Thursday, September 13, 2012

Constitution Day

The government created by the Constitution was not our first government after the Revolutionary War.  Our first government was created through the Articles of Confederation.  While they were created by incorporating the ideas which were instrumental in the call for independence, they were ineffective at a national and global level. 
State representative met in Philadelphia, PA in May of 1787 to discuss revising the Articles.  Through considerable debate and negotiation, the delegates decided to start over.  What they came up with has guided our government and our country for more than 200 years.
The Constitution begins with the Preamble.  This single sentence sums up the ideas the people had about the government and its role in society.  It reads:

  We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

After reading the Preamble, summarize the sentence in your own words.  Based on its content, what concerns did the framers of the Constitution have about the role of government?  Why do you think it has continued to be relevant after 200 years?


  1. Elizabeth- I think it is cool that they the people made this agreement and sined this document to make us more put togther as a country. I think that this document helps farmer, tax people and others.

  2. Charlie- Well I have got to say that it was the biggest day for our country. The United States of America is a free state and I think that it is cool to look back and see how it was all started. The video explained pretty well in my mind. Stopping slavery and the Union was huge in the United states life. If the Union had lost the Civil war there would be more than one country.

  3. Kylee- We the people of the USA order that people be fair and just to one another. The governments concern was to protect the people of the United States. I think the Constitution has lasted so long is because people still want to be fair and free.

  4. Grace- The people want the government to be greater and more immense so that our country can have more freedom, peace, and justice so that they can provide for the army and for all the people. The framers thoght that the government wasn't good enough to help our country be better. It has continued over the past 200 years because America today, even though we have freedom, peace, and justice, we still want more of that.

  5. Graci- The people want our government to me stronger and bigger, so they are no big fights, more freedom, and more justice. The concerns of the framers in the Constitution about the role of government were that they wanted to insure that our country had peace, liberty, and justice for all. It has been revelant for 200 years because the United States of America wants to continue having freedom, peace, liberty and justice.

  6. Madeline- We the people want peace, justice, security, and freedom. The framers wanted to make sure the government was just, defended the country, and took care of its people. The constitution is still relevant today because people still want the same things… justice, peace, security, and freedom.

  7. Emile-it was a huge day in history not only for me and you but for all the people in AMERICA! it made us a bigger country safer and better country and yes taxes we need them but not as high but its not fair to tax the people who are paying just the right amount of money then they half to pay more than the other people because they are more richer.

  8. Sam-As a United States citizen, in order to make a better country, set up justice, insure peace and obedience throughout the states, provide our people with a suitable army to defend ourselves, create jobs and money to live acceptably, healthy, and happily make sure every body has rights, we approve and set up this for the United States of America. (That was the preamble in my own words) The Framers concerns on what the government should do where to make sure every one had equal rights. Freedom is one thing we stand for and the constitution expresses that very well. I think the constitution is relevant today because people hold the same values than 200 years ago. Although we express it differently in words, the ideas and values we still hold in our hearts are the same.

  9. Claire- The people want to form a better government that will insure peace, well-being, and freedom. Their concern was that the present government wasn't doing its job. It is still relevant 200 years later because people still want peace, well-being and freedom from their own government because we are an independent and democratic nation.

  10. Victoria-The people of the US want a good government that provides Justice,Peace,and Tranqility for their country. Their concern was that the role of the government was not what they wanted.Its still relevant today because people still want the same things they want peace,justice,tranquility,and freedom.

  11. Margaret- Us the people of the United States want to form a better Nation the guarantees that the goverment will always protect or best interests. I think that the framers were concerned about our rights being taken away. Because our contrey has the right of freedom and so the constitution protects our rights.

  12. Jack- We the people of the good and amazing states have tried to form a better government and but still want to balance it with peace,justice,tranquility,and freedom. The Framers concern was that the government wasent doing what it was needed to do and that is the last things the americans wanted. This act was brought into consideration and was to be brought up. This made the usa the place to be at the time and that is how our government the right of freedom and so the constitution protects our rights. This is all of the proses that the united states of america's amazing governmental and life process.

  13. Robert-After reading the preamble to summarize the sentence in my own sentence i would say that us the people of the United States to get a better union or country will try to be more just in our actions and will try to limit our mistakes and make the right choices to help establish the new nation america. Based on the preambles content the framers of the constitution were concerned that the government needed to be better by making less mistakes. I think that the idea has continued to be relevant for 200 years because the system has been working better ever since the idea.

  14. Austin- We as a country want freedom, leadership, and justice. The framers wanted the goverment to help and protect the people. I think the preamble has been relevant for 200 years because the people still want leadership and their rights protected the same as they did 200 years ago.

  15. mckaiTe reason why the framers wrote the Constitution is so have rules and laws and so every one has the same rites as everyone else. They wanted to make sure that everyone followed the golden rule: treat others as you want to be treated. In order to keep our country great we need to keep flowing that rule.

    1. welles-the reason farmers wrote it was people wanted rules and laws so everyone can be equal. because it is an important part of history and the laws all made sense and were good so they were kept.

  16. Emily - the farmers made that so that everyone could be equal and have laws and stuff to follow. Everyone thought that the laws were good and so they decided to keep them to keep people in line.

  17. ben: As a country want freedom, leadership,and justice.The reason farmers was because was because they wanted good laws a equality. they probably wanted to treat others how they wanted to treat others. sort of like the golden rule.

  18. Henry- The farmers of our country said that they wanted the people to write our laws, so we don't have to and let them have everybody stay in line, we provide the foo for them to eat. Then when the laws were established everybody decided that they could live with them for the rest of their lives.


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