Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 11, 2014

Thursday marks the 13th anniversary of the attacks on the United States in New York and Washington, D.C.  While truly tragic, it was also a day which demonstrated the incredible will and strength of the human spirit.  There were as many stories of heroism as there was destruction.  We witnessed countless acts of bravery and selflessness.  And these are only the stories we know.  Many of the incredible stories forever died with the victims.

The following is a brief timeline of the day’s events.

At 8:45 am, the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  The crash instantly killed hundreds of innocent people and trapped hundreds more above the 110th floor.  While emergency crews sprang into action, a mere 18 minutes later, a second plane crashed into the South Tower.  It was evident to all, this was not a coincidence, the United States was under attack. 

At 9:45 am, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon.  The jet fuel caused a devastating fire causing a small structural collapse. 

15 minutes after the Pentagon crash, the South Tower collapsed.  It was less than one hour from the time the plane crashed into the building to when it fell to the ground.

 At 10:10, the country became aware of a fourth plane wreck.  United Flight 93 had left the Newark airport late.  40 minutes after departure, terrorists took control of the plane.  The passengers on the plane, aware of the events of New York and Washington, decided to take action.  They overtook the terrorist and in the process crashed the plane into a Pennsylvanian field.  All aboard were killed instantly.

At 10:30, the inevitable occurred.  The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.  While the nation watched in awe, the brave firefighters, police officers and other city officials continued to respond to their call to duty.  Due to the devastation created when the Twin Towers collapsed, four other building would fall to the ground during the day. 
As the day concluded we began to hear the devastating carnage from the day.  In New York City approximately 3,000 people were killed, including 343 firefighter and paramedics, 23 police officers and 37 Port Authority officers.  In Washington, DC, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed at the Pentagon in addition to the 64 people on board the flight.  An additional 45 people were killed in the Pennsylvanian field from Flight 93.

Since this day, the world has changed dramatically.  For example, we have increased security at airports and ball games.  We are much more aware of extremist groups and their acts of terror.  Likewise, we have built a new building at the site and commissioned a museum so that we never forget what happened. 

Do you think the world is safer or more risky since September 11th?  Why?  If you could lead the nations of the world, what would be your plan to achieve world peace?  Details please…..


  1. Yes because that was the biggest terrorist attack the US had ever experienced. The US had never had a very big terrorist attack until then.If I lead the nations of the world I would do something about the terrorist groups to insure world peace.I would fix the situation in Africa. I would do something about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

  2. I think the world is probably safer since the tragedies of 9/11. People are aware of what terrorists are capable of and security, as the blog mentioned, is a lot tighter. If I could lead the nations of the world, my plan to achieve world peace would be to eliminate war in the Middle East. I would solve the Russia/Ukraine crisis and I would give attention to the terrorism going on in the Middle East.

  3. I think that the world is more risky now since 9/11 because it has most likely inspired other terrorists to do similarly. Although security is tighter now, there isn't much that we can do, I mean I bet that they thought that they had good security back then, too. I think that we will have to keep on waiting until the next big terrorist attack to discover new technology to stop new attacks, it has to be that way because we cannot prepare for something that hasn't even happened yet, let alone prepare for new, uninvented ways of terrorism. If I could lead the nations of the world, I would to try and get every single one of the world's leaders together and sort of talk things out to try and achieve world peace. I would try to tell them about how people with families who need them are dying because if their actions. I would especially try and talk with communist and dictator leaders and try to make them realize that all people have the right to be free, have a say in their government, and a say in their religion. You may have noticed that I keep saying TRY, I say that because of one main reason. That is this; world peace is impossible. If it were possible, what would be the point of living? The whole point of living is that we are constantly driven, constantly striving for something better, AKA Heaven. God puts this drive in us along with free will. We have free will because God wants us to choose him, not just have Him as our only option. I believe that we cannot have world peace because that would basically be Heaven so what would we then strive for, what would be our purpose of living if we already have perfection? The answer is, there isn't one. Think about that.

  4. I think the world is less safe because the terrorists got what they wanted on 9/11, but I can not make a true opinion because I was not alive to know what it was like before or during 9/11. They killed Americans and made a statement about how they do not appreciate Americans interfering with their government, culture ,and civil wars.Terrorist groups have not decreased since 9/11. In fact, they have quadrupled, according to Newser. The FBI has a chart that shows the increase of the terrorist groups on this website: http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/law-enforcement-bulletin/september-2011/the-evolution-of-terrorism-since-9-11.

    However, I feel that America has risen to some of the standards and raised national security, even though according to a NBC poll that said 47% of Americans feel less safe than before 9/11. I feel this way because of the many security upgrades.

    If I could lead the world's nations, I would stop the Ukraine and Russia war and African civil war by using our words.Those are some conflicts that I would solve if I led the nations.

  5. I think that the world is a lot tighter on airline security and security of the top government buildings. Since that has happened I also think the world is a better and more secure place. I would try to ensure peace but i think it would be good if somebody except a middleschooler would ensure peace.

  6. I don't thinks its any safer today because terrorists are smarter today than then they were then as far as knowing what defenses countries have in place. Also it seems the terrorist networks are growing. I think the only way to have world peace is to have everyone to be the same religion and having having no crazy people in the world. That obviously will never happen because even if I forced people they would still disobey me. I choose not to be a world leader. I think that it would be hard to lead the whole world because you can't be every where at once. I think the world (besides wars) is pretty good today. Although there can be changes they would be hard to make. Overall I think. We learned from 9/11.

  7. In my perspective I believe that the world is much safer because back then we didn't use metal detectors and there wasn't as many security guards at airports. Now we pay much more attention after 9/11 happened because we don't want another incident like that again. If I could achieve world peace I would hope to end all wars that are going on right now like in Syria and Ukraine wars. If I could achieve this goal the world would be a much better place and we would all get along. But it would be tough because right now every country think their better then all the other ones. So it would be a tough goal to achieve.

  8. Yes because that was the biggest attack on the United States and we should always ember those who died. But in a way it helped the United States actually unite and become stronger. If I was a leader I would do my best to stop the wars in the world and I would unite with other country's to stop terrorists and make the world a better place. I would never ever forget the saying EASIER SAID THAN DONE!!

  9. I think the world is safer now because we know what terrorists are like, and we have more technology that can help us tell if we are going to be attacked. If I was the nations leader I would make peace in Russia and Ukraine. I would also fix the situation in Africa

  10. I think the world is safer place then it was before 9-11. 1 year before 9-11 it would take about 2 hours for the average person to get out of their car and into the plane and a little more for a family. Now we also have metal detectors and you can't stand at the gate anymore. On the plane the pilots door is always locked until everyone is out of the plane and there are police dressed up as regular people on some planes. If I was a world leader I would invest a lot of money into cancer and A.L.S. research. I would also try to help solve the war going on in Russia and Ukraine. I would also try to stop as many terrorist organizations as i could, specifically Al Qaeda and the Pakistani organization. I would also like to figure out better ways to recycle and how to travel out of this galaxy which would be very cool. And altogether I would want to bring the whole world together and forgive everyone for the bad things they did, even terrorists. If the whole world came together then we would be advancing a lot in technology. I would also like to spend lots of money feeding the hungry in Africa and everywhere else. I would set up organizations to collect food and money to purchase more food. And finally I would like to start cloning animals so we can have more meat to eat because eventually we will start running out of meat and other important resources. If i was a world leader I would re-unite the WHOLE WORLD and make it a better place.

  11. I think that September 11th gave terrorist more courage to do mass attacks and bombings, like they can do it why not us? The world is probably riskier, or maybe it is because we just notice them more.
    If I was the king of the world I would find someone that could manage the world better than I could because I couldn't manage the earth on my own.
    But if it had to be me I would section te earth into twenty states and I would give them all American like governments. I think the problem with the Middle East is all the revolts. The people usually revolt because of bad leaders or unfair laws like the Shiites or Sunnis, I can't remember with one are loseing their jobs just because their leader dosent like there culture.

  12. i think that the world is safer now than it was before the 9-11 attack. think this because we are wiser now and have realized that not everyone is a good person. if i was the worlds leader i would make every thing fair for world peace and i would also donate money to people with diseases so they could figure out more about the disease.

  13. I feel the world is safer because of the security systems built. When you go onto planes, trains, and subways you would need to go through metal detectors and such. But, that does not mean that it is safer it just means that it would be A LOT harder to get on planes and subways with guns and knives. If I was a leader I would stop all of the wars(hopefully).

  14. I think the world is safer after 9/11 because it opened our eyes to the terrorist groups in the Middle East. It also opened our eyes to how easy it was for them to highjack the plane. If I was King of the world I would make sure every country had high quality no-radiation weapon screening. It was sad that 3000+ people died that day,but in the long run, it saved a lot more lives.

  15. I think that the world is safer since 9/11 because there is more awareness. I think that we are safer because now there is so much security, when you get on a plane, ship, train, and go to sports events there is tight security. Nine eleven was terrible but if it weren't for nine eleven I bet there would have been even more bad events like nine eleven that would have accured. If I could lead the nations of the world into world peace my plan would be to start an organization for all terrorist to go to and become close to God. My organization would be mandatory for all terrorist. I would also make all bad drugs illegal so that normal people cant take them and make stupid decisions. This is what I think would lead the world into world peace.

  16. You ask If I think the WORLD is a safer place since 9/11. The world is not a safer place since 9/11. Perhaps the US feels like a safer place to live and fly since 9/11. But that seems like such a US perspective. Sure we have high tech security at airports since 2002 but the Israeli Palenstine conflict has been going on since 1964 and is escalating, just recently NATO started arming the Ukraine to fight pro-Russian separatists and in Africa 26 countries are fighting. Ill bet most of these countries have metal detectors at their airports. But are they feeling safe? The world seems like a much more violent and risky place to me. To me the Doomsday Clock is a better indicator if the world is more safe or more risky. The clock focuses on nuclear weapons, climate change, and dangerous use of technology. If I was the world leader I would work on nuclear disarmament, fixing climate change, and making sure technology is used for good. For example, using energy technology for raising countries out of poverty.

  17. I think the world is safer because before 9/11it was easy to sneak a weapon on to a plane or into a stadium. Now we have medal detectors so it is a lot harder to do that. It also motivated us to hunt down terrorist. Asoma Binladen would probably be still alive right now. Before 9/11 terrorist roamed more freely in Afghanistan and didn't really have a strong apposing force.After 9/11 terrorist in Afghanistan were always on the run hiding from American soldiers. If I were the world leader I would stock pile all the worlds weapons of mass destruction.Then I would disarm or destroy them at a vicinity in the dessert. I would also divert military weapon designers to civilian tech designers.

  18. I think the world is safer today then back when 9/11 happened. Now we have so much more security when ever you go in a game or go through the metal detectors at the airport becuse back then they weren't so protective about the people bringing guns and knifes to airports and planes. If i was the nations leader I would try to stop all the wars and fighting of people and try to make world peace. Another thing I would do is help with the diseases and do fundraisers to raise money for the diseases.

  19. Do you think the world is safer or more risky since September 11th? Why? If you could lead the nations of the world, what would be your plan to achieve world peace? Details please…..
    I think that the world is safer now than it was in 2001 when the 9/11 attack happened because we are now very cautious about who is getting on a plane and what they are bringing with them. If someone brought knifes or guns, the airport security would find them in their bags. If I lead the nations, I would first try to make the Russia and Ukraine tensions ease, but not go into war. I would also want to end the war in Afghanistan because our troops have been there for so long. Lastly I would want to end terrorism around the world.

  20. I think the world is safer because they added a lot of security all over. If I could lead the world countries I would try to make everybody in the world have peace. I would lean toward ending the wars in the world. Then I would try to deal with all the terrorist groups because there are a lot of them in different parts of the world.

  21. I think the world is more safe because we have new technology and more security .If I was a world leader would make the whole world peace full .I would also help all people that are omelets and have disease with no cure.

  22. I think that the world is safer now because the terrorists are smarter and are more good at plans to capture people. A good thing is we have technology Because it causes security. The world is more peaceful.

  23. i think the world is safer now because we have good securities to capture people and watch for bad guy and mabe things safer now. if i was the world leader i think i would make the world a better and paceful place and try to stop war and bad stuff

  24. I think the world is saver now then in 9/11 because when 9/11 happened in 2001 there where passenger planes with out doors.Now there are doors on passenger airplanes where the pilots are and they are locked at all times so terrorist can't steal the planes and kill the pilots. Also their are fences where the airplanes are so the only way to get in is by going in the airport where there are securities that check your bags and if you have something that can kill people you are in big trouble. So say a terrorist who wants to go to Colorado and they have a knife or a gun or try and steal the plane they can't go where the planes are because there are fences . So they will have to go in the airport and once they go through the securities so they can check there bags and they find what ever they have. They are in big trouble!!!!!! If I was a leader I will try find a cure for A.L.S. that is a disease that no one has found the cure for it and I want to be the first one find a cure for it.

  25. I think the world is more safer today than riskier since September 11th, 2001. I think that because we have more protection during big events and sports games. I f I was a nation leader I would keep world peace by making sure people compromised instead of a war. I would make sure all people had equal rights. I would also make sure attacks wouldn't happen again. For example the Boston Bombing and September 11th,2001.

  26. it is definitely safer today then back in 9/11. back then they did not pay attention to what other people brought on the planes or in the airports. these days we have metal detectors when you go to games or airports. 9/11 will most likely not happen in these up coming years.

  27. i think it is definitely safer today then back in 9/11. i think it is safer because we have security now at airports and they don't even let people take water bottles on the plane. If I was a Nation Leader I would make sure ALL people had equal rights. I would also make sure shootings or bombings wouldn't happen again. For Exampe the Boston Bombings.

  28. I think that it is sad that 9/11. Is really sad that 9/11 happened but I think that it should not happen again so a pro now is that we ares smarter now but a con is the terrorist are also getting smarter.

  29. I think the world is much safer now because we have lots more security and tractors and everything like the airport security is much stronger and tighter and it is very hard to get through with things you are not allowed to have so that means that is harder to sneak things on the plane like in the 9/11 attack so this helps the world be much safer place to live

  30. I think the world has become safer since 9/11 because there are more secerity guards and the copit to all the planes are now closed of by a locked door. There is metal detectors so you can't bring as much on planes any more. We are more careful now so we won't have as much of a risk to be attacked. If I was a world leader, I would try to stop all the wars and different attacks such as 9/11, to acheive world peace. I would try make the world a much safer place. I would force more secerity all around the world.

  31. I think its safer now because we have more security and we can have further notice of when they are attacking us. If I was in charge I would have cameras every where. I would have cameras in planes that connect to the airport that they are going to so like if we saw on the cameras the planes were being hijacked I would warn the people in the building to get out so they would be safe.


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