Thursday, April 24, 2014

Your Name

How important is your name?  Where did it come from?  What does it say about you?  Would it be hard to believe your life course may be set by your family surname or by the first decision made for you when you were born?  Research has shown based on your name, you may be predisposed to choose a certain profession.

Our names are held sacred.  Being a person with an alternative spelling for my first name, I am hyper-sensitive to people pronouncing and spelling it correctly.  Additionally, I am overcome with embarrassment if I mispronounce or misspell anyone’s name.  It is something we own and something we are proud of.  It is the first thing we are given and it stays with us wherever we go.
Your name can have a significant impact on those you meet even before you open your mouth.  Most often unfairly, you are judged by your name.  Researchers have polled employers on their impressions of potential candidates based solely on their name.  The name “John” for instance, creates the impression of someone who is wholesome and dependable. 

In addition to creating an immediate impression, your name may also indicate your future career choice.  A Wall Street Journal article from June 21, 2011 cites a controversial study conducted by State University of New York in Buffalo which claims people are more likely to choose a profession with names that are similar the their own.  While this may seem preposterous, it is hard to argue with:

Dr. Douglas Hart – cardiologist
Sue Yoo – lawyer
Cory Greathouse – realtor
Patricia Boguslawski – lawyer
Dr. Payne – orthodontist

Even if your name does not have to do with your profession, it may provide you advantages in other ways.  Simply ask Mr. Will Wynn, winner of the Austin, TX mayoral campaign from 2003 through 2009 if you would like additional evidence. 

Where did you get your name?   Based on your name, what would be your ideal profession?  Regardless of name, what do you want to do professionally in the future?


  1. My mom and dad just chose a name that they thought fit me, but they do know that it is more of a European type, but I did not get it from any ancestors or anything. To tell the truth I don't know what profession fits the name Anika I even asked Nikita and my dad. It just doesn't seem like it fits a specific profession. But, I do want to be a chef because I've always loved cooking and it is fun to do so I'll never get sick of it, and I love making meals when I have the chance (preferably breakfast).

  2. My parents named me Avery because, well, they liked it. I was going to be Ella, but my dad thought that didn't really suit me. I have no idea what it's from or anything, although I googled it once and found out it means "elf wisdom", but I don't think that's entirely true. I am not sure what my profession would be based on my name. Maybe a professor? I think "Professor Hormaechea" has a nice ring to it. But I really want to be a large animal vet. The problem is, I cannot stand the idea of blood and needles. It totally creeps me out! So, I am not sure what I want to be, but I know I'll figure it out soon.

  3. My parents names me Grace because they said by the Grace of God they could adopt me. My name reminds them to count all of there blessings. My ideal profession based on my name would be a pro runner because Grace sure can race because she can keep a pace. My favorite profession regardless of name would be a pro soccer player because soccer is my favorite activity to do.

  4. My parents named me Peter because my mom's brother was named peter and my Grandma's brother is named Peter. A profession that seems cool is Dr. Peter. Being a doctor is not a job I would want though, I want to have my own skydiving company or work for Google. The reason I want to work for Google is because I want to drive the Google Earth Car.

  5. The reason my parents named me Evan is because they liked that name and it sounded good with my middle name Michael. I don't really think there is a profession that goes well with that name. In the future I would like to be an Architect. I like it because it I can build something the way I want to.

  6. My mom named me Taelor because she wanted to keep family names and she had a great uncle Taylor. I think Dr. Anderson is cool but I'm terrified of blood and would freak out.

  7. The reason my parents chose the name Sophie is because it is a pretty name and it means wisdom. My middle name is a combination of my grandmas names. The Jo in Annajo is a name that has been part of my moms family for years. Moylan, my last name is just an Irish name. A profession that goes with my name is most likely a accountant but I would much prefer to work with marine animal.

  8. The reason why my parents chose Ruby because my parents thought it fitted me. My profession is to be a nurse or something close to a nurse.

  9. The reason my name is Grant, is because that was my mom's favorite name. My dad wanted to name me Ethan, but once while my mom was pregnant with me, they called each other at the same time and said that they both wanted to name me Grant. Maybe when I grow up I will grant wishes. But what I hope to do professionally in the future is be a pilot and take after my dad. I would also be a pilot because I've always loved flying in airplanes.

  10. The reason my parents named me Connor, is because, #1, It was what my dad wanted, #2, my parents couldn't agree on a name, and #3, it had a Celtic origin. It means "wolf" in Celtic, while my middle name, Rex, means king in Latin. When I grow up I want to be a perfectionist in neurosurgery, a really good job that my parents say will get me good money.(Also I promised them when I grow up, I will get them a huge house on the golf course in Sun Valley.) My name doesn't really have professions in it, so I just dream about what professions I could do. Also because Dr. Malmen sounds awesome to me.

  11. I got my name from a close friend of my parents who they respected and admired. I'm not sure if it has any special meaning or anything. I got my middle name, patrick, because according to my mom it's only the best Irish name there is. For some reason I have always wanted too be a dentist. I don't know why but it has always been revealing to me.

  12. I got my name from my great grandfather. Its the same with my middle name. The name Thomas is the most common name in our family history so they named me Thomas. I don't know what my profession will be because of my name, but I hope its good. I want to play in the MLS when i am older I think it would be really cool.

  13. First of all I got my name from my parents but they named me that because that name is not common any more. My name means someone who tans hides so that might be what I do. But thats not at all what I want to do I really want to be a proffesnial hockey player.

  14. My parents named me Cristina because I was adopted on Christmas Eve. My name means grace of god. The profession I would like is a vet because I love animals of all types well almost all types.

  15. My parents named me Cecilia because my Dad became good friends with an exchange student from peru named Pepo, and Pepo went back to Lima, Peru where he lived and a couple years later my dad asked him to come to the US to be their grooms men and then he went back to Peru and 3 years later in Peru he was diagnosed with cancer so he came to the US to get better hospitalization, and he fell in love with a girl, they went to San Francisco and did touristy stuff with my parents their, they were in love so they went back to Peru to get married before he died they got married and after that he died, and they named me after his wife. The people named Cecilia are mainly are doctors, but I want to be a Ornithologist.

  16. My parents named me David because my grandfather's name is David. I got my middle name Luis because my other grandpa's name is Luis. My Profession would be somewhere In the Hebrew church but that is not what I want to do. I would like to be a policeman or in the Army.

  17. I was named Luke because my mom's Grandpa - my great-grandpa - was named Luke. My middle name, Anthony, was the name of my mom's dad - my grandpa. Luke was the name of the main character of a popular Soap Opera.The name Luke was popular in the '80's and '90's, so I can assume that I would be a TV or movie star or actor. I would rather be an engineer of some sort (not the kind that drives trains) or a computer programmer or digital designer.

  18. I was named Leah Grace after my Grandpa's Mom (my mom's dad's mom), and my Opa's Mom (My dad's dad's Mom). Also, my parents thought that it was only by the grace of God that they came together. I think the profession that my name would be associated with some kind of social worker, or someone who helps people in the hospital with their mental side of the effects of whatever happened to them. I would like to be an animal trainer or zookeeper. But, I would want to have a zoo where it does not keep the animals in small, confined cages.

  19. I was named Isabela after a princess of Spain. It bothers me when people spell it the usual way, with two ''L's.'' According to my mom, a queen would be the ideal profession for someone with the name of Isabela. I don't have a clue what I want to be later in life, but a lawyer or spy have popped into mind.

  20. I was named Meg after my great grandmother Ziegler, my dads grandma. My middle name of grace was just chosen because they liked name but the hope that future generations will use the name. The thing that makes me mad about my name is that a lot of people some time call me Megan.I am not sure what a profession would be based on my name but the CEO of Hewlett Packard is named Meg Whitman so I am thinking that the name Meg might be associated with the head of a company. Not based on my name I would like to be a pediatric physical therapist.

  21. I was named Elsa because it is my Granny's (my dad's mom) middle name. My ideal profession by name would be a vet because of the movie and book Born Free, but it could just as easily be the name of a conservationist. What I want to be when I grow up is a little fuzzy, but I have plenty of great ideas and so far the one that hits home the most is a writer.

  22. I was named katie originally, but when they saw me it suddenly turned to the polar opposite, anabella. With the unique name anabella, I would imagine my profession would be something that has to do with acting, ir just someone who is famous. Well I would love to be a model, but who knows I could end up working at mcdonalds.

  23. I got my name mainly because of St. Matthew but also it was popular as the list shows. I have always wanted to do what my Dad does and my middle name is his name maybe it has something to do with that. I would want my profession to be a professional athlete or insurance agent.

  24. My mom and Dad named me Jack because they said it was a strong name. Making others laugh and playing sports. I would want to be a cop or a baker.

  25. I got my name from my Great- Grandma was named Grace also. Based on my name, Grace, my family thinks that I would be the head of The National Conference of Social Work. I personally want to be either a photographer, lawyer, or a judge.

  26. My mom and dad named me Gavin because it was their favorite name they had come up with. They fight about who came up with the name. There are plenty of occupations that could be for the name Gavin. What I want to be when I am an adult is to be an eye doctor. What my name means in welsh is white hawk.

  27. My parents named me Taylor because it was their favorite name. I think it could be used as a Dentist name. What I want to be when I grow up is a actor. My name means internal beauty. ( it is a girls name) ( dang)

  28. My father picked my name as Vanessa because of aunt and cousin that are nice and smart. Im not really sure what my ideal profession would be but name means that im fixed in my opinions, firm in my friendships, and square in my dealings with others. In the future I want to be a pediatrician.

  29. My parents named me Brayden because of their family friends who was an all around good person and a successful lawyer. My name means "broad meadow" so i guess my ideal profession would be a farmer or harvester of some kind. When I grow up I want to be a lawyer, not because of my parents friend.

  30. My parents named me max because they liked it the best. They found out later that I had a person in my family they didn't know about name was max. My name means "the greatest" so I think I would be pretty good at EVERY THING. When I grow up I would like to be a Dr. I would ether like to be a Orthodontist or a surgeon. I think a Dr. In front of my name would look pretty good.

  31. My dad named me Lucas but my mom wanted me to be Patrick, but I don't think I look like a Patrick. I don't know what a profession for Lucas would be. Professional athlete.

  32. My parents named me Lucas. They didn't really have an argument about it either. I think a profession for Lucas would be an electrician because Lucas mean white or illuminate. When I grow older I think that I would want to be a geologist because I am very interested in rocks.

  33. I received my name from my dad's grandpa. The job that is implied by this name is a fortune-teller or someone who can predict the future. As a profession, I'd like to be a doctor or surgeon because I enjoy helping people and am very interested in Anatomy and want to pursue it!

  34. My parents named me Rebecca because of me grandmother. I really dont know the prefession but i searched my name and it means hebrew matriarch: in the Bible, the wife of Isaac, and mother of Jacob and Esau. I think I will be a vet beacuase i enjoy helping pets although it means a lot.


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