Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ashton Kutcher Role Model?

If you had asked me to list the top 50 Hollywood role models, Ashton Kutcher would not have made the list.  It is not that I had anything against him, I just would not have considered him.  My only exposure to Ashton is through the movies he has been in, his enjoyment in punking people, and replacing Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men.  All of that changed on August 13th.  

While giving an acceptance speech at the Teen Choice Awards, Ashton completely changed my mind and my impression of him.  Taking full advantage of the situation and his audience, he delivered one of the most inspirational and classy speeches I have had the privilege of hearing.  He left his audience with three things:

1.  What opportunity looks like
2.  What is sexy
3.  The difference between living a life and building one

After watching the video, what do you think about Ashton’s ideas?  Why do you think he is sharing these ideas at this moment and with this audience?  Do you have any role models?  What is your definition of a role model?


  1. I think Ashton's ideas are ingenious and true. If you work hard opportunity will come and being smart is the most important thing plus try to make the most of your future. He shared them at this moment because a lot of young teens and children were watching. I do have a role model, my grandmother. She always was thinking of others. My definition of a role model is someone you want to be like or someone you admire. I think that Ashton Kutcher's speech was absolutely 100% true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I think his ideas are inspiring. They make me want to do something i have never done before. He just became my second role model after Paul Rodreguiz

  3. I think Ashton's ideas are inspirational and helpful because they teach you how you can do stuff with your life and they teach you how to work hard. I think he shared these ideas at that moment because he wanted people to know that he isn't just naturally talented and rich and famous but that he worked hard to get to where he is and that everyone should work as hard as they can too. My number one role models are of course my parents. But my second role model is Missy Franklin a consistent, strong, happy, gold medalist. But she isn't at all cocky she is like a lean mean fighting machine. And she is one of the few athletes that didn't cheat ( use drugs ) to get to where she is. My definition of a role model is a person who achieves their goals, who's humble, and someone who doesn't stop at the foil but goes the distance. I also think a good role model is someone who never gives up and someone who will always push themselves to the fullest no matter what it will. that's my opinion of a good role model.

  4. I think Ashton's ideas are inspiring, especially to his particular audience. His audience, the teens of America, can really relate to what he is saying. When Ashton talked about being "sexy", he was really describing how to be an all around good kid, and to never let yourself down. I do have role models, but instead of just one, I have many. I may think one thing someone does is amazing, but something else he does, not so much. I believe a role model must be an understanding person, someone you can not only look up to, but also can give you new and unique ideas. Someone who has a role model should not only want to be like them, but also want to be able to be better in your own way.

  5. Ashton Kucher is someone I would mot think of as a role model either and I have honestly never heard of the guy. His whole message is that you should do what you want to do with your life. Being "sexy" is being smart and for lack of a better word all around good guy. In the 4 minutes and 41 seconds that I watched him, I thought "Wow, he isn't just a TV actor. He's a role model." In the future when I hear his name I won't think of him as an actor that one the teem choice awards. He has really great ideas and he should be happy that he shared it with the world. I think that he shared it with the world at this time is because most kids don't know what they want to do with their life and a well-known face like him can change that. I have the usual role models like sports players, Steve Jobs, Sal Khan, and Alexander Grahm Bell. I think a role model should be (by Ashton's definition) sexy, with the right amount of fame.

  6. I like Ashton's ideas a lot, I used to not like to use the word ''sexy'' but in the way he describes it, I think it is more appropriate to use now that I heard what he said about it. He might be sharing these ideas because he is at the end of his career or because he just wants to let it out, but what ever reason it is I am glad he did. I definitely have role models, I think its a good thing to have role models because it gives you something to look up to. I think being a role model is about being the best person you can be to yourself and others. It is also good if you have a variety of role models so you can pick the best characteristics about each one that you want to be more like.

  7. i believe everything ashton kutcher just said. i would never before this speech think of ashton kutcher as a role model to me. alot of celebrities are doing good thing for this world. i think thats cool. because personaly i will listen to them. like one direction is teaming up with office depot and their doing a cause against bullying. i think that thats amazing that celebritys are doing this type of stuff. to me a role model is anyone that shows that they care have to be smart maybe good at a sport. ashton kutchers speech is what a role model is to me because he actually took some time to think about thAt instead of just showing up having no clue what to say. i also like the way he desribed sexy. he described it in a way that i had never thought of before and i agree with lucas g. he make the word sexy not sound like not such a bad word. some of my role models are: my big sisters my mom my dad my neighbors don and eilleen ashton kutcher is now one of my role models taylor swift.... i could go on forever so ill keep my list short and sweet. i do agree with his ideas. i think they are very smart and intelligant. sharing his ideas with the crowd was very smart and brave of him. he is a talented actor. he is now one of my role models!!!

  8. I really thought Ashton's ideas where brilliant, I really didn't expect him to have such brilliant ideas. I mean for goodness sake he was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and a baseball cap! In my opinion Ashton Kucher's reason for sharing his ideas was to inspire this generations kids and teens to build a life that will change the world to make it a better place, also to understand that "sexy" is smart and kind not dumb and inconsiderate. Yes I do have role models, my number one idle is Maria Sherapova. She is an amazing tennis player and really inspires me to do my best because she also got very good grades. A role model to me is some one who does amazing things in the world, someone who isn't afraid to be different and original. A role model tries to be the best that they can be, they inspire people to try there hardest all the time. Thats exactly what Ashton Kucher's speech has done to me.

  9. I really thought Ashton's ideas where brilliant, I really didn't expect him to have such brilliant ideas. I mean for goodness sake he was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and a baseball cap! In my opinion Ashton Kucher's reason for sharing his ideas was to inspire this generations kids and teens to build a life that will change the world to make it a better place, also to understand that "sexy" is smart and kind not dumb and inconsiderate. Yes I do have role models, my number one idle is Maria Sherapova. She is an amazing tennis player and really inspires me to do my best because she also got very good grades. A role model to me is some one who does amazing things in the world, someone who isn't afraid to be different and original. A role model tries to be the best that they can be, they inspire people to try there hardest all the time. Thats exactly what Ashton Kucher's speech has done to me.

  10. I think that Ashton's ideas were true because with his ideas we will know what to do in life,when you work hard and try your hardest you will succeed in life. I think another definition of opportunity is when preparation meets luck. Preparation is also known as planning and being smart. The reason Ashton shared his ideas was so that people our ages could have an idea on life. Yes I do have a role model. He is Thomas Edison because he invented the light bulb and other useful things. My definition of a role model is somebody you can look up to.

  11. Wow! That was great. Thanks for sharing Mr. Grant. This message can be for anyone not just kids. I like what he had to say, all of it. These ideas are to inspire anyone who listens. One role model I will tell you about is Shelly Bedke. I think a role model is someone who is nice, intelligent, thoughtful and generous. Shelly is...how Ashton Kutcher said, "sexy".

  12. Wow! That was a amazing video. I think that Ashton's ideas are very original compared to other celeb's ideas. I think his reasoning for sharing those thoughts right then with that audience was; first of all; because it was a Teen Choice award that he was receiving, so he was trying to send a message across to the teens. When you are a teenager, that is the time in you're life where you really start defining who you are, so you need lots of advice on which path to take. Not all are like this, but when a celeb becomes really famous, the stardom sometimes gets to their head and they do stupid things like doing drugs. Second of all, he wants to let loose how he really feels, bad about not being who he "really" is, and thankful for learning what he has, and being where he is today. My role model is Jane Goodall, because she lived with chimpanzees and had saved many animals and habitats with her fund. A role model is a person who you can look up to and can make the right decisions. A role model can also be a mean person who makes terrible decisions, but those role models we generally do not look up to.

  13. amazing! i never really new much about about Ashton Kutcher but now i think he is a a great person and his words are true!i thinl that the things Ashton talked about were something i had never thought about them like he explaned them as.it was a great speech and those "things he learned when he was cris"were things that i think that not many people in the modern day today think about stuff in that way.i think he was sharing this with everyone because he wants everyone to suceed in their carrers and do well in just life in general.but o think he also just wanted to share the things he learened through life so that we can try to be better at life (for lack of a better term).i have many role models but not many which are older, or famous. some of my role modeles are my brother and sister.sience i am the youngest i have not had to learn a ton of things the hard way.tom and ann have set a great examaple for me and i think that they are the defintin of "sexy"

  14. Ashton’s ideas are ones that will inspire lots of people to build a life and to work hard at what they do. They are interesting and I didn’t expect that he would say that kind of stuff. He is sharing these ideas because the teens who listened to him could relate to what he said. Yes, I do have role models, lots of them like my mom. I think people are role models when they inspire you and you look up to them and want your life to be like theirs.

  15. Ashton's words were strong and powerful. I partially liked his thoughts about how hard work leads to opportunities. Ashton is a little bit older then his audience, so he can look back on what he has done right or wrong. He is hoping to give advice that will spare his audience some of the mistakes he made and share with them things he has done right. My role model is my Mom. Ashton would like her because she is smart, thoughtful, and generous. A role model is someone who you respect look up to. I would like to live my life like my role models.

  16. Awesome!!!!Ashton's speech is a great insperation to peaple that think that they are all that and to just people that dont think that they are all that.I think he is sharing this moment with the audience because hes around people that dont care about what his three stratagies and never try to do anything he sayed and it would give theme a idea about thinking of doing what hes three stratagies are about.My role model is my parents because they set rules like not getting a phone tell im in 8th grade and making sure im doing the right things the right way.My deffinition of a role model is a person who sets good expectitions and peaple that set good ways of growing up and not doing the wrong things.

  17. Ashton's ideas are both inspirational and true. I think he is sharing these ideas at this moment with the audience because he didn't just come into this world being rich and famous he had to work and take time to get where he is today. Yes i have role models like my parents and sister but also Perrie Edwards because she tried out for singing on the x-factor, ended up winning, and is now traveling the world with her friends preforming. The definition of a role model is someone who you trust and look up to, someone who succeeded or someone who failed. That's what I think a role model is.

  18. After watching this video my thought about Ashton kuchar has completely changed. I always thought of him as just another Hollywood actors. He just proved to me and a lot of other people that he is more than just another hollywood actor. But to get back to the questions. After watching this video I think his ideas are inspiring, true, brilliant and important. His ideas are important because we need more people like this in the world. I think his is sharing his ideas at this moment because there are millions of people watching this and he's telling them that hard work gets you places. Also another one of his points is you have to start small and work your way up. I do have a role model, it is my dad because of his leadership. Role models are people who you look up to.

  19. Ashton's speech was inspiring to other people to work hard, be smart. I think why he wanted to share that speech because he wanted to tell how he worked hard to be where he is now. My role model is my cousin Amaia because she is hard working and kind. The definition of role model is someone who sets a good example to other people.

  20. I think Ashton Kutchers ideas are great. He really got me thinking, I should not just live my life but build it too. He is sharing these ideas so people won't think ther're better than somebody else. Everybody is good at some things but some people have to work harder than other people to get where they're are in life. I have role models like Pavel Datysuk. He plays for the Detroit Redwings. A role model is someone who you look up to, someone you want to be like.

  21. Ashton Kutchers ideas were very inspirational .He's sharing these ideas because hes learned alot about life when he made this movie about Steve Jobs and you can learn alot about life when you look at him. My role models are my elders ,my teachers ,and the President .I think a role model is somebody who can teach you things that change your life and someone who you look up to.

  22. Ashton Kutcher's ideas were very helpful and should be useful in life. He is sharing those ideas at that moment because he had a big audience and he knew he could get their attention. He is very successful and wanted to inspire people. Yes I have many role models that I look up to. My definition of a role model is someone you want to be when you're older and inspires you to be a better person.

  23. After watching the video I thought Ashtons speech was inspiring to people that you should be smart, oppurtunities in life, and to work hard at anything and everything. I think he gave this type of speech to this type of audience because it was the teen choice awards so i would be thinking that children, teens, and young adults are watching it. My role models would be my parent because the are both very hard working. I think the definition of a role model is someone that you can look up to whenever you want to.

  24. Ashton's ideas were very good.I think he is sharing these ideas to let the audience know that life shouldn't be just something we our forced to do.We should live life to the fullest is what he is basically saying.My role model is my dad.My defoliation of a role model is someone you can look up to and not have any vegetative thought to think about them.

  25. I think ashtons speech was to inspire not only teens but also kids to work hard and make good goals and achieve them and take any opportunities that come. my role model is Taylor Swift because God gave me the wonderful talent to sing! I really want to be like TSwift because she follows her dreams no matter what happens to her! :)

  26. ashtons ideas really made me think, not only think but acctually ask myself, wow? how does he get a message to come across so easily? in think ashton is trying to inspire and teach the teen choisce award crowd a lesson and teach them how to have class. my #1 role model is tyra banks because she modeled in europe and then started to get taller and she gained weight and european high fashion chewed her and spit her back out. but she kept pushing the limits and went back to america and foung opprotunities. my definition of a role model is someone who can smoothly and cleverly execute their point. someone who can tell you something without acctually telling you and someone who you want to be like. people dont realize its important to have a male or female figure to look up to.

  27. i think Ashtons ( Chris) ideas are great. He said it to teens around the world and adults to but mostly teens. He is sharing these ideas because he wants to teach people that don't let life happen to you but build your own life. My role model is my brother, he is always pushing forward in whatever it is. My definition of a role model is someone who never gives up and always tries.

  28. I think that Ashton's ideas can come in handy, and that they help you realize that everything builds up. I think that he was sharing those ideas to tell his audience not to let other people bring you down, also to live your own life not someone else!My role model is Talia Joy Castellano. She is my role model because she had cancer for many years and in those years she became a model for cover girl, and share joy with everyone! Recently she has passed on. My vision of a role model is someone you can look up to, and can pull through,or can do there best even in tough situations/times!

  29. I think his ideas are great. It made think a lot about how you don't need to care what other people think about what you do. His advice is something you should follow, but my real role model is Malaya. She is a role model to me because she is saying you should not take school for granted. She inspires me to be courageous and you should stand up for what you believe in.

  30. I think Ashton's ideas were pretty good. When he tells us about opportunity, he's saying that when opportunity comes we should take it. Because opportunity doesn't come too often, like the window opportunity. Ashton is right about being smart. Smart doesn't mean straight A's, it means learning from your mistakes. He told everyone this now because he saw opportunity and he took it. I don't know who my role model is. A role model is someone who inspires you and who you want to be like.

  31. Jacob - I think the ideas he had were good. I think they were because it was helping the teenagers there to be successful later on in their life. He was addressing this message to teens and young adults because they will be grown ups soon. They will have jobs and families. Hopefully his speech will inspire them to achieve.
    God is my role model. A role model is someone who you look up to, respect, and want to be like.

  32. i think his ideas a great. i think it was great to share this with the audience he did it to prove a point. my role model is my brother connor. a role model is a person that some one looks up to because the do good things for other people and they are nice.

  33. Ashtons ideas wer somehow very good! My role model is my parents. They are very successful and they both made it in the top 500s in america. A role model is someone whose behavior is very good and great to follow

  34. Ashton's ideas were inspirational. I like how he spoke his mind. My role model is definitely my mom. A role model is someone who thinks before they act, you look up to them, and someone you strive to be


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