Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Scotland's Vote for Independence

On September 18, 2014 the citizens of Scotland age 16 and above will be heading to the polls to vote on whether or not they will remain part of the United Kingdom or become an independent nation.  The implications from this vote can have long term and far reaching impacts on Scotland, the United Kingdom and Europe.

This vote, some would say, has been in the making for about 300 years.  This is the length of time Scotland has been part of the United Kingdom along with England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.  Over the past three hundred years, these countries have become dependent on one another economically and militarily.  But many feel the relationship has run its course and it is time for a change. 

If Scotland chooses to become independent, the work and questions would increase.  There would be many decisions and issues to resolve including what would be their currency, what to do with the United Kingdom’s national debt, and how Scotland will go about establishing a national defense.  Additionally, a “yes” vote could be the inspiration to many other groups to politically fight for their sovereignty, such as the Basque and the French Canadians. 

Recent polls are predicting the vote to be extremely close.  The approximately 6% of undecided voter will be the deciding factor in the election.  What the poll indicates is there are just about as many people in Scotland who would like to remain a part of the United Kingdom as those who would like to be independent.  The opinions of the people have much to do with the age of the voters, where in Scotland they live, their education, and careers.  It has been a long a contentious debate. 

What do you think about this vote for Scotland’s independence?  If you were voting, which way would you vote and why?  What are your thoughts about 16 year olds voting? Do you think the United States should consider lowering the voting age?  Why?  


  1. I think that the vote is a really good idea so they don't start a civil war. I would vote yes because I think after 300 years that Scotland should have independence.I think that letting 16 year olds vote is a good idea because it gives them more responsibility in their life time.I think it a good idea to lower the age for voting, because it give the USA teens more responsibility.

  2. I think this is a good vote because it lets the people have a say in whether their country should be independent or whether it should continue to be a part of Great Britain. I don't know what I would vote. I think maybe yes because Scotland should be given a chance to prove they can run a country. 16 year old voting gives those 16 year-olds more responsibility and maybe that is good or bad depending on how they handle the responsibility. I think the U.S. should also lower it because it increases the public input on how the country should be run.

  3. I think it would be a good and bad effect because they would be independent but as we learned last year in social studies it introduced a lot of issues. Also if they weren't going to become independent then life will go on as a lot of people are used to. I don't think I would vote for independence because they could avoid more issues.I don't think 16 would be a good voting age because not all parents might approve the idea of teenagers voting. I don't think 16 year old's are mature enough.

  4. I think Scotland should have independence because they have been under British rule for 307 years. I think it is time for Scotland to be on there own, but it will also be hard to be on there on too. I would vote Scotland because I think Britain does not need another country to run.I think you should not have 16 year old vote because they are too influenced by there parents they should vote for what they think.No, because they are to young.

  5. I think it is a good vote because people should get to decide if they want their country to be independent or whether they should continue to be part of Great Britain. If I lived in Great Britain and I was 16 years old I would vote yes because I would want my country to be independent but if I didn't live there which I don't I wouldn't really care. I think 16 year olds voting gives them responsibility but I think it should be higher because 16 year olds can take advantage of voting. I don't think 16 is a good voting age because parents might not think they are ready and they aren't mature enough.

  6. I think that Scotland should vote yes to becoming there own country and leave the united kingdom, also if i were in Scotland and i was 16 i would vote to be independent because i think that Europe should no be half controlled by great Brittan and the united kingdom. Also i think that 16 is not to young to vote in Europe, but no i don't think that America should make the switch because 16 year old's in America are to immature but Europe is more mature and is fine.

  7. I think that the vote is a good idea because they don't want a war to form because then they will get nowhere. If I lived in Scotland I would definetly vote because I would want a leader so everything would be organized and not a riot type of place. I don't think that 16 is a good voting age because they might not take it as seriously as they should. They also might not be the mature type yet so they may just write a random person down on the slip and then we would have the wrong president. I think the voting age should be between at least 20-22.

  8. I think that Scotland should have their own dependence because we got our freedom so why can't they have their freedom? They should vote because it will be easier then going into a lot of wars like we did so we could be our own country instead of being with Britain If they just vote they won't have to go in war. I also don't think 16 should be able to vote because a lot of them just won't take it seriously. Most of them do bad things and they just goof of and it will be too big of a risk if they vote for not being independence. I think they just say 18 and up because 18 and up are adults and they will know what they want and they are more responsible then 16 or under. I would say that the voting age should be 18 and up. That my opinion though you may have different opinions. It's not that every 16 year old teenagers are bad just some are.

  9. I think that Scotland should have independence if I lived in Scotland I would vote for that. Along with a new country thought they would have to get a new government so I can see where they are coming from when they vote to stay with the U.K. because they like how the government they're in and how it's operating. I know if I was old enough to vote I would vote for independence, I know the scottish have thought if over though and mush be proud to live in the U.K.. One of the things I heard about was that there was a recorded turn out at the poles 80% of Scotland voted that's crazy to me because if Idaho was thinking about breaking off into its own country I would want everyone that could vote voting. Overall I think Scotland would be good as their own country but it less stress for everyone not with them staying in the United Kingdom.

  10. I think that Scotland should stay part of the United Kingdom. I think that because four nations are a lot more powerful than just one nation. I would chose that Scotland should stay because they can change or add things because they are so big and strong. I don't think that kids who are 16 should be voting because they might not fully understand it and not take it seriously. They might also just chose what their friends chose. I like the voting age of 18 because they are old enough to make their own decisions. We should not lower the age.

  11. I think that Scotland should stay part of the United Kingdom. I think that because four nations are a lot more powerful than just one nation. I would chose that Scotland should stay because they can change or add things because they are so big and strong. I don't think that kids who are 16 should be voting because they might not fully understand it and not take it seriously. They might also just chose what their friends chose. I like the voting age of 18 because they are old enough to make their own decisions. We should not lower the age.

  12. I think they should stay part of the united kingdom because they are a much bigger nation and much more powerful.And some of the people voting don't understand and the voters should be older.I think they should be at least 18 years old to vote they know how to make good decisions

  13. I think the vote will cause some problems but in the end it will work out great. If the country didn't do a vote then a civil war might start and totally destroy both countries. If Scotland does break off then they won't be as powerful and wont get some of the resources they need. If they stay part of the United Kingdom then they will have more resources, power, and they will be a better nation overall. I think that sixteen years old is to young to vote. I believe that the age of 18 is perfect because if you can fight for your country then you should be able to vote. I think that the U.S. should keep the voting age as it is. So all together I think that Scotland should stay part of the United Kingdom and never break off unless something bad happens between the nation.

  14. I think the vote for Scotland's independence was a good idea. If they want to be there own country than they should have the chance to do that. If I was voting was voting to stay in the United Kingdom because if you need help with food they might give you some. I think voting at 16 is a bad idea. I think 16 is to young to vote. I think the U.S shouldn't lower the age limit because they would make the wrong decision.

  15. I think that Scotland should become independent because hopefully they could form a good government and be able to make their own decisions and that the United Kingdom is already too big. I think the vote is a pretty good idea but it might be shaky with some conflicts. I also think that having 16 year olds is a bad idea because they are not mature enough and probably wont take it seriously. No, the U.S. should not lower the age for voting because they still wouldn't take it seriously and many bad things would happen.

  16. I think the vote for Scotland to become independent is a good idea. It would give the people who want Scotland to become independent a chance to try and do that. If I voted, I would vote no, because I don't think Scotland would have enough power. If they don't become independent, they would be stronger. I think 16 is to young to vote. I think 16 year olds might make the wrong decision. I don't think they're mature enough to vote. I don't think the US should lower the voting age because like I said , 16 year olds aren't always mature enough.

  17. Scotland's independence is good and bad. The bad is that they will have to make currency and vote and hold elections. The good is that they might be able to fend for them selves and if they don't come apart and they need something they might get the stuff they need.

    16 is not old enough to vote some people make bad decisions.

  18. Scotland should stay a part of Great Britain because they are a quickly growing powerful country. If Scotland stays a part of Great Britain, as Britain grows, Scotland will grow. I would vote to be a part of Great Britain still.
    The US would not lower the voting age because 16 year old americans are not as mature as English 16 year olds.

  19. I think it was great that the people of that country got to vote and decide on independence for them. I would vote for independence because I think the people that live and work there should make there own decisions. I think that 16 is too young but i do think that it would be a great idea to hold mock elections so that kids get used to being informed and voting on things that effect them. No, I think the age of 16 is way to young to vote, I think 18 years old is the best age.

  20. I think that Scotland's vote for independence is not a good idea because it will get other people started if they do break of from England. If I was voting I probably would have chosen to stay apart of England because they would have to figure a lot of things out. My thoughts on 16 years olds voting is good because they should have a say in what goes on they are old enough, but I think just for practice and awareness. I do not think that the United states should lower the voting age because 18 is a good number to vote but I do think that teens need to have more awareness on what goes on in the world.

  21. I think that Scotland's vote for independence is not a good idea because it could start problems. I think that the age to vote should stay 18 because adults really know how to vote and who to vote for teens not so much and 16 is way to young i think 18 is the best age.

  22. I think that Scotland's vote about independence is a great idea it might cause a little bit of problems but it will be fine and I would vote for it for sure. But getting a new country could be hard of getting a government. But it would work out. I don't think 16 is a good age to vote because I don't think they are mature enough to vote and I think 18 would be good age that now they are starting to see how to be mature and act like adults.

  23. i think that if Scotland wants their freedom, they deserve it. They have been a part of the UK for a long time, so that might cause a few issues, but other than that I think that they have the will and the determination to be independent. I can see both sides of the argument, but if I were voting then I would vote for independence because I think that it's great that Scotland is taking a stand. I think that 16 years old is a little young to vote, especially for life changing issues like this. 18 is a fine age to vote because you have your own opinion and are an official adult. I don't think that the US should change their voting age because although everyone should have a say in their country, they are just going to vote for whoever their parents vote for. It's not because they want to, it's just that they hear only good things about the one person, and only bad things about the other.

  24. I think Scotland should be an independent country because they probably won't get a chance to vote about this again. I would vote for independence because its time Scotland break off from the UK. I think that 16 year olds are a little to young to vote especially for decisions like this. Also There not mature enough. Thats why I think the voting age should be 18.

  25. I think that Scotland deserves their freedom. If I was six teen in scotland I would vote for independence. I also think the vote may cause some problems between the UK and scotland. If they have been fighting for freedom for three hundred years then that should be what they should get, independence. I think they should put a age limit that is higher than16. When you are sixteen you are still a teenager. You should be at least 18 to vote.

  26. I think that Scotland should stay with Great Britain because Great Britain is a powerful nation and if Scotland breaks off, that could end up in a war with Great Britain and Scotland and Scotland wouldn't be able to defend as well because they wouldn't have the time to train. I don't think that America should change the age to 16 because they would probably make immature decisions over an adult making the appropriate decision.

  27. I think that Scotland should be able to have their own dependence because who wants to be bossed around I share don't want to be and probably Scotland doesn't. They want to be able to decide how much they want to pay for taxes and for house and for food and everything else. I think that 16 should not be able to vote because they are too young to know enough about the government. I think that 18 and older should be able to because they understand about the government and they will take it seriously then the 16 year old.

  28. What do you think about this vote for Scotland’s independence? If you were voting, which way would you vote and why? What are your thoughts about 16 year olds voting? Do you think the United States should consider lowering the voting age? Why?

    I think that this issue being resolved by a vote is a great example for the rest of the world. Solving conflict through the political system available to a country is commendable. If I was voting I would vote to stay with Great Britain. I would vote to stay with Great Britain because I think it would be too expensive to become independent. Paying off debt, forming a military, and forming a government would be very expensive. Continually alignment with Great Britain creates economies of scale. That being said, I really admire the Scottish spirit and wish there was some way to issue them an honorary independence day.

    My thoughts on 16 year old voting; I think that 16 year olds are too young to vote. First, a 16 year olds parents may be too influential. Second, 16 year olds make rash and hasty decisions. Lastly,16 year olds are kids, they haven't even gone to college yet. The political system is complicated and kids need to understand it before they vote. For the reasons mentioned above, I don't think the U.S should lower the voting age.

  29. I think it is cool because some time you just went be your own state sometimes. Also it will be hard because you have to find government i think voting at 16 is too young because a lot of teens may not know about voting and government.

  30. I think Scotland's independence is good but the expense is to high. my thought about a 16 year old voting is so odd because it is WAY to young to vote. First of all how can they actually know who to vote for when to vote and so fourth.

  31. I think Scotland should be apart of the U.K. and high expense is good. I think that sixteen is a little to young to vote and that even though I think that is a to young of an age I thnk it will help scotland.

  32. Go Scotland! They should leave but they didn't.😭 Scotland will probably leave later because I think the young people want to leave. Sixteen is a great age to vote, they are at the age when they are almost adults and they have a say. Not everybody is educated, a 16 year old could be smarter than a 80 year old. They are probably more up to date than most.

  33. 16 year olds aren't that irresponsible, not that far from 18 just 2 years

  34. I think scotland should have independence because they never have. I would vote to have independence. I think 16 year olds in scotland should vote because they are educated. No Usa should not lower voting age because i just don't want change.


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