Wednesday, January 7, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Some look at the start of the New Year as a chance to wipe the slate clean and start new.  Many attempt this by identifying New Year’s resolutions.  January 1st is a day to try to break old habits or to start new habits to live a better life.  Below is a list of the top 10 resolutions compiled by newspaper across the country.

  • Spend more time with family and friends
  • Exercise regularly
  • Lose weight
  • Enjoy life more and stress less
  • Manage money better
  • Take a trip
  • Learn something new
  • Help other
  • Get organized
  • Attend church 

What do you think about the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions? Why do you think so many people have difficulty keeping their resolutions?  Are you the kind of person that sets New Year’s Resolutions?  Why or why not?  If you did set any New Year’s Resolutions, would you mind sharing?  


  1. I think that unless you really want something or really need to work harder at something, then they are helpful. Also sometimes I think we only pay attention to them for a short period of time. Motivation is also a problem because we live in a world. Where people are always motivated to get something whether it's money or candy. Then there are also good things to motivated to get because you want food to feed your family and you want money to pay for a house and everything. So all in all I think that is why people can't keep their New Years resolution, because they are not motivated. Yes I do set resolutions but I almost never keep them because I forget.

  2. I think that it is good to notice what you think needs to change about yourself, that way you can work harder for a set goal not just wander around in the blank. I think that some people might have a difficult time trying to reach some goals because they think that they can get some crazy thing accomplished over a small amount of time. some people also have a hard time reaching their goals because they are just the kind of person that thinks that nothing could change about them and that they don't even need a year to work out some major problems. Yes, I like to set New years resolution but they are usually involving some thing to do with lacrosse like shooting of a certain mile per hour marker.

  3. I think when your setting goals you really need to work hard to achieve them. A lot of people don't stick to them because it is a habit that could be hard to break. Or a lot of people just simple forget or just can't remember what it is. I try to set them every year but most of the time i can't remember. Like I said when you have goals you need to work very hard to achieve them. Yes you should try to set them and you need to work hard to get there. W hen i do a New Years Revolution it usually involves sports and exercise.-brand lindsey

  4. I think New Years resolutions are good. They are new goals for people to achive in life. A lot of times they can be very hard to achieve because we aren't used to trying to achive something. Goals can also help people to become a better person. I am usually not the person that sets goals because I usually never think about it. I have just nevr thought about setting any goals for me to achieve. This year I think I might though. Probably to work really hard in soccer and basketball to become a better athlete so I will play even better.

  5. I like New Years resolutions and that they are good to use becsuse they help you dowhat you think should be done. I think that they don't keep them because they are like what ever I said that at the being of the year and it doesn't matter know because what is the point of them anyways and also that they daily off and or lose it and or forget what they wanted to do for the New year. Yes I make them every year they help me set long and short-term goals.They also help me keep me organizedfor the up coming year. Like this year I want to keep my promises all year long. Also not to break my new watch and keep it for my life and not to lose it.

  6. New Years resolutions are good because sometimes you just need to start over and try again. They are pretty hard to keep but it will kind of help you remember you need to stop doing that or start doing something. I think people don't keep the resolutions because they forget because they really don't care, or they have so much going on they never have time or they forget. I can't really keep a resolution and I usually don't set one because I do have a lot going on in my life and I never have time!

  7. I think that setting a New Year resolution is a very good idea. I think that it's a good idea because resolutions help you lead a better life. If you follow your resolution you feel happy and a lot better. Even though breaking bad habits and adding new habits that you aren't used to may be hard you have to remember how much good resolutions can do to you. I think that for so many people that it hard to follow their resolutions because they either forget or it's just so hard to do something that you aren't used to. I try to set New Year resolutions. I set resolutions because they help me to become a better person. This year my resolution is to help and to be a nicer person to everyone.

  8. I think setting a New Yeas resolution is a good idea but people normally don't follow through with it. I think people have a hard time following through with their resolution because it might be too hard for them. I will set a New Years resolution if there is something I think that I really need to improve on. I am kind of the person that would because I like setting goals that will push me to be better.

  9. I think doing a resolution is good because I think its good to set goals. People don't always do goals because maybe they forgot or maybe they just don't want to do one. I am setting a new years resolution because I like to try new things. My new years resolution is doing a roundoff-back-handspring-tuck.

  10. I think that the idea of New Years Resolutions is a great idea. People can come better people through making them. Some examples are: stop chewing your nails, being nice to your siblings, etc.There is a wide variety of resolutions. I like to make resolutions because it makes me and my sister a lot happier. One of my resolutions was to be nice to my sister. I tried last year but I completely failed. This year I hope to achieve it!

  11. Setting New Years resolutions are a great idea! It can help people get motivated for setting new goals. New years resolutions are great because you know you are not the only one trying to achieve things! I think it is good so you can break bad habits and can open you to new things. Some people disagree and think it is to hard and give up, but others think differently. There are so many resolutions you can try! You don't always have to reach them but the idea is motivating. Remember setting goals is a step by step process and takes some time and effort don't give up, just keep trying. Some of my New years resolutions are, being nicer to my siblings, helping the unfortunate, keep the earth clean by picking up trash and recycling. Hopefully everyone had a amazing New Years!

  12. I think it is important because it helps you become a better person and hard in the way you have to work to get to your goal. I think a lot people have a hard time keeping a goal because they think they will try harder than they did last year. I do set some because then I will have something to work at. I set the goal to read more and practice more soccer.

  13. I think New Years resolutions is a wonderful and awesome thing. I think so many people have trouble keeping there New Years resolutions because some peoples resolutions are not very realistic and its very hard for people to change. I am the kind of person that sets New Years resolutions. I set them because I love having a new start into a new year and its just refreshing. I did set some New Years resolutions, 1. I want to start doing more community service and helping people all around the world. 2. I want to help my parents more with chores. 3. I want to read one seventy five to one hundred books in a year. 4. I want just to be a much better person, getting better grades and being a nicer person. I hope everyone will have a wonderful New Years!!!

  14. I think the New Year's resolution idea is great. It gives people to achieve their goals or at least try to achieve their goals. I think people have difficulties kepping their resolutions because maybe they are not used to what they will be trying to achieve. I am the type of person that tries to set new years resolutions but sometimes I don't have the will to. But this year I was willing enough to give it a shot. I think its a good idea for me to set some goals for myself. My 3 most important resolutions this year were 1. Do well in school 2. Get better at basketball 3. Get along better with my brother and sister.

  15. What do you think about the idea of setting New Year’s resolutions? Why do you think so many people have difficulty keeping their resolutions? Are you the kind of person that sets New Year’s Resolutions? Why or why not? If you did set any New Year’s Resolutions, would you mind sharing?
    I think it is a nice idea for those who have goals they want to meet over the period of the year. People have trouble keeping their New Years resolutions because there are a lot of temptations. No I am not because I don't take the time to set goals I just make them as I go along. I did not set any new years resolutions.

  16. I think that the idea of setting a New Year's resolution is wonderful. It gives people a goal to reach by the end of the year to make themselves a better person. People have a hard time doing this because it is hard to change yourself and break bad habits. I try to set a New Year's resolution every year because I think it's good for you to challenge yourself to become better with each passing year. My New Year's resolution this year is to get along better with my sisters, Caitlyn, Norah, and Meghan. I feel as if this is something that I really need to work on. That is why it is my resolution.

  17. I think the IDEA of a resolution is great. Work hard, strive to reach your goal, and so on and so forth. The problem is that people set goals that they have no realistic chance of reaching. Either they forget or they just set a goal that is so far beyond what they are capable of doing that it is pointless. I don't set resolutions because a) I have NO ideas. And b) I know that I will forget 2 weeks in and will be a waste of my thought process. Don't get me wrong, new year's resolutions are an awesome idea, it's just the fact that it can just be so hard to keep them.

  18. I think that the idea of a New Years resolution is great, except for the part where most people make it a January resolution. Most people set unreal goals, but in this month you are very dedicated and then you stop being on vacation and people give up on their resolutions because they are to hard. My new year resolution is to get along better with my sisters, but so far that has not worked very well. Over all New Year resolutions are great for the people who actually keep them.

  19. I think that a New Years resoultion is great. It gives you a new and fresh start for the new 2015. Yes,2014 has past us and now 2015 is among us. Although that some people set a resolution for themselves but sadly does not end up keeping them. It may be a very hard start to began with something new like others. But once you get used to it.It will be very easy. My resolution is to try not annoy Max but so far it has not gone well. But not everyone is perfect. Not even you Calvin even though you think you are.

  20. I think a New Years resolution is a great idea because it gives people a chance to accomplish something that they think they need to. I think people have such a hard time keeping there resolutions because they usually have a resolution to not eat something that they eat all the time and love it. I some times set a resolution and sometimes not. I mostly forget but if I am reminded then I will set one. My New Years Resolution this years is to not eat healthier every day.

  21. I think that the New Year's resolution is a positive change. I could be a good challenge for yourself. Although, people usually give up because they did not set a realistic goal for themselves. Secondly, people can just be WAY to lazy to do or make their New Years resolution. Also, people don't believe in themselves because other people make fun of them or hurt them in a way. My New Years resolution is to be kind to everyone. Since I don't have any siblings, I thought why not be nice to everyone instead of your siblings.

  22. The idea is great but I don't think u need a new year to make u want to be better. I think it is hard for Americans to keep their resolutions because we 'Merican and we are the best no matter what. I don't keep New Year Resolutions because my family just doesn't really do those kind of things.

  23. I think that a good thing to work towards and try to accomplish in the new year . It may sound good at the time you think it is good but it is not. No I don't set goals because I want to works at a lot of stuff that I can improve on.

  24. I think that having a New Years resolution is a good thing. It could help you change things you want to change in an encouraging way. I also think that it is not a strong enough encouragement to some people. I should know. For people like me they say they will do something but forget or do it since they have a choice. They may feel guilty but people still do it. Like say you decide to give up having late night chocolate snacks. You may do this for a month but you may eventually snap and do it anyway. Another reason is which does not happen much but it can become a regular habit and you do it without thinking. I am not one of those people who have New Years resolutions because I have never fully completed it so it is worthless to me to try.

  25. I think New Years Resolutions are a good thing because it helps people set their goals and most people try to keep them. I think people have a hard time keeping them because they forget or something, I also think peer pressure is a big thing because lots of peoples friends tell them that their Resolution is stupid or something. My family does do New Years Resolutions like my dad gives up Chew for only 6 months but I am still proud of him and like my mom exercises more, I am going to be a better and nicer person and I am going to improve on my gymnastics, my brother probably does more sports, and my sister I have no idea.

  26. I think New Years resolutions are smart because people get to stop a bad thing or start a new thing. It seems like people have a really hard time keeping them though. I didn't do one because my family didn't really want to celebrate New Years so we just went to bed. I have in the past and I would tell you I just dont remember. All in all I think the new years resolutions are great idea. I should start doing them every single year.

  27. I think that setting New Years resolutions are a good way to start fresh each year and make yourself a better person. i think it is hard to keep their New Years resolution because either they need it right away. are addicted to it, or some people just plane out forget they set one. I am the kind of person that doesn't set a New Years resolution because I either forget to set one or I feel like I am doing everything good this year.

  28. I think new years resolution are geart way to to stared a new year and to be a better preson. because so many people forget about they thougths. I am not that kind of preson that sets new years resolution because I just forget about my resolution that I set in the being of the year.but I have some new years resolution this year

  29. I think it is a great idea. Because of temptations. Kinda, but i am not good at keeping them. no i didn't set any.

  30. Resolutions are very important because you should set a goal for every year :P

  31. I think New Year's resoultions are great because you get to start a new fresh start for the year and get to set a goal for something you want to accomplish this year. I think many people have trouble to keep there resoultions because I know that it is hard to break a bad habit. yyes I do set new year's resolutions and but it is usually about sports so gor soccer I wanto set agoal to get a new and better juggling record or even learn a hard new trick

  32. New Year's resolutions are great because you get to set goals and try to reach him is good if you can't but I don't think just New Year's is a day that you can try and set goals personally a lot of the people I look up to especially in pro rodeo set of kids they brought their goals on sticky notes and put them on their walls my mom and I both bought some sticky notes and wrote articles down to stick him up on our walls I have them hanging above my bed right now and I hope to achieve all of them some day I didn't make a New Year's resolution because I'm trying to reach My goals on my wall right now right now I know I will and I'm excited to see when it will happen


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