Hurricane Katrina?  What are your thoughts about the event?  If you were a resident of New Orleans prior to Katrina, would you move back to the city? Why or why not? 


  1. I did not know much about Hurricane Katrina, but I learned a lot by reading the blog. I knew that it was an awful hurricane, and it took place in New Orleans and the surrounding areas. I thought it was very sad and depressing that someone could go through such an awful natural disaster. It ruined so many houses and killed lots of people. I cant imagine having a family member die like that. I feel so sorry for the people who lost everything, their memories, their homes, and even their jobs. Then on top of all that they had to go and rebuild, and start another life.
    If I really liked the city of New Orleans, I would move back, but it would be so hard to see so many flattened and destroyed homes.

    1. I feel sorry for the people who lost everything too. I also think it would be hard to see all the homes flattened and destroyed. I learned a lot about Hurricane Katrina. I wonder how many people who tried to swim to land actually made it.

    2. I learned a lot by reading the blog, too. It would be terrible to see a family member die and really hard to restart your life after losing so much.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I feel sorry for everybody caught in the disaster too. Losing a family member would be devastating and sad.I don't think anyone could bear through coming back and seeing all the homes flattened when they get back to their once beautiful city.

  2. At first I didn't really know about Hurricane Katrina that much until I saw the videos, read the blog, and when Mr. Grant told us about it. I found out that it was a terrible hurricane that struck New Orleans hard. A lot of damage was caused. I couldn't believe that people didn't come to help them for a few days! I also can't believe that some people were trapped on their roofs because their house was surrounded by water. They had a bunch of foul water around them but no drinking water. The foul water had dead bodies, debris, and other nasty stuff in it. I feel so bad for the people who had no homes or lost family members. I would probably not move back because it would be to hard to see my home destroyed and I would not have any other reason, but to help people rebuild, to go back there.

    1. I agree I would move back to. That waters was really nasty. Nice answers.

    2. It would be really weird and creepy to be trapped on your roof. I can't imagine that at all.

    3. It would be horrible and scary if you were trapped on your roof. I would be terrified.

    4. I can't imagine if I was trapped on my roof. But I hope Louisiana rebuilds and becomes a good society again.

  3. I now that where ever you walked you were walking on people. That the damage that was made cost $108 billion. In some areas that the flooding was 20 feet high. That it took place in The New Orleans. That it happened in August 23 st and August 31st in the year 2005. I thought it was sad how there was a lot of people died and that the people who did not have a lot of money to get a bus ticket to evacuate had to stay on the roof and they had no fresh water or food to eat. I also made me mad because people lost there mind and started shooting people, and the other reason why I am a little mad is that it took the government a long time to save all the people on the roofs of there houses. if I was a resident I would still move back because I would want to help the people who had no shelter and I would help them rebuild there houses. The other reason is because what are the chances of it happening again. the last reason is if i lived there all my life I would have nothing if I moved I know I would have nothing if I lived there but I would know where everything is other then if I moved I would not know where everything is, and I would have to walk where I did not know where I was going and if I was in New Orleans I would at least know where everything is at.

    1. I really like how much detail you put in to your answers.

    2. Walking on dead people would be terrible, and all the damage that happened because of the devastating hurricane. Great job on all the details in your response.

    3. I really like how you described all of the things that happened and if I was going to move back I would help rebuild houses

  4. I knew that it was a very devastating storm that caused much damage and pain for everyone involved. Thoughts about the event are it was very sad to see all those innocent people in pain and grief they lost so much it was very tragic. If I were a resident I would move back. You can't just the the city you have lived in so long and just leave. Like Mr. Grant said I am not going to let a little old storm make me give up. I would for sure move back.

  5. From Tommy Hunter - I think that it was very sad that the people who lived there had there houses torn apart and ruined. All that they have worked for was gone in one single day. It is crazy how they overcame the hurricane and people moved back to New Orleans. I would move back and help the city get rebuilt and get peples houses back together. It was very terifying to watch.

    1. I would agree, it would be horrible to see your house gone. It would be hard to worry about your house for so long.

  6. I think that it was a horrible thing and that it shows that a our government needs more improvement but we also have one of the best governments we should not have fallen like that

  7. I knew that Hurricane Katrina caused lots of damage and that they are still rebuilding today. I also knew that lots of people were injured or died. I think that it was a really tragic event and that it would be really, really hard to restart your life after seeing something like that happen. It would terrifying to see your house torn apart and witness family members dying. I would not move back because it would bring back lots of sad memories. I would not be able to live in New Orleans again.

    1. I agree I would not move back it would be to much more me to thing that a family member has died here

    2. I agree with you, It would be hard to see your house torn apart and seeing your family die in front of you.

    3. I agree, moving back would be hard on you especially if someone you know and love died there.

    4. I agree, I wouldn't like to remember seeing my family members die.

    5. If I moved back, I'd just be reminded of all the sadness.

  8. Prior to this assignment, I knew that Hurricane Katrina took place in New Orleans and surrounding areas. I knew that it was very devastating and costs lots of money. Now, my thoughts about this event is that it is sad because New Orleans had a lot of poor people where it flooded the most, and they didn't have an escape plan. If I was a citizen of New Orleans I would want to move back and help build a stronger community and rebuild New Orleans.

    1. I agree. I would want to move back because I would not want to give up on my city.

    2. I think it is very brave of you to move back to such a devastated area, expeshaly when something of this magnitude took place.

  9. I didn't know much at all about Hurricane Katrina prior to the assignment, all I knew was that it happened in New Orleans and that it was a terrible and tragic storm. I thought Hurricane Katrina was terrible because of how many people went days without food or clean water, I also find it insane how the government did not help rescue people until days after the hurricane happened. If I lived in New Orleans before the storm happened I honestly don't think that I would move back, mostly because of how devastating Katrina was I don't know that I'd be able to move back to a place where terrible things happened to me.

    1. It would be horrible to not have food or clean water.

    2. The government:That was a proble for me too because we shouldn't worry about who is in charge we should help and be nice to the people.

    3. I wouldn't be able to go back either it would be too hard, I definitely wouldn't be able to go back to a place after terrible things happened to it.

  10. I did not know a lot about Hurricane Katrina all I knew was that it was a terrible storm that ruined homes and destroyed buildings. After I read the blog I now know a lot more about it and how it effected all of those people. It is sad that a lot of people could not evacuate and they were left to be in the storm. I would not go back to New Orleans because It would be hard to start over again from were one of your family member died. I can not believe what all of those people had to go through. They do have a better plan for if this happens again like keeping the levies up to date and the government making better choices.

    1. It was sad that a lot of people were stranded and were stuck in the storm I wish I could of helped them.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I was thinking the same thing Lucas, they definitely have to make a better plan if it happens again.

    4. I didn't think about having to start over in the city. I would have never thought of it that way.

  11. I did not know that Hurricane Katrina was so destructive I thought it was a F1 at first but now I realize how much damage this did!I think that we should have responded quicker to the disaster and not argued who was in charge it was kinda dumb that we just arguing while people starved in New Orleans!If I had the choice of moving back to New Orleans or not I would never move back because if I didn't I would not have to worry
    about the levies breaking anymore and if I did I would worry and worry and freak out and have nightmares!

  12. Hurricane Katrina happened when I was three months old. I didn't know anything about Hurricane Katrina before watching the video but I learned that the walls that were holding up the water broke. The water came crashing down and flooding the whole city. I think that it was sad because a lot of people died, people lost their homes, and everything they worked for their whole lives. I also think that it was bad that nobody came to help for days. Ten years later, people are still rebuilding their lives. If I was there I wouldn't move back because I don't want to risk losing other family members and risk my life. Even though I wouldn't move back, I would still go back and help clean up and restore the city.

  13. Prior to reading and watching the video I knew that hurricane Katrina was obviously a hurricane and must of done some damage at least I simply didn't know how many lives were being affected by this. Some of my thoughts were that hurricane Katrina was very devastating and scary for a lot of people. It also just seemed bizarre and very unlike the United States to leave people stranded, starving, and unattended. I mean come on it seriously took the food and rescue people a whole 24 hours to get out to New Orleans! I understand a couple of hours because of flight but seriously 1 whole entire day! I was just in shock. If I was a resident and had just had hurricane Katrina happen I do think that I would move back. Help re-build my city, and it is my home I am not going to just ditch it once a storm happens. Next time we would be more prepared.

    1. I agree I wouldn't just leave after a storm I would move back also.

  14. Before we talked about it in class and I read the blog post I knew very little about hurricane Katrina all I really new was it was a category 5 and it did a lot of damage to the city of New Orleans. After we talked about the hurricane and I read the blog post I learned 1800 lives were lost , $108 billion dollars in damage , 80% of the city was flooded and in some areas over twenty feet was flooded , 60000 people had no option of leaving and some people resorted to looting , FEMA took two days just to respond and a lot of people had no food or water. I thought the event was sad and it was horrible that it happened to all those innocent people. I would move back because I would want my community to become a better place. I am very glad there has not been a very large hurricane in the last ten years.

  15. From: Xander
    I learned that Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans and broke the levees and flooded the town. People were trapped on the top of their houses. It took FEMA many days to evacuate the people. About 2000 people died. FEMA means Federal emergency management agency .It was the most expensive disaster in the United States. It was a category 5 hurricane. Ten years later they are still rebuilding the city. They reinforced the levees and made them stronger so it will never happen again.

  16. From: Ethan B.
    I think it was sad that families lost there homes and other family members. If I was in hurricane katrina I would not want to go back to the city where my house was destroyed. It would be hard for people to start over. The levees seemed to have caused problems. The levees weren't maintained, right as the water hit them they broke. From now on the government is going to look what they did wrong and they are going to fix it. The government will keep levees up to date, they'll get people out of there on buses, they will send in supplies. If something like hurricane katrina were to happen again the damage will be minimized.

    1. Even though it would be sad to move back after the hurricane, it would be worth it. It would be worth it because I would not want to see my city fail to recover.

    2. I agree, going back to the city would be to much to bear.

  17. I think Hurricane Katrina was a tragic incident especially for the flooded cities. I couldn't imagine having to stay behind. Staying on the roof would be horrible. The starvation and dehydration would slowly kill you mentally and physically.

  18. From Olivia S.
    Prior to this video I did not know how much damage it caused. I though that it caused minor flooding and little damage. I was completely wrong. I learned that it caused total destruction and cost $108 billion to fix. After reading, watching, and talking about Hurricane Katrina, I was devastated by the fact that it caused so much destruction and suffering. I felt really bad for thee people with not that much money because they got hit the hardest. If I was a resident of New Orleans then I would move back because it most likely would not happen again. It would not happen again because they have had it happen so now they know what to do if it happens again. I would help around the city and make it stronger.

    1. It is cool you learned so much from the video. It did cause a lot a damage. I agree with you that it wouldn't happen again. I'm glad you want to make the city stronger.

    2. I agree, I didn't even think of the people with not that much money.

  19. From: Jacob
    Prior to reading and watching this I knew that it was a category 5 hurricane! It did damage worth $108 billion. It also hurt thousands of people. I think that it was devastating for some people to see dead bodies floating down the river. I would have gone back because I would love to see ow strong my hometown has been! I would also want to help all the people who got hurt.

    1. I think that is a good idea to go back and see your old home. But I disagree, I would not go back to stay because it would be hard for me to live among all the destroyed houses. Also, I would not want to see the dead bodies. That would be an image that would haunt me.

    2. I am with you I didn't know that it cost $108 billion dollars and I would also go back just like you!

  20. I learned from reading this article and watching the video, that hurricane Katrina was very devastating for the people who lived in New Orleans. So many people lost their houses and lives. The population declined by more than 200,000 people. The 200,000 people that left went to different states, such as Mississippi and Georgia. If I lived there, I would not go back to New Orleans because I would be sad to see all the destroyed houses and communities. However, I would help the returning residents clean up and rebuild the city of New Orleans.

    1. I agree on the helping part. I definitely would go help the victims if I could.

    2. I also like the idea of going back to New Orleans to help the people who stayed. Even if you don't want to stay.

    3. I also was shocked on the population dropping like crazy. I would of gone back and helped too.

    4. I was also suprised on how the population dropped. I also would go back and help.

  21. Prior to watching this video I knew lots of lives were lost a it cost loads of money to get the city repaired.
    I Think it is horrible that so many people lost their lives and possessions. I wouldn't move back because the grief would be too much to bear.

    1. I would go back to mourn my friends and family.Then after a couple of years I would move

  22. Prior to watching the video I knew people were very devastated by seeing their house crumble into pieces and I knew that lots of people died and it cost a lot of money to rebuild the city. My thoughts on the storm is that I think was very sad and I think the city should have been more careful and they should be more careful with the levis. I would not move back because my house would be flat and all my things would be everywhere and that would haunt me forever and I would rather start a new life somewhere else.

  23. I learned from watching and reading the video, that people lost their homes and belongings. They lost everything and many people died. I knew that it cost a lot of money to rebuild the city. I think it is sad that the government didn't help people until days after it. I would not move back because I would have lost everything and I would have liked to start on a new adventure.

    1. It was very sad that the government didn't help for a few days. It is also very sad that people lost everything, and I understand why you wouldn't want to move back

  24. Prior to watching the video, all I knew was that residents of New Orleans had three options: evacuate, go to the football stadium, or stay at home. I also knew that Hurricane Katrina was the third most devastating hurricane ever in the U.S. and extremely costly. My thoughts are that it was extremely devastating to the people in the Lower Ninth Ward because their homes down there were completely demolished and destroyed. The people in the French Quarter weren't so affected as the people in the Lower Ninth Ward were, but they were still affected pretty bad. If I were a resident, it would depend. If I was born there and lived there all my life, I would move back in a heartbeat. If I had lived there for a couple years, maybe. If I had just moved there, then no, I wouldn't move back. God bless those who lived there and those who had died

    1. I agree Andrew, I would definitely move back if I was born and raised there because it would be my hometown.

  25. Before I read and watched the video that hurricanes are bad news. I also new that the storm surge was worse than the hurricane itself.A storm surge is when the storm stops but it continues to flood or rain.

    1. I agree I heard the same that the serge was the worst

  26. Its so sad to read about families get there houses destroyed. The people who lost family members must have been devestated . When I read this I saw and read what they went trough. my prayers go out to all the families

  27. Prior to learning about Hurricane Katrina all I new about it was that it was one of America's worst hurricanes And that the levees failed and caused massive flooding in New Orleans. My thoughts are that it was crazy hearing about people homes being destroying and their life's work. It is crazy thinking about my house being swept away an in instant. If I lived in New Orleans before the hurricane happened I would move back because I would show that I am strong and I can fight back.

    1. I also couldn't imagine my house being gone in a snap. I would of moved back and helped lots of people rebel their homes also.

  28. 1. Before this I never knew that the storm wasn't to bad and the flooding was terrible.I never know that it took the government 4-5 days before help came or that a lot of people couldn't leave.2. I thought that it was terible and hart braking because people couldn't leave and no one helped for a while.Every ones belongings were destroud and people started to fight and brake in to houses and shops to steal.3. I would go back and live there again because I am strong and I lived there,I worked there,I don't want to watch all my work go to wast.

  29. 1) I knew that Hurricane Katrina was a category 5 hurricane that hit the Gulf Coast. I knew that New Orlance was the hardest hit in the Gulf Coast. I also knew that it took the government a long time to respond, but I never knew it was 5 days.2) I thought this event was horrible and very sad. I can not imagine having my house and-or belongings swept in into the ocean. It's hard to believe that people were stranded for so long. 3) I don't think I would go back because it would be hard to see such devastation and to be constantly reminded of what happened.

    1. I also thought it was wierd that it took so long for the government to respond.

  30. I didn't know much about Hurricane Katrina before I read this article. I did know that it did a lot of damage to the city of New Orleans and that BK students go there every year to help rebuild homes and buildings. I don't think I would be able to move back,it would be too hard for me to see all of my belongings destroyed and smashed. After I read this article I felt sorry for all the people who were stranded there. Hopefully if another hurricane strikes we will have a better evacuation system.

    1. I didn't know that BK students went there to help the city I wonder what it's like? I wonder if I'll want to do it someday.

    2. I didn't know that BK students went there to help the city. one day i want to do it.

  31. I didn't know that much about Hurricane Katrina besides the fact that it was very devistating and it was in New Orleans. I also new that lots of people lost their lives as well as their homes. My thoughts on this event mainly consist of how sad the howl thing makes me feel. If I was a resident of New Orleans at the time and I had the choice of moving back or leaving my home I would probably life somewhere away from there for a few years and come back when the city had begun to come back to life.

  32. I didn't know very much about hurricane katrina besides that many people lost their homes and family members. My thoughts about this event make me feel sad and wished I could of helped those people rebuild their homes and feel more safe. If I was a ressident at the time living in New Orleans I would of moved back and helped all the people build our city both stronger and more safe so that an event like this would never happen again.

  33. I knew a little bit about Katrina. I knew that it struck Loisiana and destroyed and flooded it, but thats pretty much it. I think it sad that help didn't come for 2 days. I am kind of mad about it and I would be even madder if I was in the storm. I would move back to the city because I would want to help other people in the city and rebuild the city. I also don't think anything like that could happen again because the levees are well maintained now.

  34. Before reading this I didn't know much about Hurricane Katrina, like I didn't know that it was a category 5 hurricane or that it was 108 billion dollars worth of damage. I could not imagine losing a family member or a friend. Also I feel bad for the people that lost their homes, their jobs, and even memories. It must have also been hard for the people going back and seeing everything demolished . I would not be able to go back it would be too hard to see everything destroyed.

  35. Before reading this I didn't know much from Hurricane Katrina, I thought that it was a category 3 hurricane, not 5 or that it was108 billion dollars of damage. I think it was sad that help didn't come for 2 days. Also how a lot of people lost family and friends. I would probably live somewhere else for a while then come back and help them rebuild the city.

  36. I didn't know much about Hurricane Katrina. I only knew that it destroyed most buildings and houses. But after watching this I learned that everything changed in Louisiana, that it didn't take just a few years to rebuild the city, there still rebuilding the city to this day. I also didn't know the landform of Louisiana, how it dips into the ground. I would move back to Louisiana because i would like to be apart of making the city a better place, and I would want to have the pride of being a citizen to Louisiana.

  37. i did not know a lot about Hurricane Katrina until about it but I learned a lot by reading the blog. losing family member would be devastating and sad.I thought it was very sad and depressing that someone could go through such an awful natural disaster. I feel so sorry for the people who lost everything, their memories, their homes, and even their jobs. Then on top of all that they had to go and rebuild, and start another life. If i were a resident of New Orleans Katrina, i would you move back because it was were i was born.


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