Thursday, October 16, 2014

Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai is the youngest winner ever of the Noble Peace Prize

Malala is a young woman who decided to speak out in her native country of Pakistan.  She wanted the world to know education is important .  She wanted to the world to know women in her country are being denied their basic right to education by fanatical groups.  Her outspokenness and commitment to pursuing her education inspired many and resulted in assassination attempt by the Taliban.

In 2012, at age 14, the Taliban issued a bounty on her life.  Aboard a bus with her friends, a man entered the bus with a Colt 45 and shot Malala in the head.  Miraculously she survived.  She has been through multiple surgeries to repair the damage, but suffered no major brain damage.  She was healthy enough to return to school in 2013.

This is a short interview between Diane Sawyer and Malala:

She has not allowed the acts of violence against her and her message deter her.  She continues to speak out about the power of education and the rights of women to secure those rights.  In 2013 her autobiography, I am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban, was published.  She has been asked to speak in front of the United Nations and, most recently, was awarded the Noble Peace Prize.

Malala is a strong, committed young women.  What are your thoughts on her story?  Why is education so important?  Why do you think there are groups of people in the world trying to deny children and education?  What are your thoughts about your education? 


  1. Wow Malala is brave I think she is like I said brave. Education is important because as you grow up it is going to get harder and harder to do almost anything and to grow up you have to read it is part of life. I think that they think that they dont think it is important to have an education and they probably have a bad education. I LOVE my education I love to KNOW that I am SMART!

  2. Malala is very brave. Education is so important. Not every one has a chance to get an education. Her story should make us appreciate our education because when you hear people say they hate school it makes them sound like brats when you compare them to Malala. We do not always realize what we have until it is gone or when someone takes that from you. I think that the people who did that did it because nolege is power and when women have power you won't be able to take that away from you. I am so thankful for my education but I do not always remember it when there is something hard. We all need to remember how lucky we are for education.

  3. I think that what Malala did was very courageous. What she does for education is incredible. It really made me think about how we as Americans take advantage of our blessings, especially our free education. We never know how much we have until it is taken away from us. We don't realize that knowledge truly is power. That is why some leaders try to keep their people from getting an education; so that the people have absolutely no power because how can they protest against something that they know nothing about? I greatly value my education, but I always look forward to the weekends. It is so odd to think that people would get shot in the head for education rights. I feel very blessed with my education and knowledge. Please join me in praying for those who are kept from learning. What those leaders don't realize is that one of their people could've cured cancer or ALS or some other disease if only they had had an education. We don't know that it's actually us that are holding us back from changing the world.

  4. I think she has impacted women across the world and done what some adults are afraid to do, stand up for women rights. Education is important because it show what is out side of your country. I think people want to disagree with education and children because they don't what them to leave there country. They what children to come into there group and believe what they believe. I think my education is a gift to learn and to be in a safe environment. Thought some times we take our life and education for granite we should realize that many people will put there life on the line for education. I truly think Malala has made many women realize they need education, and other women know there education is a precious gift.

  5. Malala is very brave,the things she does for education is amazing she also has been standing up for more equal women rights.She believes that knowledge is very important.What she has done makes us think how lucky we are to have a grate education.Usually we don't realize how important something is until its gone or taken away from us.This is an amazing person it is very important to remember how important our education is and how lucky we are!

  6. Malala is very very brave for the things she does for education. Education is very important and more than half of the world doesn't get one or gets a poor education. She makes us step back and think about how lucky we are to have an education and it makes us want to help the others that don't have one. She is a great role model and people should start acting like her to make the world a better place.

  7. I think that Malala is extremely brave. I think that it is very unfair that she got shot in the head because she was sticking up for what she believes in and that takes a lot of courage. Education is so important because we can teach other people what we know by getting jobs. I think that some people deny children's education because they think that only some kids should have it not all kids. I am so thankful for my education. I realize how important it is and how lucky I am to have it. I will always be grateful to have it. Thank you Malala for what you did for education.

  8. I think Malala is very brave for standing up to the taliban. Eduacation is very important,because you can know whats right and can get people good careers. I think the reason why the taliban are trying to deny children education is, because the less people are eduacated the more power they have. I think I'm very lucky to have such a great education.

  9. I think Malala is amazing to expressing her self that girls should have a right to go to school. Education is very important,because all your life you will have to do some math,some writing etc. If you don't go to school then you won't do your job right and when you buy a house or a car there are some taxes you have to pay. If you don't know how to add or subtract or divide etc. than thats a problem. You could lose your house and your car and every thing you own. It's important to get an education. I think people are trying to keep kids from going to school because they don't think that education is very necessary. They think that school is just a waste of time and we should all just but mainly woman and girls should stay home and do house work and work in the farm or help make dinner with their mother's. I am very blessed that I am aloud to go to school and get an education but I feel bad that some countries don't let children go to school. I support Malala to fight for kids like me to go to school.

  10. My thoughts on her story are that she is amazing and that kids in the us don't appreciate their education as much as they should. Education is very important because it is what helps us succeed as adults it shapes us as we grow up. I think that there are groups that deny education because they weren't given a proper education so the don't like it when people are given a good education. My thoughts on my education are that I am very lucky and that I need to be more great full because I am being given a great opportunity to succeed in life, and I should take it.

  11. I tat her story was great that she want to help get education in the middle east.Education is good so that you can have a good job when you grow up. The groups that are trying to deny their education because that don't believe in it.I think my education is good because i get good teacher to teach me every ting I know.

  12. I think that her story is amazing and it is even more amazing that she survived, that just shows us that she is a strong person. I think that everyone should have an education so that they can learn important skills for the rest of their life. I think that there are groups of terrorists trying to stop education so that no one can learn that those groups are bad and work to help eliminate them. I think that I have one of the best education a person could get because each one of my teachers challenges me and I have a lot of homework some nights and I think that, that is good because if I have a lot of homework I can be ready for that subject even more the next day

  13. I think that her story is very amazing and very inspiring. Education is so important because if we don't have it than we won't be able to grow up and follow our dreams. Also if we didn't have education we couldn't grow up to cure diseases and we couldn't help each other if needed. I think people are trying to deny education because they are afraid that they will overrun the government and take over. My thoughts about my education is that I am lucky to have it and that it will help me grow and learn.

  14. I think that Malala is an amazing to fight for kids like us to be able to go to school. I think education is so important because when you become a grownup and when you get a job you need to know how to do things like math and all the other stuff we learn in school. I think that people are trying to keep kids to going to school because they think that school is just a waste of our time and girls should just stay home and help with their mother and boys help their fathers in a workshop. I think that education is very important because we learn new things in school and it will help us when we are a grownup and in our life's.

  15. I think that it is amazing that she is standing up for woman rights and i am so surprised that she survived and still did what she knows is right this makes me realize how lucky we are to have this education that we have and i am even happier about not only being able to learn but also being able to go to a private catholic school where we can practice our faith freely and i am also glad to live in America were women are treated fairly!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

  16. Malala is so brave. I would never be able to stand up for my education like Malala did. I would be telling myself that I had a very huge chance of dying if I got shot in the head. I would be "scared to death" if that happened to me. I would be totally horrified. Education is very important because we need to be fairly smart to even do well with your job and succeed in our everyday things. We need to know math to do your taxes for your house and car when you grow up to be an adult. I think there are groups of people trying to stop people from getting an education because they want to have more power over everyone. They want everyone to not be smart so they can rule the world. I think my education is very important. Like I said, we need our education for our jobs later in life so we don't fail. I am very, very lucky to have the education that I do. I have great teachers, a great principal, and great classmates. Not very many people get the education that everyone at ST. Joe's does.

  17. Malala is a strong, committed young women. What are your thoughts on her story? Why is education so important? Why do you think there are groups of people in the world trying to deny children and education? What are your thoughts about your education?
    I think that she is very brave and stood up to the man she knew she could not beat. I think that she is very caring for wanting to tell thousands of girls that didn’t have education that education is important. I think that the man that shot her should be ashamed and should forgive her himself. I think it’s really cool that she earned the Nobel Peace Prize as a teenager.
    Education is extremely important because you LEARN, which is the most important thing your life. Learning math, language arts, and many other subjects will help you greatly in life. If you've ever heard Life is a Journey, Enjoy It then you might know that part of that journey is LEARNING. Also Mrs.Governale said that 80% of the people in the worlds cannot read or right. So that means only 20% of the people in the world know how to read and write. She also said that education is priceless. So remember to always study hard in school and NEVER say you hate it.
    I think some people are denying education because then their enemies will teach them to read and write so then they will learn to hate those enemies. Another reason I think that people denying children education is so that they can pull ahead of other countries in education. Many people that deny education for kids use force or other violence to keep it from them. Some of my thoughts on education are that all kids should take education as a privilege because many people wish they could have education like you do. Also remember that the teachers are giving their time to teach you and that in my opinion is amazing. In countries that don’t support education the main reason is because they don’t have anyone to even teach. So just remember that education is a privilege and that you should enjoy it (most of the time).

  18. Malala is a strong, committed young women. What are your thoughts on her story? Why is education so important? Why do you think there are groups of people in the world trying to deny children and education? What are your thoughts about your education?
    I think that she is very brave and stood up to the man she knew she could not beat. I think that she is very caring for wanting to tell thousands of girls that didn’t have education that education is important. I think that the man that shot her should be ashamed and should forgive her himself. I think it’s really cool that she earned the Nobel Peace Prize as a teenager.
    Education is extremely important because you LEARN, which is the most important thing your life. Learning math, language arts, and many other subjects will help you greatly in life. If you've ever heard Life is a Journey, Enjoy It then you might know that part of that journey is LEARNING. Also Mrs.Governale said that 80% of the people in the worlds cannot read or right. So that means only 20% of the people in the world know how to read and write. She also said that education is priceless. So remember to always study hard in school and NEVER say you hate it.
    I think some people are denying education because then their enemies will teach them to read and write so then they will learn to hate those enemies. Another reason I think that people denying children education is so that they can pull ahead of other countries in education. Many people that deny education for kids use force or other violence to keep it from them. Some of my thoughts on education are that all kids should take education as a privilege because many people wish they could have education like you do. Also remember that the teachers are giving their time to teach you and that in my opinion is amazing. In countries that don’t support education the main reason is because they don’t have anyone to even teach. So just remember that education is a privilege and that you should enjoy it (most of the time).

  19. I think that Malala is a very brave young girl who is committed to learning. She wants girls, like her, to learn and be able to do what boys do. Learning is important because it teaches you so many things. Some people don't realize how special learning is because people are to busy complaining about how much homework they have for that night. People who are trying to not allow children to learn should be ashamed, so what if guys think they are better than girls(even though girls are MUCH better). I think that boys think that they are better than girls so they are trying to be better than us. I also think my education is very great, all of my teachers are great and so is the school that I go to. Since I watched the video about Malala I am going to start being more respectful to my teachers, not complain about my homework, and start being thankful for my education( not that I am not right now).

  20. I think Malala is a very, very brave girl. If that's me, then I am quitting school and giving over to fear of the Taliban. Malala, I think, is the most inspiring thing that a young woman like Malala was willing to sacrifice her life for the right to an education. Education is so important because knowledge is power. Without knowledge we would die. I think those groups in the world that hate education hate it because they are scared. Scared of the fact that with an education, women will be just as powerful as them. I am happy that I have the right to an education so I can be POWERFUL!

  21. Malala is a strong, committed young women. What are your thoughts on her story? Why is education so important? Why do you think there are groups of people in the world trying to deny children and education? What are your thoughts about your education?

    My thoughts on this story is that Malala is a courageous girl who will not be stopped in her efforts to spread her message that girls need an education. She is willing to die for her cause. Education is important because it is the key to success as an adult. Education prepares you to make a living and solve problems. It is also important because it is how you learn about yourself.Oppressors may try to deny education to children because they fear that the children who are educated may become wiser, well spoken and more powerful then them. My thoughts about my education is that it is precious time that will help me succeed in life. It is also something that can be amazing in preparing me to problem solve and plan ahead.

  22. malala is a very brave and strong women my thoughts on her story is brave and i think it is awesome that she stood up to the man how shot malala . education is so important because we need to learn to teach kids and be come better. i think the group of people are deny kids because they do not belive in education and learn. my thougths about education is to be come a better learner also went i get in collegn i what to now and think what is going on.

  23. My thought on her story are that she is a very brave woman that knows education is right for the women for country. Education is so important to everyone because if you do not have it you may be one of those people that are sitting on the side of the rode asking for money.The groups that do not want education for these people because they might want them as slaves. My education is good because we have the best teachers in the world and we also have been granted money to be able to have chrome books.

  24. Through Malala's story she is such an brave and strong 16-year old girl. Education is so important because that is how you get a job when you are an adult and will need how to do math especially as well as an adult, or you will just be poor of what I think.Not a lot of us get taught to read and right in the world today. Why I think groups of people in the world are tring to deny kids and education because probably they want to have the most power and they don't wany any women to get in the way and have equal power with them. My thoughts on my education are that we have teachers give up there time to educate us and help us get to college and what else is that I am really lucky to have a free and equal education as an girl.

  25. I think her story is very inspiring to all young women around the world. I think education is important to keep the world going and helps provide jobs for people. The reason I think groups are doing such horrible things to people to get education is because they do not think education is important and that women don't deserve it and I severely disagree. And last my thoughts on education is that the world can not develop without it.

  26. I think this girls story is amazing. She fought HARD just to get a education and I think that that is something very special. Education is extremely important because not only do you learn so you can get a job when you grow up, you also make some really good friends and I think that friends can really help you in life. I think that people think education is bad because they probably just didn't get to experience school and they probably didn't get to experience that school is going to follow you for the rest of your life. I think my St. Joseph's education is amazing. The teachers are always so nice and they make learning suprisingly FUN!! I am thankful I get to go to such an awesome school!!

  27. Malala is incredibly brave for her acts. She is a great leader for women rights and education. Education is incredibly important because it allows you to freedom and power. Groups of bad people don't want women to get an education because it gives them power and intelligence. It is very scary and sad to think that kids like us are denied an education. I think kids especially kids that live in America take education for granted. Education is so important!! Malala is a GREAT LEADER!!!!

  28. Malala shows how important education even though she got shot she still stood up to him. She fought for her education she is very brave. I think education is important because we would all be not smart. We need education to know how to do things. If I did not have an education I do not know what I would do.
    Malala is a HERO!!!!!!!!!!

  29. My thoughts on the story is that Malala is an amazing girl with a whole lot of courage and strength, and in the face of so much danger she continues fight for what she believes in and for what she knows is right. Education is so important because it is freedom, it is power, it is justice. I think that there are groups of people in the world who deny children's education out of ignorance and fear. My thoughts about education is that education should be a basic right of every human being regardless of there sex, race, or where they live in the world.

  30. I cant believe that an adult shot a young girl just because she wanted an education so very bad.

  31. I think she is very brave. So you can take care of your self have a decent career. I honestly don't know why people wouldn't want education. I am very blessed because i go to such an educated school.


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