Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Women's History Month 2014

March has been designated as Women’s History Month.  The Library of Congress, the Smithsonian Institution, the National Archives and Records Administration, the National Park Service and other government agencies have partnered in paying tribute to the past and present women who have done so much to shape and progress our world. 

This year’s theme is “Women’s Education – Courage, Character and Commitment”.  As we have talked in class, education is the key to all future success.  Whether it is developing a nation, building a community or empowering a group of people, with education anything is possible.  Without education life is not only difficult, but obstacles can be immoveable.  Education is the key to freedom from whatever holds you back.  This insight was not always so obvious. 

While women have always made significant contributions to our country, it is not surprising to me that as more women are entering and completing college that we are seeing more and more women in high profile positions.  This is the first generation with more women enrolled in college than men.  This is truly incredible when you consider social bias against higher education for women was dominant until the 1970’s.  Up through the 1970’s college majors and degrees were often limited to your gender, whether that be through actual college requirements or societal pressure.   Today, women are afforded the same opportunities as men. 

Much of the progress can be attributed to Title IX legislation.  Title IX prohibits gender discrimination by any institute receiving federal funds.  Title IX provides equal access to education, facilities, and scholarships to women.  In addition to academics, women’s participation in athletics has increase by 900% in high school and 450% in collegiate activities.  The impact has been incredible. 

What women stand out to you as making significant contributions to our country and why?  What do you think of Title IX and its impact?  In your lifetime, what “firsts” do you think you will see from women?


  1. A women that stands out to me as a significant figure is Missy Franklin because she is a role model in my current sport and she shows that women can accomplish anything and can break world records in sports; as well as other things. I think Title IX is a good initiation because it is a step towards women having the same rights as men. I also think that this is good because the more people we can have equal; the quicker we can progress through society. I think that in my life time there will be a first women president. I don't think we are currently very far away from that. I don't know many other 'firsts' because a lot of women are currently already doing jobs that take a higher level of understanding.

  2. I think that J.K. Rowling is a great role model and person and writer. She has changed American literature forever and has created a world of her own. The title IX is great because it gave women equal opportunity to succeed as men. This reminds me of how MLK didn't want blacks to bee "free" but more having an equal opportunity to succeed as a white man. I definitely think a female president is accomplishable in my lifetime, judging how Sarah Palin came so close to power.

  3. I like J. K. Rowling is a great role model for women. She persevered through writing and knowing that very few women have done it before. The IX title is a great one because it gives women an equal change to succeed compared to men. I think that rights are important for a nation to succeed because there would be more ideas. After all women make a huge impact on society.

  4. I like J.K. Rowling because she is a good model and also a good writer. The title IX its a step forward for women to have equal rights as men. After all women do make an impact on the society.

  5. I think a women who is a great role model is Malala Yousafzai because she is not afraid to give an opinion on what she believes in. The Title IX is great because it makes it so women don't have discrimination because of gender.

  6. A woman who is a great role model is Gabby Douglas. She worked hard for what she achieved, and was only 15 years old. The title IX is amazing because it makes everyone equal, man or woman. Rights are important to our society, economics, and politics, and over all nation, because think of how many woman have invented things, and think of all the brilliant ideas thought up by women. Hey, you can't say woman without man, and the "wo" is just there because all our ideas make you say "wo.''

  7. I love Missy Franklin she is my favorite woman role-model because she inspires me to swim faster and work hard in order to achieve my goals. She has Helped America as a whole because she has contributed so much to the Olympics and has won many medals (mostly gold). She also inspires young teenage girls to fight and work hard to achieve their dreams. I am so happy that people (men) finally realized that ALL genders are equal and that woman should be treated fairly and have equal rights and that they expresses that they knew this by creating the wonderful IX law. A first thing that women will can achieve is presidency in North America (specifically America).

  8. I think that J.K Rowling is awesome because she thought me that I can believe in whatever I want and people cant make a judgment about it if I want to believe in... walking trees or aliens then I can. I think that the title XL is a great impact. The "firsts" that I will probably see in my life time will be a black woman president of the U.S but that could but in another century but could but in this one?

  9. I think Gabby Dougless is someone to look up to. She trained hard did her best and achieved her dreams. And at a very young age. I think title IX is awesome and that it will help alot. All of us are equal man or woman. Its not what we look like it is what we do and think.

  10. A woman who really stands out for me today is Michelle Obama. She works so hard to provide healthy food and a nutritional diet to kids and adults everywhere. The First Lady takes every opportunity she can to educate people on the importance of a healthy diet, and how you can supplement non-healthy foods around your house for a simple and healthy alternative. I think that Title IX is a good idea, because it gives women a chance to really show the world what they can do, without all the discrimination. But, I do hope that one day we will not need the Title IX laws. One "first" I hope to see in my life time is the first woman as president. I think it would really show the world that women are capable of anything.

  11. I think that J.k Rowling is a GREAT person because she changed the way that i think about magical stories.
    The title IX is great because it gives women the same opportunity as men. the first major thing that i think will come from women is President. :)

  12. There are so many different women that stand out to me. Famous Olympians such as Gabby Douglas, Missy Franklin, and Lindsey Von are great role models. They really try hard and do there best. Tittle IX is very important because it prevent a lot of discrimination against women. Like Avery said I hope one day we wont need Tittle IX. There are many firsts I want to see in my life such as s the first women president. Maybe a lady will discover the cure to cancer or find life on distant planets. Maybe it will be someone in the sixth grade right now.

  13. I think that in order to be a good role model you have to goal set, be strong (emotionally), and persevere through those hard times in life. Some good role models are Oprah, Malaya, Princess Kate, Ellen, and Michelle Obama. I too think that IX is important to prevent discrimination against women although one day I hope we wont need it; if you think about it women still aren't treated as equal as men. I too want to see a women president, one day. Women that are just as equal as men everywhere. I want to see a women military leaders (just as equal as men). I hope one day it will all be completely equal.

  14. There are a couple women that stand out to me, but honestly Michelle Obama is a pretty good role model.(Maybe even more of a role model than the president.) The title IX basically gives rights to any living human being, mostly targeting women, and is a stupendous idea. There "firsts" will probably be president, vice president, and female girls on buys football team instead of dividing them.

  15. I think that J. K. Rowling is a good role model because even though she was a girl she believed she could do anything . I like the title IX but I'm waiting for when we don't need it anymore and women are thought of as equals. A first I would like to see is a woman president or vice president.

  16. Jennifer Lawrence is a fascinating role model because she isn't afraid to be herself, and she doesn't change for other people, she changes for herself. I think Title IX has made a great impact but, we don't really need it because of the impact. I would want to see a woman be the president.

  17. I think a girl that satands out to me is princess kate.I think that she is a person that can satnd out because she always has a way to do stuff nd figure it out the right way.she has always never gave up or said that she cant do that because she is very brave with what she does because you never know what will happen.The IX tittle is great because it gives women equal rights the same as men.I think the "first" i will see is a women being the first president and a women being the first girl in a job that has never had a girl in it.

  18. Taylor Swift is an inspiring significant role model to me because she is young and donates a lot of her money to local charities. She is a young entertainer that inspires people to go out and change the world. Title IX has a big impact on the world in schools because they know no matter what peoples gender need a good education. Women are just as smart as men and they deserve a good education. In my lifetime the "first" thing I would love to see is a women president and I don't think we are very far from the first women president. Women would make really good presidents because they are just as smart as men and deserve the awesome opportunity as men get .

  19. I think Skylar Diggins is a good female role model . She shows that basketball isn't just a mans sport and that any girl can play it just as good. I think Title IX is really good because it shows women are the same as men. In my lifetime i think the "first" of a woman i would see is a female president.

  20. I think that there are a lot of great female role models who have impacted and changed the world.Yet Michelle Obama and Jennifer Lawrence are the two that stick out to me the most. Michelle Obama is a true leader and working hard for something that she believes needs to be done. Jennifer Lawrence is not going to change who she is just to impress other people or her fans. She has also encouraged more people to be themselves and to not be afraid of who they are.Title IX is doing a great deal of good for our nation. This organization is proving that women are equal to men and neither one is better that the other. I think that some "firsts" that I will see for women in my life has a endless possibilities yet I hope to see the first women president.

  21. I think that Jane Goodall is a good role model because she kept on going even everyone doubted her. She got a good education and made a lot of interesting discoveries. Title IX is doing great, because it shows people that women deserve the same opportunities as men. I think that I will see the first women president and women deacons in the catholic church. Maybe even women priests in the catholic church.

  22. A lot of women are inspiring. Although, a couple of woman to me are really inspiring, such as Gabby Douglas. In my opinion, she shows little girls that you need to work hard, take risks, and preserver in order to reach your goals. Also, she shows that you can make a name for your self even if you have people push you down over and over again. Title IX is something to question. It is the same controversy that happened with black history month, if we stop pointing out the things we can't control, they have no power over us. If we judge others not on race or gender, but on the kind of person they are, we will have less of this unnecessary discrimination that happens. I hope that some of the first that I will see include the first female president.

  23. I think that J.K. Rowling stands out to me because she made one of the best selling books of all time. It was the Harry Potter. I think that title IX is good. I think it is good because it allows women to participate in things they couldn't do. I think I will see the first female president.

  24. Rosa Parks because she gave Black people in the 60's hope and perseverance in the Civil Rights Movement. Title XI has given women the liberties they diverse.But we still have a long way to go.When I was a little kid sitting on a subway train,I saw a pregnant and an elderly women having to stand up because a man was sitting down.It's all those little niceties that we take for granted that could make a difference. First women president,first women priests and deacons,and first women in men's professional sports.

  25. I think that the first lady has contributed a lot to our country because she has helped with to may things to count. I think that Title Ix is good because it shows that women can be just as strong as men can. It also helps with stop men being prejudice about women not being as good as men. I really wish to see the first female president or CEO of a major company.

    1. help with stopping men from being prejudice

  26. I think Rosa Parks is a women who stands out to me. Back int the 60s when a white man or women wanted something they got. But Rosa Parks taught us defiance and to standup for what is not only right but what is yours. All women deserve the Tittle Ix. It is good because it shows women can do as much as men can. A first I hope will happen is the day a women joins an all mens professional sport.

  27. The woman that stands out to me the most is Hope Solo. Just like Joe said she is a role model for my current sport(soccer). Hope Solo inspires me to keep going through even the toughest of moments. I think she deserves the title IX. She is just as good as many of the mens soccer players and better than a lot. I would really love to see got to a co-ed U.S nations team. I think that would be a great opportunity to play with other styles of play.

  28. The woman who stands out to me is J.K. Rowling. She is a fantastic writer and role model. The Title IX is great because it gives women more opportunity than men ever had The firsts for me are definitely a woman president I think would be first

  29. I think that Rosa Parks is by far the women that stands out he most to me. She showed that we souldn't be shoved around by people who are bigger, older or stronger than us. We should hold our ground. I think she set an example to our country to stand up for yourself. I think that title xi is a good thing because it lets women do what they are really capable of doing and it really equals out our country. I think the one of the biggest firsts I will see in this country is the first woman president. By far.

  30. I think their are too many inspiring women, whose stories I just love. Too many to count, in fact. But some that stick out to me the most are JK Rowling (love her books), Venus Williams (incredible role-model to anyone who plays tennis), Malala (she isn't afraid to speak her beliefs. I think Title IX is a great idea. It is finally telling women and girls that they can pursue their dreams. I have so many "firsts" I'm just waiting to see, yet the one I'm anticipating the most is 1st women president.

  31. I think Mia Hamm is a great role model because she acommplished lots by the age of 14. The title IX means that everyone is equal. It would be cool to see the first female president.

  32. My role model is probably Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift is probably my role model because her music doesn't involve foul language, she has stayed true to her fans, and she never gave up when trying to get a record deal. I think that Title IX is thing that is unnecessary because girls and boys should have the same opportunities no matter what gender, and that there doesn't need too be a Title IX. Title IX has probably made an impact by making girls able to play school sports. The thing that I think that I would "first" see in any women is maturity, manners, and respect.

  33. The woman that I think makes a good role model is Oprah Winfrey because she volunteers and donates to charities. She also makes time to encourage others to follow their dream. I think Title for legislation is good because it gives women a chance to not be discriminated from business that get governments funding. Maybe a female president.

  34. A women that stands out to me is Rosa Parks because she stood up for what she believed in. She did what she thought was right and that has encouraged many people to say what they believe. IX is a good idea because I don't think women get enough credit because some people don't realize how much women do for our country. I think I will see a female president for the USA in my future.

  35. I like Harriet Tubman. She was a great woman. She was so brave in the way she didn't care whether she w's killed or not. She stood up for all slaves and people treated unfairly. I think title IX is great because it gave equal opportunities to any man or women. It showed that men aren't stronger than women. And women aren't stronger than men, it is treating everyone fairly with dignity. I think we will see a first in which men and women will become teammates on a sports team


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