Monday, September 24, 2012

Teacher's Day

September 28 is a Confucian Holiday celebrating the birth of Confucius. It is also celebrated as Teachers' Day. While many confuse Confucius ism with a religion, it is actually more of a philosophy. Confucius was not a priest or a deity, he was a teacher.

Confucius was born around 551 BC in the small state of Lu. He was born into an aristocratic family, although there is debate as to whether he had any money or not. During his life he served many influential people and his teachings became not only fundamental to Confucian philosophy, but to the general Chinese philosophy.

The 6th century BC China was a time of political and social disintegration. Battling officials trying to gain control led to a period of great moral decline, when integrity and principles meant little to ruling classes. Confucius was disgusted by this development. At the time, he was a widely unknown teacher. He attempted to revive society by re-introducing the great moral teachings of the past.

At the cornerstone of his teachings was the belief that ethical considerations should be the guiding principle of government. He did not accept the idea of a strict legal system. He believed the primary task of a ruler was to achieve the welfare and happiness of the people. The ruler should be a role model by monitoring his personal behavior. His strong ethical behaviors would influence the people's behaviors. Customs and voluntary adherence would be the best way to achieve and maintain an orderly society.

Confucius never wrote many of the quotations we see today. After his death, many of his disciples gathered and compiled his teachings. Here are a few quotations:

"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

"Forget injuries, never forget kindness."

"He who will not economize will have to agonize."

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."

"Respect yourself and others will respect you."

Throughout history, we have seen many teachers influence the world. Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Buddha, and Confucius have significantly changed the world and redefined the way many of us view right from wrong.
Who are the teachers in your life that have influenced you the most? What qualities do they have that make them an effective and influential teacher? If possible, please provide a couple of your favorite sayings learned from your teachers.


  1. Claire- The teachers in my life who have influenced me the most are Mrs. Litzenberger and Mrs. Russell. Some qualities they have that make them effective and influential teachers are that they always encourage you to do your best, and they never say bad things about people. They are always fun to be around, and a privilege to have in my life. They always see the positive side in a situation. When Mrs. Litzenberger's classroom ended up next to the music room she made the best of the situation and everyone had a great year in spite of the location. She rewarded good behavior with fun activities for students. Both Mrs. Litzenberger and Mrs. Russell have provided me with creative learning opportunities.

  2. Jack-i completely agree with clair mrs.L was a boss and by far 1 of the best teachers i ever had. mrs L never said no for help but she was no pushover. She was honest and always willing. She let us do fun projects and all sorts of things.4 grade was the best year of my life because she was so awesome and caring and if she was my teacher again i would get strait A+. there was a teacher i never liked her name was mrs Biccay and she hated me and my brother liam. that is my days at st Joes school. I was also mrs Sieberts first student and i named the monkey in the classroom king kong. i loved mrs Siebert even though she was a little bit of a pushover she was still very nice and she was the teacher that tough me to really multiply. I could go on and on but i have alot of home work

  3. The teachers that have influenced me the most have been Mrs. Weaver, Mrs. Felix, and Mrs. Johnson. A lot of the time when you have great teachers, you don’t realize how good they were to you, or how much they taught you until you are in the next grade. I am not saying that you can not like teachers the first week or day such is the case with all of my middle school teachers. But, it helps to reflect on what they have taught you in the past, and the experience they gave you. Mrs. Weaver was exceptional in preparing us for Mrs. Russell’s math class, even if we weren’t aware of that at the moment. Mrs. Felix was a big teacher in my religious education. She was the one who prepared us for First Holy Communion. Mrs. Johnson was the strictest teacher I ever knew, she was great, really, but she scared me at the time. This was mostly because she had a big voice that when someone was talking or breaking the rules they would get yelled at. That was one of the most terrifying things, for me, to happen at school. Of course I never got yelled at. But the intent must have been to keep us form doing it again. And it worked.

    P.S- I can’t think of any sayings that my teachers taught me but I am sure that they told me some.

  4. Kylee-I also agree with Claire about mrs.l and mrs.russel but also miss. Skinner the have all taght me how to be independent.Also that when you are learning you can still have fun.They would always have a smile on there faces every time I would walk into class.Also they are always happy.I dont really know any quotes from them,but I know that they are awesome teatchers.

  5. Emily - the teachers that have influence me the most are mrs litzenberger and mrs weaver. They all taught me amazing things and were super nice to me. They always have a smile on their face and barely ever yell at anyone. They always make learning fun for everyone, even if it's a boring lesson we are learning. I don't know any quotes from them though.

  6. The teacher that has influenced me the most is mrs. L. Mrs. L taught me very different things such as peer pressure and how to say no to drugs. I loved Mrs. L as teacher because she made everyone have a smile on our faces. Mrs. L akwys had a play to do for class every day for health, and i have no idea what one of her saying were.

  7. Mkkai-Well the one teacher that has inflewinsed me the most is my 2nd grade teacher is Mr. brooks. She has has shown me how to succed in life and many other things too. I do not have any sayings.

  8. Magaret- The teachers that have infuenced me the most is Mrs. Joy and Mrs. Russell. Both of those teachers are nice and always say positive thing about everything. They have both given me a great education and social life. They will always be great teachers and fun people to be around.

  9. Grace- The teachers who have influenced me the most are Mrs.Baccay, Mrs.Joy, and Mrs.Weaver. Mrs. Baccay always made learning fun by making songs and she was really nice and caring. Mrs.Joy was such a lovely teacher because she would have such fun projects and things to do and she was very loving and kind. Mrs.Weaver was such a wonderful teacher because she's the reason why I love math so much and she was very understanding and compassionate. I don't remember any sayings from my teachers.

  10. Mackenzie-I think the teachers that have influenced me the most were Miss.Hipwell and Mrs.Weaver. They both were vey organized and on task and I like a teacher like that.they all helped me really understand the concepts thay were teaching. thet didnt really have a saying.

  11. Madeline-The teachers that have influenced me the most are my first grade teacher, Mrs. Elliot, my second grade teacher, Mrs. Chumich, and my third grade teacher, Mrs. Oden. They pushed me to do my best, and believed in me 100 percent. They where strict when they needed to be, but fun and nice at the same time. When I was in third grade I got a low A on a math test and my teacher Mrs. Oden said great job, but you could have done better if you checked your work.

  12. Elizabeth-The teachers that have influnced my life were Mrs. Litzenberger and Mrs. Childers. I believe that Mrs. Litzenberger was such a big influnence because she always knew what to say and she tought us ever so much. Mrs. Childerers was so nice because she had fun no matter what she loved children so much and we loved her so much. Mrs. Litzenberger- Sky Diving is everything
    Mrs. Childers- I love math and don't forget it.

  13. Charlie- The teachers that have influenced me the most are probably Mrs. Noland and Mrs. Metzger. Mrs.Noland taught how to work hard, studio, be productive and lots of other important skills to achieve. Mrs. Metzger was my first grade teacher and really got my started in learning. Although Mrs. Weaver really prepared me for 6th grade ALOT! Teachers are guiders to a good education and also teach us life lessons to. Mrs. Noland- if anything is possible nothing is impossible. Mrs. Albert- there is no such thing as to much math.

  14. The teachers that have influenced me the most would Mrs. Litzenberger and Mrs. Weaver. Mrs L has been a great influence on me because she told me it's ok to stand out and be your self. Mrs. Weaver has been a great influence on me because she stands up for herself when something is not right.
    Mrs. Weaver- Do your best and show your work.
    Mrs. Litzenberger- Always try your best and you will suceed

  15. Above this blog was Austin sorry about forgeting my name

  16. Graci- The teachers that have influenced me the most was Mrs. Litzenberger and Mrs. Seibert. Both of them always said to do your best and to try to stick out, don't try to be like everyone else. Also both of them were fun and creative, they didnt get mad at you if you messed up or made a mistake! Another thing is they made everything fun, it was never boring! I will never forget these teachers. One of Mrs Litzenberger's quotes were- "To Be Yourself." And one of Mrs. Seibert's quotes were - "To Try Your Best!"

  17. Emile-some of the teachers that have influenced me are Mrs. L she kept encouraging you even when you where down and that is one of the best qualities in life for a teacher to have. one of the saying she tough me was "Be normal, and the crowd will accept you. Be deranged, and they will make you their leader." -Mrs L.

  18. welles- the teachers that have influenced me are Mrs. Baccay and Mrs. weaver. mrs. baccay made learning really fun and tought us little songs to remember thing. mrs. weaver helped me alot in math a did a really good job of preparing us for 6th grade math. mrs weaver was kind of strict but tried to make things more fun and investing.

  19. Victoria- the teachers in my life that have influenced me the most are Mrs. Little and Mrs. Baccay. Mrs. Baccay made learning fun with songs that she would teach us that made us learn better. Mrs. LIttle helped me a lot and made learning fun and was really nice to me. I can't really think of any quotes but they were still great teachers.

  20. BEN: i like how there were many people inspired to be by that culture. I'm still pretty confused how they said "Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves."

    "Forget injuries, never forget kindness."

    "He who will not economize will have to agonize."

    "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand."
    but i still read it and are you inspired by this.


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