Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Teacher's Day - Confucius

September 28 is a Confucian Holiday celebrating the birth of Confucius. It is also celebrated as Teachers' Day. While many confuse Confucius ism with a religion, it is actually more of a philosophy. Confucius was not a priest or a deity, he was a teacher.

Confucius was born around 551 BC in the small state of Lu. He was born into an aristocratic family, although there is debate as to whether he had any money or not. During his life he served many influential people and his teachings became not only fundamental to Confucian philosophy, but to the general Chinese philosophy.

The 6th century BC China was a bad time politically and socially in China. Leaders had lost their way.  There was a greater emphasis on the people serving the leader instead of being there to support the people and grow a strong community.   Ethics and integrity meant little to the leaders of the time. Confucius was disgusted by this development. At the time, he was a widely unknown teacher. He attempted to revive society by re-introducing the great moral teachings of the past.

At the cornerstone of his teachings was the belief that ethical considerations should be the guiding principle of government. He did not accept the idea of a strict legal system. He believed the primary task of a ruler was to promote the welfare and happiness of the people. The ruler should be a role model, his behavior should be better than everyone else. The leader’s strong ethical behaviors would influence the people's behaviors. Customs and voluntary adherence would be the best way to achieve and maintain an orderly society. Furthermore, he believed leadership should be given to the educated, not the noble. 

Confucius never wrote many of the quotations we see today. After his death, many of his disciples gathered and compiled his teachings. Here are a few quotations:

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

"Forget injuries, never forget kindness."

"He who will not economize will have to agonize."

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

"Respect yourself and others will respect you."

Throughout history, we have seen many teachers influence the world. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, and Confucius have significantly changed the world and redefined the way many of us view right from wrong.

Who are the teachers in your life that have influenced you the most? What qualities do they have that make them an effective and influential teacher? If possible, please provide a couple of your favorite sayings learned from your teachers.


  1. The teachers in my life that have influenced me the most are Mrs. Baccay from 4th grade and my soccer coach Jens Haustein. Jens has been a great coach because he always makes it impossibly hard for me. He makes me better because he always pushes me Waaaaaay beyond my limits. Mrs. Baccay was a wonderful teacher and taught me almost everything I know about the Catholic Faith. She used to sing a bunch of Catholic songs with us. I don't really remember anythingn either would say in particular, but they were still my favorites of all time........ So far!

  2. The teachers that were most influential in my life were my horseback riding teacher and my 5th grade teacher. My horseback riding teacher pushed me hard put just hard enough, she made me canter without hands the first time i got on a horse and now i an her best student. She made me the great rider i am today. And my 5th grade teacher pushed me so i am confident and do not stand down......till the next blog! ^_^

  3. All of the most influential people in my life have been teachers at St.Joes. I have been here since kindergarten and I have loved very teacher but I thought Mrs.Cox from 1st grade,Mrs.Baccay 4th grade, Mrs.Joy from 5th grade and Mrs.Weaver from 5th grade they all pushed me farther out of my comfort zone I ever would have by myself.I hope that I have some great middle school years to come and I can add to this list.........SEE YOU AT SCHOOL :)

  4. Also my gymnastics teacher, she always makes me work hard.

  5. Teachers that have influenced my life a lot are Ms. Walter and my rodeo coach Shyanne Ms.Walter influenced my life by being a nice adult I was able to just talk too. Shyanne is still influencing my life by showing me that if I work hard enough I can succeed in anything. She showed me that if I persevere I can do anything

  6. The teacher that influenced my life are Ms.Walter and MRS.ROLLISON the most.The reason Mrs.Walter because she taught me more words that any other teacher.The reason MRS.ROLLISON is because she influenced me in art.To be continued....

  7. Also mrs.rollison because she taughtme how to draw.

  8. Teachers that influenced in my life is Mrs. Joy and Mrs. Weaver both of them especially Mrs.Weaver pushed me very hard! In my fifth grade year. Also Mrs. Russell makes math fun and makes everything easier when math problems are hard. Mrs. McClure she makes me laugh every day and also she makes science really fun and teaches me many things about rocks and minerals that I never know about. All of my middle school teachers I very much appreciate that they take their time and teaches me about new thing. I think all the middle school teachers even you Mr. Grant should be my teachers appreciation day teachers and you shouldn't you will be my teachers that I appreciate and if I had awards I would give them all to you. Also my cross country coach he pushes us really hard when we have practice and on my meets.

  9. I think that Mrs. Weaver was a great teacher in every subject she taught. I liked having her as a teacher because she made doing science and health really fun and didn't just teach the lessons, she did experiments with the whole class to demonstrate what we where learning. I also love all of the middle school teachers and how fun they make they're classes when different people are in those classes. Overall if someone had asked me to pick a favorite teacher out of all of them, still to this day I wouldn't be able to………..YET!!!

  10. Mrs. Walter was my favorite teacher, she made learning fun and just made me feel great.

  11. I hated when she left. I remember squirt, she was the best teacher ever. She gave four kids nicknames because she liked them more, I was one of them!

    P.S. I accidentally posted 2

  12. The teacher that has most influenced my life was probably Mrs.Simone. She was my Kindergarten teacher, and she taught me how to read and write, and I love to do both of those things a lot. She also let us do a lot of hands-on projects and I made lots of fun memories that way. She didn't only teach me my numbers and letters; she taught me life lessons. She taught me how to share, interact with other people, and she taught me to be exited for school. She got cancer a few years ago and died shortly after. It was really sad because she was always so nice. Even when she was dying she was so sweet. Mrs. Simone truly shaped me to be the person I am today. She was kind, sweet, understanding, loving, and nurturing to the end.

  13. The teacher that influenced me the most was Ms. Walter. She made everything about learning fun. I will never forget SQUIRT and how she gave us all nicknames. Mine was CalBoy. I really wish I could see her again but I know why she left was for a good reason.

  14. the teacher that influenced me the most was Mrs. Baccay I will never forget her bananna split party's and her
    nick names for us mine was LeilaLou.

  15. Two teachers that have influenced me the most are my mom and my dad. They always help me when I need it. Both of them have taught me how to be organized and a hard worker. My mom and dad make me laugh and smile. They help me learn from my mistakes and then not repeat them. Both of them make me happy are always so much fun. Another that really influenced me was my 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Wall. She made learning really fun and interesting. She also helped me because she made me much more comfortable with public speaking. I am much better at it and am not so shy. Mrs. Wall was an excellent teacher. None of them really have any quotes that say very often.

  16. The teacher that influenced me the most was Mrs. Baccay. She was funny and had us sing which helped me remember things. One thing I remember is that when we had a fire drill she would throw anything in her hand.

  17. The teachers that have influenced me the most in my life are Mrs.Russell, Mrs.Gamboa, and my soccer coach. Mrs.Russell makes math fun and helps us with homework. She also gives us candy on test days and made up khan swag, which is the best! Mrs.Gamboa explains stuff really well and is always really nice to us. My soccer coach taught me how to do certain tricks that I had never known about before. She also taught me how to juggle a soccer ball. They are all great but, I can't think of any sayings. They are all really nice people and I respect them very much.

  18. The teacher that has influenced me in my life is my soccer Coach Kevin. How he has influenced me is by helping me a lot with my defense and had helped me so much with my touches on a soccer ball. I do have teachers that I loved so much but this is the one that has helped me the most to succeed in my life of soccer.

  19. The adult that has influenced me the most is my soccer Coach O'brien. He was my coach when I first started playing soccer. He was my coach and friend through thick and thin. He has tought me how to kick a soccer ball. I'm esspecially thankful for that because my parents couldn't teach me that because they've never played soccer. He has been my coach until a couple of years ago when he retired. One of his favorite sayings was,"Ohhhh, Nice tackleee". It especially stuck because it sounded funny because he was Irish.

  20. My favorite teacher is Mrs G because she teaches us all about are body and what is good for you and wha is bad . She also reminds us to stay active and exercise a lot .

  21. Some of the teachers that have influenced me the most are Mrs.Wakewood my second grade teacher, Mrs.Schweitzer my fourth grade teacher, and Mrs.Russell my sixth grade math teacher. Mrs.Wakewood cared a lot about us and was very strict. What I remember best about her is that she would do table points and at the end of the week the top two tables would get donuts and if there was leftovers then the rest of the tables would get some. Mrs.Schweitzer was strict and always challenged us to work hard, telling us to try new things. What I remember best about her is that if you didn't put your name on your paper she would normally rip it up unless it was a test. Mrs.Russell always shows us how do do the homework and constantly compliments, telling us we can do it. What I remember/like best about her is that she walks around with a clipboard and if you talk she would mark a point of your homework. Some sayings from Mrs.Schweitzer are 8x8 is 64 and some more rhyming math problems from other teachers. To conclude I think all of my teachers that I've had were pretty good.

  22. One of the teachers in my life that have influenced me the most is my second grade teacher Mrs. T she was a very influential to me because she guided me through first reconciliation and first holy communion. She also thought me more about my faith and how to be a good person and a be a faithful person. Second grade was a hard year for me because I had just moved back to Boise, she helped me get through that year. Mrs. T always had a positive attitude, she was kind,, she cared about people, and she was very passionate about teaching. Mrs. T loved frogs because of the acronym FROG ,Fully Rely, On, God.

  23. A teacher that influenced me the most was Miss.Skinner.She influenced me the most because she was a role model, kind, clam, and understanding.

  24. A teacher that has influenced me the most is my 4th grade teacher Mrs. Baccay. She was always insusastic and made us sing a lot of songs about God. My favorite thing overall was the banna split party we had.

  25. the teacher that influenced me the most was my 5th grade teacher Mrs. Weaver because she pushed all of us to become better at math and what ever else she taught us. She help us with our buddies and every thing else.

  26. The teachers that have inspired me most is my mom and dad. They have taught me from right and wrong, how to play soccer, walk, and much more. What makes them such good teachers is that they love and care for me no matter what even if I do something wrong. Also, they have taught me life lessons others cant teach. And that is why they are my favorite teachers.

  27. One of the many teachers I have had that has influenced me the most would probably be my 5th grade math teacher Mrs. Weaver because she would make us do our best and she taught us very well, but she also made learning fun. She definitely helped me get better and better at math. That is why she was one of my favorite teachers.

  28. Teachers influence me every year. Every year I learn multiple life skills and learn a lot from all of my teachers, but the teacher who influenced me the most is Mrs. Joy. She taught me good writing skills and to work hard for things. The most important teacher we all have is God and Jesus.

  29. In school I have had lots of teachers that are so fun yet I learned so much from them. The teacher who has influenced me the most is probably Mrs. Weaver. Although I think all of my teachers have influenced me but Mrs. Weaver.....................

  30. Teachers influence me every year although I think the teachers that influence me the most are Ms.Walter and Miss.Skinner Laura I didn't have Mrs.Skinner. Ms.Walter influenced me because she always made things fun and I think she taught me my times tables so I could memorize them. I also remember SQUIRT which stands for Super Quiet Un Interupted Reading Time I loved SQUIRT it was so much fun! She also had a special nick name for everyone mine was Livi Lou. Lou is accually my middle name. Miss.Skinner influenced me because she also made things fun and she was just really nice. I can only remember that Ms.Walter always said Cray Cray instead of Crazy it was funny.

  31. Who are the teachers in your life that have influenced you the most? What qualities do they have that make them an effective and influential teacher? If possible, please provide a couple of your favorite sayings learned from your teachers.

    My chess teacher Mr. Vellotti is the teacher that has influenced me the most. The quality that made him a effective teacher is that he is very funny. For example he can make a boring chess move memorable with a witty statement. He was influential to me because he was so patient with me when I first started. He taught me patience. The saying he said that was most memorable is " a knight on the rim is dim."

  32. the teachers that had in influenced me the most is mrs.russle my 6th grad math teacher and mrs. funk my 2nd grad teacher msr.russle is nice fun she is smart also Patient with kids and she is the best at math and helping kids and the next teacher that influenced the most is mrs.G because she is nice, tells us how to be a good studen and she is good at P E i think all the taechers in influenced in the middle school by teaching me and teaching how to become a better learner.

  33. The teacher that has influenced me the most was probobly my 1st and 2nd grade teacher. She just always had the best attetude and was really funny. Her name was Carol Clubb. She influenced me the most because she made us work hard but also made it fun so we had a good time.

  34. Miss. Skinner was one of my favorite teachers because she always gave us tricks to make it easier. she was also really funny and made it fun 1st grade year.

  35. Mine would be Mrs. Weaver my football coach they help me through a lot of things like my football coach helped me when I hurt my ankle and he help me recover mrs.Weaver helped me get through things I did not understand or didn't get very well without teachers it would be very very hard


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