Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Nelson Mandela

On December 5, 2013 the world lost one of its great leaders.  Nelson Mandela passed away at the age of 95.  While all of us impact the world, very few can claim to have a widespread and substantial influence on the world that will be felt by endless generations.  Mandela’s commitment, perseverance, and loyalty to the vision of what South Africa could be is remarkable to say the least. 

During his lifetime he actively and non-violently protested against the legalized segregation of South Africa, spent 27 years in prison, was elected President of South Africa, and put the country on the path to economic, social and political reform. 

Below is a link to an article which biographies his life.  Please read. 

What is something you learned about Mr. Mandela you did not know before reading the article?  What part of his life do you find most fascinating?  How do you think Nelson Mandela has influenced the world beyond South Africa?  


  1. I didn't know he spent 27 years in prison.I found most fascinating that he became a president in South Africa where he was in prison.He has influenced that the most power weapon is knowledge and you can decide to change the world.

  2. I didn't know Nelson made such an impact on the world. I find fascinating that no matter the price he would stick up for what he believed in. He influenced that we should stick up for what we believe in

  3. I had no idea that Nelson Mandela had won a Nobel Peace Prize for his actions - no surprise. He was like a combo of Martin Luther King Jr. and Barack Obama - the first black president and a leader of nonviolent protest. I thought it was very interesting when he came out of prison from 27 years and had no intentions of killing or hurting the people who did that to him, AND he became president. That just shows how resilient and nonviolent and understanding he was. He was a face of equality. He made headlines in newspapers all over the world. Now there are millions of people grieving for 'their greatest son.' He has made an excellent example for people who are willing to be brave and speak out for what is right.

  4. I honestly had never heard of Nelson Mandela before this article. It just never came up in a conversation. I think it is amazing that he went to jain for 27 years and then became president of the same country that locked him up. He wasn't looking for revenge, he was very peaceful. I think that this showed the whole world to stand up for what you believe in. It also showed that violence is never the solution.

  5. I didn't know that he was imprisoned for 27 years. I knew that he was imprisoned but I didn't know he was imprison for that long. I found this very interesting and sad because they didn't something so cruel to someone so kind. I think Nelson Mandela has influenced the world by showing how to be kind to others who are not. He just showed us the golden rule in a very intense scenario.

  6. I did not know that he was imprisoned for such a long time, I knew that he had been imprisoned bout I thought he was only there for maybe two years at the most. What I found most interesting is the fact that he would do what ever was necessary to stop segregation. Also that after he had come out of jail he didn't let that stop him from still trying to make his country a better place, and he sure succeeded in that. Nelson Mandella has showed the world how to preserver when the going gets tough, he has showed us all that the will to stand up for what you believe is truly right, is stronger than any jail sell.

  7. One thing I didn't know about Mr. Mandela is that he married three times. One of the things I found interesting about his life is that He was expelled from his school. He showed the world that segregation is wrong and you should do all you can to stop it.

  8. To be honest, Nelson Mandela wasn't really someone I knew until about a couple days ago. But now, after reading this article, I feel like I've known him my whole life. What seems crazy to me is that Mr. Mandela was put in jail! And, even more crazy is that as soon as he got out of jail, he was elected president!! I guess when he got thrown in jail, it got people thinking. But it still fascinates me. I think Mr. Mandela's greatest legacy was that he still thought education still had the power to change the world. Even when he started from a poor family, he still believed going to school could change that. It's incredible.

  9. Before reading the article, I knew NOTHING about Nelson Mandela. I had actually never heard of him! After reading the article, I found out that he played a big roll in trying to get rid of racial discrimination in South Africa. Another thing I never knew was that he had been in prison for 27 years! I never thought that someone who had been in a prison for 27 years would make it to be a president of a South African country! I find it most fascinating that he only stayed as a President of a country in South Africa for one term... I mean, if he had wanted all this change to happen in South Africa, then why didn't he stay in his presidency for as long as he could? I think Nelson Mandela has influenced past South Africa in that he was always fighting to end racial discrimination, but not only that, he also had some very wise quotes and wanted the people of the world to be educated so that we could build a better tomorrow.

  10. my grandma had a hissy fit about what was going on she talked about him for hours so there is nothing that i didn't know about him the one thing I find inter interesting is that he wasn't angry or mad about being falcely put in jail for speaking out for his and his friends and he didn't demand being in jail he stayed until his time was up. my grandma said that when he got out the news people rushed to him and asked him if he was mad and he said that if he was mad then he would be mad for the rest of his life. then said that he didn't want to be mad the rest of his life. that inspired me a lot, now i think that god told him that it was the right thing to do and helped him. i think that Mr. Nelson Mandella inspired people how saw this to stand p for what they believe in i think that is important... o very important that i will stand up more in what i believe in not what every body wants but what i want to do

  11. I did not know that Nelson Mandela went to prison for 27 years. That he was elected to be president of South Africa.He influenced South Africa by that he protested against legalized segregation and to inspire others for what they believe in.I also want to stand up for others believe in like him.

  12. I did not know that Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years. I did not know that in parts of Africa, if you are Christian, and you go to a Christian school then teachers give you what they think is a more "Christian" name. That's how Nelson Mandela got the name Nelson. I think Nelson Mandela has also encouraged the whole world to stop segregation, encouraging countries to become mare united and encouraging countries to fight for what they believe in without using too much violence.

  13. I didn't know that he spent 27 years in prision.I find that he became president intresting.I think Nelson Mandela encouraged living by the golden rule.He also tought the world no matter what happens to you you can always change your life.

  14. I have learned that you can even make a stand by going to prison. I learned that Nelson Mandela became president wile in jail. I think its fasinating that he stopped segregation in Africa. Just by becoming president I think helped influence the world.

  15. I didn't know a lot about Nelson Mandela, only that he became a president. I am amazed that he stood up for his race and even went to prison for it. I learned that he became a president after 27 years in prison. I am fascinated that he has so much courage and stood up for his race. Also that he didn't let the fact that he was put in jail affect him at all.I think he would be an influence to other countries because he never gave up hope and became president after 27 years in jail.

  16. Honestly, I didn't even know who Nelson Mandela until a few days ago when I ask my dad why the flag was at half staff. I was surprised to know that he went to jail for 27, and then my dad told me why and i understood. I didn't know that he one served for one year as the president. I didn't know that he got the nobel peace prize, but he deserved it. Nelson Manela is an inspiration to all of us, he is truly a leader.

  17. I did not know that Mandela was 75 years old when he was elected president of South Africa. I find it amazing that he spent 27 years in prison for something he believed. One of my favorite quotes is "it always seems impossible until it's done." It's amazing how just one person can have a big impact on the whole entire world. He showed us how to forgive and to live in harmony with others.

  18. I didn't know about Nelson Mandela, but he seems like a peaceful person. Also he wanted everyone to have equal rights. I think the most fascinating thing that caught my eye was how he refused to support apartheid then spent 27 years in prison, and then became South Africa's President . He influenced the world beyond South Africa by showing us all that we should all become as one and to not judge people by how they look, but by there character. He reminds me a lot of Martin Luther King.

  19. Something that I learned that Mr. Mandela had lived in Boise, Idaho. Also that he was fighting for the African American's freedom with no violence and he had gotten arrested, for his non-violence marching, because the 'white' people ruled or had more power! I find that the most amazing part of his life was that he had got arrested for 27 years and then later got elected for president even though he was African American! I think that Nelson Mandela has influenced the world b proving that showing your beliefs in a non-violent manner might put you in some rough patches but that eventually it will pay off! I think that Malala to make her actions and she has had the ups and downs of her experience, but now she is known world wide!

  20. I didn't know that he spent 27 years in prison, for something that he believed in. What I found most fascinating about his life was that he was expelled from school. He influenced the world by showing people that you can solve problems in many ways, one way he solved problems was, peacefully.

  21. Man, I did not know that he was imprisoned 27 years just for thinking that segregation was wrong. I kind of feel embarrassed that the other whites would do that to someone who just had a different opinion. I thought it was exciting that he was a national sign of unity. He influenced the world, like Dr. King, that a human is a human no matter the skin they have.

  22. I saw the movie Invictus which is about rugby and how he was the president at the time.Also he always, like Martin Luther King Jr., wanted to end segregation and thought all men are created equal. He has always been a very nice man and a great president .It sounds like he was really really really big on education and thought that all people should have access to it easily.

  23. I did not know that Nelson Mandela was the formal president of South Africa. I knew he was important I just didn't know the he was the formal president of South Africa. I think the most fascinating part of Nelson Mandela's life was that he spent 27 yrs in prison. I think he has influenced the world by when he prevented the civil war in South Africa when they changed their government to a Democracy.

  24. I never knew that he spent 27 yrs in prison! And for just nonviolent protesting too! I think the most interesting part about Nelson Mandela is that after all the struggle he went through to get there, he only spent 1 term as president! WOW! I think that definitely shows a lot about hi selflessness and love for his country. He showed the world how to prevail against all odds. About the greatest values everyone in life treasures: bravery, perseverance, peacefulness. He was like a martin Luther King JR. all over again.

  25. I didn't know that Nelson Mandela was the president of South Africa. The most fascinating part of his life to me was that he spent 27 years in prison for a nonviolent protest. He influence the world in many ways. First, he was the first black president in South Africa which taught the world about diversity. He also made it his mission to help poor people and people with HIV.

  26. I honestly had no idea who Nelson Mandela was so everything was new to me.But if I had to pick one thing it would be he spent 27 years in jail for not hurting anybody at all.He influenced the world by showing them the only weapon you need to fight a war with is peace.

  27. I didn't know that Nelson Mandela spent 27 years in prison. A part a of his life that I thought was interesting was that he was elected president. I thought that was interesting because he went to prison. I think Nelson Mandela has influenced more then just Africa because he gave us a better way to look at thing.

  28. I didn't know that he spent 27 years in prison. I thought the part of his story that was most interesting was that he made africans equal. He made one more country equal and that changed the world.

  29. I did not know that his son, Makatho Mandela, died of AIDS. I find that the fact that he lived until 95 years old fascinating, because all those years in prison must have been very harsh on him. Plus, that is above average for anyone, much less a person who doesn't have clean food and water. I think he gave people a person to look to for hope, to show them that they can really make a change.

  30. i didnt know he went to prison. let alone that, for 27 years! what?! i find it facinating that he went from being behind bars, to being the person to put the actual bad person behind them. he opened eyes. thats what he did to influence so many countries around the world. nelson mandela, he, opened eyes.

  31. I didn't know about Mr.Mandela is was in prison for 27 years. The most fascinating is that he was in prison for a long time then becoming a president and one of the greatest leaders. He has influenced that you can become something big after going through a lot in your life.

  32. reading this article, I learned so much about nelson Mandela!the most interesting thing that i learned about nelson is that he fought without violence. The most fascinating part of his life I think is when he was imprisoned for 27 years.I think that during that time people really realized him.Nelson Mandela influenced the world in many ways. He fought peacefully and that really astonished people. He was inspiring and he made a huge impact on our world.

  33. I did not know he spent 27 years in prison before reading this article. I think the most fascinating thing is that he became president for the same country who put him in jail for 27 years. I think he has influenced the world by telling us to not give up, I think most people after being in jail for 27 years would not become president. He also taught us to be kind to others no matter what.

  34. I didn't kow that he spent 27 years in prison just for what he believed in and i didnt know that on his 93rd birthday almost 12 million south african students sang happy birthday to him in a nationwide sind-a-long.I thought the most fascinating thing about his life is that he fought with no violence to get what he wanted.Nelson mandela has influenced the world by showig us that we should never give up on anything we do even when we get really mad at it and he has influenced the world by showing that we dont have to fight with blood and that even though you get held away from something so long does'nt mean that you should or have to give up on it so quickly and move on through it, not getting it done.


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