Sunday, April 6, 2014

Buddha's Birthday

April 8 is commemorated by Buddhists as the birthday of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha. 

Siddhartha was born in to a family of wealth in the year 563 BC in present day India.  His father, King Suddhodana was told his princely son would either be a great monarch or a Buddha, a supremely enlightened teacher.  To ensure his son would become the monarch, he kept Siddhartha locked away in the palace away from the human conditions of disease, aging, and death.

After some time, the curiosity of the outside world proved to be too much for Siddhartha and he secretly left the palace gates.  He began to live a life of an ascetic.  An ascetic is one who lives a life of extreme self discipline and denies himself any form of indulgence.  After years as an ascetic, he was still unfulfilled.  He sat under a tree and vowed to remain in this state of meditation until he found enlightenment.

He eventually found enlightenment and from this point forward he was the Buddha.  He taught others the foundations of Buddhism which are the four noble truths, which I am paraphrasing…

1.       Life in suffering
2.       Suffering is caused by our desires
3.       There is a way to end suffering, finding nirvana
4.       The way to end suffering requires following the eightfold path of right views, right resolve, right speech, right livelihood, right action, right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration.

His teachings were spread throughout most of Asia by Buddha and his disciples. 

We often lose sight of our happiness and become too attached to our “things”.  What are you attached to?  What causes you stress?  Is there a way to better manage your stress?  What examples do you see in the world where the idea of attachment has given the wrong ideas about happiness?  


  1. A few items that I am attached to are some of my video game systems, as well as my tennis racket and my bike, ripstik, roller blades, etc. Some of the things that cause me stress are when I am faced with a highly challenging or pressing situation that needs to be done immediately. I am also sometimes stressed when I am mad or angry at someone. I can also become stressed when I am sad. Some of the ideas I see that give attachment the wrong idea about happiness is whenever I see people that 'have' to buy the newest thing or get a junky item just to have another item. I think that people should limit what they buy and when they do buy something to make sure to use it to its full use and keep themselves in moderation.

  2. A few "things" I am attached to include books, my bike, soccer cleats, and the list goes on. Some things that give me stress include big projects, speaking in public, a big event, something I've put off till the last minute, and big tests. I also have stress when my emotions are on a high scale (sad, angry, ect..) and I still have to go on with life even though I may be sad or angry which proves to be stressful. Some examples I see in the world where attachment gives us the wrong idea of happiness is were it is always a silent fight between who has the latest technology and people think that is enough to be happy. Like if you just got the iphone 4 when the iphone 5 comes out. You trade your phone for the 5. You keep upgrading and buying and bragging. Why can't everyone accept what they have at the moment and wait until they actually NEED a new phone or something new instead of going and splurging on the newest, "cool" thing?

  3. A few things that I am attached to are my video games, scooter, bike, and lots more. Stuff that causes me stress are tests, big projects, and grades. There is a better way to manage my stress and that is to prepare before preparing. Always be pre-pre-prepared. Some examples I see in the world where the idea of attachment has given us the wrong ideas about happiness are when a new style hits the streets. You get so worried that you might miss the new fashion idea so all you do is just keep a 24/7 watch on it at all times. People will think that having all this will make them happy but when they get it their happiness level just stays the same. I definitely agree with Elsa and Joe too.

  4. There are a couple things that I am attached to. They are my games and getting good grades. Stress for me is tests, projects, and school stuff. I think that better ways to manage would be to not think that self-worth means getting good grades. Some examples that I think the world is attached to is coolness. That would involve fashion and how other people think about them. Some people think that cool is all that matters and I don't think that they would find happiness after a long time of trying to get people to think that they are cool.

  5. I am attached to my video games, playing outside, and reading. Stress for me is caused by unpreparedness, grades, and big deadlines. I could handle it by spreading out my work and how I work. Happiness for some people is not being popular, but just being better and authorities noticing that and then being recognized.

  6. I am attached to sports. I am also attached to hunting. Stress happens for me when I have big assignments due, moving schools, and when we are in overtime or extra innings in a baseball, basketball, or football game. I could handle this by making sure I finish the assignment and doing it right. But with the sports I just can't help that one. Some people think having money can lead to happiness, I do not. Some people think being good at sorts is all to your life. There wrong. To me you can't have happiness unless you do something that can help someone or live a god-based life. Not by being popular or having money.

  7. I am attached to the idea of success. I have always been, and that will be a hard one to change. Stress isn't a huge problem for me, when I am stressed about something, it is a really big thing, otherwise the details don't phase me. There's not really much to handle. When I say "big thing," I am meaning a death of a family member, or a close friend getting hurt. I can't control those things. Happiness. Hah, happiness is being completely okay with what's going on. Happiness is having an ear to ear smile. But, unfortunately, for some people happiness is being accepted, and acceptance means nothing in the long run. Absolutely nothing.

    1. I am not sure if acceptance is really nothing in the long run. I would have to disagree with you to a certain extent, because if you are truly accepted, then people will let you be yourself, which, in my opinion, is something that feels so good. I know that being accepted makes me happy in some cases, because my friends will point out the good in me , and encourage me to improve. It is always great to have people by your side, through the good times and the bad. I do agree with you though, that if someone tries to be accepted, it will lead to being unhappy, because they are trying to shape themselves into someone who they are not, just to be accepted. Therefore, if the other people accept you when you are not really being yourself, they are, in a way, not really accepting YOU.

  8. There are many things in life that we all get attached to in life, and sometimes we don't even notice we are doing it. Things like phones, video games and toys are something's we can get very attached to. I personally can get very attached to a good book, and I never really want to put it down. There are also many things that cause me a lot of stress, like homework, tests, Science Olympiad, extra curricular activities, and lots of other things. It feels like a thousand pounds are on my shoulders. I think a good way to manage stress is to just take a step back and put things into perspective. Think about all the stuff you are stressing about, and try to only focus on what really needs to be done now. And once you've finished that stuff, you can turn your attention to the other, smaller things. Some examples of things that can give you the wrong idea of happiness is just HAVING to have the latest technology, like the new iPhone or a brand new computer. But, that stuff won't make you happy,but in fact, it can make you unhappy. You can get addicted to things like that. You can also get addicted to popularity. You want everyone to like you, or, even worse, be jealous of you. And anyone who gets in your way is a threat. Our generation is growing up in a world were fame, money, electronics, and popularity rule.

  9. the things that I get attached to things like T.V or something electronic and a particular seat that I have always sat in. I get stressed out by homework, when it is you first time doing something like, science Olympiad, when you are with a group and they are all looking at you to go do something that all of them are doing. I guess that a better way to handle my stress would to, if it were for homework, would to study more vigorously and to just instead of make things all about me and my bad test and notice things that could make me happier. phones would probably be that thing that is misunderstood because of the time and money that we put into it and the way that we treat it ,as our new god we treat them as our god and that is not true. we think that, that is the way we get happiness. another thing we mistake as true happiness is T.V. in Mr. Yaci's room there is a poster that says if you want to be happy for one hour= go watch T.V. If you want to be happy for a day= go to an amusement park... if you want to be happy for a lifetime= go out and help others....... witch indicates that we like to find our happiness in the wrong place!

  10. I get to attached to a lot of things that I have such as T.V., my iPod, other technology, toys, and sometimes my grades. Lots of things cause me to stress. I feel I am stressed be fore any sport game, before a test, studying for a test and the night before S.O. There are many better ways to manage stress. I could study more nights than just the night before the test and praying to God. If at any time I feel pressure or stress I pray to God and He calms me down. In almost every moving money seems like the most important thing and I thing that lots of people follow these examples and go down the wrong path.

  11. Some things that I get attached to would be something like addicting games, texting, and a really good book (sometimes). What causes you stress? Thats a weird question to really deeply even think about to me stress is something thats drives you so insane, you get a cranky mood, and attitude, for me stressful things would be oh no we have 5 tests this week, or stressing over other people and live habits especially my family. a good way to manage stress for me is to just stop thinking about. The average person thinks oh I wish I was popular or rich when money cant buy you happiness, just like money cant buy you, friends. Money can buy you stuff you want but it cant buy you what you to stay happy.

  12. I am attached to my grades. Also books.This is also what causes me stress. Also Science Olypiad. When I get stressed I take a break and read a book. Money is a big problem. So is winning because if you can't go without winning then it's not an accomplishment.

  13. I am attached to video games, my family, and friends. What causes me the most stress is grades or when i am mad. I could probably be more confident on my quizzes and tests and try to be more happy. I see newest item and literally everyone says I have to get this to be happy. Drop the stupid phone and actually go out into the world and talk to people face to face instead of texting.

  14. I am attached to my grades, skiing, and swimming. Nerves cause my stress and living up to expectations that sometimes weren't even there, meaning sometimes I get so wound around the axel that my mind makes up things that will happen even if they wouldn't really. So it really all adds up to me being anxious about failure and embarrassment. There is a better way to manage my stress I should be more confident in my abilities, it also helps me to listen to music or something else that keeps my mind from constantly wandering back to what I'm nervous about. I think all this new technology has been an attachment that has lead to a fake happiness because most people think in order to be happy you have to be cool and in the generation being cool is having the newest most modern thing, but really happiness is found in love and true friendships.

  15. I am attached to sports and my grades. What causes me stress is when i do things wrong or mess up or get a bad grade. I think there is a way to manage my stress and it is to slow down, relax, and forget about what happened. I think attachment to fighting has led us to war and also the attachment to what other people think has led to not being happy, also money has, people think they are happy because they are rich and can buy "anything" with money. I think that's wrong money can't buy lots of things such as happiness and love.

  16. I am attached to my grades.things that cause me stress are grades, tests, and big projects. Examples that I see in the world are money, and fame. Money because when a person gets money they get distracted from life and go do other things. Fame because when they are famous, they get carried away with stuff life money.

  17. I wish I wasn't but I am truly attached to my grades. I think that grades are the main thing that cause me stress I stress about finishing my homework on time and doing well on a project. I feel I need to relieve this stress by concentrating on one thing at a time. I tend to think to far ahead and get overwhelmed by small things. Many people, often the famous ones, will become to atached to their money. They think that the more money the have the happier they will be. Though they have the wrong idea because what gives you true happiness is other people.

  18. I am attached to my grades. Grades are really not the most important thing in the world but I still worry about them and they can cause me big time stress. Another thing that causes me stress is tests and any big project just like the I-book we have been working on in English Class. In order to manage my stress is to just RELAX and forget about it for a little bit and even say a little prayer. An example is money because money can't buy happiness.

  19. I am attached to listening to music because music lets me to relax.The things that cause me stress is Tests and also Homework. I should study more for tests and for homework I should work harder.An Example is technology because you should always go outside and play.

  20. Honestly, I'm attached to my IPad because I can get almost any game I want. Tests, quizzes, homework, and big projects stress the hair out of my head, because I am constantly going over my homework saying, "Oh! did I do this one right?". What helps me relax is listening to my chill pill.(a type of speakers that hooks up to your device.) An example is fame because fame can make you feel good, but not always because of the way people hate you, like for an example, Sarah Jessica Parker.

  21. A few things i am attached to are my grades, electronics and my trampoline.What causes me stress is my tests. I have never been the smartest kid in class. Sleeping is what helps me take my mind of my "stressers". Phones have gotten way to out of hand. Seriously, drop the phone and got interact face to face with people

  22. One thing that I’m really attached to is my iPod because it contains and allows me to access all my social media. What causes me stress is when I have a lot of homework to do, especially, when I don’t have a lot of time to finish it. I think a better way to manage my stress is to just try my best to get it done without getting frustrated over the amount of homework. I agree with Elsa’s comments above, people don’t have to keep getting what’s new. Why can’t they just be happy for what they have?

  23. I hate to say it, but I'm attached to instagram, my iPod, and phone. My animals are also one of my many attachments. Most things that cause me stress are events or things where you have to take it so serious and if you mess up, your done. Sleeping can actually help manage your stress because you can calm down and dream. Staying with friends or animals can help you think about other things, rather then the stressor. Money and popularity can grant people "happiness." Happiness is really what ever you consider to give you joy and a natural smile.

  24. I am attached to my pets. Things that cause me stress are school and when I am doing somthing that will effect how the whole team does. I manage stress by getting an ok from others that if I dont do good it is ok. I also manage stress by reading a book. Today people are attached to money and they thing money will make them happy. But you cant buy happyness.

  25. Often people don't realize how attached to things they really are. I for one am extremely attached to grades and school. Things that cause me great stress include long term projects, sports, grades, and most of all homework. In my opinion, the best way to deal with stress is to take a breath. When you take a deep breath, and put things into perspective it helps a lot. Also sleep helps with stress, you don't have to think during sleep. Examples of getting carried away with "things" are, people wanting the newest ting right then. Sometimes people need to think about how fortunate they are to have life and if whatever they are buying is necessary to life.

  26. I guess I am attatched to video games. Working at home and school. I could meditate or take naps. If you have a lot of money you will be attached to it and will make you happy.

  27. I am attached to Music.Yes, i always just go into my room and chill.I listen to music and I sometimes play on my tablet.Money will be one of the attachments I will face in my life.Another would be power like popularity. People take things to seriously sometimes and they feel like they need to over power them.

  28. Most people, may say that they are attached to video games, and electronics. When really, they are attached to there grades! As a student, I know that I am attached to my grades and staying fit. My grades are what stress me out. Especially, when there are big test coming up, such as one of Mr. Grant's test, and Mrs. McClure's test! I think that the better way to manage stress is to stop what I am doing, got somewhere quiet, and count to 10, and then go back to what ever I was doing before. There are many things that people take for granted, but something that people get attached to is money, electronics, friends, etc.; those are the things that may give people happiness.

  29. I am attached to many things,which really isn't a good thing. I am attached to things like my iPod and social media but after the lecture Mr. Grant gave to us,I know I am really attached to my grades. Many things cause me stress but tests or big assignments cause me the most stress. There is defiantly a much better to handle stress other than getting mad which is what I usually do. To handle stress , we should take a step back, and look at how it is going to benefit us rather than "how much time it will take up" or " how I won't learn anything from it"One of the things I see people getting attached is money or power.

  30. I am attached to my grades. I am constantly worrying about them. My biggest cause of stress comes from doing things in front of people. People are attached with power, money and popularity.

  31. I am attached to my grades, electronics, and I am also attached to music. My biggest cause of stress is reading in front of people and getting bad grades along with getting ready for a big event or test. A better way to manage your stress is to not think about it that much and don't worry. Some people are attached to wealth, power, fame , and popularity and that is the wrong idea of happiness because you can be happy with out wealth, power, and fame. You can be the most riches person in the world and you might not be as happy if you weren't .

  32. I'm attached to Electronics,music,and sports. Things that make me stressed are grades,tests, and school stuff.A lot of people get carried away in a job or school and can't think of anything else.Also things like popularity,wealth, and fame.

  33. I am attached to my phone,grades,and music. Things that make me stressed is meeting new people and wondering if there going to like or not and also my grades if i get a bad grade. The way i manage stress is i get my mind off that thing by talking to someone or to take deep breaths. The things people get attached to are popularity and wealth.


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