Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Last week, two Florida girls, ages 12 & 14, were arrested on felony charges of taunting and bullying after a 12 year old Florida girls committed suicide.  This is a sad realty in our world today.  Bullying is no longer happening face to face.  It is happening everywhere we have access to the internet and at all hours of the day.  For a victim it is difficult to escape or find refuge when the attacks are happening even when you should be in the safety of your own home.

Rebecca Sedwick committed suicide by jumping from an abandoned cement factory tower in Lakeland, FL on September 9th.  She had been a victim of bullying by at least 15 other girls utilizing on-line social networking sites such as, Instagram, Kik, and Voxer. 

More often than not, bullying has been extended to the digital world.  For parents and schools, this is a difficult evolution.  It is difficult for parents to keep up with the latest trends in social networking. It seems many of us just figured out Facebook only to have to new application such as Instagram or become the application of choice. 

We are living in a digital age and the responsibilities of parents, schools, and children have changed.  We have to educate our children about the proper etiquette for using social networking.  As parents we have to be open and honest with our children and have to be willing to learn about new technology and be willing to check on our kids.  It is fine line between protecting our children and respecting their privacy. 

In addition to parents having more responsibilities, so do you students.  Here are some tips on how to prevent and stop cyberbullying:

·         Make sure if you are members of social networking sites, protect yourself by using the security features (for example, make your profile private if you are on Instagram)
·         Never accept a “friendship” request unless you know the person
·         Refuse to pass on cyberbullying messages
·         Tell friends or others to stop
·         Block communication with cyberbullies, delete messages without reading them
·         Never post or share personal information online including full name, parents’ names, address
·         Never share internet passwords with anyone
·         Never put anything online you wouldn’t want your classmates to see
·         Do not send messages when you are angry or upset
·         Always be as polite online as if you were in person

If you are a victim of cyberbullying or become aware of cyberbullying, you need to ask for help.  Find a
teacher or trusted adult and ask for assistance. 

How many different social networking sites do you belong to?  Have you ever witnessed acts of cyberbullying?  Besides the suggestions I provided, what are steps you believe would be helpful to stopping this behavior?


  1. I do not belong to any social networking sites except if Google G-mail counts. I have never witnessed a post by a cyberbully, and I hope I never will. Another thing you could do is use the feature of the "red flag" to get the attention of the networking site.

  2. I do not belong to any social media networks, because I just don't have time for them. I had an Instagram account for about a week, but then I deleted it because it was driving me crazy. I do have a phone, but in only use it for calling, texting, and playing games. I do not like these kinds of applications because I know they often involve gossip, secrets, and well, cyber bulling. I have never witnessed any cyber bullying, but I am fully aware that it is out there. For now, I'm just glad it hasn't effected me (yet). To help stop cyber bullying, I think technology companies should create a feature that allows people to turn in a post, comment, or anything else that they think is cyber bullying. What they turn in will them be run through a series of tests, and if it really is cyber bullying, they can find the bully and bring him or her to justice. Plus, the bully will never know who turned them in. Another thing I think we could do to prevent cyber bulling, or any bullying, is if you are being bullied, talk to your parents or trusted adult about it. Sometimes, the best cure for bully-let-downs is to just talk about it and find ways to solve the problem. Bullying is a big deal, and if it is not addressed properly, it can become a bigger one.

  3. I belong to about 4 social networking sites and I think that when used right they can be fun and a great expirence to interact with people that you know. I have witnessed an act of cyber bullying. My friend told me and bunch of other friends about a hate page created on instagram. everyone that was that notified told the kid who created that page to stop being mean and that he should delete his account. I think some sugustions to stopping this behavior are standing up to the person that is bullying people! There are many advantages and disadvantages of social networking sites and it would be fabulous if could eliminate the biggest disadvantage. I understand that it would be very difficult and challenging to do this but in a perfect world we could. Cyberbullying is awful and hope that if anyone is being bullied or witnessing cyber bullying that they stand up to that person

  4. I only belond to gmail and khan academy because i'm not old enough for any network site.Gladly no i have not seen cyberbullying. I do not have a phone but i do have a tablet.I do not have any texting app on it yet but I'm gonna make sure nothing to bad happens on the app when i get it because i think that cyberbullying is very very stupid because it made a girl suicide herself because of the way the 2 girls were acting like.I dont whant to be a person that makes fun of people or a person that is getting bullied.I think that the prinsepleof that school there going should keep up with all of the terrible things people do to people and the terrible things people do about it to themselfs.I also think that people should stop being bystanders and go tell a parent or teacher.People that have networking sites should always delete the ruuude texts and do something about it like telling a teacher or a parent ......Even if they dont look good to YOU maybe that person just might think that you are pretty but not after what you will do to them!STOP CYBERBULLYING AND START BEING FRIENDLY!!!!!:)

  5. I belong to one social network. Instagram. I have never witnessed cyber bulling and I want it to stay that way. I have witnessed hacking but no bullying. I think you should tell a trusted adult and even though this is already listed, only accept friend requests if you know the person.We all need to stand up to stop ALL bullying!

  6. I belong to 4 social networks, i always make sure to not cyber bully though! I have witnessed acts of cyber bullying, one of the acts that I experienced was a profile on Instagram. The profile had very rude comments about the person. Also the username was _I_HATE_........! I believe that you shouldn’t be a by stander, and if you see cyberbullying going on, than to not just sit there and do nothing, Make a difference! You could save somebody’s life!!!!

  7. i belong to 6 social networks and i am constantly scouting for cyber bullies to find solutions. i have witnessed one act of cyber bullying and it was on instagram. the people said horrible things and the name was I_HATE_..... ^^^^^ just like grace. she was one of the people i brought in to try to stop it. No offense to the people out there who are shy and dont like to speak out, you realy gotta quit that. it could effect a lot more than just your bubble being popped.

  8. I belong to only 2 social networks. I don't think I have ever witnessed cyber bullying but I have seen people teasing others. I don't think teasing is cyber bullying unless it gets escalated quickly.(Thank you anchorman.) If your teasing one of your friends that's different than teasing someone you're not

  9. I don't belong to any social sites except for G-mail. I do not feel that it is necessary to have a lot of social apps. I have not witnessed cyber bullying and I am glad about that. I think that cyber bullying is a really bad thing to do. I think that you should put a flag up on the person whose doing it. I also think that telling a trusted adult is a good first step.

  10. I don't belong to any social network sites other than the ones we use at school. thankfully i haven't witnessed cyber bullying or been part of it and I hope I never will. truly i think all the tips Mr.Grant gave were good ones. since i don't use those sites i don't know the other ways to prevent cyber bullying.

  11. I don't belong to any social networking sites except for g-mail. I haven't ever witnessed cyber bullying, which I'm very grateful for. I think one of the best ways to prevent cyber bullying is to not let the bully get at you! Remember the bully usually feels really bad about themselves. If you don't let it bother you, the bully never wins.

  12. I don't belong to any social networking, unless the school gmail counts. Thankfully I have never witnessed cyber bullying, but that's mostly because the one social network I do belong to can only be used by people within our school, and I hardly go on that one anyway. I think that if kids start telling trusted adults about them being bullied, instead of just keeping it to themselves and committing suicide that that would help with stopping this behavior. I also think that if you ignore the bully and the people who laugh at what the bully says and just be yourself then eventually the bully will realize that your not giving him power so he'll stop bullying you.

  13. I don't belong to any social network sites except for my email account at home.People should stop cyber-bulling because it is not nice at all . If the bully says something mean to you can make humor then the bully wont get the power he or she needs to feel better about themselves.

  14. The only social network I have an account for is Instagram. Truth to be told, I've asked my parents to create me an account for Facebook or Twitter. After I learned about cyber bullying, I have stopped asking. I've never ever witnessed any cyber bullying in my whole entire life and I am happy about it. I think another great tip would be if you had a bad comment from a cyber bully, take it as a joke, like Mr. Grant was saying about Abby. -Connor

  15. I don't belong to any social network sites except g mail. I have never witnessed any acts of cyber bullying. One way to help stop cyber bullying is to report the using the red flag to the game or company.I would also tell a parent or teacher if I witnessed cyber bulling.

  16. I belong to one social networking site, Instagram. No, I have never been a witness of cyber-bulling and if I do, I hope to make the right choice. If you're getting cyber-bullied, make a funny joke about it, to show that it doesn't bother you, and then tell a trusted adult before something gets out of hands. Before going on line, you should think about what you're going to say, and make sure you won't hurt anyone's feelings.

  17. I belong to 6 social networking sites. I have witnessed cyber bullying, a lot. I think some steps to prevent it are 1. make all your social networking accounts private. 2. if you see cyber bullying tell an adult, report it, or try to tell the person it's not right. 3. don't listen do what anybody says.

  18. I only belong to once 1 social networking site, I have never witnessed cyber bullying.Although I wish not to witness cyber bullying If I ever did I would first tell a trusted adult than flag it as inappropriate.

  19. I belong to 3 different social networking apps.Cyber bullying is the most common form of bullying so yes i have seen it.A way to stop it is delete the app.Then it will be problem solved

  20. I only belong to 2 social network apps.I've seen cyberbullying alot. The simplest step is to just delete the app you are using .You could also just not use that site anymore.

  21. I belong to 3 social network apps. I don't think I've seen any cyber bullying. A way to stop it would be to put your profile private, delete it, or to report it.

  22. I don't belong to any social network sites. I checked out Instagram to see if I wanted an account because most of my friends have an Instagram. When I logged on, I saw people calling other people ''stupid.'' At this point I just had to say no to Instagram because of the bad comments I had seen on there. If I was getting cyber bullied, I would add humor so that the person wouldn't get the power they need and distract them from being mean.

    1. I have no social networking sites. I have never witnessed cyber-bullying (thankfully) I think you can stop this behavior by telling the person that they need to stop. Then you wait a while and if they still haven't stopped you let a trusted adult know. You could also email an administrator of the website or social media application and report them.

      Joseph Emerich 6GO (It wouldn't let me log in :-(...)

    2. I only belong to one social networking site. I have never witnessed any cyber bullying. Making your profile private or reporting whoever is cyber bullying are two ways to stop it from happening. If they did not have security features on social networking sites I would not go on them.

    3. I have no networking sites. I have never seen bulling , I don't plan on it either. One of the ways you could stop bulling is to get a group and stop it at the source. this is not advice right when you get them it is right about wen it gets"out of hand", or ( in other words you start to believe them.

  23. I don't belong to any social networking sites unless you count e-mail. I have never witnessed cyber bullying, and I plan to keep it that way. A piece of advice I would give is to not put everything in Caps unless your tone of voice can be easily seen by the reader. The Caps can be falsely interpretated as yelling instead of a harmless comment, and could really hurt someone's feelings.

  24. I do believe that cyberbullying is a big deal in the united states and that it should be stopped. i belong to instagram,snapchat, voxer, vine, kik, and wanelo about six. but hte one where i see the most cyberbullying is instagram... one example is theres someperson that has an instagram and stocks this person page and comments like retard, your so stupid,your ugly ect... and i think the person that stocks them is there close friend because they have alot of mean picture they post of this person. i would get attention tell an adudult tag people gte people to stand up for them,act like you dont care. together lets stop cyberbullying!!!!!

  25. I belong to five different social networking sites. I haven't witnessed cyber-bulling on any of the sites. Some advice I would give to people who are being cyber-bullied or just regular people on social networking sites is that EVERYONE can see it if its on the internet, and once you post it and delete it, whatever you posted is still out there for everyone to see.

  26. I do not belong to any social networking sites. I have not witnessed cyber-bullying but, I have witnessed bullying. I do not think it is right for someone to taunt and bully someone over and over. I think its a cowardly thing to bully someone. If you see someone bullying you should not participate or encourage them by responding. You should tell someone immediately to help stop it right away. "sticks and stones may break my bones but names can never hurt me"

  27. I don't belong to any social networking sites. I have not witnessed cyber bullying ever and I hope it stays that way. One way to stop cyber bullying is to "red flag" them and the networking site should ban them.

  28. I do not belong to a social network site. I have herd about cyber-bullying but I have not seen it. Some ways that would be helpful to stop cyber-bullying are the could filter to internet a little better and maybe some of those sites such as ask. Are not good because they can say stuff and they don't know who it is. So they can cyber-bully and say things about them and make them fell bad then the person can walk up to them at school and they won't even know that person did it

  29. I only belong to one social media site, Instagram. I have seen lots of cyber bullying on Instagram, like people being called extremely hurtful names and being threatened, I always try and report the people who are doing it when I see it. One thing that really helps when being cyber bullied is to just not react, stay calm, and report the person who is doing the cyber bullying.

  30. I belong to 3 social websites. I have seen cyber bullying happening. Some kids in our class including me helped stop this, then it was stopped. A few things to do when you see cyber bulling is to tell an adult, report the person, and make sure to block this person. It will get them further away from you.

  31. I belong to 2 social media websites. I have not really seen cyber bullying happing. A solution is to tell a trusted adult, report it on whatever social media thing you belong to, and blog the if its to you but if its to somebody else you should stand up.

  32. I belong to 2 social media websites. I have not really seen cyber bullying happing. A solution is to tell a trusted adult, report it on whatever social media thing you belong to, and blog the if its to you but if its to somebody else you should stand up.


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