Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Beatles

What kind of music do you listen to?  What is your favorite genre?  Regardless of your preferences, the odds are you favorite band, song, or performance was influenced someway by the Beatles.  It was 50 years ago on February 9th that this band from Liverpool, England performed on the Ed Sullivan Show and changed the world forever. 

The Beatles are the greatest selling band of all time.  They have more number one hits in the United Kingdom and the United States than anyone ever.    You can see and hear the influence of the Beatles in most music today.  They were not afraid of experimenting in different genres or with different instruments.  They were the first to perform a stadium concert.  Each album was a unique experience with a different sound.  John, Paul, George, and Ringo each contributed in their own way to the sound and success of the Beatles.

For having such a huge influence, they had a surprisingly short career.  After less than a decade, the Beatles broke up in 1970.  The pressure of being forever and always linked to one another proved to be too much.  Most fans were anxiously awaiting a reunion which unfortunately was made impossible after John Lennon was killed by a crazed fan in December of 1980.  George Harrison lost his life in 2001 after battling cancer.  The remaining members, Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr, continue to perform and contribute to the musical world.

What kind of music do you listen to?  Why?  Do you like to listen to music?  Why is it appealing?  Can music change the world?  If so, how?


  1. I listen to old fashioned music like Eye of the Tiger and Total Eclipse of the Heart, because it's good music with a good point to get across whereas today all songs are basically about break-ups. Because it calls me down and helps me sleep and think. It lets my Ears relax and listen to a nice sound. Sometimes music has an influence because I think it has the power to unite us.

  2. I listen to most of the new bands like Imagine Dragons and One Republic. It gets me pumped up and ready for the day. I like to listen to music in the car or when I do my homework. I'm listening to music right now, in fact. I like it because it lets me relax and take a break from everything else. I think music can change the world because that day the Beetles came to America was remembered, well, until now and probably for a while. I mean 'Beatlemania' is a phrase still used today. There are so many bands that are changing history.

  3. I like listening to rap music. It fascinates me that people can move their mouth so quick to rhymes. Music also gets me pumped up ,especially rap. I think music can definitely change the world because of just the physical feeling it gives someone.

  4. The music that I listen to is called "the hottest hits". That maybe Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice to Royals by Lorde. I listen to "the hottest hits" because it makes my feel like I am in a different world, gets me moving, makes me energetic, and makes me happy. I love to listen to music for the same reasons that i listen to "the hottest hits". I am not sure why music is appealing to me. I think that it might be appealing to me just because it is just common for me to be listening to music.Yes, I do think that music can change the world because it inspires others.

  5. I like to listen to "new" and "modern" music, but I also like to listen to music that has an inspiring story. Some bands like One Republic sing these kinds of songs. I also love music that makes you feel happy, like the Beatles! I think music is appealing because it takes people's minds off of all the hard stuff in there lives. I believe music can change the world, and in a positive way, too. Music can speak to people in a way no words ever could. The beats, rhythms, tunes, they all come together to create one universal language. A language that has the power to do unimaginable things.

  6. I like rock music especially older rock like Def Leppard because I like the drums. I went to their concert in 4th grade. I also like newer music like Grace C. I like to listen to music because it lets me relax. I also like to sing along. Music can change the world because it is inspirational.

  7. The music I mainly listen to is todays hits because it has catchy tunes I can follow along with. I love listening to music because it allows me to calm down. Music can change the world by inspiring people to do things they have never done before. I love the Beatles because they have some of my favorite songs like Hello Goodbye, Yellow Submarine, and Penny Lane. Music has changed so much throughout the centuries to almost all rock to rap and pop.

  8. I like lots of different types of music and not one in particular .Music con some times help me concentrate. I do think that music can change the world because the words can inspire them or give them an idea

  9. I like lots of music but the ones i listen to the most would be pop, and rap. It can help me clear things off my mind or relax. I really like listening to music. It is appealing because it can help me get through lots of things. I do think music can change the world. It can inspire many people and give many people ideas and can help them through hard times.

  10. I like lots of music, but for some reason, especially like the oldies. Yes, the Beatles included. I think it's just because I grew up listening to them a lot at home and in my dad's car. I most definitely listen to music because it helps me to concentrate and relax. If anything can change the world it's music. It helps people express their feelings in a way everyone understands and respects. And I'm talking about real music. Not the stupid rap and break up songs people think they can call "music". If people get out their feelings, the world is a more relaxed place.

  11. I listen to classical and the beetles. I also listen to whatever is on the radio. Sometimes music can focus me and other times it just makes me feel happier. I think that listening to music is O.K. I kind of like to listen to music because it helps me to relax and become calm. It's appealing because I like the sound of music, it makes my ears feel useful. I don't think music will have a big influence on the world but it might have a small one. It could influence peoples ideas about other music and other music forms.

  12. I like to listen to lots of different kinds of music. Nothing to loud or vulgar. But I prefer classical music such as Beethoven, Ludwig, etc. but I also like the listen to some modern day songs and artists. All in all, I prefer classical music over all other kinds of music. I mainly like Classical because I feel like it is a stronger way to express your feelings rather then shouting or wrapping. You can truly hear the meaning the person is trying to get across in an artistic manner. I do listen to music, I mean, it's kind of hard to avoid it. I do like music and will listen to it in the car or somewhere else. But I don't typically think, "I want to go and listen to music." I find music appealing because it is kind of a glimpse into peoples overall emotions and thoughts. I feel this way with all different kinds of music. I truly feel like music is also a good way to know yourself better and to be able to tell what your, or others around you's personality is. I think that music can change the world in that the words that are poured out into a song can change how someone feels, and acts towards a person or idea. I feel like in many respects that music can have the power to change the world.

  13. I listen to all kinds of music and I don't really have a favorite song or band. I like listening to music it feels relaxing and makes you forget about stress. It's appealing to me because you feel like you are in a whole new world to me. i believe music can change the world because nobody can go a day without music. It's just important to everyone in a different way.

  14. I like listening to pop music like One Direction because their music calms me down. I like listening to music because it relaxes me and plus I can sing along to ONE DIRECTION'S songs. I can just listen to music and not worry about homework and other stuff. Music changed the world because it inspires all of us.

  15. I like to listen to music because it helps calm me. I like most kinds of music, except for some rap songs. I believe music is very powerful and can change the way people fell about things. By changing the way people feel about things, it can change the world. For example the national anthem gives me pride in America. Songs can be inspiring, especially if they are about important things like a war.

  16. I love all music but I listen to alternative music most. I like listening to music because it makes me feel happy and calm. It makes me have that feeling you get on the first day of summer,the " I don't have a care in the world" feeling. The reason I listen to music is because of the happiness it makes me feel. I think that music can change the world, it makes you feel like your in a different world, a world with no worry's or responsibilities.
    That kind of power is the kind that changes the world.

  17. I love to listen to music. It helps me sleep, it fills quit space in the car, and it motivates me to do things like cleaning my room. My favorite kind of music is country because they have catchy tunes. I like pop music because my favorite singers have music that falls in this genera and it makes me happy. I also love to watch shows like The Voice or The Sing-Off. I think music can change the world, it changes peoples mood, it can also send very powerful messages. Sometimes it can connect people. Music is also in most movies, plays, and in sports.

  18. The music I like is older music like Eye of the Tiger or we are the Champions. I like this kind of music because it sometime pumps me up or it relaxes me. Music can change the world because music can come in many forms of music. Music is one of the few things the whole world has in common.

  19. Honestly, I don't like to listen to music very much, and I don't have a favorite band. I think music can change the world though, because music changes people's perspective of their music.

  20. I listen to a lot of different types of music depending on what mood I am in. usually though I listen to songs by One Republic and that type of music. But when I am trying to exited or energetic say for a basketball game, or a race; i like to listen to more up beat songs.I really like listening to music. I makes me think about different things and it takes me to a different place. A lot of songs also talk about peoples life experiences and I like listening to that also. I do think that music can change the world. It already has and is continuing today.Just like the Beatles and the rolling stones inspired people,and changed the world. I think that many new bands will continue to do that.

  21. i listen to pop, which has a lot of different sounds and beats. I usually listen to music because of car rides or anyplace/thing that involves music. I really enjoy music because it could be soothing, happy, sad, scary, or anything in between . it is appealing because of the different moods it can put you in.Music can change the world, it can bring people together.

  22. I like to listen to indie pop and, indie rock. Because its protest music, and the music means something, and the artist most write their own songs. I like listen to music because its takes you to a different place, a happy, and energetic place. I love music alot!

  23. I like to all kinds of music. Why because I think listening to music is awesome it can pump you up or calm you down. It is appealing to me because it is really nice to listen to. Yes music can change the world. Music is very powerful and embrassive it can change your perspective on anything.

  24. I listen to pop or whatever im in the mood for. I like pop because I like all the new beats the artists come up with. Yes I do like listening to music. Its appealing to me because theres all types of music I want to listen to on that day. Music can change the world because its very powerful.

  25. I like to listen to 90s and 80s rock and roll music. All the best bands have played in that time period. I like oldies because they are not as digital and you could hear the singers. Plus all the great rock legends were in that time period. Music can change the world because it can send a good message and someone could take that little message and make it into something big.

  26. I like to listen to hip-hop. Ever since I've heard it I just really loved it. Yes I love to listen to music. I like hip hop because it can be just beats or have singers. Music can change the world because if theres a song about peace and people really like it peace will come.

  27. I like to listen to hip-hop and rap occasionally. I don't know exactly why I like this genre of music but it just sounds good. Yes I love to listen to music because it can calm you down but also cheer you up. Music is a powerful thing. I think that music could change the world if someone introduced something no one had ever heard.

  28. I listen to rap and hip-hop whenever I get a chance. Sometimes when I need pump-up music before sports games.I like to.Music can change the world if someone makes a song, like Rocket Man by Elton John, that has a nice ring to it,for a long long time people are going to remember that song.

  29. I listen to pop and hip-hop. I like almost all songs that have a good beat and get you moving. I like to listen to music, because, I like singing along to/ dancing to it. I think that music can change the world because it makes people feel happy. Also, people dance to music, and those dances are inspiring and entertaining to watch. Music is especially important to me because my sport (dance) could not exist without music.

  30. I really like country music. I enjoy the southern style beat and I especially like the singers soothing voice. A lot of the singers have stories that they tell through their music. It is very fun to listen to because it keeps you energized. I like to listen to it when I am doing homework, shooting hoops and just relaxing. I think music could really help everyone in the world be upbeat and happy. In listening to others stories, you can hear how others get through their problems.

  31. I listen to pretty chill music i guess, but i also have a hidden love for hip hop and rap. I like listening to music because i love to sing, and it can always put a smile on my face. Music can, and has, changed the world because for everyone, theres that one song that they connect to in whatever situation they are in, may it be good or bad. Music is important to m,e because I have grown up with it. Everyday, I wake up, and turn on some music while i get ready to go through a musically fulfilled day.

  32. The type of music I listen to is mostly rock. I also like to listen to a little bit of rap. My favorite bands are Green Day(Dookie is the best), Band of Horses and Weezer(Blue Album is best). I listen to music becuase it calms me down and blocks off all other distractions. Music will make a difference in the world because it effects everyone in some way.

  33. I listen to alot of pop and rap.My favorite bands are AJR and rodger miller.I listen to music because sometimes it make me feel free and happy but it also helps me calm down in other situations and blocks f sounds around me thta are annoying.Music will make a diference in the world because it helps people think about things in the right way but sometimes it can make them mad because of music like heavy metal and sometimes eminem.It can make the world better also bbecause it effects everyone in some sort of way.


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