Tuesday, August 21, 2012

2012 London Olympics

The age old world tradition of athletic competition wrapped up in London a couple of weeks ago.  It was 17 days filled with inspiring stories of athletes from all over the globe pursuing their dreams and testing their skills in front of the planet.

The modern Olympics games were held in 1896 in Athens, Greece.  At that time it was the largest sporting event to date.  14 nations sent 241 athletes to participate which did not include women. 

The 2012 London Games had 193 nations and 11 territories participating, sending 10,860 athletes.  This year each nation participating sent at least one woman to compete.  In the United States, women won 52% of our gold medals.  The growth of the games as well as its ethnic and gender diversity is astonishing. 

While I can appreciate the competition and enjoy watching a spirited contest, it is the stories of the obstacles facing the athletes and their character which impresses me most.  My list of the most notable stories includes:

Michael Phelps:  The four additional gold medals with the two silver makes him the most decorated Olympian of all time with 18 gold, 2 silver, and 2 bronze medals.

Missy Franklin:  The high school swimmer from Colorado who refused to move to stay at her school and continue to work with her coach.  She refused to sign with any sponsors in order to remain eligible to swim for her high school.

Misty May-Treanor & Kerri Walsh Jennings – 3 time Olympic champions at the age of 35 and 34, considered the greatest beach volleyball team of all time.  In the last three Olympics they lost 1 set.

Kayla Harrison:  First American to win gold in Judo.
Oscar Pistorius:  South African sprinter who is also the first double amputee to compete in the Olympics.

There are numerous other stories of athletes from all over the world who overcame adversity in order to reach their potential.  Their stories are inspiring to all of us who continue to strive to meet capabilities.

Did you watch the Olympics?  If you did not, why?  If so, what did you watch and why?  If you could compete in any event, what would it be and why?  


  1. Claire- Yes I did watch the Olympics quite often or as much as I could. I was just hooked and could not stop watching. I watched the Olympics because it was really interesting to watch and see who or which country would win an event. I also liked watching all the countries earn their medals. The events I watched the most were basketball (both women's and men's), men's and women's regular and beach volleyball, men's and women's swimming, track and field events, and table tennis. If I were to compete in any event it would probably be basketball because, first of all I love playing it. I love the pressure during a game when the score is tied or very close. Second, I love being on the court with all of my friends playing with me.

  2. Grace - I watched some of the Olympics and I thought it was very interesting to watch the athletes compete. One thing I thought was very cool is when the girls did tricks with hula-hoops, balls, and ribbons. I watched a lot of the women's and men's soccer because that is my favorite sport. I would love to play soccer in the Olympics someday because I play soccer right now.

  3. Charlie- I watched a lot of the Olympics and they were awesome! I loved how the swimming and sprinting were so suspenseful. I liked the soccer because it was always moving and there was a lot of action. I was shocked how Michael Phelps retired after the Olympics he was so good, at least he ended on a high note. I would like runner because I love to run.

  4. Austin- Yes I did watch the Olympics and they were awesome. I watched swimming, gymnastics, and volleyball. I watched these events because to me they are entertaning to watch. My favorite is swimming because I am a swimmer myself. I like gymnastics because I think it's cool how they can be so flexible. I like volleyball because I just think it is interesting. If I could compete in any event it would be swimming because I love holding my breath underwater and feeling yourself glide through the water.

  5. Graci- Yes, I did watch the London Olympics 2012, it was amazing! I watched mens and womens swimming,womens amd mens running, soccer, and gymnastics. I loved watching all of these because they were all so active, it never got boring! If I could compete in any of these events it would be gymnastics because it would be so fun doing all those tricks and it's like you're flying through the air when you do the tricks.

  6. Emile-yes i did watch the Olympics a ton a lot of it was soccer and table tennis and swimming if i could compete in any event it would be in soccer and or table tennis i have bin practicing table tennis for a wile and have gotten quite good at it and i would be so fun to play with the other Olympians. but for soccer i would play it in a heart beat i have been playing since i was 5 and havent stopped ever since that is why i would like to play and what i like to play

  7. Kylee-I watchedsome of it because I was busy with summer camps.I watched womens swimming,mens swimming,mens volleyball,womens beach volleyball, and mens archary.If I chould be in the olimpics I whould be in basketball or volleyball because those are the sports that I love to do.

  8. Emily - i watched the olympics a looot! I watched track, swimming, gymnastics, men's basketball, beach volleyball, volleyball, and women's soccer.if i played in the olympics i would play soccer because i play it right now and gymnastics because it eould be so fun to do all those tricks.

  9. Henry- I totally watched the Olympics. I watched swimming, women's beach volleyball, gymnastics, diving, canoeing, basketball, track, archery, and the shot-put. If I participated in the Olympics I would be playing in basketball or if they had it baseball. Basketball because it's my second favorite sport and baseball, which is my favorite sport.

  10. Victoria-i watched a lot of the olympics.I watched soccer,gymnastics,swimming,volleyball,diving,and a bit of basketball. I watched these sports because i like them and my family was watching them too. I really enjoyed watching the olympics this summer. If I could be in the olympics i would be in soccer because I love to play soccer and i do it right now.

  11. -Sam-Yes I did watch the Olympics, I watched women’s mountain biking, the course they had set up was pretty cool. Also men’s time trial, the man who won the Tour De France got gold in that. I am pretty disappointed in myself for not watching any men’s or women’s soccer this Olympics. I watched kayaking, lots of various highlights on track and field and one of my favorites, swimming, watching gymnastics was also very cool. Personally I don’t like synchronized swimming or rhythmic gymnastics. If I could compete in any sport I would compete in soccer because soccer, or should I say futbol is worldwide and is common for most people to know.

  12. Margaret- Yes i did watch the Olympics becaus who wouldn't.there is lots of exciting sports to watch on the Olympics. I watched gymnastics, tennis, soccer, swimming, water polo, and synchronized swimming because they are my most favorite sports in the Olympics. I would compete in gymnastics because it is my favorite sport and i do it even though you have to work alot.

  13. Madeline - Yes. I watched the Olympics, because I love to see all the people from the different countries. I watched women’s beach volleyball, men’s and women’s diving, men’s and women’s swimming, track, and synchronized swimming. I thought diving was cool because they did flips in the air. I also really thought beach volleyball was great, because I think what they are able to do with the ball is amazing! If I were to compete in the Olympics, I would choose synchronized swimming, because I love being in the water, and being able to do all of those tricks would be fun!

  14. Mackenzie-I watched some of the Olympics but we were on vacation most of the time so i only got to see some of it . I was most interested in the Tae-Kwon-Do part because I have a dream of going to the Olympics some day and competing for team U.S.A in Tae-Kwon-Do.I also watched some of the mens and women gymnastics and mens swimming.I think it would be cool to compete in the diving because of the flips they did in the air

  15. -Jack
    Yes i did watch the olympics. They were very interesting. I loved when Usain bolt ran the 2nd fastest time in 100m history. I watched micheal phelps win three medels. This was one of the best olympics in history. i watched it at home and many other places.

    1. welles- i did watch the 2012 Olympics. I watched the women and men soccer, women and men running, women and men swimming,men diving, and gymnastics. if I could compete in gymnastics because it looks like you are flying and it would just be amazing to there. I would also compete in diving because the dives are so amazing and so exact.

  16. McKai - I dint watch the Olympics because my TV only plays movies and Netflix. If i could play in any event it would be diving because it would improve my skiing.

  17. Robert- I did watch the Olympics. I watched the women's 100 meter dash because it was the only thing that I could watch having to go to bed so early. If I could compete in any event it would be the mens 100 meter dash because I like to run and enjoy competing against very fast people.

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  19. Elizabeth- I watched the Olympics. I wached the Women's Biking beacause one of my favorite bikers is in that race Christin Armstrong. Basketball or Swiming beacause I love both and in my oppion they are really cool and fun to watch. I wish i could have been there.

  20. ben- of course i watched the Olympics it was awesome i liked watching the volley ball.The introduction they made was awesome. When the 2012 Olympic introduction was i had know idea but i my dad turned on the TV and i watched.


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