Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The problems in Syria are not getting any better.  After two years and 100,000 lives, the sides are further apart than ever before.  While the international community has resisted the urge to get involved, the government regime headed by President Bashar Assad may have crossed the line forcing the United States and other countries to engage in some military activity.

On August 21, 2013 the government regime elected to use chemical weapons on Syrian civilians, including children.  The use of these weapons has been outlawed by the international community.  President Obama has plainly stated if the Assad backed military uses chemical weapons, the United States will respond.

On September 10th President Obama addressed the nation.  He spoke to the people of the United States about the evidence indicating the use of chemical weapons and his desire to conduct a targeted military strike against the Syrian military.  As per his address, he considers it a matter of national security.  If the United States does not respond with decisive military action, it will leave the door open to other governments and organizations to use chemical weapons.  He stated that he will not commit any ground forces or long term air strikes.  Others are not entirely convinced.

Many members of Congress are concerned about United States involvement in the Syrian civil war.  They are concerned about the effectiveness of any military action as well as the potential of engaging our military personnel in a long-term, difficult to win scenario. 

To complicate the issue even further, there are the Russians.  The Russians are backing the government led Assad regime and have warned the United States about potential retaliation for military actions taken against Syrian military.  The Russians are trying to deter the use of force and are negotiating with President Assad to turn over chemical weapons to the international community.

Have you watched, read or heard anything about the situation in Syria?  What do you think the United States should do?  Please provide reasons for your opinion.  


  1. What Syria did i don't support. But i also don't think the US should bomb them because if they bomb Syria. Russia can help Syria bomb the US back. If we are going to get involved we should get on a plane and fly there and have war. I think that US would come more prepared. They should do a surprise attack. I view that what Syria's doing they should pay for. Right now the President of Syria putting a chemical bomb wasn't smart they just killed more people. Yes i have heard about it on the news. What they are doing isn't right the US needs to get involved soon. Like the guys who did the boston bombing were Syrian. The Syrians think that violence is the resolution to every little conflict. The US kind of does too. The US could also send the Syrian family somewhere, and help them but they choose not too. In this situation I'm positive this will result in war.

  2. I have not read the news because I know that Syria is a mess. I think we should do something but not necessarily a war. Wars should be last resort. wars just end up kill a lot of people but Syria should pay for what the have done. I don't support Syria I just hope they make the right choice and not lead into a war. I am tired of waiting for thing to happen, either we take action now or never. We won't have the element of surprise forever.

  3. So far I have watched CNN student news and a lot of what they have been talking about is in Syria. I mean killing your own people is wrong. Personally I think we should not start war. War would just kill more people. If they are going to try and kill they're own people try to stop them but don't get involved.

  4. I know a little about what is going on in Syria, and I don't like it. Syria is at war, and not just a little, half-year war with about 100 people killed, I mean a full on, years long war with thousands of people being ruthlessly slaughtered, women and children alike. I hate every single bit of it. I think the U.S should stay out of it entirely,but we can't just sit around and watch this terrible scene unfold before our eyes, either. I DO NOT think the U.S should be in the war at all, because that would just make things worse. Then Syria would be against us, and we would end up making more enemies than friends. But, I do think we should at least try to make some sort of peaceful communications, and hopefully, start turning this whole thing around. If all else fails, we should just back away and pray Syria can begin to work things out. I hope the U.S can figure something out that won't get us into too much of a pickle.

  5. I have watched several things about it on the news but I don't like to pay attention. I have also heard my mom and other people talking about it. I think it's unreasonable and war is not the answer. I think the U.S should let them realize what they're doing to the people. I think if they did that things wold turn out better than making things worse with war. I think that if U.S.A got involved Russia would attack the soldiers and kill a lot more people. I think we should still help them out but war is not the answer. If we helped them solve there problems, potentially we could be allies and everything would be alright. This Syria thing is truly a hairball.

  6. I have heard about the situation in Syria, but no a lot! I think that if the US gets involved it won’t help at all, might even make it worse. I think that the US should try to approach the situation calmly, also find a solution that if fair and, peaceful! I think that is how we should approach the situation calmly because it’s no good to create another war, or fight!

  7. I have heard a little bit about what has been happening in Syria. I don't know every little thing, but I get what happened. I honestly do not know what the US should do. We are kind-of in a lose-lose situation. We have to do something about the chemical weapon, because President Obama gave them a warning, and now he has to follow through on what he said. But, if we attack them, it's not like they are going to say, "Hey!Let's just let them bomb us this one time, because we really do deserve it," and then there is going to be peace. Instead, they are going to do something back to us. All I want is there to be Peace. I think that there should be negotiation, but that might not work.

  8. No I have not watched or read about what has been going on in Syria. What I think the United States should not try to stop Syria from using chemical weapons because Russians threatened us with military action and they said they would try to stop Syrians from using chemical weapons themselves. I hope there can be Peace between the United States and Syrians.

  9. I have heard about the issues in Syria when we have family discussions and watch president Obama’s speeches on T.V. I think that the U.S should try to help the Syrian government to give up the chemical weapons and not bomb them and cause more problems but then the Syrians did break an international law and harmed innocent people. It was not good to have to draw the line that if Syria uses chemical weapons we would get involved. But now that Obama’s perspective has changed we don’t know what to do. In my opinion we should wait and see how Russia handle things and if we don’t like what they did we will do something too.

  10. I have heard and discussed with my family the illegal uses of chemical weapons by Syria. I personally think that the United States should worry about our own problems right now instead of worrying about Syria's problems. The only things that have happened when we worry about Syria is us starting a war with Syria about something we're not even sure they did when we don't even have the money to start war. I also think we should wait and see how things play out before we make a horrible decision, that shouldn't have ever been made.

  11. No,I dont pay attention to the problems in Syria.I just figured since this has been going on for 2 years already the problem should have solved its self.I dont not think we hould bomb Syria.Sure,we would pretty much end the problems but with that we would be killing lot of civillians.

  12. My family and I pay attention to the civil war in Syria. I don't think that we should bomb Syria because if we bomb the government they could bomb one of our allies who are not expecting it at all. Bombing does not solve the problems in Syria. We can't help solve their problems until they want to solve their problems.

  13. My family pays attention to the Syria chaos. I really only try to look for the good news and the funny news so I don't really care about the news except for this one. I think the United States shouldn't shoot Syria with missiles. It would just bring more problems in the United States and it would kill a lot of civilians. We should just be worried about the problems in the United States.

  14. My family pays attention to the Syria chaos. I really only try to look for the good news and the funny news so I don't really care about the news except for this one. I think the United States shouldn't shoot Syria with missiles. It would just bring more problems in the United States and it would kill a lot of civilians. We should just be worried about the problems in the United States.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. No I have not hered anything about syria the past couple of days.I dont really have time to worry about syria but I'll pay more attention.I think the united states should keep wathing syria if there doing something wrong.I dont want them to go to war with us but if there doing something really bad they should go and fix the problem.The united states should also keep giving them warnings.I say this because we shouldnt just sit there and have peaple get hurt and were not gonna do something so I said "it would be amazing if we could help them in a non violent way but that might not happen".

  17. I haven't really watched the news or heard anything, but I do know whats going on, and it's not good, the Syrian people do not deserve this. If Syria did use chemical weapons, the United States would have to keep their promise and help out the innocent civilians.

  18. Today in the newspaper there was an article about the war in Syria. I read the article. I think the United States should help by trying to prevent the war in Syria. We should also try to prevent the chemical weapons because those are terrible killing machines! We should try to stop them from using those weapons because president Assad has killed 1,400 people with them, 400 being children. I believe that if they keep lying that they will stop using those weapons that's when I think we should bring in our military forces to tell them right from wrong! I also believe that Assad should not be president because he killed so many of his own people. I wish there would be more peace in the world! Stop war and hug more!

  19. I haven't watched much about Syria, although my parents often discuss the situation there. I also try to read news about Syria on the internet or in the news paper, but often stop because of how horrible it is there.One thing that the US should understand is that the situation in Syria is getting worse by the minuet and there "threats" are not helping one bit. The US should have a rational discussion with Syria's President Assad, instead of starting a full on war. I don't think that the US really needs to start an other war. The choices they have are thousands of American's and Syrian's would lose there lives, or the leaders of Syria and the US could have a rational discussion and no one would lose there lives. Is it really that hard to pick the correct choice?

  20. I havent really watched about the situation in Syria but i have heard about whats going on. I think the U.S. should try to compromise with the Syrian President and get them to stop using chemical weapons against their own people. I think we should try peace before war because there are less chances of people on both sides getting killed.

  21. I haven't watched or read about Syria, because I'm just so busy and don't have time. The U.S.A. should work together with Russia to try to get president Assad to turn over his chemical weapons before they consider bombing him. I don't think bombing Syria would help the Syrian people. Also, Syria needs to find another president. One that won't kill his people and then lie about it.

  22. I havent been able to catch up on Syria but i have heard a few things like the USA is going to chemical bomb the rebel part of Syria but Russia doesn't want that to happen. So we are trying to work with Russia on this. I think the USA should try and get the innocent people out of there.

  23. I also think that the United States should be careful not to get involved to much just in case something goes wrong.

  24. I've heard a lot about the situation in Syria a lot because last year we watched CNN student news and they talked about it a lot .I've seen a lot about it in the papers and on the covers of magazines. I really don't know what the U.S. should do. We need to help any way we can but we don't want to start a World War three hear thou. We should slowly attack this problem so we won't get in over our head. Something big could go wrong.

  25. I have heard quite a bit about Syria. I think United States should take charge of Syria, and help Syrian residents. I think Syria has no right in bombing. Our President needs to take control.

  26. I have heard a little about Syria but not that much. I think the U.S should should really not get invovled with Syria we dont want anything to happen to us. But if we talk to them we should do slowly and peacful so we dont have to worry about these things in our lives. I dont think the U.S needs promblems or wars right now.

  27. I have heard a little bit about it. I think the United States should help them out because the are hurting innocent people. That is so wrong to hurt innocent people for any reason especially if it is the government and should not of used chemical weapons against the people and now the US is going to have to step in.

  28. i have heard a few things about Syria's problems although i have i have not purposefully listen to things about because it scares me thinking that this could happen too the United States even though it is very unlikely. I think that if Syria keeps using chemical weapons on their citizens they should attack Syria.Although it must be the right situation. Basically, if the "situation gets any worse,we should make sure that our own country is safe first,then attck syria and try to get their country safe and harm free.

  29. I have heard the news about Syria on the morning radio and seen the tragedies on the news. I believe that we should have talks with Syria. We need to tell them that they should not use chemical weapons on their very own people. It is not right. If they do not agree then I think that we should send in our troops to help protect the innocent people of Syria. I do not think we should stand by and let anymore innocent Syrians get hurt.

  30. I haven't heard Mitch about Syria but I know that they have some sort of civil war going on over their leader. I don't pay attention to it much because it don't really find it interesting. It's really sad how a country can turn against each other over one person. I think the U.S or the government should try to talk them down from all the violence and stop the making of chemical bombs. The war has been going on for a long time now almost 2 or 3 years now. It needs to end now!

  31. I have only heard small snippets of info about Syria. I think the US should take action if chemical weapons are being used. I think it an unfair advantage if one side gets chemical weapons, when both sides are fighting about their opinion each side deserves a fair chance. I just don't want anymore people hurt. it has been going on long enough. It has to end!

  32. Out of the little that I've heard about it, I can tell that Syria is going to escalate to and unsafe civil war. They must be pretty serious, because Russia and the US is getting involved. I think the US should keep away from this life and money loss because it is just not a good idea to take the chance of being involved in another 12 year Afghanistan war. And what are you going to do? Send the troops that just got home overseas again to Syria? I think the US should let other countries work it out and work on the problems back at home. Egypt did fine on its own, and I think that we shouldn't have any chemical weapons on our hands either.

  33. Last year, in 5th grade, we watched CNN student news, so I got a little about what was going on.My question is, does the United States have to waste lives to get other countries to fix their problems? I think that United States millitary has done enough. If it's one countries problem, their country should fix it. Syrians don't really need our help. They just need to learn to be peaceful and resolve their own problems. I think chemical weapons are just plain crazy. What are they going to do, kill eachother until no one is there? It's just kind of weird that wars could happen over simple problems. So why help Syria when they CAN do it on their own?

  34. I have seen a lot about Syria in the media and just in basic conversation. At this point, the united states should stay calm and not get too involved because that could potentially ruin our vague relationship with Syria. im not saying that we shouldn't help, but however, it is very dangerous too and could kill a lot of people.


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