Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dr. Seuss

March 2nd marks the anniversary of Dr. Seuss’s birthday.  While it may seem trivial to celebrate an author of children’s books, it is hard to imagine what life would be like without the influence of The Cat in the Hat or Green Eggs and Ham.

Now that you are older I can imagine you may have lost an appreciation for the genius of Dr. Seuss and his work.  But as you watch the number of first graders and kindergarteners walking around looking like Thing 1 and Thing 2, it is difficult to deny the cultural and educational impact his work has had on society.

A couple of years ago, in addition to celebrating his birthday, a movie based on one of his books, “The Lorax” was released.  While it seems like a simple, enjoyable children’s story, it is also a political and social statement by Dr. Seuss concerning the over industrialization of our world and the fear of losing our natural resources.  Dr. Seuss often used his stories to not only entertain and engage children in reading, but provide insight into the world for the parents reading the books.  One of the most gifted books at high school graduation is “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”  It’s not so subtle message about how to live your life, through the good times and the bad is extremely relevant to people entering into new phases of their lives.

Did you read or were you read Dr. Seuss stories when you were a child?  If so, what is your favorite and why?  What life lessons did you learn by reading Dr. Seuss or by any other children’s book?   What do you think about the younger kids at school celebrating his birthday


  1. I used to love Dr. Seuss and still like his books. My two favorite books were "Green Eggs and Ham" and "Go Dog Go". I learned to never judge anything before you try it and to never judge a person before you get to know them. I think it is cute to see the kindergardeners dress up as the Cat in the Hat. It was really funny last year when they drew whiskers on an 8th grader.

  2. I loved all of Dr, Suess's books as a child, and sometimes, when I have nothing to do, I still pull out one of his books to read. My favorite book as a kid was "Go Dogs Go", I loved seeing all the different and funny dogs all go an adventure and have a party in a tree! Today, I am also very fond of "The Lorax", I think it's message is very inspiring and can easily be related to in today's world. That book is one of the things that made me love wild life and trees so much, and now I do all I can to help the environment and encourage others to do the same. I love seeing the younger kids celebrating his birthday, because Dr. Suess was such a big part of my life, and now he is a part of theirs. Dr. Suess didn't just help kids develop a creative mind, he made them aware of our world's problems in a way that encouraged them to take part in helping it. I am proud that Dr. Suess is helping to shape our younger generations for the better.

  3. My favorite Dr. Seuss story and character is Yurtle the Turtle because I really liked the way he was drawn and the life lesson of sharing and how greed is bad. I think learning who Dr. Seuss was at a young age is good because there are lots of positive memories in Dr. Seuss' books.

  4. Ya I did, my favorite book that i got read to me was "The Lorax"; my mom said that she liked reading it because she is an environmentalist and wanted me to be like that too. I learned a life lesson from Green Eggs and Ham that it is ok to try new things. I think that people celebrating it is really great and a good tribute to the late Dr. Suess

  5. I enjoyed reading Dr. Seuss's books because all the books told you not to judge; my favorite book by him is go dog go. I always enjoyed his books because I have always been the tallest; so his quote "a persons a person no matter how big or small" always meant a lot to me. My favorite traits about his books were always the rhyming, and the humor. I do think that its cute, and funny when the kindergardeners dress up and color pictures because Dr. Seuss is a positive, and great person for them to look up on. "the more you read the more you know the more that you learn the more places you'll go." Happy birthday Dr. Seuss!!!

  6. When I was little I was in love with Dr. Seuss. I read it every day. The books were not only to be fun for kids but each one had a different message. My favorite book was Green Eggs and Ham because I myself can relate to that book. The main character would not try the food he was offered. I am not a fan of trying new foods but when I do try them the are most likely going to be good. I wouldn't like half the foods I eat now if I
    would not have tried them. The book taught me to branch out and try new things. I think the little kids should celebrate his birthday because he was a great man who taught us great life lessons

  7. When I was a kid, I remember reading and being read Dr. Seuss. My favorite book was Yurtle the Turtle because I like the pictures. I think that this book shows to not be greedy. I like the idea of celebrating his birthday and reading his books because where would we be without his fun stories?

  8. Back then when i had not a care in my mind, I was utterly IN LOVE with Dr. Seuss. Well, books in general, but that had to be one of my favorites. One of the best stories was "Go dog Go." I used to know that bundle of rhyming pages by heart. I think I liked it so much because of the humor, and all the memories it made from the laughing and smiles brought when ever i laid my hands on it. That book made me think, it helped me understand where I am, where I'm going, and why I'm going there. My absuloute favorite of all his quotes is one he wrote fairly recently before he died, "Sometimes the questions are complicated, and the answers, are simple." Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss, your missed down here.

  9. Yeah I did read and I was read Dr. Seuss, by far my favorite book of his was "The Foot Book" Some life lessons I learned were not to judge people or change yourself because of other people. Celebrating Dr. Seuss for younger kids is great because they not only practice reading, but you have fun with it.

  10. Yes I used to read Dr. Seuss books. My favorite book was o the places you'll go. I liked this book because it tells you that you might get stuck and have to go back. The life lessons that I learned from reading his books were that thing can happen at any moment and to keep an open mind for adventure. I think that it's great that younger kids are celebrating his birthday because he was a GREAT person.

  11. Yes i did read Dr. Seuss. The book I like is THE LORAX because it thought it was really good to read and really funny and green eggs and ham. I learned a lesson from green eggs and ham that it is good to try new things. Its good for the littlle kids to celebrate his birthday because it was really funny to see them like Dr. Seuss.

  12. I did read Dr Seuss books. He wrote some of my favorite books from when was little. My favorites are Go Dogs Go because I love books that rhyme and it is fun to read about all the different dogs. My other favorite is Horton Hears a Who because of the lesson "A person's a person no matter how small". I think it is important for the younger kids to learn about and read Dr. Seuss books because the rhyme is an important part in early learning. Dr. Seuss also writes some pretty fun books.

  13. I loved Dr. Seuss books when I was little. My favorite one was Green eggs and ham because I loved the rhyming and I thought green eggs and ham were really silly. I learned from Green Eggs and Ham that you don't judge a book by it's cover. I think it is crucial kids read and celebrate Dr. Seuss and his books because Dr. Seuss had an amazing ability to turn wacky, silly books into some very important lessons.

  14. I used to always read Dr.Suess books but my favorite is green eggs and ham it teaches a great life lesson:you cant say you dont like something unless you have tried it.

  15. When I was younger, I had never actually read a Dr. Seuss book! The stories you mentioned up above I can hardly remember what they were about. I remember watching some Dr. Seuss cartoons and thought that they were funny or interesting but I was to young to understand the moral of the stories. I had never been a big fan of Dr. Seuss' books but I have to say that I think that it is pretty cool that he had that big of an influence over other people! & for a pretty good cause! I think that it is good that other younger students are celebrating his birthday because of all the good and important lessons he teaches us today! He is a pretty good roll model and has good books for younger children.

  16. I always loved reading Dr. Seuss when I was little. My favorite book by him when I was little is called "The Butter Battle Book". I always thought it was so funny that people would start a war over whether or not their toast had butter on it. It taught me not to get upset over the small things. I think it is important for younger kids to celebrate Dr. Seuss' birthday because it teaches moral lessons and values little kids need ( and sometimes lack :) ). He also writes some pretty great books!

  17. Yes, I did read Dr. Seuss stories when I was a child. I love all of Dr. Seuss books, but my favorite Dr. Seuss book is " The Lorax " because it is about a boy that will do anything to get a girl to go out with him. Two lesson that I have learned from Dr. Seuss books is that you are never to old to have fun, and inspiration is never bad. I think that they should have fun and listen to the book "The Lorax"!

  18. Yes I was read Dr. Seuss stories as a child. My favorite is Green Eggs and Ham just because i loved it as a little kid and it was always read to me. The life lessons I learned from reading DR. Seuss and even reading about him are to never give up on your dream no matter what anyone says. I think it is cool to see the younger kids wearing Dr. Seuss hats and celebrating his birthday.

  19. I had SO many Dr. Seuss books in my younger ages. My favorite was One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue fish. It taught me how to rhyme. I love the kindergarten with their whiskers and hats that they made.

  20. I have read many Dr. Seuss books and they have had a big impact on me and I'm sure on many other people in the world. My favorite Dr. Seuss book is One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish. My mom said it is the first book I learned how to read and I have a picture of My sister and I when we were little and she was reading to me One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish. Dr. Seuss books are a part of my childhood and no matter how many years pass when we do not have Dr.Seuss with us, I will never forget his books, and his impact on the world.Dr. Seuss had a lot of silly animals, names, and books. His books have taught me a lot but most of all, they taught me to dream, to imagine, and to be yourself. Whether it was a book before bed or a book on a rainy day, he always added a little bit of silliness to the day.I think its great that the younger kids are celebrating and learning about someone who has made such an impact in society.

  21. I have read many Dr. Seuss books when I was young and have always loved their rhymes. There's a Wocket in my Pocket because I love the made up names. The life lessons are that it is fun to read books. That they should continue doing it because he was such a good author and a great rhymer.

  22. I ALWAYS red Dr. Seuss. He wrote the best books ever! My Favorite was Green eggs in ham because it was really funny. The life lesson is that you can still have fun if you have nothing to play with by using your imagination.I think its funny seeing the younger kids dress up because the looked so weird.

  23. I sometimes read Dr. Seuss book when I was little but not always. Probably my favorite book that he wrote was The Lorax because it told people to save trees because theres a lot of things that trees can help us with like letting people and animals have oxygen in the world. I think its a good idea for younger kids to celebrate his birthday at school because hopefully they would get inspired to read his books and read on from there.

  24. I have read and been read to Dr. Seuss books because they are really good learning books and helped make learning to read fun. My favorite book is Green Eggs & Ham because the grumpy guy went through all that trouble, but ended up loving green eggs and ham. I've learned that a lot of these books tell you to be unique and not worry about what others think about you. I think it's great we celebrate Dr. Seuss's birthday because it will inspire people to rayed more and teach kids how to be more creative.

  25. Yes I did read Dr. Seuss books. My favorite Dr. Seuss book was the Lorax. I chose the Lorax because the story was good and it is an original. That you should do as your told and to be loyal to others. I don't know what I think because I wasn't at school all day and I didn't see any kids wearing Dr. Seuss hats.

  26. Yes I did read Dr. Seuss books when I was little. I liked "green eggs and ham", I also liked "go dog go" bolt books I felt taught me not to judge. When the little kids celebrated Dr.Seuss's birthday I think it was nice. They are celebrating a very inspirational man's life and the legacy he will pass on forever.

  27. All the time.That it doesn't hurt to be playful and fun and reading can get you to a lot of places. Dressing up as Thing 1 and Thing 2,reading Dr. Seuss books a lot,and playing games.

  28. I read lots of Dr. Seuss books when I was little. I liked "Green Eggs and Ham". My parents basically used it against me every time I didn't try something new. Dr. Seuss books helped me find joy in reading. I like it when little kids celebrate his birthday because it brings back good memories.

  29. I used to read lots of Dr. Seuss books. My favorite was always Horton hears a ho. It taught me to always listen and that i am not the only one on this planet and that we should respect each other. I think it is great that children celebrate his birthday and read his books. Without him learning to read would not be as fun.

  30. I have read many Dr.Seuss books in my life and I think my favorite one is one foot,two feet,red fish,blue fish.Also I really like horton hears of who.Some lessons are sort of like classroom behavoir and how to treat your teacher and classmates and how to behave in public around other people and have manners to your parents and other siblings.It is also important to me because they teach other people how to read and write and also not to bully each other because that can lead to very bad things in the future almost leading to killing yourself.I think it is great for kids to celebrate his birthday because Dr.seuss has made some people better by reading his books and knowing what is right and what is wrong.It makes people feel great because I bet when other poeple come by and see that you are celebrating his birthday it probable makes them feel great inside.

  31. I have read many of his books if not every one of his books. I Loved green eggs and ham and the loran.I really liked them because they were fun to read and always had great pictures. I was really exited to see that they made movies out of them. They taught me to try new things and to not judge a book by it's cover. I think that not only littler kids should celebrate his birthday but everybody should because he's made some sort of impact in all of our lives.

  32. I have read many Dr. Seuss books. Some of my favorites were Green Eggs and Ham and The Lorax. I liked these books because they were funny at the time and they had funny pictures. I learned that you only have so much in life once it's gone it's gone in The Lorax and you should try everything despite what it looks like in Green Eggs and Ham. I like that they celebrate his birthday because he has made a difference in our world.

  33. I liked many dr Seuss books. My favorite is go dog go. The life lesson it teaches is to give your honest opinion and to not care what other people say. That is a very important quality to have. I'm not sure if I was here for his birthday this year, but I always enjoyed making and wearing the hats as a child. When I was at St. Marks, the kids read many Dr. Seuss books and wore the little hats. I thought that was pretty cool.

  34. I did read many of his books. My favorite is Oh the Place you'll go. I enjoyed these books because It would teach you life long lesssons and fun to read. They taught me to understand things more. I think its great that the little kids are learning about it because he has made a great influence.

  35. I have read a lot of Dr.Suess books inn my life. My favorite was The Cat in The Hat Comes back, I liked this book because it taught me to never give up. I learned a lot of life lessons but the one that I learned most was to understand things. I think it is a good thing for the young kids at St.Joe's to celebrate his birthday because he changed a lot of things in a good way.


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