Thursday, January 9, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Each year people all over the world start the new year by making themselves promises.  They promise to lose weight, get to the gym more often, stop yelling, be kinder, learn something new, or a host of other things.  The new year represents a new beginning and to many there is no better time to allow yourself a chance to start over. 

I came across a blog post from the Rappler (link below) which has gone through the actions and words from Pope Francis and developed a list of 10 resolutions.  They are:

Don’t gossip
Finish your meals
Make time for others
Choose the ‘more humble’ purchases
Meet the poor ‘in the flesh’
Stop judging others
Befriend those who disagree
Make commitments, such as marriage
Make it a habit to ‘ask the Lord’
Be happy

The link below will bring you to the article which explains in greater detail. 

Do you have any New Year’s resolutions?  If so, do you mind sharing?  What do you think of the idea of having New Year’s resolutions?  After looking at the list and reading the article about Pope Francis what are your ideas about the resolutions from the Pope’s quotes?


  1. I do have a New Years resolution, but it's something I've been working on for a while. I am trying to have a little more patience with my younger brother and sister. They drive me crazy sometimes, but I need to practice trying to settle it peacefully. I think having New Years resolutions is a great way to encourage people to keep working at things. It helps others believe they can do it because it is a new year, and anything can happen. I think the Pope's quotes are brilliant. All his ideas are so simple, but they make a big difference. If we all try to do what the Pope said, who knows where we could go!

  2. no, i did not make a new years resolution. i think that new years resolutions are a good thing but this year i didn't want to make one. after looking at the popes list i released that i could be living a better life because i still need to work on some of the things that the pope said would be better.

  3. Yes i do have new years resolutions; they are study harder to get better grades, read instead of television. The Pope is ingenious, and already really humble. Enjoy, the new year because you start over, a clean plate!

  4. I never really make new years resolutions. I think they are foolish. If you want to change something do it now. I do however like the pope's resolutions. The last one is my favorite "be happy". They are so simple and yet no one ever does those types of resolutions. It encourages people to start fresh. Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Yes I do have any New Year's resolution. Trying to be nice to my sister. New Years resolutions are a great because people can start what they want to work on for the new year. I think that Pope Francis's quotes brilliant resolutions because they help people who are in need.

  6. A resolution is a way to start fresh in a new year. I don't normally make resolutions because I always feel guilty when I don't keep them, but this year I am going to work harder on getting better grades. I think the pope said some good things. it really makes me think of what I do and what I should change. It amazes me how people make the resolution of losing weight or eating better when we really need to concentrate o the small things that Pops Francis talked about. Happy New Year Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

  7. I do have a New Year's resolution and it is to be nicer to my two brothers and my sister, it's also to work harder in swimming and skiing. I think New Year's resolutions are a good idea because it gives people the chance to "start over" and try being a better person and to get into good habits. I think the pope's resolutions are very humbling and set a good example.

  8. I wasn’t really thinking about New Year’s resolutions for 2014, but one of them would be to focus and not to daydream. I think having a New Year’s resolution is a great idea because you are setting a goal and once you achieved that goal you feel good about it. I think the Pope’s resolutions are simple, but impactful. No one ever thinks about resolutions like that. Sometimes I make stupid ones like not to eat so much chocolate, but the Pope has insightful resolutions like stop judging others and make time for others.

  9. Yes, I do have a New Year's resolution. It is to be the best person I can be. I think the idea of New Year's resolutions is good because it is motivating people to set a goal and reach it. I think Pope Francis's resolutions are powerful, by being simple.

  10. Yes I do have New Years resolution. It is to exercise more to get in shape. In order to do that I go to the gym with my mom and run a mile then swim about 25 laps in the lap pool. I love the idea of having resolutions because it can help you be the person you really want to be. It's the little things that count every day like keeping your promises and being nice and including everyone. I think the most inspiring resolution from the pope is stop judging other people or ''don't judge people by the way they look.'' I will use the popes inspiring resolution in my every day life and in all my actions. Happy New Year!!!!!

  11. I don't have any New Year's resolutions. But I do have some goals. I don't like to think of them as resolutions because I don't really feel like I have to 'resolve' anything in my life. But there are some goals that I'd like to reach.
    #1. Continue to swim + get better at that & start trying out other sports.
    #2. Be kinder to others and be more accepting of others differences
    -These are my goals for 2014 and I'm going to try my best to reach them!

    I think that the pope has some very good New Year resolutions & I feel that they are something that everyone can work on. I also feel like the don't throw food away is a good resolution because a lot of people do throw away food and we should think about the poor because they never take food for granted.

  12. I don't really have many New Years Resolutions but I do have 2 :start doing my chores first thing when I get home from school, and start studying more for tests and quizzes. Having New Years Resolutions are great when you actually do them. His New Years Resolutions are very simple but are better than what I could come up with.

  13. This is Luke and I couldn't sign in. I didn't make any resolutions this year, because I think they're pointless - not saying I'm perfect. I just think that if you need to change your self, well, there's no time like the present. The Pope's resolutions are great because they are so easy, yet make such a powerful impact on the world.

  14. Yes I do have a new years resolution, but if you need to change do it in the present. I am trying to pray daily in the morning and the evening. Again I think that new years resolutions are great but there is no time like the present. I think that the Popes resolutions are very good. They are things not that hard to do and they are simple. I think his quotes are ones to live by.

  15. I don't have any New Year's resolutions. I like the idea of having New Year's resolutions because it helps you achieve goals that you have. I think the Pope's New Year's resolutions are great. I like them because it makes the Pope more spiritually active in the way he is being in the presence of people.

  16. No I don't have a New Year's resolution. The resolutions are great because you have something to accomplish before that year ends. I think the Pope's resolutions are good because all of it is very simple to do.

  17. No, the resolutions are amazing becaue they give you a reason to change your 'flaws'. i like the popes resolutions because he really went back to the basics.

  18. I currently don't have a new years resolution.

  19. Yes. I will always be happy. They are ok. They are inspiring

  20. I have a few New Years resolutions.Many which I have been working on for a while. Some small things like making my bed every day and keeping my room clean (that has been difficult) whiles others harder and bigger like putting more effort forth in everything and cooperating. I think that new years resolutions are very helpful. They can give you a new start and help you accomplish things and work harder,yet you have to make sure that they are realistic and reasonable. The popes resolutions are very simple,yet something we struggle to do everyday.They are realistic and humble which i think is really cool.

  21. My New Year's Resolutions are to volunteer regularly, donate to varying animal funds:), to keep my pets happy and healthy, and to try to get along with my siblings (very hard). I think that new years resolutions are very helpful, because they "force" you to meet your goals, especially if you tell someone about them, then you can't back down. I think that Pope Francis's new years resolutions are inspiring because he has access to alot of things, but he is humble and doesn't act like he is better than everyone else.

  22. My New Year's Resolution is to be happy, do better in school, get more exercise, help others, and to eat healthier. I think that new year's resolutions make you think about what you should do better in the upcoming year. I would agree with Leah his resolutions are inspirational and they make you realize that your resolutions arn't as meaningful sometimes.

  23. I have two new years resolutions, one iix to be a better big brother to my sister, and two is to volunteer at the food bank at least once a week. I think everybody should have a new year resolution. Its a change to change to bad things about you and recognize the good things about you.

  24. My New years resolution is to turn in all my school work on time and to focus more. I think having resolutions is great because we are working to be better. I think the popes resolutions are great because they are not hard to do but still make a difference.

  25. No I don't have any New Years resolutions. I think having resolutions is good but also bad, people always make the resolutions, then do not ever stick to them. I think the popes resolutions are good and inspirational and hopefully it shows some of us what we should do more.

  26. no, I don't have any new years resolutions. they are a good idea, I just didn't make one this year. I like NYR, the whole idea of improving yourself over the course of the year. the pope's NYR are humble, but firm. they are inspirational and give people the general idea:)

  27. I have a New Years resolution. It is to do Khan every day.I think that resolutions are a good idea.I think the Pope's resolutions are good. My favorite is finish your meal because we all take food for granted in the United States.

  28. My new years resolution is to win state finals in helicopters, and to control my anger. The pope's resolution is great because they really impact the world.

  29. Yes I do have a resolution. My only resolution is to have our house built and ready but I know it will happen because we are already digging up the dirt for the house.Thats really the only main thing so I guess i'll leave it at that.I think it is good to have a resolution because people sometimes just do stupid stuff every year but when they make a resolution it can make them stand up to it and not do stupid stuff whill the year goes by and every year should be different for them.:) Ithink the popes resolutions are good because they are the resolutions to make the earth a little better every year. The ideas I have about them are like no drugs because there is really no point to drugs and he's made really good choices on his resolutions and I know he is serious with them.

  30. I haven't made any new years resolutions but I will.

  31. I personally had only one new years resolution, to be a happier person. I think the whole idea of a new years resolution is a good idea, it gives you a fresh start and a whole year to accomplish something. I think the Pope's resolutions are fantastic, he vows to be down to earth and good to others. (sorry this was late, I guess I didn't press publish)

  32. I do not have a new year resolution. I think it is good for you to have a new years resolution. I think the Pope's new year resolutions are great and I think every body should have one and i will get one soon.


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