Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Breast Cancer Awareness

Since 1985, October has been designated Breast Cancer Awareness Month.   It is an entire month dedicated to increasing awareness and educating the public of the causes and treatments of breast cancer.  While the organization continues the mission to educate year round, they take one month of the year to pour extra effort into the campaign.

If you pay close attention, you can find pink ribbons throughout the community.    My daughter picked up a car sticker from Dutch Bros with the caption of “Fight Like a Girl” to raise breast cancer awareness. If you watch football on Sundays, the NFL has joined the campaigned.  You will see different teams with some sort of pink accent, whether it be gloves, shoes, or towels. 

Cancer is when cells in the body become abnormal and begin to divide without control or order.  Breast cancer is when this process occurs in the breast tissue of both women and men.  Cells dividing without order can cause excess tissue which forms a mass called a tumor.  While most tumors are not cancerous, many are.  The invasion of these malignant tumors can cause additional damage to other tissue and organs.

In 2009, there was an approximate 192,370 cases of breast cancer diagnosed.  That number includes 1,910 men.  In the same year there were 40,610 deaths including 440 men.  There are approximately 2.5 million survivors.  It is the second most common type of cancer in women (skin cancer is first) and the second leading cause of cancer related deaths to women (lung cancer is first).  With such a wide spread disease, it is difficult to find anyone who has not been effected or experienced breast cancer in some way, either with a relative, spouse or friend.

Measuring the total impact of the campaign to support breast cancer awareness may be difficult.  But it is true that there has been a significant decrease is the number of incidents (2% decline) and death (2% decline) in the last ten to fifteen years.

What do you think about having a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness?  What companies or organizations have you seen supporting the campaign?  Are there other diseases which could benefit from starting similar campaigns?  If so, what disease and why?


  1. I think that it is nice to have a month dedicated to the people that have breast cancer , or that had breast cancer , or that have died of breast cancer because it is important to remember the people that died of breast cancer. The P.F Chang's because it painted there horse statues pink. Purple Toes Campaign is for people that have lung cancer to feel good about themselves.

  2. I think that we should have a mouth dedicated to the people who have or had breast cancer. There are many people who have lost love ones or a sister or brother who have died. This people have been fighting or are fighting breast cancer right now. I saw that P.F Change's have painted their horses's statues pink to show that they care about people who have died or who are living with breast Cancer. I think it makes the people who have breast cancer feel like people care about them. I also think that it makes them feel stronger.

  3. I think that we should dedicated to those who have breast cancer or who have died of it. People have been practically fighting their whole entire life to get rid of. Some people got rid of their breast cancer but many others have died of breast cancer or where fighting breast cancer their whole life but just couldn't keep it up any more. I think when people with breast cancer feel very proud of them self when they see people celebrate the week or month and that people care about them and how people are supporting them. Knowing that we are by their side every day and every week helping them to fight this cancer that they have. It makes them feel a lot more and a lot more stronger then they were before. It makes them proud. I think we should all keep those who have breast cancer and are fighting to get rid of this cancer and those who have died in our preys every day and every month and every week. They are knowing that they will go to a better place once they are done with this.

  4. I think that it is great that we have a whole month dedicated to breast cancer awareness. It has really spread awareness all across the globe. There are lots of companies that support breast cancer awareness such as Lowe's and Chevrolet, two pretty big companies that can really help raise awareness and money for breast cancer. ALS, Parkinson, and Ebola are just a few diseases that would benefit from similar campaigns. Those diseases are just the fist that came to mind, though any disease would benefit from those campaigns. We don't seem to realize how terrible these diseases are until there is an epidemic of it, or some brilliant person comes up with an ingenious fundraiser that quickly spreads worldwide. If we had campaigns for all of the diseases, then we would run out of days to do so, though it would help to raise money and awareness for the diseases. I don't think that it is fair that only so few of these diseases have been recognized by mankind, but am glad that we at least can help a few. We are curing the world one disease at a time.

  5. I think is great that we have a whole month dedicated to Breast cancer awareness. Not only does it raise money for Brest cancer I think it gives them hope and happiness that people care this much. I defiantly care I I know a,of of other people care too and it's good for them to know that. People that have survived Brest cancer and drive around town and see all the pink can be very proud as we are proud of them. I also think it is amazing that so many business participate like I saw Dutch Bros did and do did PF Changs and of corse the NFL the point is the whole community and get together and support people with Brest cancer and that amazing.

  6. I think it is great that we have whole month to support breast cancer but some people think about like u only have to support it this month when we should constantly be aware of those people fighting silent battles. I have noticed that more and more companies have been raising awareness but some that really jump out at me are the NFL the Boise Idaho police department and Fredmeyer. if I could raise awareness for another disease is Brain cancer especially since I have a friend who is dying because of a tumor in his brain people know about and they feel sorry for those people but they don't have any fundraisers or anything for it.

  7. I think it is great that there is a whole month dedicated to breast cancer. Though having a whole month every year happens over and over so most people might not pay attention. I think whoever it is that comes up and funds these ideas needs to creat something like the ice bucket challenge, something where we have to do somethng to so it draws more attention. I think skin cancer should have a month to because it is the most common. I notice more than anything the NFL always wears pink.

  8. I think it's awesome having a whole month dedicated to breast cancer and i love doing the activities associated with the month. I have seen the NFL supporting breast cancer by having everyone have pink on in some way and I have also seen some local cafe's making signs and having employees wear some article of pink clothing. I think that brain cancer is a disease that is not aswell known to eveyone but it is really bad to get or to have because it affects your brain activity and that can eventually kill you.

  9. I think it is very nice having a whole month dedicated to cancer but that doesn't mean we cant support breast cancer after October. I myself have even been getting into the spirit. My soccer team and I have bean raising money for breast cancer. I think that diseases not well known and recognized like how ALS was not recognized and no one raised money for it but after the ice bucket challenge almost everyone knows about it.

  10. I think that a month dedicated to cancer awareness is awesome and will help a lot. Some of the organizations that support cancer awareness is the NFL and they have been wearing pink all over. I think that ALS would benefit from something like this because we need to start raising awareness.

  11. I think breast cancer awareness month is very interesting and helpful to many families they know that they are not alone. People with breast know that there are other people that are going through the same thing and that want to help.
    According to the ACS the NFL has supported breast cancer since 2009. The NFL and its players have donated 2.6 million dollars to a the ACS. I also saw that Pampered Chef has been donating money since 2001. The Pampered Chef blew the NFL out of the water with donating 8.5 million dollars to the ACS for breast cancer. They did this by selling "whip cancer" cancer products. One dollar out of every "whip cancer" product would go to raising money for breast cancer. In conclusion, 9.1 million dollars were raised by only 2 companies.
    I went to a awarenessdepot.com and I could not find any diseases that did not have a day or a month dedicated to them.

  12. What do you think about having a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness? What companies or organizations have you seen supporting the campaign? Are there other diseases which could benefit from starting similar campaigns? If so, what disease and why?

  13. I think having a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness is a great idea it raise so much awareness about breast cancer. I have seen my aunt put on races for breast cancer research because she had breast cancer in the summer of 2012. Yes there are other diseases that could benefit from having a month dedicated to them for example ALS. ALS because there is not much money given to it especially before the ice bucket challenge.

  14. What do you think about having a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness? What companies or organizations have you seen supporting the campaign? Are there other diseases which could benefit from starting similar campaigns? If so, what disease and why? (I copied that so I didn't have to scroll up to see the question)

    I think it is a great idea that people are supporting breast cancer because it helps raise money for studies and for patients in the hospital. People run races, give donations, and many other activities. I think it is great that people are giving money to help fund patients or research.
    Many companies support breast cancer like Nike who makes Elites that are pink and black to show their support for breast cancer. Many people in our school wear them to show support to breast cancer and just because they need socks. Also many professional leagues and associations support breast cancer like NFL, NBA, and MLB. I think that those teams’ sponsors are giving up money for a great reason.
    I think that the world should start to look toward Ebola because it is a deadly disease and is spreading faster. So just how people support breast cancer and other types of cancer I think people should start establishing associations that take donations and give them to patients who can’t pay their medical bills or to help scientists research.
    So overall I think if we find a cure to these major diseases then we will be able to move on o other enormous discoveries and continue our long journey.

  15. What do you think about having a month dedicated to breast cancer awareness? What companies or organizations have you seen supporting the campaign? Are there other diseases which could benefit from starting similar campaigns? If so, what disease and why? (I copied that so I didn't have to scroll up to see the question)

    I think it is a great idea that people are supporting breast cancer because it helps raise money for studies and for patients in the hospital. People run races, give donations, and many other activities. I think it is great that people are giving money to help fund patients or research.

    Many companies support breast cancer like Nike who makes Elites that are pink and black to show their support for breast cancer. Many people in our school wear them to show support to breast cancer and just because they need socks. Also many professional leagues and associations support breast cancer like NFL, NBA, and MLB. I think that those teams’ sponsors are giving up money for a great reason.

    I think that the world should start to look toward Ebola because it is a deadly disease and is spreading faster. So just how people support breast cancer and other types of cancer I think people should start establishing associations that take donations and give them to patients who can’t pay their medical bills or to help scientists research.
    So overall I think if we find a cure to these major diseases then we will be able to move on o other enormous discoveries and continue our long journey.

  16. I think that it is a wonderful idea to have a month dedicated to breast cancer. I think that because it can raise so much money and now people know more about it. Driving with my dad downtown I saw that the two horses right outside P.F. Chang's are colored pink. I think that that idea was both entertaining and really spread the message about breast cancer. I think that the disease ALS could benefit from the idea of the pink to show about breast cancer because if we did that then more people could learn about ALS and how it changes peoples' lives.

  17. I think it is great that a month is dedicated to breast cancer awareness. Because breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer in women behind skin cancer. I have noticed that the NFL and PF Changs do a lot of breast cancer awareness as well as some college football teams. It seems pretty popular to support breast cancer awareness.

    I think that other diseases like lung cancer could benefit from a similar campaign. I guess I am assuming that these campaigns are effective because they raise money for research or motivate people to get tested. Lung cancer is a bigger killer than breast cancer and not just for smokers. My great-grandmother had lung cancer and she was embarrassed to tell people because she thought that they would think she was a smoker. Ill bet guys with breast cancer feel a bit like that.

  18. I think it is so cool that there is a whole month dedicated to breast cancer awareness because we can gather money or donate to the people who are battling this disease and there life.It is so cool that people are wearing pink in sports and regular people trying to help these people in need .And the community are coming in too like a lot of restaurants are decorating with pink and peoples homes will have the same it is amazing what a small or big group of regular people can make a big difference

  19. I think it is great that there is a whole month dedicated to breast cancer because I know two people with breast cancer that are really good friends and they both survived thankfully. It is awesome that the players in the NFL are wearing pink jerseys and gear because it shows how people really care enough to do that. It is awesome how much that can cheer people up and make them hopeful if they have breast cancer or even any cancer!

  20. I think it's great that they are having a whole month dedicating to Breast cancer awareness. They will know we are supporting and caring for them. My grandma and my mom's cousin had breast cancer and they fought through it and made it. I just think it's great idea and it's awesome and that hopefully this will give them a ton of courage and hope. what campaigns and organzinations are the breast cancer run (I don't think I'm right about the name) that is an event in Boise that is so incredible! and that NFL are helping and wearing pink jerseys, that has helped so much to do since 2009. They have raised so much! ALS from the beginning this fundraiser didn't raise so much money, but now because of the ice bucket challenge, we have raised millions of dollars. For this whole point it's amazing that they are going to do this!

  21. I think its amazing that they have a whole month dedicated to breast cancer. This seems to increase the awareness by tenfold. In fact, I found out about breast cancer by buying special pink Nike socks to increase awareness. I have seen all the things that the NFL is doing with their "Crucial Catch" campaign and I think it is totally awesome to see all their pink gloves, cleats, towels, and other apparel. I think lung cancer could use some of this awareness, considering that they are the leading cause in cancer death for women.

  22. I think it is very important to have a month of breast cancer awareness. It is very important for people to become educated on breast cancer to know more about it and donate more money to research for finding the cure for breast cancer. I think it is a great support to breast cancer by having players in the NFL wearing pink jerseys and that it shows great support to breast cancer awareness.

  23. I think it is a great idea, because breast cancer is one of the most wide spread diseases and using the power of social media it probably raised a lot of money. I saw a lot of players in the NFL wear something pink and I also saw a lot of people wearing breast cancer socks. I think we should start a campaign for Ebola,because it's spreading fast and a lot of people could die if we don't act now.

  24. I think it is great that we are raising so much awareness about breast cancer. Many men and women have to suffer and go through it. A lot of them die from breast cancer. I had no idea that October was breast cancer awareness month until Friday. Nike has lots of stuff to support breast cancer. They have socks, t-shirts, and sweatshirts. We should raise more awareness about ALS. It is a horrible disease and we should do much, much more about it. Scientists should research a ton, and find the best cure they can find. Very few people get it, but we should raise as much awareness as we can. It affects the body so much, that the people that get ALS, can't even move at some point. We should make t-shirts that say,"Support ALS and Find a Cure", and sell them all around the world.

  25. It is one of the best thing that we could do to raise awareness for breast cancer. By wearing pink like the NFL does. also i feel so bad for the families that have lots loved ones. something else is that the disease from Africa that a traveler got from there and brought it here. We should raise awareness for that to because it is a very deadly virus.

  26. I think it is GREAT that we have raised awareness for breast cancer. Since then we now how to almost fully cure breast cancer. My friends mom has breast cancer and it is almost gone! Recently we have raised awareness for ALS and that worked very well. We should start raising awareness for mentally ill people. Whenever people see someone who looks different I think they tend to look at them like they don't belong.

  27. What I think about having a whole month designated for breast cancer awareness is that it's a really good way to provide education and awareness about something that affects so many people. It also shows how regular screenings,exams and early detection can do so much to prevent.
    Nike has done a lot to promote breast cancer awareness in the sports arena. We just saw how social media could bring awareness like in the ALS ice bucket challenge. I think anything you can do to get attention and therefore awareness and education is a good thing. I think all cancers should be included in the pink cancer awareness campaign.

  28. I think it is good that we raised awareness for Breast CancerAll NFL does it to show there support for it.Ebola.Because it kills people.

  29. I think it is a WONDERFUL idea to have a month designated for breast cancer awareness because it helps people remember how many people are dying from breast cancer. I think Nike and horses have a lot of things to support breast cancer. I think we should raise MUCH more awareness for ALS, Lymphoma, and Ebola. ALS because their is NO cure for it. Lymphoma because Jack Cilek just died from it on Sunday morning and scientists need to find a better cure for it. Finally Ebola because it is a DEADLY disease and scientists need to find a cure for it.

  30. I think it is great that we have breast cancer awarness month because it raises money for research to help find a cure for cancer. My aunt is a breast cancer survivor and she is a really amazing person. Compnaies like GRACE (Global Research for Advanced Cancer Education) wjich my family and I support. WE have done many fun runs in Seattle. I think diseases like ALS have brought awarness for this disease through social media.

  31. I think breast cancer month is really something good. You have people in the NFL wearing pink everything just for women. If I had breast cancer I would feel so warm inside knowing that everybody is praying for you. And like I said the NFL is doing it and some college football teams are wearing actual pink uni's. I think that they should try to support ebola because this is just getting really getting out of hand. You have people dying right when they get it. And I think that scientists need to find a cure for it because if it starts spreading we could be in some big trouble.

  32. I think Breast Cancer Month is a great way to raise money. I think it should go global though. The NFL has had a lot of pink accessories to the teams and other things. I think ALS should get A LOT of recognition . I think ALS got a lot of recognition though from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. A lot of people benefit from breast cancer month!

  33. I think Breast Cancer month is a good way to raise money. I know what it feels like to have a relative that has breast cancer because my Aunt has breast cancer. A lot of people where pink like 2 weeks ago my cheer team wore pink for breast cancer and we did a fun raiser for it.

  34. I think it is very important to have a month dedicateed because it shows care. dutch bros. yes, ALS


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