Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Black History Month

Since 1976, the United States and Canada have recognized February as Black History Month.  The idea to dedicate time to the contributions of African Americans was originated in 1926 by Carter G. Woodson.   His vision was to increase the awareness of people and communities to the significant additions African Americans have made to the overall history of the United States. 

His vision has grown since 1926 to include an entire month where elementary, junior high and high school students take time to learn about notable figures and accomplishments of African Americans.

Black History Month’s annual celebration has come with its fair share of criticism.  From questioning the need to dedicate an entire month to a single race to complaints about the month chosen being the shortest month of the year, the opinions are as varied as they can be outlandish. 

Regardless, the idea to educate ourselves about the historical influence countless African Americans have had on our country and communities is with merit.  It is a time to dig past the dates and names to attempt to put yourself in the shoes of a race of people who have struggled to gain an equal footing in the United States. 

Without Black History Month we may be familiar but not as cognizant of the incredible feats of Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, or Maya Angelou.  The contributions African Americans have made to the fabric of the United States are without question. 

Throughout the history of the United States which African Americans have inspired you and why?  The person you choose can be as recent as Tiger Woods or as old as Frederick Douglas.  They person can be real or fictional.  Which stories resonate with you?  For example, Rosa Parks, Jackie Robinson, or Muhammad Ali.


  1. For me, my inspiration is Harriet Tubman. She was born into slavery, and put to work at a very young age. But she longed for freedom. So, after several years as a slave, she managed to escape with the help of the underground railroad. From them on, she worked in the underground railroad, helping hundreds of African-Americans escape slavery. I can't believe how hard it must have been for her; to finally escape, only to go right back and risk her life for others. She was incredibly brave.

  2. Throughout the African American history, Martin Luther King Jr. inspired me because he spoke for freedom instead of fighting for African American's freedom physically. When he was a boy, he asked his dad why the white people always got to go first, and his father had to explain it for him. Rosa Parks resonated with me because she was not going to let other people to push her around, and tell her where to sit or where to enter at. I think that when she remained in her seat when a white person asked her to move was brave.

  3. Jackie Robinson has inspired me, he's taught me to keep going and don't give up no matter what. Rosa Parks resonated me because she wasn't going to let other people be the boss of her and she stood up for what she thought was right.

  4. My inspiration is Rosa Parks because she stood up for her race and never gave up. She was thrown in jail and still didn't lose hope. The fact that she didn't give up her seat to a white person on a bus was cool. There were many people around her threatening her and yelling at her to leave her seat but she prevailed. I think that she resonated me because she never gave up, never lost hope, and didn't let people push her around. She is also brave and courageous.

  5. I am inspired by Harriet Tubman. Even though she was a slave she eventually was free. She risked her life so others to be free. The story of Martin Luther King Jr. resonated to me because he died trying to make America better.

  6. I think that my inspiration would be Fredrick Douglas because he was a slave, escaped, and then had the courage to write about and speak out against slavery. The story that resonated with me the most was Muhammad Ali because he excelled at something and showed the world that color doesn't matter and that your skin doesn't make you worse, if anything, it makes you better.

  7. I am highly inspired by Harriet Tubman every day. She stood up for her freedom and what she knew was right. But after she did gain her freedom she still stood up for her rights. She worked on the underground rail roads and did whatever it took to help others. I think she resonated me because she would do anything to help even it it meant risking herself for the benefit of others.

  8. I am very inspired by rosa parks because she stood up for what she believed is right, and she knew what had to happen. her story of her boycotting on the bus, showed she had resiliance. i believe in that kid of resiliance, but not the kind out of just wanting to be stubborn.

  9. I think it must have taken immense courage for Rosa Parks, on that bus. She was thrown in jail for something as simple as refusing a bus seat. And yet, she wouldn't back down. She was able to say one of the most important words a person has to say when protesting. She said, with defiance in her eye, and calmness and clarity in her voice, "No".

  10. Martin Luther King Jr. is my inspiration because he got what he wanted to get done without any violent acts. The only acts he committed were acts of kindness. The story that resonated me the most would be how Martin wanted to show everyone to judge a person by there personality not by there skin color.

  11. Ruby Bridges inspires me most because she was brave enough to go to a white school in order to get the education she deserved. She still went even after all the horrible remarks and abuse she received. Jackie Robinson's story speaks to because he accomplished his dream, making it to the big leagues, and he fought for his rights in playing baseball with a white team and now he is famous for that today.

  12. Some one that deeply inspired me was Rosa arks because she stood up for herself. I that that took all the courage she had. Since she did this it changed the hole country. This story is the most inspirational of all the African American stories.

  13. I think Jackie Robinson has inspired me. He kept going even though his team didn't support him at first. He earned their support. I think Rosa Parks resonated me because she did not let someone push her around she stud up(or sat down) for her rights.

  14. the person who has inspired me the most would have to be Jackie Robinson, because he was brave enough to say that he wanted to try baseball and he did it. I think that is amazing.

  15. I am inspired by Ruby Bridges, because she kept going through tough times, and was brave, courageous, and determined at all times. She went to a white school where kids taunted her and were very rude, but she kept going. I am pretty sure that I would not be able to do that . I can imagine that she could have been put down and "squashed" by the other kids, but she chose not to, and look how that turned out!

  16. Jackie Robinson.He inspires me because he showed an example of how not to give up ad when you are a different color doesn't mean you don't have the right to play on a national baseball league.But Jackie Robinson never gave up even though people were really mean to him at that time.It resonates because i used to playing softball and some of the people wern't that nice to the others and i felt really bad to them because they were really mean to them.But thankfully the coach saw it happen and he stopped it.

  17. Bob Marley is my inspiration because he is a great singer, and his songs send out the message of peace and love.He came from a farm in Jamaica raised by his grandmother, then made it big.

  18. I am inspired by Martin Luther King Jr. he got what he wanted by doing non violent acts. The only acts he committed were acts of kindness. The story that resonated me was Martin's speech, I have a dream. I have always loved his speech, it is very inspiring.

  19. I am inspired by Rosa Parks because she stood in what she believed in. She refused to get off her seat on the bus for a white passenger to get on because she did not get off the seat she was arrested. After that there was a bus boycott. The story of Rosa Parks resonated me because she risked her life by not getting off the seat.

  20. The person that inspired me is Gondi because he is one of the few people that changed the world.The part that resonates me is that he never gave up.

  21. I am inspired by Nelson Mandela, and Martin Luther King Jr. Nelson Mandela because he went to jail and then when he got out of jail he was elected president, I found that crazy and then I read why he was put in to jail and then elected, and I was truly inspired. Martin Luther King Jr. is amazing and a savior, his speeches are really really amazing. Rosa Parks, and Jackie Robinson are really cool stories also.

  22. I am really inspired by Dr. King because he changed the world with one speech; I Have A Dream.
    I wish I was as good at saying speeches like he is. His story is my favorite because even though people bombed his home, he still kept going instead of calling it quits.

  23. I am inspired by Mae Jemison because she was the first African American in space. Rosa Parks resonates me because she stood up for what was right and didn't back down. That is the same for Jackie Robinson.

  24. Ruby bridges is my inspiration. She went to an all white school for a better education. She thought that no matter your race you should have an equal education. She resonated me because even though people would threatening to kill her she still went to school.

  25. My inspiration is Ruby Bridges because she went to a white school even if white didn't want her there because black people weren't allowed in white schools or have the same water fountain.Martin Luther King has a resonates me because he wanted to have equal rights for black and white people.

  26. The person that inspires me is Martin Luther King Jr.. The part that resonates me is he was courageous, he never backed down and his I have dream speech was amazing.

  27. There are many African Americans who have inspired me. Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr.. these people stood up for they believed in and weren't going to give up. They would do whatever they could to help things become equal. For me, this is very inspiring and "never giving up" is a big thing that we all should remember.

  28. The African American that has inspired me most is Stevie Wonder. He overcame being blind to be a wonderful singer. It must have been so hard to learn how to play piano without seeing the piano.Another African American that inspired me is Jackie Robinson. He had so much adversity to overcome. Nobody had heard of a black baseball player and he proved them wrong by being one of the best players of that time , including winning the rookie of the year and the world series.I don't really know what resonate means but I think it means relate to. In that case, I've seen a lot of movies where it's about a black person or team having to overcome everything. And what do they do ,they win win win!

  29. The person that inspires me most is Michael Jordan because he has stamina and a good work ethic. I want to be the person that leads the team and encourages them. If Jordan had a cold or fever he would get right onto the court. The person who resonates me the most is Ruby Bridges because she went to an all white school to prove that people are people no matter what the skin color is. We should treat all people the same because we want people to feel good about themselves and to make a diversity of friends.

  30. The African American that has inspired me is Bill Cosby. He inspired me because he is a great actor, entertainer, family man, and activist. He believes in self respect, respecting you elders, and self improvement. I respect him and look up to him for his strong family values. Everyone at any age can listen to him. He his a great american.

  31. The African American that really stood out to me would be Rosa Parks. The way she stood up to save her seat was amazing. African American people were treated with disrespect but being a women made her be treated lower. No matter what the consequence was she stayed in that seat. She knew in her heart that that was the choice that was going to change her life.
    She resonated me because she stood up no matter what.

  32. Throughout history Martin Luther King is the one who inspired me because he was courageous for standing up against what he knew that could get him killed. My favorite part is probably the speech that was what got me inspired. I have so many other people that inspired me like Rosa Parks, but Martin Luther King inspired me the most

  33. Throughout Black history Month I will definitely be thinking about Rosa Parks. The reason that I feel like she made a big impact is because she would not move to the back of the bus just because she was black because that is completely outlandish... She stood up for who she was just like, I feel, we all should. She teaches EVERYONE that you can stand up for who you are :-)

  34. Throughout black history month Michael Jordan has inspired me. He never gave up after he was cut twice from his high school basketball team. He never got peoples words mixed up in his head. He practiced and practiced harder then anyone I know. He learned from all his mistakes and got better. He is pretty AWESOME.

  35. Throughout black history month Martin Luther King Jr. because he stood up for what he believed in he didn't let people tell him what he could and couldn't do. He also stood up for other people and he had enough courage to go up there. That was very brave of him.

  36. Throughout black history month Martin Luther King Jr. because he stood up for what he believed in he didn't let people tell him what he could and couldn't do. He also stood up for other people and he had enough courage to go up there. That was very brave of him.


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