Wednesday, May 14, 2014

First Year of Middle School

Congratulations.  You are two and a half weeks from completing your first year of middle school.  As you are well aware, school is more challenging.  You are expected to take more accountability for yourself and your work.  I say you have done a nice job.

Middle school requires you to change classes every 43 minutes.  You have 6-7 teachers instead of 1 or two.  Each of you teachers has a different personality and expectations.  By now you have a good idea what upsets each one of your teachers and what makes us happy.  You understand the nuances with our tests and teaching styles.

You have also realized that with middle school come more privileges.  You have your own locker.  A private space to hang up your pictures of One Direction or whatever else you may have an interest.  You have lunch with the older students and use the annex for afternoon break.  You no longer have to wear the school plaid or blue shorts and pants.  Next year you get even more privileges.  You are eligible to fully participate in TVCS sports and dances.  In addition, you get to play in the Hallissey tournament and enjoy the assembly.

Before we move on to next year, I would like you to reflect on this past.  What was your favorite part of being in the middle school?  How would you describe each of your middle school teachers?  What advice would you give to next year’s sixth graders?


  1. I enjoyed figuring out schedules and figuring out quicker ways to get from class - to - class faster. Mr. Grant is a teacher that has high expectations - KNOW HOW TO WRITE ESSAYS!!!!! Mrs. G always has long discussions and we have fun in class. We read lots of books in Mrs. Carlises's class and dig into WWII. Mrs. Russell makes math fun and does fun hour of code. In Mrs. McClure's class, be ready to study your heart out and take good notes. Also be prepared to not get an A on the first test - it took me all year. Labs are also fun (I shall tell no more they are so fun). Mrs. Gamboa is fun and does lots of fun writing like the spiral poetry. For 7th period you will have either Mr. Aspiri or Mrs Miller. In Music, you get to use the orf instruments a lot. My favorite part of art is doing ink prints. Mr. Yanci is the best. He requires you to know how to write essays (he isn't M&M's #1 fan, one kid gave him one and it caught on). Pleas be prepared for 5 tests in some weeks, and also, don't, I repeat, DON'T take stair 2 at a time. I learned from personal experience.

  2. My favorite part of middle school was meeting all the great new friends and the new teachers. The 8th graders also made me feel good to be at St. Joes. Mrs. Governale is a great teacher she always gets off track and just tells us a bunch of stories. Since she is our home room teacher she is the one i feel like i know the most out of the teachers. Mrs. Carlise is a funny teacher , we always goof of and she always gets made but that is what i like about her. Mr. Yanci is also very funny , he always gets these allergy thing and he gets all red and it gets really funny, not to be mean. Mr.yanci is easy on us to, sometimes. Mrs. Mclure is really nice, she always cooperates with us if we do not understand and she is funny with all of her jesters. Mrs.Russell is also cooperative because she will always have a review day before a test and it helps me a lot. Mr. Grant is really funny even though he doesnt really try to be funny he is funny. It is funny how he always has to have everything in the same balance.Mr. aspiri and mrs. miller are great teachers they have taught me alot about art and music, i enjoy the projects we do.Mrs.Gamboa is a funny tacher she always puts on music and we just rock out. We always have fun in her classAnd she has a funny laugh.Be prepared to have a lot of tests on the same week. Do not be afraid it is normal to be nervous, but dont be nervous.Have Funn And Good Luck!!!!!!!!

  3. My favorite part of middle school is definitly all the freedoms. You get your own locker, switch classes very often, and you no longer get an absent packet if you miss school. But with freedom, comes responcibility. The teachers aren't going to hold your hand and let you turn in your homework late. It is your responcibility to get all of your notes and homework, and they aren't particularly happy if you don't have your assignment. And each teacher is comepletly different, and there are many things you should know about them. For Mr. Grant, well, just take notes in his class and don't touch his posters, and you'll be fine. Mrs. Governale is very kind, but is easily distracted. Mrs. Russell just expects you to try your hardest on your homework and study for your tests. Mrs. McClure is pretty strict, and you have to study REALLY hard for her tests! But she is also really funny.Mrs. Gamboa loves it when you stay on task, and Mr. Yanci, well, he has his ups and downs, but usually his really nice. The best thing I can tell you is that your going to be nervous, and that's normal, but someone once told me that it's just like you guys moving up into 5th grade; it takes a little getting used to, but you adjust pretty quickly. Study hard and stay organized, and you won't have a problem! Good luck!

  4. My favorite part of middle school was the sweatshirts and science Olympiad. I enjoyed learning all sorts of new things. I liked all the freedoms we got and I can not wait until ned year because we get even more freedom. I liked most of my teachers. some I got annoyed with a lot. I always tried to be the best student i could be but that still ticked off some teachers. The advice I have is to pay attention, turn in your homework on time( especially to Mrs. Mclure) And be respectful to all the teachers. Good luck

  5. My favorite part of middle school was the privileges. I got my own locker and I get to keep track of my own work as appose to having a desk for my papers. I got another email too. I like how each teacher doesn't really care if you have a math test of a English test on the same day as theirs. I also liked the fact that you got different teachers each class. It is cool because the teachers really get to focus on there subject. You also are expected to do thinks for each separate class. You need to get use to all of the teachers tests and homework too. You for example need to study for science tests and math test pretty hard is you want to get a good grade. You also get a sense of what the teacher expects of you. And in all my classes that expect you to turn in your work. For the fifth graders I want to say it is kind of intimidating at first but it gets to be a lot of fun so just hang in there at first. :)

  6. My favorite part of middle school would have to be sweatshirts and more privileges. The sweatshirts are ten times as warm. We also got lockers which were cool but I probably should have kept min cleaner. Mr.Grant- is a fun teacher who let us experience what the life of a runner would be like. Mrs. McClure is a great teacher make sure you study for her tests. Mr. Yanci is a really funny teacher and he loves to be scared. Mrs. Carlise- is a etcher that has you read a ton of stories on WWII. Mrs. Russell makes math a lot of fun and she teaches you a lot. Mrs. G- is awesome she plays great games in P.E and she always helps you. Mrs. gamboa is a fun loving teacher that always is nice. Study and GOOD LUCK!

  7. My favorite part about middle school are the sweatshirts and not having a desk that you put books in. Mrs G is a fun PE teacher and health teacher. Mrs Carlise is a fun reading teacher and gives you several projects. Mr Yanci is probably the only teacher you will ever meet that teaches using videos, and your religion book. Mrs McClure is by far my favorite teacher that has ever taught science. Mrs Russell is the best math teacher you will ever have . She turns PI day into a global holiday practically . Mr Grant is a fun social studies teacher, you study things I would never think of studying. Lastly Mrs Gamboa she assigns you a speech contest and I think that it was probably the best assignment and the hardest one too. My advice to all the new sixth graders is study hard and learn lots. :)

  8. My favorite part of middle school in actually switching classes because you at least can stretch a little bit. Many people don't agree with me but I think that not having to sit in the same class for hours is nice. Mr. Grant is one of the best teachers I have had because he not only teaches interesting things but he makes learning fun. Mrs. G is very informative and always cares about you. Mrs. Carlise is always giving us great projects and books to read. Mrs. McClure is constantly telling us about stuff not related to science and is always so interested in what she teaches. Mrs. Russell is One of the best math teachers ever. She makes khan academy important and is great. Mrs. Gamboa is constantly encouraging us and loves what she teaches too Mr. Yanci is very funny and loves to tell us about his own experiences. My advice to the incoming 6th graders is that they need to study and prepare for tests.

  9. My favorite part about middle school was switching classes, to different teachers. It helps a lot if a teacher is in a bad mood, because you don't have to stay with them all day. As a homeroom teacher, that is honestly not what I expected Mrs. G to act like, in the best way possible. We sometimes get treats at the end of the day and health class isn't hard at all. PE is really fun because you don't have to stay in the stiff uniforms and we have more freedom during games. Ms. Carlise is awesome, even though this is her last year teaching 6th grade, it was so fun during her class. We can perseude her to let us bend the rules and due dates, on a good day. Mr. Yanci is a great teacher. I think if I was to sum up all of the religion I learned in elementary school, it would be a lot less than I learned in just my sixth grade year. Mrs. Russell explains everything so well, you'll always be on track. Pi Day is the best day for math, because we get pi. Mrs. McClure is really funny, and I enjoy doing labs or experiments so that you can understand the material better. Mr. Grant is an awesome teacher and like with Mr. Yanci, I have learned so much in such a short time! I now know about things that I never even knew existed and their is so much more to come. Mrs. Gamboa is great! Playing review games really helps before tests really helps you study. My advice to incoming sixth graders is: relax, middle school isn't nearly as hard as you would expect if you prepare know what you're doing!

  10. My favorite part of middle school was having a lot of teachers because they all have different personalities and Science Olypiad because I learned a lot of new things plus I like competition a lot so it was really fun.
    Mr. Grant makes learning fun. Mrs. G. does great discussions in class. Mrs. Carlise has a lot of projects. Mrs. Russell explains things really well. Mrs. McClure does really fun labs. Mrs. Gamboa has a good sense of humor. Mr. Yanci is really funny. My advise to incoming 6th graders is it is not as scary as it looks.

  11. My favorite part of middle school has manny parts. These are the responsibility, rush, and the feelings. Being in middle school has many responsibilities, these include, going to classes, studying, and staying organized. The rush of middle school is defiantly my favorite. Switching classes, different expectations, and most of all the studying. The feelings are mixed. Some great and trilling, some nerve racking and heart pounding. Oh boy now to the teachers. Mr.Grant (my homeroom) is a great teacher. He is very relaxed with work and class.The classes with Mr.Grant are never boring, always trilling and full of energy. Mrs.G is very relaxed and one person to go to when you are having a bad day. Her classes are interesting and full of long discussion. Mrs. Carlise gives great reading books, and intriguing projects. She is strict but fun. Mrs. Russell is awesome. Even though most might think math could never be fun, she makes it. With her silly examples and motherly nature she is a great teacher. Mrs. McClear is great. She gets right to the point and is extremely strict. She isn't one to be messed with, and never to be questioned. Mrs. Gamboa is also awesome. She is very converting and calm in a serious situation. Mr.Yanci is very cool. He is relaxed unless he is in a bad mood. Then he is slightly irritable. My only advice to incoming sixth graders is to find their balance between adequate rest and school work. Basically, find a way to study hard and get the grades that suit you, while getting enough rest to let your brain function correctly.

  12. My favorite part of middle school was all the opportunities I had to get involved with my school. I got to volunteer for a lot things I was able to do in the past. I am really glad i got to do that. I also really liked having more than one teacher in a day. I got to experience all of their different styles of teaching and their personalities. All of my teachers are different. Mr. Grant likes to be sarcastic and joke with you. Mrs. G is understanding. Ms. Carlise is creative. Mrs. Russel always knows how to describe things so you you understand them. Mrs.McClure sees everything from a scientific stand point. Mrs. Gamboa is kind. Mrs. Miller is chill. And Mr. Yanci, is well, mr. Yanci. I'm not sure how to describe him...To the future sixth graders, I recommend to stay calm and have fun.

  13. In middle school I really liked the freedom because after every period you had two minutes to get to class without having to form a line and I also liked all of the periods. I enjoyed them because they almost made the day go faster since every period meant a new subject and a different teacher. It is really fun having multiple teachers because they have multiple personalities. Mrs. G. is caring and always looking out for you. I would give the sixth graders the advice of staying calm and not getting stressed. Mrs. Carlise goes more with the flow and she gives you more freedom. Mr. Yanci has lots of funny stories. Mrs. Russel is outgoing and very fun. Mrs. McClure loves a good science experiment and hard-working students. Mr. Grant normally loves it when you express your opinion and what you think. Mrs. Gamboa likes it when you obey the rules have fun with what you're doing, and don't goof around.

  14. When I reflect on my past year of middle school, I think about all of the new friends that I made since some of my original friends were in the other class. I liked the responsibility of us being mature. Switching classes lets me move around instead of just staying in one seat for the whole time, which I enjoyed. I had a lot of cool teachers this year. Mr. Grant seems scary, but is actually really really kind. Mrs. G is very sweet all of the time. I like the stories that she tells and also the interesting facts. Mrs. Carlise does a lot of fun projects in reading, I always look forward to doing some projects. Mrs. McClure is really good at teaching science. Her notes help me out on tests. I love the labs that we do. I love Mrs. Russell as my math teacher. She teaches math excellently. Mrs. Gamboa is a wonderful English teacher. I like how she uses poems in our projects. Mr. Yanci is a funny teacher with a nice personality. Incoming sixth graders shouldn't be scared or nervous. You will figure it out in a week or so. Also, stay on task and don't goof around as much. But still have fun!

  15. One of my favorite parts at this school is that you don't have to worry about picking out your clothes in the morning. That's what's nice about Catholic school. Since I am new to St. Joes this year, there has been many changes for me, but I've had a wonderful experience so far. My teachers have been very kind too. Mrs. G does a great job as a homeroom teacher while being very supportive. Ms. Carlise helps me out with what I need to do in reading class, and can be strict sometimes, but is still there to help you. Mr. Yanci has taught me a lot about religion which is new for me. He knows I don't know too much about it and is supportive. Mrs. McClure is very funny and explains everything until we understand it, which is helpful. Mrs. Russell is full of math equations and helps everybody understand the concepts. Mr. Grant explains everything in detail and doesn't make social studies boring like at my old school. Mr. Aspiri is very kind, but I haven't learned very much in the class because I am already involved with music. And lastly, Mrs. Gamboa is very helpful and funny. For next year's sixth graders, you guys shouldn't be afraid of middle school. It is a great experience and you will love it. There is more work than elementary school, but there are more privileges.

  16. My favorite part of being in Middle School this year was definitely the feeling of being given more privileges. Being given a locker and being responsible for switching classes made me feel accomplished and made me reflect on what I'd done to get to that point! Another thing that I very much enjoyed was switching classes. Before entering middle school, I had 3 teachers but it didn't settle with me as well as having 8 teachers did this year. I felt that being granted all these things made me more responsible and mature, but also made me look at things from a different view.

    All of my middle school teachers were very different and unique in their own way. Mrs. Governale was kind and liked to keep things neat and tidy, as well as keeping order in the classroom. Ms. Carlise is serious and likes students to get things done quickly. Mr. Yanci was one of my favorite teachers, he was very kind, but I felt like he tried to make a connection with the kids while educating them! That made me want to try very hard in his class. Mrs. McClure was straightforward but was also an example of respectfulness. Mrs. Russell loved teaching math and I've learned lots from her this year! Mr. Grant (you) are very serious. Though, I've learned more then I ever had in any social studies class and I've developed a new appreciation for people around the world. Mr. Aspiri likes to joke around and makes music fun. Lastly, Mrs. Gamboa is funny but also makes you do your work, So that you get more done!

    To the incoming 6th graders, middle school is a great place to grow and learn. I think that you will mature lots and will appreciate everything that your teachers do for you. Extra work is just a minor part of middle school, if you work hard and dedicate yourself to learning then that part of it will be a breeze. Remember to stay strong in your work ethic, but also remember to always have fun!

  17. My favorite part of being in middle school is having your favorite classes longer. I like all of my teachers they're all nice. They all have their own personalities. Mrs. Gamboa has a great sense of humor. Mr. Yanci has hilarious stories. Mrs. Russell has taught me a lot in math. Mrs. McClure Likes to get things done. She sometimes keeps us a little bit after class but it is for our good. Mrs. Governale likes to share her stories a lot. Mr. Aspiri can make music fun sometimes. Ms. Carlise can be strict. She likes to get things done. Mr. Grant is awesome. He likes to make funny jokes sometimes and funny stories. He also makes History really fun. Be prepared it is a lot harder than fifth grade. It is also really fun. Good Luck.

  18. My favorite part of being in the middle school is having more teachers, instead of being in the same classroom you're in many different ones, also if your friends aren't in your homeroom class you might still have them in math and science class, I really enjoyed that. Mrs. G is really fun, she tells lots of stories and P.E. is really fun with her. Ms. Carliese is fun too, she can be strict at times but she just wants us to get our work done. Mr. Yanci is really funny, you can have lots of fun kind of messing with him but you have to know when to settle down. Mrs. Russel is really good she explains a lot, you have lots of homework everyday with her but it pays off on the tests. Mrs. McClure is fun to do labs with, she can get tough and so can her homework but you learn a lot. Mr. Grant is also really funny, you learn so much about the world in his class and it is really fun. Mrs. Gamboa is also really funny if you get too hyper she will get strict but she is really nice and her projects are fun. The advice I would give to next years 6th graders is always finish your homework, study hard, and stay organized, if you lose one small paper it can affect your grade a lot so always check the middle school website, also remember to have some fun.

  19. My favorite part of middle school is having eight different teachers instead of having one teacher and having to stay to stay in one room for the whole day.Mr. Grant and Mr. Yanci are funny. Mrs. McClure and Mrs. Russel are good at explaining stuff. Mrs. Gamboa and Mrs. G are really fun to have as a teacher.The advice that I want to give to next years sixth graders is not to be scared and also not to worry.

  20. I want to reflect on this year all the new things I did, like becoming a 6th grader for start, going to science Olympiad, and so on. my most favorite was either Science class or science Olympiad they are both really exciting. I also like how the block period where you get to stay in either science or math for longer. I like the amount of homework that the teachers, I like the lockers, I more specifically like that you can decorate it really fancy and stuff. I love all of my teachers but the ones that I really like is Mrs. McLure. And some advice probably don't freak out!

  21. My favorite part of middle school was having fun with whatever I did whether it was class or hanging with my besties. I also REALLY liked having eight different classes. I'm now going to explain all my teachers in one or two words. Mr. Grant-very serious, Mrs.-Fun, Mrs. Carlise-sweet, Mrs. McClure-loves science, Mrs. Russell-math nerd, Mrs. Gamboa- super sweet, Mrs. Miller-artsy, and last but not least is.................................................. Mr. Yanci-hilarious! What I would like to tell the upcoming sixth graders is it takes a while to get used to have eight different teachers but they are all amazing. Don't freak out!!!!

  22. I loved having a lot of different teachers so that way you have variety. If a teacher's teaching styles aren't your favorite, you only have them for 43 minutes. If you have a teacher you especially like, then you will have them the next day. In Mrs. G's class we have long discussions in class about who knows what. In Ms. Carlise's class we hang out in the art room while we try and concentrate to get our work done. In Mr. Yanci's class Mr. Yanci is constantly dropping funny jokes but he can be serious if he want too. In Mrs. Russell 's class we are in good hands. She goes through thorough explanations on how to do different stuff and no one gets left behind. In Mrs. McClure 's class we have detailed science discussions. You will love Science Fair and Science Olympiad next year! Mr. Grant 's lectures are super interesting! Make sure to take lots of notes! Whether it is Music or Art for your special you will have lots of fun. Mrs. Miller is super creative and Mr. Aspiri is thorough and makes sure you get it down pat. Orf. instruments are super fun! Mrs. Gamboa is always pulling the next fun project out of her sleeve. You will love the rock jar! Also remember that next year is last year for spelling bee so have fun with it! Some advice I have is to have fun with it, turn stuff in on time, and check the middle school website! Also don 't freak out about getting to your next class. You will have plenty of time. There is no rush :-)

  23. My favorite part of middle school is The school activities we did like the fun run, going to jumptime,and field day. It gave me a good idea of how the kids are in the school. Every teacher is great. I will describe 2 teachers, Mr. Yanci and Mr. Grant. Mr. Yanci is funny and sometimes serious. He can relate to all the kids old or young. He can stray off topic to something very weird sometimes. Mr. Grant is very serious. I think I've seen him smile probably twice this year. He is very good at teaching us things in a good way. He will have us do something really weird and not tell us why, and after we do it he tells us and it makes perfect sense. The advice I would give is to study hard and get things done. You will also need to stay organized.

  24. My favorite part of middle school is all the freedom we get lockers we get more time to walk around (mainly to another classroom) I love middle. All my teachers are awesome they are the best teachers. My advice would be set your priorities straight do you the important stuff first.

  25. My favorite part of middle school was definately having lockers and sweatshirts. If I had to use one word to describe our middle school teachers it would be different because each teacher is different from the other. I would tell next years 6th graders good luck and DO NOT talk in class unless told other wise. This will keep you from getting in trouble.

  26. My favorite part of 6th grade was being able to go to my locker. I describe all my teachers as fun and strict if you screw around during class. Make sure to be on task and on time during class. Be prepared to take notes and be responsible for all you stuff. GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

  27. Well first all the thing i enjoyed most were the privileges, and the sweatshirts. Some of the teachers are very short-tempered, be careful, and do what they expect you to do. Dont talk back to the teachers and study for the tests goodluck.

  28. My favorite part about being in middle school is being able to ditch the whole line thing, that made me mad. I would describe all my teachers differently, and if i did that it would belong so i'm not going too, but if I had to describe them using one world it would be strange. They are all quite strange in their own way. If I could gie them a piece of advice for next year it would be to watch what you say, the "teachers always right." (no)

  29. Middle school is very fun. My favorite thing is that we have middle school nights, we get to wear sweatshirts, and khaki's. New uniform except the shirts are the same unless you do science olympiad then you can wear that shirt on Friday's. My homeroom teacher is Mrs.G sometimes we will be talking about health and a muinute later we will be talking about something else, she also tells a lot of stories. Mrs.Carlise is funny but can also be very strict. Mr. Yanci is funny and when you write your journals in his class you better know how to write essays. Mrs. Russel is funny and a great math teacher like Mrs.Weaver. Mrs. Mclure can be stict at times but also funny. Mr. Grant is a great teacher and I learn something new everyday from him and if your not raising your hand for a question he will still want you to answer it so always be ready to be called on no matter what. Mrs. Gamboa is very funny but can be very serious. Be ready to write a lot in middle school.Some advice would be for the upcoming sixth graders would be is to raise your hand and don't intrupt the teacher.

  30. My favorite part of 6th grade would be having more than one teacher or that we got to do field day this year. Mrs.G is fun and gives you a lot of personal experiences for each lesson.Mrs. Carlise gives you books and you have to take a test after you finish reading them. Mr. Yanci is awesome, but in his class know how to write short paragraphs. Mrs. McClure is fun, her tests are hard and the labs are really fun too. Mrs. Russel LOVES math more than anyone and you will learn a lot from her when you get in her class. Mr.Grant is great, I have learned so much in social studies from Mr.Grant. For 7th you will have Mr. Aspiri or Mrs.Miller they are both nice. Mrs. Gamboa is really fun and you will write a lot of essays in her class. 6th grade is fun and have fun!

  31. My favorite part of middle school was having different teachers and science Olympiad. Mrs G is a great P.E teacher who tells us how to handle the world. Mrs Carlise likes to have fun and laugh around in the class. Mr. Yanci is not afraid to be him self with us and say what he thinks about his teaching. Mrs Mclure has awesome labs and makes sure you understand hoe to do it. Mrs Russel makes math seem easy but don't bad mouth math in front of her. Mr. Grant interacts with the class and just talks to us about very interesting things. Mr. Aspiri and Mrs Miller are awesome. Mrs Gamboa has us do lots of fun research projects.

  32. My favorite apart middle school is having different teachers, having sweatshirts with hoods on them,and having a locker. I also love al the teachers and all the fun activities they do with us. Mrs. G is a very nice P.E. teacher a she made going to St. Joes a lot easier .Mrs. Carlisle is very nice and very understanding and she also lets you do a lot of fun things.Mr. Yanci is a very nice and understanding person also but he can also be serious. Mrs. Mclure is a very fun teacher were you get to fun labs. Mrs. Russel is a fun math teacher that makes it seem essay when it is actually hard and you don't even know what your doing it but you are . Mr grant is a funny teacher but almost in a sneaky kind of way and he tells great stories. Mrs. Miller and Mr. Aspiri are fun teachers where you do fun things and you learn a lot. Mrs Gamboa is a fun English teacher that makes English seem really fun even if you don't think it is and you also get to do lots of projects that are really fun. Have fun good luck be on time to class.

  33. My favorite part of middle school is changing classes a lot more frequently. The exercise I get walking up the stairs with my books every 43 minutes makes me a lot more concentrated. My all time favorite thing that I did this year in middle school was Science Olympiad. I love all of the teachers and they all have great personalities!! Good luck to those newcoming sixth graders! (They'll need it.)

  34. My favorite part of my middle school experience this year was probably getting to got to different classes and also I personally think that we got to a whole new level of opportunities, expectations, and privileges! Alright now to teachers... Mr. Grant is a great social studies teacher and can always cheer people up. Mrs. Governale will tell you anything you need to know like an informer. Miss. Carlise is very welcoming and flexible with due dates. Mrs. Russel will be there when you need her and has made me see math from a different stand point. Mrs. McClure wants you to be the best you can be and gives you many opportunities. Mrs. Gambo is full of fun and always rhymes. Mr. Aspiri and Mrs. Miller can be a lot of fun and give out fun assignments. Lastly, Mr Yanci is very funny and understanding... but still behave your selves. My advie to all of the upcoming 6th graders to not stress and that they are blessed to have such amazing teachers!!! Good luck upcoming 6th graders... you will have a blast!!!

  35. My favorite thing about middle school was probably doing lots of new stuff we couldn't do in elementary school like the Physical fitness tests. We got 8 different teachers and eight different periods. I really liked having numerous teachers instead of 2 or 3. All my teachers were really nice except Ms. Carlisle at times. Try not to get overwhelmed, incoming six graders, just relax and you'll get it down quick.


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