Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Boston Marathon - One Year Later

April 15th marks the one year anniversary of the bombings at the Boston Marathon.  It has been a long year of recovery for the city of Boston and the victims of the bombing. 

The Boston Marathon is the oldest large city marathon in the world.  It is held on the third Monday in April each year, which is Patriot’s Day, a Massachusetts state holiday. The day commemorates the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the first battle of the American Revolution.  Since its inception 118 years ago, the marathon has grown in stature and reputation. 

Last year 2 Chechen brothers turned the marathon and the city into a disaster by planting two homemade explosives near the finish line.  At 2:49 pm as runners were approaching the finish line two explosions 12 seconds and 210 yards apart were detonated causing 3 deaths and 264 injuries.  Of the 264 injuries, 14 resulted in amputation.  It was a sad day fo
r Boston and for the United States as we fell victim to another terrorist attack. 

In the days following, the stories of the incredible selflessness of first responders and ordinary citizens running into the chaos to help the injured demonstrated the resiliency of Bostonians.  The city branded itself “Boston Strong” refusing to give in to the terror and fear.  Not only was Boston Strong, but help came from all sorts of places in the form of money and medical assistance. 

The mayor help create the One Fund Boston to provide financial assistance to the victims and their families.  After the first week, crowd funding websites raised over $2 million.  On May 30th various artists including Aerosmith, Jimmy Buffett, and Jason Aldean played at the Boston Strong Concert with all proceeds going directly to One Fund Boston.  One Fund Boston received $69.8 million to directly aid the victims and their families. 

It is a bitter sweet week in Boston as they prepare for the 2014 Boston Marathon on April 21st.  While it will be a great sense of pride for the city to push forward with the event, it is also impossible to plan and participate without recalling the horror of the prior year’s event.  The stories have been remember and honored in various special programs.  Below is a clip from an ESPN E60 Program called “Dream On”.

This year the marathon will have 36,000 participants (which is 10,000 more than any previous year).   

What are your ideas about ways to reduce and eliminate terrorism in the world?  If you could, would you run in this year’s marathon? Why or why not?  Is there anything you would like to say to the participants of this year’s marathon?  


  1. My ideas about ways to reduce and eliminate terrorism in the world are education (like we have talked about in class) or maybe not ever bending the laws. If I could, would you run in this year’s marathon I would not. I wont because the bombing that happened last year although thats not the only reason my next reason is because they're is no way I cam run a marathon. To participants of this year’s marathon good luck!

  2. I agree that education will reduce terrorism but I also think that we should stop publishing such violent books and movies because it puts thoughts in people's heads that can eventually become a reality. I would run in the marathon because I would like to remember that I was part of the act that showed that America is a united country and we wont let each other fall. I would like to say don't be afraid the terrorist wont strike again and if they do it's because they are cowards and they want to separate are country. But, nothing will happen and good luck!

  3. I think that eliminating terrorism in the world is close to impossible but you can always make people aware of what happens. If I could run in this years marathon I would but there is always the risk of finishing off what happened last year. Even though I want to run the marathon I would end up out of breath about two miles in. For the participants in the marathon this year is that they should take extra precautions and have Fun!!!!!!!!

  4. There will always be terrorists in the world, and I completely agree that education can reduce it because now that our generation knows how bad it is, sometimes firsthand, they are less likely to do acts of terrorism and more likely to spread the world. Putting up laws and rules and restriction on guns and background checks are a bad idea because it makes it harder for responsible citizens. I would totally run this years' because I want to make change and making it safe and leading the Boston Strong movement. They should have fun and temporarily forget the horrible things in the world.

  5. Extermination of terrorism is almost impossible, but I suppose you could educate people on it so they are aware of how bad it is. Running that marathon this year would scare me to death, but I would if i had the chance. Even though there is a major risk of more bombs going off. The people in the race should just relax and have fun, because this time the police officers have your back.

  6. I agree that it would be very difficult to totally eliminate terrorism. I also agree that educating people would make a difference, but some people might just never understand how devastating terrorism can be. If I was able to, I would defiantly run this years marathon for those who were unable to finish last year. To the participants of this years marathon- do it for those who couldn't do it!

  7. There will always be terrorism in the world but if teachers can talk to their students about it then maybe it could reduce terrorism in the world also most terrorists have difficulties in their lives maybe if some people could help them before they get out of hand that would maybe help the problem of terrorism. I would definitely run the marathon because I would finish the run for the people who have last year. Good Luck for the participants!

  8. Terrorism will never go away, because of people who want revenge. I agree with all of the above, to reduce terrorism we can educate others about the horrible deeds that people with anger and jealousy have committed. Also, we can stop getting used to the idea of hurting others, even if it's supposed to be taken as a joke. Including the fact that I would have to get in shape, I would run the marathon, just think about all of those people who will never even be able to run again, and how they would feel if their children or friends ran the marathon to support them. To this year's participants, I applaud you on your courage to being able to run the marathon, that ruined many people's lives last year.

  9. I think we should stop making really violent games ,books,and also movies.No I wouldn't do the marathon I don't think I could run the marathon because I wouldn't make it. For the participants of the n Marathon

  10. I think we should try to get along and have a big agreement about terrorism with other countries We (meaning all countries) should stop worrying about other countries by going into their country and killing people. If I had a chance to run in the marathon I would gladly do it. I would do it to support all the families and victims of the bombing. To all the people who are running it I want to say congratulations and good luck!

  11. The biggest way for people to eliminate terrorism is to provide education because one it provides opportunities in life and it can occupy your time. But there are always going to be terrorists even if we get rid of them all someone is going to think that its a good idea to blow a 10 story office building up. I would love to run in the Boston Marathon .To all the people running in the marathon good luck. Congrats to the man from the United States Who won today. :)

  12. I think that to reduce terrorism, we need to just keep on standing strong, and not to give in to what they want. An example is the Twin Towers, and last year's Boston Bombing, it helped our country grow better, not separate. If there were no physical ability boundaries, than of course I would do it, for the strength of our country. I wish everyone good luck, and remind them to remember the people that died last year, and to run the race for them!

  13. I think to reduce terrorism is to just make security better. We need to keep doing what we are doing and stay strong. We need to bounce back up if things like this happen again because then they will know it just makes our country stronger. I think I would run this years marathon in honor of all those who were hurt or killed and didn't finish the race. Good luck to everyone and stay strong no matter what, also don't worry.

  14. The ultimate biggest way to reduce terrorism is to not give the terrorists the satisfaction they want, hence the name, to terrorize us. I think Boston was a great example of staying strong, and getting up from the fear that happened last year in the marathon. Yes, I probably would run in the Boston Marathon because I enjoy running and being really competitive. I think I would think of the people in the marathon as good role models, to remind us to never give up and stay Boston Strong. Good luck to those runners!!!!!!!!

  15. To reduce terrorism in our country, I think we should make people more aware of these sorts of threats. If more people know about them, they can take extra precautions to make sure they are as safe as they can be. We can also make the security better, but the problem with that is that there comes a point where too much security can become an invasion of privacy. It also might be worth trying to get better technology that can help us find the terrorists, that way we can catch them before things get too out of hand. If I was given the chance, I would run the Boston marathon this year, not because I am athletic, but because if I run, it would show people that we were able to overcome this horror, and these terrorists have not won. I would also run in memory of those who died in the bombing. To those who are running this year, I want to wish them good luck, and try stay strong for those who died.

  16. I think that to reduce and eliminate terrorism in the world is to stop letting kids play violent video games, and pretend that we don't care about what they do to us, so they don't get the satisfaction, as Conner had said before. I would love to run in the Boston Marathon because I know that it can be hard to get into, and I think the security levels would now be up and it would be harder for anyone to attack the US citizens. I would like to say to be strong and good luck ;)!!!

  17. I think that to stop terrorism, we should raise security. I just went on a plane to Italy and the security for the plane ride over was very little. I also agree with Grace C. because I also think that playing violent video games would lead kids to terrorism. I would like to do the Boston marathon so that I along with all the other people in america could show that Boston is strong. I would also like to say to the people who will participate, good luck and go big!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I believe you can't stop terrorism but there are ways to reduce it like educate people in the consequences and increase security. I feel educating would work a lot better than increasing security because you may be able to catch the culprit after the act of terrorism but not before. If we were to educate people not just the consequences but what to do in this situation. It would reduce the act of terrorism and not harm people. If I had the chance to run I would because it would be nice to see the people and not just over the internet. Good Luck!

  20. I would have to agree with Thomas, you cannot stop terrorism, only prevent it. People don't realiZe the consequences and the harm and the sadness and all of the things that come along with terrorist attacks. The only reasons we have terrorist attacks is because of the walls between different languages races and religions. If I could have run this marathon I would have run this marathon without thinking about it because it shows that the mission of the terrorists didn't succeed. That what ever they do they cannot break us apart. Iff there was one thing that I could tell the runners this year is that they are doing the right thing.

  21. You can't stop terrorism because you can't control people but you can try to advise them to make good choices. Violent video games and television shows are a big cause of violence. Also give consequences because if you don't people will think they can get away with anything. I would run in the marathon if I could because if one bad thing happens and all of a sudden you are scared you won't do anything. Good luck to everyone participating.

  22. You can never reduce or eliminate terrorism, yes education would help with eliminating terrorism, but everyone is different, you could have a person fully educated and they could still do terrorism because, well mostly religion. Some people think that if you don't have the same religion, your religion is wrong and try to get rid of people who are different. i would try because it is saying to the terrorists that we will pop back up and keep being Boston Strong. Good luck and you are doing the right thing.

  23. One of my ideas on abolishing terrorism is that we should simply get world leaders together to discuss this issue facing the world. As we all know, slavery happens all over the world. I think that if we can get an understanding group of people together to discuss these issues that we will have the power to certainly minimize terrorism. Terrorism can never completely go away, but I feel that it can be diminished greatly if we can set laws, educate people, and act on these problems. If I could run this year's marathon, I think that I would to advocate for the people who were hurt and lost their lives in this terrible event. If there was anything that I had to say to the participants of the people running this year's marathon it would be, "Good on you!" I have admiration for the people who are willing to run this event even after the previous year's incident. I'd also like to say "Thank you!" for taking a stand against terrorism!

  24. I think the way to reduce terrorism is to not have kids play violent video games and things like that. I would not run the marathon first of all i don't want to go to Boston and i am a really bad runner,but if i was in Boston i would i would like to say to the people who are running the Boston Marathon that i think that there are doing it, good luck and thanks.

  25. Like many people have already said, we will never be able to stop terrorism. Terrorism has stuff to do with peoples beliefs.We have reduced it by making security more strict.I would defiantly run the marathon if i could because it shows that we stay strong when times are rough as Americans even though I cant run a marathon. Good luck this year!!!!!

  26. Honestly we will never be able to stop terrorism. Terrorism is something that comes from within, a hatred towards something or someone. We can try to make it a little better though. Some ways include, putting a stop to hate commercials, put age sucurity on violent video games, and teaching people to accept others they way they are with all their flaws. If I could, I would probably run in the Boston Marathon. Mostly because I want to support those who have been injured last year. I would like to tell the marathoners that they are doing a brave and honorable thing that most people don't have the guts to do.

  27. Well you can never stop terrorism but you can reduce it. You can reduce it by younger generations not playing or watching violence things. I would run the Boston marathon just like David said we can still be strong after rough times in our life. Good luck!!!

  28. You can't stop terrorism but you can help reduce it. I think there are several ways. Just two are: if we stop exposing ourselves to violence - like in video games or PG13 movies. I think it is horrifying to think about how comfortable we are with death. If I could I would definitely run in the marathon because it is our way of pushing through and finding closure. To the runners of this years marathon good luck and thank you for having the courage to push through when others can't.

  29. We cant stop terrorism or eliminate it completely. But we can reduce it and keep it from growing. If I could I would run the marathon. You need to stay strong no matter what has happened in the past. I would tell the runners this year to have a good time and to do their best.

  30. You can never truly stop it. You can enforce not doing it though but when people have something set in their minds there is no stopping it. I would run in the marathon because I would run for everybody who died and did not finish. I hope the runners do well and be safe.

  31. You can never really stop terrorism because they always want revenge and violence with that revenge.I would definatly run the boston marathon because i am not afraid of what comes and i'd love to run a marathon.I would also run for the poeple who died and did not get to finish this important event.I would tell the runners to not be afraid and know that God is with them.They will do thier very best and hopfully not get hurt.

  32. We will never be able to Provent terrorism But there are ways we can help prevent it. We can prevent it by not letting little kids play violent video games or watching violent movies. I would run it for the people who died and got badly hurt and to remember them and to finish for them. Good luck and have fun.

  33. I just arrived at school this week.


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