Thursday, September 19, 2013

Inside the Actor's Studio

Last night I was watching the finals of America’s Got Talent.  One of the segments included a man by the name of James Lipton.  James Lipton is the host of a show called Inside the Actor’s Studio.  It has been airing on Bravo since 1994.

The show is an interview between Mr. Lipton and celebrities ranging from Paul Newman to the Cast of Glee.  He ends each show with a series of questions which provide the audience insight into the personality of the celebrity.  This week you are going to answer these questions. 

For your comment please respond to the following:

1. What is your favorite word?
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What inspires creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
5. What sound or noise do you love?
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
7. What is your favorite curse word? ***KEEP IT CLEAN
8. What profession would you like to attempt?
9. What profession would you not like to do?
10. When you get to Heaven, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?


  1. My favorite word probably is the word jargon because it rolls of your tongue. My least favorite word is good because it is so generic. Music inspires me creatively and emotionally, and art and doodling distracts me. I love the sound of hand bells, but hate the sounds of tapping or humming. I have never thought of this question, or how to answer it, but really, in truth, I have none. I want to be a computer software engineer or a hands-on creator. I would hate to end up doing nothing when I grow up. When I get to Heaven, I would like to hear God say, "It's bout time he showed up!"

  2. My favorite word is, well I don't have one. I haven't yet found a word that clicks. I don't like the work suck because it is too of a word. Plus there is probably a better word out there. I really get inspired when I hear good music. I think it just gets me focused. I get turned out of the creative zone when I have to do something after. I just look forward to what good or bad will come next. I really like a strong background beat to a keyboard song but I also dig classical music. I hate a startling loud noise, it just gets me out of sink with what I am doing. If I had to chose one it would probably be crikey. For a profession I would love to be a chemist, I love the physical side of math and science. I would not like to be a dump truck driver. It is just a low paying and smelly job. When i go to heaven, I would like god to says '' welcome into heaven ''. I yearn for that moment to come, and yet i still want to enjoy life.

  3. I think my favorite word is pie. My least favorite word is stupid. I am inspired all 3 ways by the outdoors. Sports turn me on. Homework turns me off. My favorite noise is almost all loud noises like a construction site or a fire truck. My least favorite word is pickle. The profession I would like to attempt is dentistry. The profession that I would not like to attempt is being the President because I don't want to tell other people what to do. When I go to Heaven I would like God to say to me you did a good job in life.

  4. My favorite word is Tanner because it is awesome and it's my name! But my list favorite word is and because it is so overused. Something that inspires is underdog hockey players ones who don't fit in but in the end they get there moment to shine. Something that turns me off is sleep because it literally turn me off. A sound that I love is the sound of motorcycle man I love that sound. A sound that I hate is the sound of styrofoam screeched together. In all honesty I don't have a favorite curse word. A profession I would like to attempt is would be hockey or motorcycle riding those are just the things I like. Something I would hate to do is work at McDonolds because it a low paying job and I would hate it. When I get to Heaven I would like Saint Paul to say Finally we have been waiting for you for so long it seems like it's been centuries.

  5. My favorite word has got to be "vibrant", I just love the way it rolls of the tongue. My least favorite word is "impossible", because I don't believe anything is impossible. What inspires me is watching someone's face completely light up, it makes me want to go out and do something good. Something that turns off that inspiration is boredom. It completely brain washes people, and I hate it. A noise that I love is the sound of rain on the roof, its makes me feel very serene. I hate the feel of a dull pencil being used, it sends shivers down my spine. My favorite curse word of all time is "Aw Dang". It makes me laugh every time! I would like to attempted to be a vet because I love to help animals. Sadly, I can't stand the sight of blood! A profession I would NOT like to attempt is a job where you have to sit in a little cubical all day and do nothing, I would hate that! When I go to Heaven, I would like God to say to me, "Avery, you have worked hard to make a difference in this world, so come on in."

  6. My favorite word is Gizmo. I don't know why it's just fun to say. My least favorite word to say is, well' I don't know. Some thing thats inspires me creatively is art work because it is just ordinary people that do something cool. Some thing that turns me of emotionally is the shootings and bombings happening. The sound that I love is laughing. The sound that I hate is the fire alarm at our school. It's super loud and always makes me jump. I don't have a favorite curse word and I don't think any one should. A profession I would like to attempt would be a professional skier. I think it would be awesome to get payed for doing something you love. A profession I would not like to be is a mail man. I would stink to drive around all day delivering stuff to peoples houses. When I get to heaven I would like to hear God say that I had earned it.

  7. My favorite word is adorable. I don't know why, I just say it a lot. My least favorite words are hate and dumb because they are really rude. God inspires me spiritually. What turns me off is when some one hurts some one else. I love the sound of drums. I dislike the sound of chomping on food with your mouth open. I don't think that a class of 6th graders should have a favorite curse word or anyone. I really want to be a singer. I don't want to be a doctor because I dislike blood. When I go to heaven I would like to hear God has been waiting for me.

  8. My favorite word is bumfuzzle (it means perplex), because it's such a funny sounding word (yes it's real, look it up). My least favorite word is 'chillax because any time I'm angry and some person who thinks they're cool, says to just 'chillax it just makes me angry. My mom and dad inspire me spiritually, creatively, and emotionally. Something that turns me off spiritually, creatively, and emotionally is when someone tells me I can't do it or they tell me I did horrible. I love the sound of nature (leaves rustling, crickets, birds chirping, bugs buzzing, etc.). I do not like that high pitched sound machines make. I very,very strongly dislike ALL swear words. The profession I would like to attempt is cooking. The profession I would not like to attempt is the pooper, scooper, at the zoo. When I get to the Pearly Gate in Heaven I would love to here God say (to the angles),"She's a keeper." I would also love to here God say (to me),"Anika you've done a very, very good job with your life, I'm glad to welcome you to heaven!"

  9. my favorite word is soccer because that is my favorite sport. my least favorite word is "whatever" because people just use that word way too much( IT GETS OLD PEOPLE!). My mom and dad inspire me creatively and emotionally. Something that turns me off is being bored. A sound or noise that I love is music. A sound that I hate is when people are eating and their utensils scrape against their teeth, it is just like nails on a chalkboard to me. I don't have a favorite curse word. When I grow up I want to be a writer. I would hate to be a garbage man, that profession just seems so meaningless(no offense garbage mans). I want to hear God say" well done, you lived a good life and made a difference in the world. Your family is waiting, now go and enjoy eternal life in my kingdom."

  10. My favorite word has to be supercalifragilistic. IT is a real word for those of you who aren't sure you can type it into a document and it will spell check it for you. I agree with Lucas G. I really don’t like the word sucks it just sounds rude. What really inspires me is when I read a good book or listen to my favorite song. What really turns me off is the thought of going inside after playing in the neighborhood really late on Friday nights. I absolutely love the sounds of laughs and screams of people having fun and the sound of the night and a fire camping in the mountains. Of all noises on earth I really don’t like the sound of those extremely super squeaky hole punches, They just blow up my brain and eardrums. Just to keep this short, I will say I don’t like any swear words. I would like to attempt to be a sea animal trainer of some kind, because I have always loved marine animals. I will not take any job that involves smelly trash or dust bunnies (no really hold a dust bunny in front of me and I will immediately start to gag). When I go to heaven I want to hear God say “Welcome, you did very well.”

  11. My favorite word is "Yes"
    Least favorite - Shut up
    What inspires me - open mindedness
    What turns me off - arguing
    What noise I love - Children laughing
    What noise I hate - slamming doors or pouring liquid in a glass
    Favorite curse word - Son of a Nutcracker
    Profession to try - Professional Soccer player
    Profession I would not want to do - Veterinarian or Zoo Keeper
    What is God going to say - Welcome, you made the most of the gifts you were given, it will be nice to have you here.

  12. My favorite word is beautimus because its a fun word to say.
    My least favorite word is "annnoying" its just annoying when people say that.
    Movies inspire emotionally
    Sarcasm turns me off. I hate sarcasm because it is just being a smart alec to someone
    My favorite noise is a clicking sound like a high heel hitting a hard wood floor
    My least favorite sound is a big loud sound like a gun shot
    The profession I want to be is an actor
    The profession I wouldn't want to be is a garbage man...or garbage woman
    When I get to heaven I want God to say to me "you did a good job keeping faith in me and now your time has come."

  13. My favorite word is bacon
    Least favorite is naughty or silly
    What inspires me famous people with really troubled pasts
    What turns me off the thought of murder or kidnapping
    What noise I love my little niece laughing
    What noise I hate styrofoam cups
    My favorite curse word fudge sticks
    Profession I want to do a stuntman
    Profession I dont want to be a clown
    what I want god to say when I go to heaven is "great job in keeping faith in me its nice to have you here please enjoy some bacon!!!"

  14. My favorite word muffin man
    Least favorite is Skinny
    What inspires me is people with good imagination
    What turns me off is sleep
    what noise I love is people laughing
    What noise I hate is Styrofoam cups squeaking together
    My favorite curse word is fun cake
    Profession I want to do is being what I a cop
    Profession I don't want is landscaping duty
    what I want god to say when I go to heaven is " good job muffin man and nice muffin tie!!"

  15. My favorite word- squishy
    My least favorite word- floor
    Happy and joyful people inspire me
    Silence makes it awkward so it turns me off
    I love the sound of rain
    I hate the sound of nails on a chalkboard
    My favorite curse word is dang nab-bit
    I want to be a spy
    I do not wan to be a baker
    I want God to say to me "good job now have the time of your life forever"

  16. favorite word-basketball
    least favorite word-chores
    strong and courageous people inspire me
    somebody being annoying turns me off
    i like the sound of rap
    i dont like spongebobs laugh
    my favorite curse word is son of a biscuit
    i want to be a proffesional athlete
    i dont want to be a hippy
    i want God to say to me "you did good but you could do better"

  17. favorite word:balderdash
    Least favorite word:homework
    Art,religion,and jokes.
    People who think they are funny turns me off.
    I like the sound of crickets chirping.
    I don't like the sound of my mom when she is angry.
    My favorite cuss word is Mc floopin poopin.
    I would like to be a stunt man.
    I would not like to be a taco bell janitor.
    I would like God to say to me when i get to heaven is "You may now have eternal relaxation."

  18. favorite word:Athlete
    least favorite:mcdonalds
    clicking noises turn me off
    I like the sound of a piano
    noise that repeat
    My favorite cuss word is dang flobit
    I'd like to be a zookeeper and a pianist
    I don't want to be a surgeon
    I'd like God to say welcome rebecca get ready for a never ending adventure.

  19. favorite word-bounce
    least favorite word-curtain
    people who have had been through hard times but are still smiling inspire me
    repetitive sounds turn me off
    i like the sound of thunder
    i don't like the sound of cars starting
    i would like to be a pediatric physical therapist
    i would not like to be a carnival worker
    i would like God to say to me "hello meg,welcome to everlasting happiness"

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Favortite Word: AWESOME!
    Least Favorite Word: Lose
    God insprires me spirtualty by going to mass
    Negativity turns me off
    Sound that turns me off: Taboo Buzzer
    Sound that I like hearing, "Good Morning"
    Favorite curse word; "hell da*n fart" (Bart Simpson)
    Profession to attempt: Demolition Expert
    Profession not to attempt: Doctor
    God would say "WELCOME TO THE PARTY JAKE!"

  21. My favorite word is banana
    My least favorite word is yuck
    What inspires me is my uncle he has been through so much yet still has a smile on his face on and off the field
    People who hate their life and look miserable all the time
    The noise i love is the swish the net makes when you make a shot
    I hate the sound of thunder
    favorite curse word is either you goober or son of a pickle
    I would be a pro athlete or football/basketball coach
    I would not want to be a trash man
    I would like God to say '' Welcome your journey starts here''

  22. My favorite word is bungee
    My least favorite word is fail
    God inspires me by helping me make the right choices
    Insults turn me off
    I like hearing the beat of a drum when i listen to music
    I hate the sound of my sister screaming
    My favorite cuss word is dangit
    I would like to try being an author
    I would not like to try being a doctor
    When i get to heaven i would like God to say i have been expecting you here gavin

  23. Favorite word: banana, because its fun to say.
    Least favorite word: dumb because I don't like what it means or how it sounds.
    What inspires me: well written books.
    What turns me off: People who have a great life and they just say I have such a bad life and I hate my life.
    Sound I love: Grass blowing and birds singing.
    Sounds I hate: metal scraping against metal and kids crying.
    Favorite cus word: dang n**it
    What I want to do: Be a lawyer.
    What I would NOT want to be: A porta-potie cleaner.
    What I hope God says to me: You have done well continue to heaven. Then he would give me a ticket and I would get on the train to heaven.

  24. My favorite word is friend
    My least favorite word is can't
    My goals in life inspire me
    Cruel people to people or animals turns me off
    The noise I love is music
    The noise I hate are screams
    I don't have a favorite cruse word
    I would like to attempt pediatrician
    I would not like to attempt surgeon
    When I get to heaven I would like God to say Welcome, get ready to have the best adventure ever!

  25. My favorite word : Wannacot-Nickerbocker-Obyuwana-Antanini(It is a string of last names that I thought sounded really funny, so I strung them all together)
    My least favorite word(s):"who cares" or "it doesn't matter"
    What inspires me: endangered animals
    What turns me off:people killing small animals like flies, spiders, centipedes, and even mosquitos
    A noise I love: my chicken's clucking noises
    A noise I hate: the sound of the garbage disposal in the sink
    My favorite curse word(s): "Drat my buttons" and "Awwwww snap"
    A career I would like to attempt: zoo-keeping or Animal training
    A career I would NOT like to attempt: janitor
    What I would like God to say when I get to heaven: "I've been waiting"

  26. Favorite word: Fez
    Least favorite word: Hate
    What inspires me: God
    What turns me off: Negativity
    A noise I love: Nature
    A noise I hate: Yelling
    My favorite curse word(s): Dang!
    A career I would like to attempt: Pro soccer player
    A career I would NOT like to attempt: Judge
    What I would like God to say when I get to heaven: "Welcome! Thank you for a life well-lived!"

  27. favorite word: legit
    least favorite word: Cloud
    what inspires me: harsh critisism
    What turns me off: sympathy
    Noise i love: clicking
    noise i hate: chalkboard nails> makes me cringe
    Favorite curse word: shoot, oodle
    Career i would like to attempt: NOT ATTEMPT, DO: modeling
    Career i would not like to attempt: nursing
    What i would like God to say when i get to heaven: "finally."

  28. 1. My favorite word is 'Shiny' Because I like Shiny things :D
    2. My least favorite word is 'hate' because I think it's a really strong word and you don't want to say it a lot
    3. I think a person, or an idea inspires all 3 of those things and then your mind goes to work, in my case it is God
    4. You giving up and not caring
    5. I love a soda can opening because it sounds really cool
    6. Fire Alarm, it's waaaay to loud :(
    7.Oh dang it!
    8. Be a doctor
    9. Working at McDonalds
    10. I would like him to say "You have lived your life well, you can now join me in Paradise!"

  29. 1. My favorite word is 'Shiny' Because I like Shiny things :D
    2. My least favorite word is 'hate' because I think it's a really strong word and you don't want to say it a lot
    3. I think a person, or an idea inspires all 3 of those things and then your mind goes to work, in my case it is God
    4. You giving up and not caring
    5. I love a soda can opening because it sounds really cool
    6. Fire Alarm, it's waaaay to loud :(
    7.Oh dang it!
    8. Be a doctor
    9. Working at McDonalds
    10. I would like him to say "You have lived your life well, you can now join me in Paradise!"

  30. My favorite is fantastic
    least favorite word is hate
    what inspires me is my brother connor
    what turns me off is someone saying something mean about someone or a put down
    a noise I love to hear is a waterfall and its running water
    a noise I don't like is nails on a chalk board
    my favorite curse word is shoot
    a career i would like to have is to be a sports agent
    a career i would not like to have would be a to sit in a desk all day long
    I would like God to say thank you for living your life as a good person and i would say no thank you for my life.

  31. my favorite word is Booyakasha.
    least favorite word is homework.
    what inspires me is my brother Jack Robinson.
    what turns me off is people saying bad things about each other.
    my favorite noise is listening to music on my ipodtouch.
    a noise I don't likre is whining.
    favorite curse word is awh.
    a career I would want to do is to work at is Boise Dance Alliance.
    a career that I would not want to do is working at Blimpies
    I would like to say to God is thanks for my life.

  32. my favorite word is blubber because it is a funny word. my least favorite is never or impossible. who inspires me is TSwift. I don't like when people tap their pencils on desks or click pens. favorite noise is flute. a noise I don't like is people rubbing their hands on their laps. my favorite curse word is crap. career I want to do is to be a vet. career I don't want to do is a lunch lady. what I want god to say to me is I love you


  33. 1. What is your favorite word? hey
    2. What is your least favorite word? hate
    3. What inspires creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Myself
    4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally? Mean people
    5. What sound or noise do you love? music
    6. What sound or noise do you hate? Loud voices
    7. What is your favorite curse word? Holy Crap
    8. What profession would you like to attempt? Photography
    9. What profession would you not like to do? doctor
    10. When you get to Heaven, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? You have made me more proud than lots of people.

  34. 1. What is your favorite word? FUNNER
    2. What is your least favorite word? HATE
    3. What inspires creatively, spiritually or emotionally? MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS
    4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally? MEANNESS, OR HATE
    5. What sound or noise wdo you love? NATURE
    6. What sound or noise do you hate? NONSTOP YELLING
    7. What is your favorite curse word? ***KEEP IT CLEAN!!!! CRAP
    8. What profession would you like to attempt? PHOTOGRAPHY, TEACHING, OR LAWYER
    9. What profession would you not like to do? ANYTHING WITH BLOOD
    10. When you get to Heaven, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? NICE TO SEE YOU AGAIN

  35. My favorite word is loin. It just sounds really funny to me. My least favorite word is moist. It just reminds me of slime, and slugs. What inspires me the most is the Assop's Fables book. What badly influences me is my brother, Liam. I love the noise of the ocean waves. I hate the sound of chalk on a chalk board. My favorite word is I don't give a crap. I would like to be a pro at a doctor, dentist or an eletrical engineer. I would hate to be a pro at a janitor. I would love it when I got to heaven, for God to say, "You had a very awesome and peaceful life."


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