Thursday, May 8, 2014

Nigerian Kidnapping

On April 15, 2014 more than 300 teenage girls were abducted from the secondary boarding school Chibok in Lagos, Nigeria.  Boko Haram, and Islamic terrorist group has claimed responsibility and is threatening to sell the girls in the market. 

This is just another in a series of heinous acts committed by Boko Haram.  The organization has been classified as a terrorist organization by the United States and there is a $7 million bounty on the group’s leader, Abubakar Shekau. 

While Boko Haram is responsible for countless murders and kidnapping, the size and atrocity of this act has captured the interest of international groups and governments, including the United States and China.  As recently as Tuesday, the U.S. State Department has pledged assistance with technical experts in intelligence, investigation and hostage negotiations.   China has offered to assist with satellite imaging and other technical assistance.  Unfortunately, the Nigerian’s initial reluctance to accepting help has given the terrorist organization a three week head start.

Boko Haram’s name is translated “Western education is sinful”. They believe in pure translation of Sharia law which considers everything Western as evil.  The leader, Abubakar Shekau recently released a video in which he says, “I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah. There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell.  He commands me to sell. I will sell the women. I sell women.”

The Nigerian leaders, including President Jonathan Goodluck, have not demonstrated the ability to effectively handled Boko Haram or recover the abducted girls.  What should be done to recover these girls?  What role should the United States play in the recovery?  How do you think the international community should deal with groups like Boko Haram?  Lastly, please say a prayer for the safe return and recovery of the girls and their families.  


  1. I think every possible resource available should be sent out to help these girls. There are 300! The US should help out any way they can because Boko Haram is responsible for countless murders and kidnappings. There is a point between money and humanity and it is time for humanity. Any groups like Boko Haram should be put on trial and given justice for their terrible deeds.

  2. I think that the military should search through the forest that they suspect that they are in. Also I think the government should interview the girls that escaped to find out what the men looked like and other information. I think that the U.S should help raise any money that NIgeria and they should also help supply men for the search. J thi

  3. I think what should should be done is countries need to team up and get the girls back. What the United States should do is help Nigeria and get the girls back and help find Boko Haram and arrest them. I think the international community should deal with groups like these by arresting them for their horrible crimes.

  4. I think all the countries should help save these girls and that we should put A LOT of effort in rescuing these girls because something has to be done. The United States should help out in any way possible, because if we stop Boko Harman we will be doing more than helping these girls. Boko Harman has murdered thousands of people in the past seven years and it is time to put an end to this. Whether Nigeria is willing to let us help or not we should take action. Countries should deal with these people by capturing them, interrogating them, and putting them all in jail. Dear God please help these poor girls survive this horror and return home safety. Our Father who art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespassed against us. And lead us not into Heaven but deliver us from evil. Amen.

  5. It is surprising and scary to me to hear what is happening in Nigeria, but even more so to hear that no one is doing anything about it. To stop it, we all need to rally together and put all our efforts into finding these girls. They are completely innocent, and yet who knows what is being done to peoples' granddaughters, daughters, and sisters. It is so terrifying. The U.S can help by asking for donations and helping the Nigerian government in any way we can. And to deal with groups like this, well, we just have to make sure they never get the chance to do something like this. Make schools more secure, set curfews, anything that could reduce the risk of this horror happening again. This is so terrifying, I pray only that those girls can find peace with the Lord and that they can hopefully come home safely. They will be in my prayers.

  6. I think it is scary to be hearing what had happened to these 300 girls in Nigeria. To stop this I think we should protest against the Boko Haram so then they would let the 300 girls they kidnapped so they can let them go. What I think that the girls that escaped should be interviewed so then the police could know what the guys looked like and also the information. What I think what the U.S should do is to tell them to stop or rally against them until they give u and let the girls that are not free from being kidnapped from that group.

  7. I think Nigeria needs to let other countries help them recover these girls. The United States should help by sending out drones and then provide military forces. The international community should try to prevent abductions and terrorism by offering a reward for giving information about these girls' whereabouts and also severly punish Boko Haram to set an example.

  8. This definitely says something about the structure of Nigeria. Terrorists run rampid through the streets, killing people like no big deal. All people are doing is protesting and the government is asking for help - no sense of urgency. 300 GIRLS WERE KIDNAPPED OUT OF THE BLUE. This country needs all the help they can get putting this massive group to justice and fixing their government. The US should take advantage of this opportunity to help out a country, and maybe even make an alliance, or so to speak, with a country in Africa. It would also help the US get back at terrorists in general. Of course, this would happen gradually, because the US is known for kind of barging in on other countries' problems. This group should be put on trial and be harshly sentenced because Nigeria is a country that needs terrorists out of its way to fix the government.

  9. This whole thing is so crazy and confusing! I am so glad that we are trying to help find the girls, because their government obviously has no control. We should keep on searching for those girls no matter what threats are made. Those are 300 girls that just got taken away and are having their lives put in more and more danger as I write this! We have to do something. Those terrorists should spend the rest of their lives in jail, because I do not believe in the death penalty. But there also is the fact that some of those terrorists are actually boys that have been kidnapped and taken from their homes, and forced to do these things, so we would have to take that into consideration. I really do hope those girls are brought back safely. A lot of people are posting #bringourgirlsback on the internet -- I kinda like that :).

    1. Sorry... it's #bringbackourgirls.

  10. I can't believe people would do this to people. Aren't we all humans? I think that a lot can be done to find the girls, like sending military troop in the forest and start organized searches. I think that there government needs more security and protection because it shouldn't be possible that 300 humans can be taken. And at that, school kids. I think the U.S. should send in supplies and military to handle the situation. I also think that the community should take action and start preventing terrorist groups from coming together.

  11. This is CRAZY! Why would they want to kidnap 300 girls from their school? They should search and not stop until they find them. Parents and siblings must be so worried about their daughters and sisters. The U.S Military should send a small number of soldiers to help find them. It would be best if the entire international community would band together for the search and help the Nigerian Government take power away from Boko Haram's group. I will keep them in my prayers.

  12. This is very scary. The fact that the Nigerian government wont let other countries help is kind of ridiculous. If the Nigerian government let China, and the US help we would hopefully find them. I think that the US should keep trying to get Nigeria to let them help. I will definitely keep them in my prayers.

  13. This situation is very scary to know that 300 young girls were kidnaped. We should protest against the person who kidnaped the girls. We should also bring military forces to stop that kidnaper. I really hoe the girls are safe and sound and the kidnaper will be arre4sted soon as possible. I mean ASAP!!! I will keep every single one of those girls in my prayers.

  14. It doesn't make sense that those searching for the girls won't give any information. I think that the U.S. should send in troops to search too because the Nigerians may not even be trying. Other countries have offered to help but Nigeria dose not want it. The international community should try to make a plan to help and try to talk Nigeria into letting us help.

  15. It is sad that 300 girls disappeared and no one can find them. I think that the US and China should send people to help find the girls. The international community should focus on finding Boko Haram and convincing Nigeria to let other countries help. The girls will be in my prayers.

  16. Honestly, Boko Haram is a bunch of kittydonkus. What is wrong with having educations for girls, it's not like they are going to take over the world or anything. I say any countries army (Not including North Korea) should go in and search the forests. While the U.S are just standing here recovering from hurricanes every once and a while, there are twice the troubling issues in other countries that need our help. The girls shall be in my prayers, I will pray that they will be rescued sooner or later.

  17. It is really tragic that those 300 girl went missing and no one knows where they are. I think that no countries should be sent but nigerian countries. I am aware that Obama has already sent a group of people to go and save the girls, but he should have held off in my opinion because they're trying to scare us, and if were not scared they stop caring just like we do. These girls will definately be in my prayers til when they find them, and also after they find them because they're recoveries will be a struggle.

  18. I think they should use military force to recover the girls. The US should definitely help out. They should find out about them and always keep an eye on them. They will definitely be in my prayers all week and possibly longer than that if takes longer than that to get them back.

  19. I think that the US should not send in the Navy Seals or the Green Beret's because Boko Haram will probably take it as a big threat and do something even crazier than they already have. We should work with the local government to find a solution. The US should be involved in surveillance. I think that the international communities should help with a search but not invade like we did in Afghanistan. I will keep all the kidnapped girls in my prayers.

  20. I think that Nigeria should ask help from the other nations. Not just wait for the people to come to them. If they do a massive land search then they may possibly find the girls! I think that they must also negotiate with the terrorists to get back the girls because everyone's life counts! I think that the United States should look for ways to help including locating these terrorists. I think that getting too involved could potentially lead to harming the United States. I don't think that the world should tolerate this group. It is completely racist and is unacceptable. We can't let these people roam the streets because of their hateful ways. I think that they should be put in jail as soon as possible.

  21. I believe that there is not a lot to do to recover them other than search and ask for help. It will be very hard and challenging to find the girls but with the right people they can be found. It all comes down to determination to find the girls and put them either into witness protection or move them to a different place. The United States should ASK if they can send people in to help. The United States has good tactics to help but it may be hard to get the girls without people dying. The international community should deal with groups like this by catching a few of their people and squeezing as much information about the group including future attacks and weak spots in the group. Amen

  22. I think that i is so sad that there are people are being sold for others personal use. And those 300 girls being kidnapped that would be scary. I think instead of looking at the cine they should be searching the place they think they are. I think that U.S should, despite all the things that people don't want, they need to go over there and help a little. I think that the public should just blow them up!!!!!!!

  23. It's crazy to think that a leader of a country would decline the help of allied countries, because Nigeria obviously needs it. Everything that we can do, to help, we should! 300 girls have been kidnapped, and who knows what else. The Nigerian military (or countries who are helping) should surround the forest, yes I understand that it is a big forest, but with so many people on the girls' side, we could easily encompass it. This would give them no way out, and we could slowly creep in an find them. The United States should be teaming up with other countries who are willing to help, and actually go there and get in the forest. With groups like Boko Haram, we should try our best to isolate them, or get them away from any violence or weapons. We could interrogate the ones who are willing to spill, and figure out as much as we can about their ideas for the future.

  24. I think that Nigeria should surround the country and find the girls no matter what. Boko Haram should have to pay for what they have done.I think that the United States should stop the Boko Haram group by helping to find the 300 + girls and then capture or take Boko Haram into custody. I think that the international community should boost up security systems and help other countries too. I also am gong to add, that it is so disturbing that these girls are being sold! I think that who ever organized this terrible scheme should have to pay for their crime!!!

    1. Also, I don't get how know sees 300 girls being taken away. If the government in Nigeria can't take watch 300 girls be taken away what can they do?

  25. The Nigerian military should cover all over the main regions in Nigeria. The United States should be on alert to stop anything like this happens again. They should prevent if anything like this or something harmful they should always stop it.

  26. Everybody who cares or cares about terrorism should step in and try to make a difference. The US should help out as much as possible for the girls and do everything possible for them. For people like Boko Haram should bring them justice and face the terrible things they have done to people.

  27. It is obvious what needs to be done- we need to save those girls. but how do we do that? In my opinion, we need to search every where we think they might have been and use whatever clues we find to help find the girls. Of course I am not a leader of any country so I am not sure what would be the best use of time and money. I think the United States needs to send out people to help find the Boko Haram and those 300 girls. But we also need to send out love,support, and prayers to the victims and their families. I don't think that just anyone should deal with the Boko Haram. I think this is a very dangerous group and it would be incredibly dangerous for just anyone to try to deal with them.

  28. I think no matter what we do will help the girls as long as its useful. I think we should go and help Nigeria. We need to boycott them and help them on social media and any possible way.

  29. All our countries should team up and help find the girls. For the United States should send the military team and rescue the girls.Groups like Boko Haram they should find a way to separate the group before it grows and punish them severely.

  30. The people of the area should keep their eyes out for any suspicous activity that is taking place. If they see anything they should report it to the authorities. The US should have some marines or members of the armed forces help in the search. The International Community should be educated to know about these groups and know how to identify members.

  31. I think they should not use military force unless needed because it will make the guys who have them get rid of them faster or kill them so I think they they should have a search and rescue team looking for them. Because once it goes into a battle a lot of people will get hurt not just the terrorist group. I feel bad saying this but I think Nigeria needs to handle it and not the United States but Nigeria could ask neighboring countries and I think they will be able to solve it. I think we should not put up a with it and schools that have girls or boys should have better security.They should also arrest the people in that terrorist group a figure out why and what provoked them to do this.

  32. I think that the only reasonable way to get the girls back would be with military forces. The US needs to step up to the plate and make some kind of arrangement to find the girls and get them safely home. The internet is a dangerous and public place. The community of the internet should make videos, post blogs, and spread the word about the girls so we can get more people looking. I am honestly praying for everyone who was kidnaped, I hope we can save them soon.

  33. I think they should send out small search groups and then if they see anything they could report back to HQ. The United States does not have the right to march right in and try to help the Nigerian leaders have to agree with him.
    I will try to pray for them every day.

  34. I think we should use military force because this is un accepted.We need to rescue them as soon as possble.The U.S should help them with this kind of situation because this is again unacceptable. We should help find these inoccent girls.Any groups like Boko haram should be put on trial and given justice for the terrible things they ahve done to us and them.

  35. I think that they should use their own military and possibly ours to find these girls. I don't think we should be " in charge" of the whole deal but we should help. They should bring Boko Haram to justice and make him pay a debt to each family.

  36. I think they need to use military forces. I think the U.S. should stay out of it. We all ready have troops in several other countries. Why should we put out more. I think the Nigerian Government is perfectly capable of getting the girls back. I think they should take Boko Haram into custody and keep them in a HIGH SECURITY prison for life. The girls will be in my prayers


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