Thursday, September 19, 2013

Inside the Actor's Studio

Last night I was watching the finals of America’s Got Talent.  One of the segments included a man by the name of James Lipton.  James Lipton is the host of a show called Inside the Actor’s Studio.  It has been airing on Bravo since 1994.

The show is an interview between Mr. Lipton and celebrities ranging from Paul Newman to the Cast of Glee.  He ends each show with a series of questions which provide the audience insight into the personality of the celebrity.  This week you are going to answer these questions. 

For your comment please respond to the following:

1. What is your favorite word?
2. What is your least favorite word?
3. What inspires creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
4. What turns you off creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
5. What sound or noise do you love?
6. What sound or noise do you hate?
7. What is your favorite curse word? ***KEEP IT CLEAN
8. What profession would you like to attempt?
9. What profession would you not like to do?
10. When you get to Heaven, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


The problems in Syria are not getting any better.  After two years and 100,000 lives, the sides are further apart than ever before.  While the international community has resisted the urge to get involved, the government regime headed by President Bashar Assad may have crossed the line forcing the United States and other countries to engage in some military activity.

On August 21, 2013 the government regime elected to use chemical weapons on Syrian civilians, including children.  The use of these weapons has been outlawed by the international community.  President Obama has plainly stated if the Assad backed military uses chemical weapons, the United States will respond.

On September 10th President Obama addressed the nation.  He spoke to the people of the United States about the evidence indicating the use of chemical weapons and his desire to conduct a targeted military strike against the Syrian military.  As per his address, he considers it a matter of national security.  If the United States does not respond with decisive military action, it will leave the door open to other governments and organizations to use chemical weapons.  He stated that he will not commit any ground forces or long term air strikes.  Others are not entirely convinced.

Many members of Congress are concerned about United States involvement in the Syrian civil war.  They are concerned about the effectiveness of any military action as well as the potential of engaging our military personnel in a long-term, difficult to win scenario. 

To complicate the issue even further, there are the Russians.  The Russians are backing the government led Assad regime and have warned the United States about potential retaliation for military actions taken against Syrian military.  The Russians are trying to deter the use of force and are negotiating with President Assad to turn over chemical weapons to the international community.

Have you watched, read or heard anything about the situation in Syria?  What do you think the United States should do?  Please provide reasons for your opinion.  

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ashton Kutcher Role Model?

If you had asked me to list the top 50 Hollywood role models, Ashton Kutcher would not have made the list.  It is not that I had anything against him, I just would not have considered him.  My only exposure to Ashton is through the movies he has been in, his enjoyment in punking people, and replacing Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men.  All of that changed on August 13th.  

While giving an acceptance speech at the Teen Choice Awards, Ashton completely changed my mind and my impression of him.  Taking full advantage of the situation and his audience, he delivered one of the most inspirational and classy speeches I have had the privilege of hearing.  He left his audience with three things:

1.  What opportunity looks like
2.  What is sexy
3.  The difference between living a life and building one

After watching the video, what do you think about Ashton’s ideas?  Why do you think he is sharing these ideas at this moment and with this audience?  Do you have any role models?  What is your definition of a role model?