Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Jimmy Valvano

“Don’t give up. Don’t ever give up.” 
                                Jimmy Valvano, 1993 – announcing the Jimmy V Foundation

December 1-7 is Jimmy V week on ESPN.  You may not know who Jimmy Valvano was, but if you have had the misfortune of knowing someone afflicted with cancer, the odds are he and his life’s mission impacted your life. 

Jimmy Valvano was a successful basketball coach, commentator, and author.  He was a person of strong conviction and personal drive.  At an early age he pulled out white index cards and began to write down his personal goals for life.  He wanted to play high school and college basketball, he wanted to become an assistant coach, go on to become a head coach, cut down the nets in Madison Square Garden and win a National Championship.  At age 36, he was able to pull out those cards and cross off every item on the list.  Throughout his life he developed a personal philosophy which allowed an ordinary man to accomplish the extraordinary.  He was commented, “There are 86,400 seconds in a day.  It is up to you to decide what to do with them.”  Jimmy V chose to cherish and make the most of each one. 

After accomplishing his goals on the basketball court, he explored new directions from writing to commentating.  He was not interested in limiting himself to a single profession.  He embraced diversity in his life and his interests.

In 1993, Jimmy Valvano was given an obstacle that would prove to be his most difficult.  He was diagnosed with cancer.  The cancer proved to be too much for him to personally overcome, but through his vision and passion he has inspired and continues to inspire funding for education and research to cure cancer.  At the time of his diagnosis, cancer was an underfunded and devastating disease.  His charismatic and infectious attitude towards life and easy appeal to people made him an ideal person to raise the awareness of cancer and its impacts on our world and to raise arms to find a way to cure cancer.  While no cure has been found, through continued research many forms of treatment have been developed.  The Jimmy V Foundation has risen over $100 million in the past 20 years to fund cancer awareness and research. 

Jimmy V is an inspiring person.  His attitude towards life, even in the face of overwhelming obstacles is something to admire.   

Below is a video clip from the 1993 ESPY awards when he received the Arthur Ashe award for Courage.  During his speech he announces the Jimmy V Foundation.  This is a must see!!!

Below are the highlights from the 1983 National Championship.  It was one of the most exciting endings the tournament has ever seen.

What do you think of Jimmy Valvano, his life and his mission? If I gave you five index cards to write down your goals and dreams for your life, what would you write down?  


  1. I think that Jimmy V is an awe-inspiring character. He was passionate, knew what he wanted to do with his life, did it, and never wasted a single moment of his existence. He was a likeable, infectious person, and never, ever gave up in the fight against cancer. He was charismatic and was the easily the best man to promote cancer awareness. If I had 5 index cards like Jimmy V, then my goals/dreams would include: Getting a degree in college, playing professional soccer, winning the World Cup, coaching a soccer team, and being remembered as someone who never, ever gave up.

  2. I think that Jimmy V. Is a person we all should look at in a respectful way. He lived the life he wanted to he pleased the people around him and fought one of the battles that at that time was a very tough fight. Like he said cancer can change how we move and do physical thing forever but cancer can never affect the things we feel inside. If I were to write down my life goals and dreams I would list these things... Become a marine biologist get my college degree have a family and be a role model who was remembered for their actions.😄

  3. I think Jimmy V. is a wonderful person who never gave up on his dreams. He made it seem that nothing is impossible. That you have dream and you can make it come true. He wanted to play high school and Collage ball. He worked hard enough to achieve that goal. He believed he could be a coach play ball. He believed it. That word believe is the key of accomplishing goals. Jimmy kept on believing and believing until he reach his goal. Although he was diagnosed with cancer it didn't stop him from doing what he loves to do. He acted like it wasn't there like he was never diagnosed with cancer. He truly was a strong, brave, and believing man. Those people like him inspire me. If you gave me some note cards to write down my goals I would say: get a collage degree, become famous violin player, and go to America's Got Talent, and have a loving family.

  4. I think Jimmy V. was truly an inspiring and amazing person. He lived an amazing life and never gave up on anything. He kept believing and believing in himself to reach his goals. He never ever gave up. Even when he was diagnosed with cancer, he never gave up on life, and just kept on believing and believing in himself. He was truly an amazing, amazing person. He never gave up a single moment in his life and lived it just the way he wanted. Jimmy was succesful and loved his job. If I were given notecards to write down my goals and dreams, I would say: get a good degree in college, become a really good soccer player, have a family, be succesful, be a really good singer, and getting to travel to mulitple foreign countries.

  5. I think Jimmy V. life and his mission are what younger people should strive for. We should all live a full life to cry, laugh, and think. I do think the most important thing to do is to cherish every moment. I would write down to become a great soccer player. Then play in college and get a degree. Finally I would want to play for the American National team. I would want to have a family and be remembered as a good person.

  6. Jimmy V. is an inspiring person who never became bitter because of the challenges that life gave him. Instead, he remained happy, good natured, and overall just a kind, caring person throughout his life. He didn't let cancer get the best of him, he didn't care about the cancer, only that he live his life without regrets and be the best person that he could be. His message is very motivational to everyone, especially those who are suffering from cancer. He didn't care about the fact that he had cancer and decided to be a role model for many, many people by accomplishing his dreams, even with cancer and never giving up. If I had five index cards to write 5 goals/dreams I would say: live my life to follow God both because I have no idea what I want to do and if I follow God, then what more would I have to accomplish? What more could I dream of? And who knows, maybe I will accomplish 5 dreams while doing so. I think that though it is fun to come up with goals in life, we should just put our faith in God and enjoy the ride of life, no matter where it takes you.

  7. Jimmy V. in my perspective is a very inspiring person whop never gave up on what he wanted to do. He also is a person who set goals and accomplishes them. Never giving up. Will do anything thing it takes to do the 5 dreams and goals. He didn't let cancer get in the way of what he wanted to do. I think inspired a lot of people to live each day to do what it takes to make us all happy. He also tought us that we should all live a full life of a day and to not live a day without crying, laughing, and thinking. He taught me to always to set goals for the day. He would not let anything get in the way of him when was trying to accomplished somthing important. He was a good natured, happy, kind,caring, and a role model man. My five goals would be Become perfessional basketball player, become a lawyer, become a artist, become a musition, and become a teacher subsitute.

  8. I've heard a lot about Jimmy V week because I'm obsessed with sports and I think that it is really amazing that they have a whole week dedicated to him and people who have cancer. It is amazing that I worked so hard and went through cancer just to reach his five goals. Jimmy wouldn't let any disease get in his way he still worked hard to accomplish his goals. My grandpa was diagnosed with cancer about 2 years ago and today he is still having fun and believing that he will be okay. He stays active and has as much fun as he can. He's inspires me to never give up on my dreams no matter what has happened to you. My goals in life are to become a baskeball player, be a helper of the earth, raise an amazing family, have a good life, and stay off of drugs. I know I can reach these goals as long as I remember what Jimmy V did and what my grandpa has done also.


  9. I've heard about Jimmy Valvano before but I never really knew who he was. I knew he was a basketball coach but I didn't know his life story. I think that it is awesome that there is a week that is just for people with cancer and Jimmy V. I know a couple people with cancer and they are trying very hard to remain positive just like Jimmy. People with cancer do need a week to just forget that they have cancer and just have fun and have a good life. In my life I want to become a basketball player, make a foundation to find cures for cancer, raise a great family, help the needy, and lead the best life I possibly can.

  10. I think that Jimmy V. was an amazing person. He is one of those guys who doesn't give up and always believed. although he had cancer he still did what he loved to do. He said in the video that time is very precious for him. He also said that being able to talk to the players in the locker room was very special to him. Jimmy worked very hard to be able to active his goals. In my life I want to be able to become a NBA basketball star, I really want to be on the Oklahoma City Thunder Team.

  11. I think Mr. Valvano was a very inspiring person. If he was given a chance to give up he would not. He would find a way to overcome all the obstacles in life. Even though he had cancer he never stopped doing what he loved and that was to achieving goals. he said his favorite thing was to talk to his players in the locker room. in my life I would either be a NBA star on the Oklahoma city thunder or the golden state warriors or a hydraulic engineer.

  12. Mr. Valvano is a very inspiring person. He is an amazing person. I knew that he was a coach but I had no idea how inspiring and amazing he was. He did not let cancer ever stop him.

  13. I think that Jimmy V was a very strong person in life to go through cancer. Lot's of people look up to him as their role model. Every one liked and respected him through his life. I would like to be basketball player.

  14. I think that Jimmy V was a person that needs to be honored and remembered in the many generations to come, and I hope that's what happens because he was so inspiring. I think that I would want to play a sport in college but mostly it would all be about getting into a high level engineering school with high grades to set up a good career for myself in the future.

  15. I think Jimmy V was a man who was very brave never gave up always tried his hardest and cancer never stopped him from doing what he wanted to do he needs to be honored of what amazing things he did .

  16. I think that Jimmy V. did something that is very hard to accomplish and takes a lot of hard work to do. He should be remembered for all of his hard work that he has accomplished. I want to be a lot of things but reading about Jimmy V. makes me even more inspired to do them. I want to be a Police officer, Marine Biologist, Doctor, and the person who finds out what or who killed somebody.

  17. I think Jimmy V. is a inspiring character. His life and mission were very hard to accomplish I bet. It may of taken him along time to accomplish his mission but in the end I bet it was worth it. If i had 5 flash cards they would probably be get a collage degree, Swim in collage, Swim in the Olympic trials, Swim in the Olympics, and get a job that will keep me alive and healthy.

  18. Jimmy Valano is such a good and positive role model. He is one because he never gave up no matter where life took him. I think that he is very brave and inspiring for other people. He has taught everyone to live our lives to the fullest so that at the end you won't have any regrets. Jimmy should be remembered forever. If I was given five flash cards to write down five goals that I have for my life later on then those things would be to get good grades, get into a good collage, get a collage degree in being a nurse or teacher, help people and to live life to the fullest, and to trust God to take me to where he wants me to be. Maybe I will be something I never dreamed of right now. I will to trust God and his plan for my life.

  19. I think that Jimmy V was a man with goals, he accomplished these goals. Jimmy V was determined, determined people in my mind go farther. I think it is great that Jimmy had an advantage of popularity and used it to raise money for cancer research. Cancer didn't slow down Jimmy V he was still successful. He always lived each day to the fullest. In the video he sounded very inspirational. Jimmy V was a great person. If I was given a note card to write down my life goals I would probably write down be a pro soccer player. I would say to be successful in life and to be happy. I would write down, always know and follow God.

  20. I think Jimmy V. is a very inspiring role model and his life mission I bet was very hard to accomplish. The first goal I would write down on a index card would be to be an inspiring role model to younger kids. The second thing would be to find a cure for a termanal illness like Cancer or Ebola. The third thing would be to end world hunger. The forth thing would be to have a very good education in my life and to get a good job and work hard. The last goal I would write down would be to listen for Gods calling and live a good spiritual life.

  21. I think Jimmy V is kind of like a later version and not as epic version of Jesus. He practiced the same beliefs like; know what you want, help others, and cherish the great life God has given you. As Mr. Grant said, "He crossed out everything on his bucket list.'' That makes it sound easy; It's not. He used his power and likeability for good. He is an incredible Role Model like Jesus. If I had 5 index cards I would: Be a lawyer or something like that that makes me happy, have 3 kids, find a great spouse, do everything I wanted and have NO REGRETS.

  22. I think Jimmy V. was an inspiring man for basketball players, cancer fighters, or anyone. If I where to be given five index cards to write down my life I would choose to first play soccer until high school. Second would be to go to collage and go to medical school. My third goal would be to become a doctor and save many lives from deadly diseases. Fourth would be to strengthen my relationship with God. And last would be to make as many people happy until my death.

  23. I think that Jimmy V. was a great role model with a great self-esteem. He had great determination and believed anything he set his mind to. I think he went far in life, with such a good attitude.I think my first goal would to get a good education, and a degree in medicine. My second goal would be to cure cancer, since my grandfather had it and passed away, he has inspired me. My third goal would to be selfless and help other in need. My fourth goal is to presume to follow God and and to trust him to be there for me.

  24. I think Jimmy V. was a inspiring person for many people, to teach them to believe and never give up on your goals or dreams. Just amazing that he still accomplished his goals even though when he had cancer. He is such a great role model for people and especially me. If I were given five index cards to write down my goals I would say... First, get on the varsity team for soccer in college. Second, play soccer in college too and get a college degree. Third, become a professional soccer payer and win the world cup. Fourth, have a loving and caring family. Fifth, become a role model for many peoplein the world.

  25. I think Jimmy V was amazing and chased his dreams with confidence. If I had five index cards with my goals on them they would be, play lacrosse at Notre Dame, be an engeneer, have a family, live life and have fun, and raft the Colorado River.

  26. I thought Jimmy V sounded like a very nice guy and he was a well rounded person. He set what i think are good goals and he accomplished them all.

  27. What do you think of Jimmy Valvano, his life and his mission? If I gave you five index cards to write down your goals and dreams for your life, what would you write down?

    I think that Valvano was a very great man. He wanted to accomplish his goals. Even if it seemed hopeless, he never gave up. He achieved many goals that he wrote down when he was a kid. Five things that I would write down on index cards are:1 Win the Wimbledon Tennis Tournament. 2 Become a vet. 3 Teach kids tennis. 4 Help animals by donating money. 5 Give money to homeless kids and adults.

  28. I think jimmy valvano is very insterting man and very brave and hard working man. He told people not to give up your dreams and to just keep your dreams alive. If I had five indexs cards and I had to write down my dreams first I would put down to become fashion designer, second I would put become famous, third I would put is to help needy kids and familys , fourth I would get a good education and the fifth I would become a docter and help sick people.

  29. I think he sounds like a very nice guy. 1. I would become a Marine Biologist 2. Become a famous singer 3. Help the needy 4. get married and have kids 5. get a good education

  30. I think that its grate that he didn't let cancer get to him and bring him down.

  31. Jimmy Valvano was a great man it's crazy to me that just by looking at your goals you can accomplish and I have my goals written on a sticky notes and put up above my bed if you gave me five index cards I would say number one to get a nice education number two to support my family thing ever need help number three to have a family someday number four to help the homeless more often and number five to to go to heaven

  32. Jimmy Valvano is very inspiring to other people. He teaches us that we can accomplish things if we set our mind to it. If you gave me 5 index cards I would write down for the first one give to the less fortunate. For the second get a great job. For the third to have a happy family. For the fourth card to get a hunters license. for the fourth one fly around the world.


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