Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Character Matters

Last week a seemingly small story gained national notoriety when a high school football coach suspended his entire team for failing to behave in a way that reflected the values of the school and the team.  In a world where it seems that character is often not as important as your ability to throw, catch or run, the coach’s actions were atypical.  But to many it was a courageous and necessary step to helping these young men become outstanding contributors to the community and model citizens for others to emulate. 

Coach Matt Labrum of Union High School in Roosevelt, Utah made the decision to suspend his entire team after a week where players were being disciplined for skipping classes, disrespecting teachers, and cyberbullying fellow classmates.  This was enough for him.  After a loss to Judge Memorial High School, the coach declared that this is no longer a team.  The players and their actions were not in line with his expectations for students given the privilege to play and represent their high school.  All 80 players were asked to turn in their jerseys and given the option to earn them back if they wanted to be a part of the team. 

Beginning the next morning at 7:00 am, players were given the ability to earn a spot on the team by participating in a, now required, community service work project.  In place of practice, players were to attend character development classes.  They have been encouraged to monitor one another and hold each other accountable for their actions.

This was a risky decision by the coach.  It very easily could have sparked a revolt by the players, their families, and the community.  To the coach the risk was worth the reward.  The chance the coach took paid off and the players accepted the challenge.  Many have recognized their actions and the actions of their teammates were in desperate need of adjustment.

What do you think about the coach’s decision?  Should students participating in extracurricular activities be held to a higher standard?  How do you hold others accountable for their actions in and out of school?


  1. I think what the coach did was very inspirational. He made sure that what mattered on the team was not only the ability to catch and throw, but also to be good, Christian like people. When he found out what his players were doing, he put a quick end to it, despite all the risks. I believe the players got what they deserved. I think extracurricular activities should set higher goal for their students, so they can understand that to be in a sport, or any activity, you can't just be good at it, but you have to strive to be a good sport, student, and person as well. The coach showed us that. I hold others for their actions in school and in extracurricular activities, but other than that, I don't believe that anything outside of that is my business. What people do at home and other places is none of my concern. But, in school, I usually hold people responsible for their actions, and this coach showed his team just that.

  2. I think the coaches decision was brilliant! That is a good way to show your team that being on the football team isn't just about being cool it's about building good character, working with other people well, and good sportsmanship. I also thought it was heroic because he could of got fired but risked it to discipline teenage boys. I don't think that just because students do extracurricular activities they should be held to higher standards if they were, in my opinion, I think that would be unfair and unnecessary, everyone should be held to the same standards. If someone was doing something wrong I would stand up and try to summon the nerve that this coach did to tell them not to do that. I would tell them what they should do instead.

  3. CyberBullying, disrespect, and misbehavior - all very unacceptable things to be done in school. Coach made a very good decision to keep them out because it was a major problem. As a leader, it was a good decision on his part to hold the kids back. Through CyberBullying, the kids were hurting fellow classmates and themselves by misbehaving and letting their grade drop very low. I think another reason for his decision was to tell them that sports isn't the only way out, and that they should take more pride in an education, when there are other children that would kill to get one. I think that at all schools, kids should be required to do either a musical instrument or sport and do at least one hour of community service a year. The coach that stood up and said that this isn't right, probably thought that this was for the good of his players, and honestly, the good of his job. Outside of school I could care less about a problem like this, but inside of school, I hold myself accountable, and feel like there is always a way I can help to resolve the problem.

  4. I think the coaches decision was a wise one. People need to show respect and have good character. I think think the reason for bad discipline is just because kids are acting lazy. A good game is won with out show boating or any sore losers. Point taken that nobody likes loosing but it happens in life. The students should participate in the activities if they truly like football. If they don't I still think that it would be good for them to do that. When I teach karate I tell the person out in front of the class if they repeatedly misbehave. Negative motivation is good motivation. The community service project was good because it reminds them how lucky they are.

  5. I think the coaches decision was a very good idea, it thought the students they can't just skip classes and cyberbully to get onto a football team. Kids should be aloud to do extracurricular activities as long as they use it with respect but they should have to be held to the same standard as everyone else because it's his or her choice to go into the extracurricular activity. In school it's everyone's fault but out of school their on their own.

  6. I think the coach was right to suspend all the players. They were not taking school seriously. If they thought they could get away with it they were wrong. It would also show their parents what there kids were doing. These students should be held to higher standards. It would help stop bullying because more people want to be on a sports team. If something happens out of school it's none of my business but in school it could have to do with many people some innocent and others guilty. A community service project is just what they need.

  7. I think that it was a sage decision to suspend those kids. I think that if those kids are skipping school and cyber-bullying now then it could lead up to be a complete disaster later. I think that they should be held for higher standards because your parents are paying for the extracurricular activities that you do. Those activities are a privilege. If somebody is getting bullied in my school that I know about then I will stand up for them because that is not fair. I personally don’t think that in my school there is students skipping school but if there were I would try to convince them not to. If something like bullying is out of school and I’m not involved in it then I won’t get involved!

  8. this story is life changing let tell you why i think that. the coach’s decision was was truly a fair thing to do. you cant just be a great player, if your a bully you shouldn't be playing on the school team. one example you might be very pretty but you've almost, maybe never talked to one whose not to there ability. students participating in extracurricular activities shouldn't, or should be held to a higher standard. the kids try so hard to study for tests and assessments, when other kids just go out there throw a ball and run with it. i do still think that scholarships for sports are important but they should say this person has to be so smart to be able to play in the college leagues. i do think its fair to hold others accountable for their actions in and out of school because what if you play hard work hard in the academics but go home and do drugs are something, if a coach or teaches found out about that they were doing that they should get cut from the team and expelled. thats why i think that this is life changing.

  9. I think that doing that was very risky because they could get collage degrees dy playing football but they ruind it by making very poor choices.But I also think that the coach made a wonderful decisoin because the team mates were making a really bad choice of bullying peaple and being rude to other classmates of thiers and being rude also to there teachers.YES the students participating in extracurricular activities are being at a very high level because of what they did and they need to earn it back by proving to the coach that they can be more responsible and respectful and can handle that.Well you can see how they do in school and maybe they act a little bit the same outside of the school but maybe they dont act the same around school so you cant count on them to do something and expect that there gonna do that.You can also ask there parents and see how they do outside of school and how they do inside of school and see if theres a big difference of how they act inside and outside of school or maybe they dont act different in outside of school and inside of the school.

  10. I think that by doing that, it decreased the risk of people hating themselves for what the football kids told them they were. It was definitely a good way to teach them that it is NOT OK to do that! I think that the way the coach taught them the lesson for, disrespect, skipping classes, and siber bulling, the way he taught them was perfect. I think that they should give them a higher responsibility because if they thought that it was nothing then they would need to get a higher level of community service, they need to learn there lesson! If I saw some one bulling I would get an adult so they would be held responsible for there actions. If I knew that someone was skipping classes I would give them time to confess, then if they don't tell someone.

  11. I think this story is a good way to stop bullying ,disrespecting teachers and skipping classes. They had to do something about it and the school took the jerseys that will show them to no do that stuff anymore in school then if they do there will be consequences. If they keep doing the same thing over again to people or skipping classes during the school year.

  12. I think the coaches decisions were good for the team.I would not want to have those kids be representing our school either.He wasn't just punishing them.That was not the message he wanted to give.He was trying say that they things you do in school are not okay.You disrespect teacher,skip classes,an BULLY other students! Then you come out here on the football field and act like perfect little angles. On my football team,we have player expectations and one of them are being held accountable.That is something these kids needed to learn.I don't like to rat out on people.If they know they did something wrong then they will fix it.That is my opinion on this story.

  13. The coach made an admirable and risky decision that was made for the "Greater Good." People participating in extra curricular activities should be held to a higher standard because they are representing something bigger than them.... their school. If they can't respect that, then they shouldn't be on the team. I say it doesn't matter: in or out of school; if your doing something wrong/mean you should be punished. What they were doing was terrible; disrespecting teachers, skipping class, and cyberBULLYING other students. The coach made the right decision and made a point in the teams actions, in their school, community, and nationally.

  14. This was a good decision by the coach. Kids today underestimate the fact that we need to be nice to each other. Kids who are in extracirricular activities like sports need to do more in their community and need to be held to a higher standard .If people are doing something wrong ,I try to do my best to stop them .

  15. I agree with the coach’s decision to suspend all the players from playing on the football team. In my opinion he did the right thing because they needed to learn how to treat other people and how to be accountable for their actions. Students in extracurricular activities should be held to a higher standard because they are representing their school and their families. I try to hold others accountable for their actions by speaking up when I feel they are intentionally hurting someone with their actions or words.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I feel that the coach was very smart to expel the football team. The team shouldn't be treating others with disrespect because it is wrong. Also many people look up to athletes and those players and it is not good to have people look up to bullies as role models. I think that people who are in the public's view should be held to higher standards and learn from their mistakes and what they are doing wrong. Disciplining the person that is doing something wrong in or out of school can he held accountable like this coach as done to these players. I feel that they should be disciplined until they learn their lesson even if the wrong-doing is outside of school.

  18. I think that the coach made a good decision to suspend the team because they where being jerks and skipping school. NO i don't think that the football players should be held to a higher standard. I think all students should be held to a high standard than what the Union High football team was doing. On my football team my coach holds us all accountable for our behavior on and off the field. I think that i need to try harder to hold others accountable. It is something i do not do well.

  19. I think that the coache's descision was a very great descision because all civilized people need to learn propper ediquette. Disbehavior anywhere is very rude and crucial. The team should be at a higher standard because I think that every school's teacher even if they are a coach have rights to give kids a duty to have a higher standard. I have to agree with Peter, I don't hold others as accountable as I should. I am a little picky when it comes to judging people.(Which I try not to do.)

  20. I think the coach made a great decision. If your players can't be responsible off the field they cant be responsible on the field. I think students participating in extracurricular activities should be held to higher standards. I hold others accountable in and out of school by speaking up if they are doing something bad. I will speak up and tell them to not do it.

  21. The coach made a good decision by suspending the team and making them do community service. They should be held to a higher standard because they represent the school not just through their physical abilities but also through their character. I hold others accountable for their actions by letting them know I am not cool with them not being a good person and if they don't stop I will not be their friend.

  22. The coach made a good decision by suspending the team and making them do community service. They should be held to a higher standard because they represent the school not just through their physical abilities but also through their character. I hold others accountable for their actions by letting them know I am not cool with them not being a good person and if they don't stop I will not be their friend.

  23. I think the coaches sage decisions were very good decisions because skipping class, cyber-bullying, and disrespecting teachers are all very bad things. If they can't be capable of having pride in wearing their jerseys then why even have those jerseys. I think that it is great that the players are doing community service so they can learn what terrible decisions they have made. If that behavior keeps happening then they might not even graduate from high school. They should not play as a team until they know right from wrong. The players were being very disrespectful for what they were doing. I surely hope the players can figure out what they were all doing wrong inside and outside of home and school.

  24. I think the coach made a smart and wonderful decision by suspending the players, they deserved the consequences of getting kicked off the team and having to do community service to make up for the faults they made. yes, i do think students who do extracurricular activities should be held to a higher standard because if you want to participate in something after school or during the weekend you might as well respect the people who are helping you or spending their time to be with you. I think that outside of school if someone bullied someone or disrespected someone I would tell them to think about the right thing, but inside of school I would full-on protect that person in anyway I could.

  25. I think it was a good and bad idea by the coach. The coach held the whole team accountable for what some or all of the players were doing. I thought it was a bad idea because maybe some of the players weren't doing this stuff that got them in trouble. I thought it was a good idea for the students who were doing it because you shouldn't be able to do thing as bad as cyber bulling and just be able to get away without consequences. I think students in extra curricular activities shouldn't be held to a higher standard because to me it all depends on how bad the thing you did to someone else was. I hold others accountable for their actions in and out of school by calling them on it and not letting them get away with what they did. On this blog post I felt that there was about a thousand different scenarios that people could use to argue on both sides of the argument but I chose what I thought.

  26. I think that Coach Matt Labrum made a daring, yet inspiring decision. I personally agree with him. I find that sports player's are usually the people that younger generations look up to, because they are strong and have "power". I know that if I was on the team, I would be angry at the coach, but deep inside I would know that the anger was actually directed at myself for doing those wrong things. I think that those players deserved what they got. They were probably misusing their "power". I do NOT think that people involved in extracurricular activities should be held to a higher standard, everyone should be held to the same high standard. Sure, it is very important that kids involved in other activities are at the high standard, but that is not an excuse for the other children. I hold people accountable for their actions in and out of school by fining a way to politely address to them that what they are doing is not okay. In times when it is really hard for me to stand up to people, I leave and don't listen to the junk they have to say. I also like to give positive reinforcement, not criticism, when I can. At my old school, I got my friends to help with community service projects.

  27. Coach Matt Labrum made a very inspiring decision. He took a stand for what he believed was right, and by canceling the team he really showed the team that actions DO have consequences... I think that people who extracurricular activities shouldn't be heal at a higher standard because even though ya they do extracurricular activities and thats great some people who don't do extracurricular activities might just not have the time on there hands. I hold people extremely accountable for there actions, after all they made that decision to skip class or be disrespectful or even bully someone. Even out of school you need to know even though there isn't a good chance that you will be sent to the principles office you need to still take the consequences for your actions good or bad.

  28. Coach Labrum’s decision to suspend the football team was the right one. When you are part of a team you represent more than just yourself. You are representing your school or your club. On my football team we are expected to behave properly on and off the field. We want to do things that makes our parents and coaches proud. We want to be proud of ourselves. The way to do that is to respect each other and behave the right way.
    I do not think that being in extracurricular activities requires a higher standard. I think any time you are part of a team or school you should represent them in the best way possible. I call out my friends or family members if they are not behaving right. They need to know its not right to act or be that way. If you do wrong you need to be responsible for it. I think the coach is setting a good example for his team and I think they will be better for it.

  29. I think the coaches decision was the right decision and that the whole team should be punished. There is no I in team. On my football team if one person is late or we have a penalty in a game, every one runs. yes because there is more room for error and you should be held to a higher standard. Well if some one blamed something they did on me I would say that it wasn't me and I would expect them to take responsibility for there actions. If I told them to do something wrong or did it with them i would be held accountable for my actions. Outside of school like I said in football if someone was late or had a penalty in a game they should be held accountable for their actions but there is no I in team so we all run with them. this also rubs of in school.

  30. I think the coaches decision was a good learning experience as a life lesson. Yes they should be held at a higher standard because they are going to be repersenting the team, their coach, school, and theirselves. I would confront them by asking them why there doing this and if theirs a reason for them by telling me that.

  31. this story is truly something that will inspire many people to do the right thing and help many people help others and especially young people to learn what the right thing to do is and how to become kind and responsible adults.I do think that the coach made the right decision and it was very courageous of him to make that decision,he risked a lot to what he thought was right. He obviously wanted to help these players and wasn't just doing it for the publicity. The coach could have just as easily ignored the disrespect and let these kids carry on with their normal cyber bullying and uncalled for atitude toward teachers but he didnt,he decided to teach these kids a leason that they would learn alot from and would be something they could look back on for the rest of their life.I think that all schools should participate in community service projects both as a class and individually,it is a great experience and it also encourages kids to get involved in their community. although extracurricular activities like sports i do not think are necessary. Sports and other school functioned clubs should be a fun thing for kids to do with their friends if THEY want to, not having a school decide that for them. I do think others should defiantly be held accountable for their actions and if i was a teacher or a parent i would defiantly discipline them. I think that it depends on the class or on the kid for what type of discipline should have.

  32. the coaches decision to thrive on a chance is so brave and if i had that chance i could never promise that i would take it. well of course they should be at a higher standard because they are their own image and everyone elses. I tell them straight up and dont ever sugar coat things. in the long run it only makes things worse because you cant get the point accross.

  33. In my mind the coaches decision was a great idea. I don't know why any parents would be mad, I can see how the players would be but not the parents. It teaches them that in order to participate in fun activities they have to earn them. Doing community service is awesome. I think we shouldn't have to be told to and just go out and help the community a little bit. I think extracurricular activities should be held to a higher standard.

  34. I think the coaches decision was acceptable because it is a good life lesson to teach you to earn it and to work as a team and come together. I think the coach made the right decision. Community is great! you help people less fortunate than you and it always brings me together with my friends when we help other people. I hold others accountable with forgiveness and tell them to be nicer to others

  35. The coach made a great decision . If you don't go to school no football. School comes first. I think they should help the community the need to do something else not just earn there way on the football team. I think they should hold the whole team accountable because a team is a team and there is no I in team. The way I would hold people accountable is saying tell them that tell them do a little better and maybe say maybe I they are not being nice to people you could tell them maybe have you been so nice to so people then you will make them think about it. And maybe they will say sorry.


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