Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 11

Tuesday of next week marks the eleventh anniversary of the attacks on the United States in New York and Washington, D.C.  While truly tragic, it was also a day which demonstrated the incredible will and strength of the human spirit.  There were as many stories of heroism as there was destruction.  We witnessed countless acts of bravery and selflessness.  And these are only the stories we know.  Many of the incredible stories forever died with the victims.

The following is a brief timeline of the day’s events.

At 8:45 am, the first plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center.  The crash instantly killed hundreds of innocent people and trapped hundreds more above the 110th floor.  While emergency crews sprang into action, a mere 18 minutes later, a second plane crashed into the South Tower.  It was evident to all, this was not a coincidence, the United States was under attack. 

At 9:45 am, a third plane crashed into the Pentagon.  The jet fuel caused a devastating fire causing a small structural collapse. 

15 minutes after the Pentagon crash, the South Tower collapsed.  It was less than one hour from the time the plane crashed into the building to when it fell to the ground.

 At 10:10, the country became aware of a fourth plane wreck.  United Flight 93 had left the Newark airport late.  40 minutes after departure, terrorists took control of the plane.  The passengers on the plane, aware of the events of New York and Washington, decided to take action.  They overtook the terrorist and in the process crashed the plane into a Pennsylvanian field.  All aboard were killed instantly.

At 10:30, the inevitable occurred.  The North Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed.  While the nation watched in awe, the brave firefighters, police officers and other city officials continued to respond to their call to duty.  Due to the devastation created when the Twin Towers collapsed, four other building would fall to the ground during the day. 

As the day concluded we began to hear the devastating carnage from the day.  In New York City approximately 3,000 people were killed, including 343 firefighter and paramedics, 23 police officers and 37 Port Authority officers.  In Washington, DC, 125 military personnel and civilians were killed at the Pentagon in addition to the 64 people on board the flight.  An additional 45 people were killed in the Pennsylvanian field from Flight 93.

How do you think life in America has changed since September 11th?  Besides what you just read, what else do you know about the day?  Do you think the day should be remember as a tragedy or a triumph? Why?


  1. Claire- I think life in America has changed since September 11 because now in airports, for example, there is much more security. Now you have to take off your shoes, put them on a conveyor belt and the guards have to look in your backpack. Before September 11 2001, security wasn't as stressed. You could go greet your friend or whomever you were picking up, at their gate. Now it is not that easy. Since I was almost 1, I don't remember much about it, but I know my parents saw it all over the news. My mom and dad were just so shocked at what happened. They could not stop watching. I think that 9/11 should be remembered as a tragedy because innocent lives were lost on that fateful day. Some kids lost their parents, some men and women lost their spouses, and some families lost their neighbors. I know I couldn't imagine what it would be like to not have a mom or a dad. We should be happy that Osama Bin Laden is dead but that doesn't mean that other terrorist groups couldn't strike again.

  2. -Sam-Life has changed since September 11 by airport security being beefed up and now you will likely get arrested for having anything that is sharp and a piece of metal. They are very careful with airport security. I know that Osama Bin Laden was the man primarily responsible for the attacks on September 11th; this launched a search for him and made him the FBI’s most wanted man. It should always be remembered as a tragic day in our society. Then again, it takes real strength, both mentally and physically, to pull out of such a catastrophe. A physical resemblance of this country’s strength is in the new twin towers.

  3. Emile-airport security hase increased a ton. My mom told me going through the air port security was easy and simple but now it takes for ever and its a pain. After that the USA had a most wanted Osama bin laden he had been responsable for many more things and we decided to take action. I consider it triumph for all of the world for now bin laden is dead but 9/11 is still a huge tragedy and i respect all of the people that were in it.

  4. Kylee-Ithink its changed airports sercurity.I know a story of the peole on the plane at 8:45 were trying to stop the plane.I think we should remeber both even know pepole died we can learn from this.

  5. Madeline-I agree with everyone else about airport security being increased. I know that going through airport security can be a hassle, but it definitely helps prevent things like terrorists taking over planes. I know that on this day so many families lost friends and relatives. September eleventh was a day of grieving and loss and is a day that we shall hope will never happen again. I think that September eleventh shall be remembered as a tragedy and a triumph. September eleventh should be remembered as a tragedy for all the people that died on that day. It should also be remembered as a triumph for all the brave firemen who risked their own lives to save others. September eleventh will always be a remembrance of the people that died and even though I was only one year old and watching Sesame Street when it happened, I will always feel sorry for the families that lost so much.

  6. Graci- I also agree with everyone else that the airport security has been increased. Even though that it takes so long and you have to take your shoes off and everything,but it's good to prevent people that are bad or terrorists from getting into planes. September eleventh was one of the most horrible days in history. Too many innocent people lost there lives. 9/11,I think is a tragedy because too many people died and I couldn't imagine loosing a family member like that. But also it was triumph because many people risked their lives to save so many others that day.

  7. Victoria- I think America has changed because the security in airports has increased so much more sense that day. People have also come together to help each other. I don't know much about the day because i was only 1 and i dont remember. I think this day should be remembered as a tragedy because so many people died and it was a very scary and sad day. :) :) :)

  8. mackenzie-i think the security has gone up to make sure that nothing like this happens again.i would also say that metal detecters have gone up in detecting metal weapons and bombs .I know that this crisis changed the life of a ton of people not just the victims or their families but the government and all people were affected on that day.i would say this is a tragedy because all the people were being forced to land in places like canada because they didnt want any planes to land in the us

  9. Grace- I believe that the security at the White House has increased because my grandpa works in Washington D.C and when I visit I am never able to have a tour at the White House. Also New York City looks a lot different without the Twin Towers as a very popular landmark. Since this happened the year I was born, It's hard to imagine what America was like back then. I think of that day as a triumph because it shows how we can stand up together and protect and defend our country and freedom.

  10. Austin- I think things in America have changed since September 11th by adding more airport security. Also, security screening has increased at sporting events and large gatherings. Many women were pregnant and lost their husbands and their unborn children will never know their real father besides stories people can tell them. I think that day was a tragity because many people lost their lives.

  11. Margaret- I think America has changed since September 11th by increasing the airport security by a lot to be sure we are doing everything posibile to keep flying safe. I also know that Osama Bin Ladin was the person who planned the whole thing, and he is now dead. I think that September 11th is both a tragedy and triumph because so many lives were lost and families broken, but it also showed how Americans came together and worked together when something really bad happened. :)

  12. Mckai
    I think life has a lot more security, people are more fear full of other people. My grandma has a friend that is scared to go on a plane since 9-11. I know that I was in a car when the 2nd building went down and my mom started crying. I personally think it was not a tragedy I thought it was a wake up call because every thing happens for a reason.

  13. Charlie- I think America has changed since September11th because we are prepared almost anything and are security has grown a lot more in the past 11 years. Well my Grandpa was a pilot and had the risk of a 9/11 tragedy on every flight he was flying. I say it was a tragedy and a triumph because many people were killed and most of the airlines shut down for a while, but it is something we can reflect on.

  14. Henry-America has definitely changed since September 11, 2001.Our airport security has cetanitley upgraded from that day and the safety of our country. I don't really know anything else about nine-eleven except for that on 9/11 my mom dropped off me at Mrs. Aspiri's house where I got babysitted. Then once my mom dropped me off she headed to work where Mrs. Ronan said " We need to have a Mass" even though it was not a Mass day. I personally see9/11 as a triumph over a tradgedy because we are able to prepare for any thing such as that to happen again.

  15. Robert-I think that life has changed a lot since September 11 because we now have better airport security and more of a notice on when and where these things are more likely to occur. Besides what i just read i do not know anything other than the tragic plane crash. I think that september 11 should be a day of tragedy because everyone talked about the plain crash rather than a heroic thing that somebody did, and by my perspective it should also be more of a tragic day because a lot of people died rather than being saved.

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  17. Emily- i think 9/11 defiantly changed america. We have more security and gave grown stronger together as a country. Other than the tragic plane crash and the buildings falling down, i dont really know anything else about 9/11. I thiink its a tragedy and a triumph, because we did save a lot of people, but also a ton died.

  18. Elizabeth- Life in America has changed because when this tragidy happened it pulled Americans to be more like a person who can say im going to stand up. I dont really know alot more things about 9/11 but it changed us as a country. I think that this day should be both because people know it as a tragity but like i said before it pulled us to gether as a country!

    1. welles- i think that 9/11 has changed America now we have security in airports. i didnt know about flight 93 crashing. i think it was a tragedy because so many people died but we have gotten stronger sense than. a triumph because so many people who have never worked together did and that is awsome.

  19. -Jack such a bad day but this country got alot stronger and will be more aware. it was very cool how hundreds of boats went out and saved so many lives its amazing 9/11 was sad but also a triumph and we technically won that battle.

  20. Ben- that was so sad. My mom said she was holding me during 9/11. I had know idea that they had burned down more than 1 building.


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