Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday, January 19 we are remembering the life and teaching of Martin Luther King, Jr. throughout the United States.  While we each may enjoy a day off of school, we do not want to lose the purpose of commemorating his life and his impact on the United States and the world by taking the day for granted.

Martin Luther was born in Atlanta, Georgia.  He was the son, grandson, and great grandson of Baptist ministers.  While he initially was reluctant to accept his inherited occupation, during his time at Morehouse College, Dr. King began to learn how to use his devout Christian beliefs and his natural ability to gather people to promote the ideas of social change.

As his life continued, he actively engaged in the promoting the civil rights of African Americans and the social changes so long overdue.  While the civil war ended nearly 100 years prior to Dr. King, it was not until the 1960’s that America began to recognize the equality of African Americans. 

The teachings of Martin Luther King are as relevant today as they were 40 years ago.  Even though we have taken great strides as a country, we still hear and see acts of prejudice and bigotry in our society.  While we strive for equality and tolerance, we know there is still hate in the world.  Dr. King would encourage us to seek out acts of hate and intolerance in the world and find peaceful solutions to promote the human spirit.

In addition to Monday being a day for remembrance, it should also be a day of action.  A day dedicated to doing something to promote humanity and discourage intolerance.

The following is a link to the King Center.  The website includes many interesting and thought provoking ideas, including a biography of Dr. King and the history of the holiday.

What do you think Dr. King would think of our world today and the changes the country has undergone?  Can you think of situations in our world today where intolerance and prejudice exist?  What actions are you willing to take to promote the human spirit and the ideas of tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness?


  1. I really know that our world isn't perfect we still have a lot of prejudice and racist people. It has become a lot better now days but it still isn't great. One of my friends is African American and I don't really think about his skin color. I just judge him as a human and how he acts. I think Dr. King is feeling better about the civil rights today but I think he still is not perfect because we still have a lot of people who judge everyone by their skin color. Some people also hate different types of religion like Catholicism or Jewish. That is happening a lot in the Middle East. None of my friends or anyone I have heard are actually racist so I don't ever need to tell them to stop which is really good! I don't judge people by their appearance, race, or religion because you can't just change your race and people need to respect what people believe and even what they like to wear.

  2. I think that to remember this very important day in history.

  3. I don't think that the world is very perfect to be honest. I don't really care about skin color I care whether they have a caring and kind non bossy hear. Just because their skin color is different than ours doesn't mean that they are mean or not as better than white people. I mean who cares if their black they are the same as any of us. What really should matter is whether they are kind in the inside. Dr. King did a great job and everything and lots of people play with black kids. Its just that some people still judge on their skin color. Not many people change since Dr. King died. For an example: some people do not like people who are Catholic and some people go up to a person with a gun and ask if they are Catholic. If they are than they shoot them. Even though not a lot of people judge kids by their skin color and that is legal well I think it is. There are still many people who live in this world disagree with a lot of things like being Catholic or being Jewish etc. The world is still full of problems. I don't judge people by their believes , color, race, or ethnic. I judge people by how they treat me if they have a kind, caring, loving, non-bossy heart and that they are friendly.

  4. I think that King would have mixed feelings about our world today. We have come a long way since the 1960s, but there are still racial issues today such as the Ferguson mishap. Most of us have set aside our prejudice ideas, but others still cling to their bigot ways. I know that King was a smart man, so he must have known that it is extremely difficult to not only change your lifestyle, but your very thoughts and ideas on such short notice. You can't just change the order of things and expect results overnight. He must have known that it would take a while to change society. But it has been 55 years! It shouldn't take this long to uproot racism! If you have a bad habit, then if you stop doing it for 3 weeks, the bad habit will disappear. I know that racism isn't your everyday bad habit, but it shouldn't take more than a half century to get rid of it. If we as humans could let go of grudges and racism, then and only then will we be able to mend society. I would go to great lengths in order to promote the idea of tolerance and forgiveness in our society, and I know many others would as well. Let's stop racism, let's heal our society.

  5. I think that if Martin Luther King was alive today he would be very proud of all the changes that America has made there will always be racism but I believe that people are more open to the world now most people don't care about skin colorwe should view everyone equal has Martin Luther King Jr. did I know the people think that there are a lot of race racial thingshappening again for instance the Ferguson Missouri trial, but I think America has grown to think everybody's a lot more equal today I think Martin Luther King Jr. would be very proud of us but even now I know he would make a big difference in our world because our world isn't perfect Martin Luther King Jr. and you never would be but he was trying to change one little thing it turned into a big thing I remember him on this day because of what he did to try to make the world just a little bit more perfect

  6. I think that if Martin Luther King Jr. could see our world today what he saw would please him mostly. We have come a long way from the 1960's. I think he would be pleased with the changes. We have gone from not being in the same classroom as African Americans to being best friends with them. That is an amazing accomplishment for us. But our world is still not perfect. I don't think that our world will be ever perfect but I am confused about why skin color still matters to some people. Who made up that rule that African Americans aren't like whites? What really matters is what is in on the inside. We need to move on from that wrong headed thinking. It makes me sad when I hear about racism in other parts of the world. I full heartily believe that everyone is equal and I admire King for what he did. If he hadn't done what he did racism could still be like it was in the 1960's. I am glad that we don't live in a world like that. I can not really think of any intolerant situations but I know that it still kind of exists and that makes me sad. I am willing to stand up for anybody if I ever see any intolerance and I will be friends to any African Americans because I don't care about what is on the outside. I care about what is on the inside. I will be able to forgive and move on but I will not ever forget about what happened and what King did for America and its future.

  7. I think Martin Luther King Jr would be very proud to see America today and how much progress we have made in civil rights. I think he would be very proud to see that we have elected a African American to become our president. Unfortunately there is still racism in America and the world to day. Some people of all races still judge others by there skin color. My friends and I at st.joesephs treat people based on there actions not the color of there skin if someone make racist comment i remind them that its not the color of there skin that makes them act a certain way.

  8. Our world has improved. But, we still have issues with racism and prejustice. Dr.King would be proud at how much improvement we have made since the 1960s. But like I said, we still have major problems. We just don't have as many. One of the more recent ones is The Michael Brown case. We need to stop judging people by their skin color and other things, too. It doesn't matter if people look different than us. Everyone has the same rights and everyone is equal to one another. Everyone needs to just not judge people and be nice and be their friends. That would help a lot also. To many people judge people because of the way they look or how they act. None of that matters. Everyone is the same. If I see someone that is different than me, I don't judge them, I am nice and friendly to them, and I respect them for who they are. God made people look the way they do for a reason. Everyone is different from each other, Nobody is the same. Nobody. We are all different.

  9. I think that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would have a big smile and be proud of the changes the nation has undergone over the years. I can think that a prejudice thing in our world is the Michael Brown case. All the black people are mad at the white cops because they shot a black teenager. Actions that I can do that will help promote tolerance, forgiveness, and acceptance is to say yes to someone when they would like to play with me. I could also forgive others when they hurt me or hurt my feelings. We are not all perfect. We were all made different. We need to start accepting people for who they are.

  10. I think that MLK would be happy to see that we are starting to treat african americans with more respect. Although there has been some violence involving blacks and whites, we have made a positive step forward. In the world today, there has still been some violence. Like the incedent with Michael Brown and the story where some police officers chocked a black man to death in New York. There is still lots of violence in our world today but not nearly as much as there was in the 1960's. The US is trying to prevent these things from happening. We should all remember that God made us for a reason and we shouldn't judge people on the WAY they look or WHAT there race is, we should judge on WHAT they are like on the inside because you never know what is going on with the black person at school. Maybe he is a really nice person and is caring no matter what people say to him. It won't take one person to stop this violence, it will take everybody. DON'T JUDGE PEOPLE ON THE WAY THEY LOOK.

  11. MLK would be happy to see changes in the world. People should not judge people on how they look. It does not matter whats on the outside but it matters whats on the inside. It does not make sense why people should judge people on their skin color.

  12. I think that our world has improved a lot but we still have some issues. For example there are lots of death from drinking and driving. Also when people text while they drive. I think we would have to work really hard in order to mostly stop that. Another thing that REALLY bugs me is how many people smoke. I always think of how cleaner the world could be without smokers. When I visit the Czech Republic its even worse there. You cant go a block without smelling the smoke. We already have commercials trying to stop smoking, along with articles and billboards. I really hope that in my lifetime the smoking amount goes down by at least 50%. Overall I think that King would think we have good and bad stuff. Great technology. But bad habits.

  13. I think MLK would feel accomplished but there would still be some work to do. I can think of many situations in our world today where intolerance and prejudice exist but the first place that comes to mind is Ferguson.I would act in a way that supported those ideas.

  14. I think MLK would feel very happyand proud that the world has changes. Think that is many situations in our world today where intolerance and perjudice but they are so many like the 911 ferguson and I lot more I would act proud supported of storng and not judge people or their skin color

  15. I think MLF would be very very excited to see what are country has come through like 9/11 and Ferguson . Ot would be good if people would stop judging on skin and start judging on personality.

  16. i think he would be proud and happy. the cop and the kid. go with the flow

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I think that Dr. King would have mixed feelings about our country today. He would be proud of our many attempts to take a stand against racial bias and bigotry. However, he would also point out the fact that we have a ways to go. Incidents in Ferguson and NYC remind us of this. Mostly, though we have come a long way. From not being able to use the same water fountains as whites, to not being able to go to the same school, to not even being allowed to sit up front on a bus (Rosa Parks). Everybody should remember that the person you are about to judge based on color has character that you should most DEFINITELY use to judge their character instead. Actions that I'm willing to take to help antiracism? It's simple. Treat that person normally, because if you try anything else, no matter what you're going to end up judging them based on the color of their skin.

  19. I think Dr.king would have good and bad feelings about the world today. He would be happy that there is know more public segergation but he would also be dissapointed about the things happening in New York and Fergusion. Some actions I'am willing to take to prevent injustice is not judging someone by their race or religion but how they treat someone else.

  20. I think the King would be proud and disappointed in our world today. He would be proud because we have gone from not being in the same schools to being best friends with them and they do the same things we do they are no different, just their skin color which doesn't matter. He would be disappointed because some people still treat black like they are different also in some places they still treat black horribly. Their has still been some violence like the incedent with Michael Brown and things like that. Treat them like everyone else they are no different. It doesn't matter what's on the outside it matters what's on the inside.

  21. I think Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. would be proud and have big bright smile on his face for the changes in our country America from the 1960's to this year today. But our world still I think has not improved and has some issues with racism. Like when that story with Michael Brown when the police officer shot him multiple times. People thought that was inappropriate and are starting violence about it. We have had some other stories about racism of it getting out of control with violence too. But we all have to have forgiveness through this. I don't judge people on how they look or what color their skin is I look in the inside of them and who they really are. If you are one of those people you should stop and if anyone every makes a raciest comment call them out what they just said. No one is perfect!

  22. I think Dr. King would be pleased with all the progress that has been made with equal rights and integration. I think he would be so proud and amazed that there's a black president. But I also think he would be very disappointed that all these years later there is still racism and that ALL people aren't treated equally. I think he would be very sad about the recent news about the misunderstandings and violence with the police and black people. I think he would see how much work still needs to be done and hope that people were still doing his work to make sure everyone is treated fair and equal. My family attended the human rights rally at the capital on Saturday. We did this in honor of Martin Luther King and did it to keep his message, hopes and dreams alive. That one day all people will be equal.

  23. I think that Dr. King would be happy and a little disappointed because we have made progress but we still have work to do. You can still people being not as nice to black people. In Ferguson Missouri there is a lot of un rest going on because the white police man shot the black kid. The actions I am willing to take are I will not be racist if see or hear someone being racist I will go tell them to stop, I will treat black people equally because that is how they should be treated.

  24. I think that Dr. king would be proud of the changes we have made today, but also disappointed in the thing in Fergusion. I am willing to not judge people by theyr skin color or religion.

  25. I think that Dr. King would be happy with the changes in the world but still would not be completely satisfied. The reason he would not be completely happy is that there are still groups against different races and that there have been some problems with whites and blacks for instance the black kid who got shot in Ferguson by a white cop and might feel that after all his work this is still a problem.

  26. Our world is far from perfect, but I think there would be some changes that Dr Martin Luther King, jr would appreciate, but have mixed feelings on others. For the most part I think he would be pleased as to what has changed since the 1960's. For a example I think that Dr Martin Luther King, Jr. would be very happy as to how we have worked hard to forget about segergation and for people to treat others equally. Color does not matter and everyone one should know that, what really matters is what is on the inside. For someone to go around one day saying that blacks are different from whites is so racist. I think he would be proud that we have elected a African American President. Although at the same time I don't think Dr Martin Luther King, Jr would be so happy with some of the incidents, like Ferguson and Michel Brown. Sadly, there still are still prejudice people that are stuck up with there belifes. There is a lot of violence in or world, but not nearly as much. With every one helping, we can prevent these accidents from happening. We have gone from being separated on buses, to becoming best friends and going to school together. We all can take a stand agains racism and help each other to mend the hole that has ripped. This world can use a lot of improvement, but we need to take it step by step. Remember to never judge people on the way they look, we are all the same! What is on the inside is what matters, remember that. I am very thankful for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

  27. I think Dr. King would agree we have improved in realizing that all people are equal, but in other countries there is still slavery and other intolerances towards races that are not the majority race. I also think there are some intolerances In Ferguson, Mo. People may think that the cop shot young Adult because he was African American, and others may think the young adult came at the officer. We do not know, so I think we should educate people to realize that we cannot take sides if we don’t know what happened. I am going to not take sides in future scenarios if I do not know what happed.

  28. Dr. King would think of our country now and say has improved a lot since i was he last. In many other countries slavery still exists today. there is also poverty in Africa. In Ferguson, Mo a young adult was shot by a cop. the cop did it for self defense but some thought it was because he was African american. Away I my self is to help is donate to help Africa and not become bi-est.

  29. Our world has made big and good changes that I think he would like. Although, what happened in Ferguson, I don''t think Martin Luther King Jr. would say that the white cop shot the black kid because of how he looked. We are far far away from perfect. We need to accept that. Mostly famous people think they are perfect, but they really are not. If there was an African American that was being bullied or something, then I would try to stop it. I am going to go around my neighborhood to collect money for Jack also!

  30. I think Dr. King would be shocked in a good way if he could see our progress from the 60s. He would love to walk downtown and not see any "Whites Only" signs for bars, bathrooms, etc. But, there are still racial biases in the South which saddens me. There are plenty of people in the South and across the country that are racist or just flat out biast. African-Americans are people too and they should be treated that way. I would try to give African-Americans more of a voice and an input in the South. We are all equal!!!

  31. I think Dr King reached his goal and if he were here today he would be pround of America, i think American racism would be almost gone if he lived longer though. I think there isnt much racism against african americans as much as other races like hispanic people. I think we focus to much on African American raciam and should focus an equal amount on other races.


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