Tuesday, April 2, 2013

North Korea

The United States is taking recent threats by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea seriously.  The DPRK, or North Korea, has communicated it is a state of war with South Korea and the United States.  Kim Jong Un, the 30 year old leader of North Korea, is threatening to attack United States bases in Korea and in other places in the Pacific. 

Kim Jong Un is using the recent military exercises conducted by the United States and South Korea as a catalyst to rally his nation behind the idea of being the victim of the aggressions of their neighbors and America.  The propaganda deployed by the North Korean government is shocking but effective with the people of North Korea.

The threats from North Korean’s head of state is nothing new.  Kim Jong Un’s father and grandfather have been saber rattling about the United States and South Korea since the armistice was reached in the 1953, ending the fighting of the Korean War.  While the threats are nothing new, the variables have changed.  Kim Jong Un is young and unpredictable.  His inexperience in world affairs concerns leaders in our state department and Pentagon.  In addition, North Korea, while still lacking the necessary technology to launch an attack on the United States, their nuclear and warfare technology is far more advanced than it was a year ago.

While the United States and South Korea are preparing for potential attacks, they are trying to figure out what North Korea wants and how they can put an end to the rhetoric.  The recent statements from Kim Jong Un can be for a number of reasons including:

1.        An attempt to coerce the South Koreans and the United States to provide additional aid the North Korea

2.       Demonstrating North Korea’s resentment and anger towards the United Nations about recent sanctions against North Korea due to their unauthorized nuclear weapon testing

3.       An attempt to distract the North Korean people from their current economic struggles and give them some national issue to rally behind

4.       A desire to show strength to his people and over compensate for his lack of age and experience

The most tragic part of the story is the plight of the people of North Korea.  Since the government controls access to information, the people do not understand the realities of the world outside of the DPRK.  They truly believe everything they hear from the government and the lies about the United States.  These are people who are starving.  They lack the basic needs of survival.  Instead of the government investing in their people, they continue to invest in warfare technology.   

What do you think about the threats from North Korea?  How should the United States respond?  How should the United States respond if North Korea attacks South Korea or a United States base in Asia?


  1. Sam-What I think about the threats from North Korea is that well, I really don’t know why they are even threating us in the first place. The DPRK can’t even land a missile strike against us. I don’t think that North Korea really knows just how wealthy and powerful of a country we are. I am not really sure how he can get any momentum against us. I feel that Jin Kong Un is and always will be underfunded and under armed compared to us. For our allies, this could be a problem. Korea has limited range on their missiles, and we know that the only way that they can get long range war-heads is by either acquiring them from their allies, or by developing them on their own within however long it takes them to come up with those types of ranged weapons. The question is, how do we prepare and prevent the DPRK from landing a nuclear strike on any of our allies, and even better, no land or sea at all. The USA should be making sure that North Korea knows that if a nuclear missile is launched at any country, then there will be consequences for their actions and that Jin Kong Un is held responsible for his actions for letting this missile be launched in the first place. The USA needs to let North Korea know that again, the launching of a missile will not be unnoticed and that they will not act without negative consequences. The USA should be prepared to defend ourselves and we should be ready for anything. The USA should also make sure that its allies are prepared as well. The only thing that we can really do is be prepared. If we then are attacked or attempted to be attacked then we will wither defend ourselves until we can come up with a peace treaty, or we will take immediate action into delivering a blow to North Korea.

  2. Elizabeth- I think that these threats from South Korea are just lies. I don't believe that they are going to attack us. But you never know they could let's hope not though we don't want a war . To respond to this the USA should notify more people if they do not know what is going on. If They attack us we should try to get them out and put up more bases to try and keep them from sending bombs at the USA. If they attack South Korea then we should try to also keep them out of there but not attack just be there for South Korea to fall on.

  3. Mackenzie- I think that the threats from North Korea are ridiculous and try should back down. Well we don't want another Cuban missile crisis so we don't want a taste of their own medicine. I would say that we should try to find out want North Korea wants. We should probably prepair for it to happen and if I dosent we will prepare for nothing but if it does happen then we will be prepared for when that tragic day comes.

  4. Henry- I dont even know why North Korea is giving us threats. They should respond by always being ready. We should take as a sign or a warning that we could be next on their list of countries to attack.

  5. Claire- I think the people of America should believe that the threats are real, and should be prepared, even though they probably aren't real. The United States should tell the American people if North Korea is going to attack, we should be prepared if it does happen. If North Korea attacks South Korea or a United States base in Asia, like I said, the U.S. should warn the people that it happened to South Korea or one of our military bases, and it could very well be us next. If the U.S. tells the people, they will be prepared, but just like the Cuban Missile Crisis, the people will probably freak out, and think that it will happen.

  6. Margaret- I think that there is no reason for North Korea is even giving us threats but if they are real and maybe they are then the United States should be prepared and ready for what is coming. The U.S. shoud repond by being ready for what is going to happen and tell the people that they will try their best to get North korea to stop aiming at us. I think that if North Korea attacts South Korea or the U.S. base in asia then everyone should be prepared and the goverment should do their best in protecting us and the U.S.

  7. Madeline- I think the threats from North Korea are not really something to worry about at this moment. There are much more important things in this world that acquire our attention, rather than a threat from a small country that can’t even feed its people. The United States should keep an eye on things, but attend to the more urgent maters. If North Korea does attack South Korea or a United States base in Asia, then we should defend our most important places and ourselves.

  8. Grace- North Korea is being unreasonable and stubborn. There is no reason for North Korea to be threatening the United States or South Korea. I believe that the United States and South Korea should stand together and go against North Korea. We should go and help attack North Korea if they attack them. If they attack any of our bases in Asia, then we should get involved and do something.

  9. Charlie- I think the threats from North Korea are just to scare and antagonize the USA. I think the United States should respond aware, but not to overly aware of it. I think that we should help as soon as possible and defiantly attack if necessary depending on the circumstance we are in.

  10. Jack-North korea is the most unreasonable country in the world. The dont have enough power to destroy America. it would be like japan destroying china it does not work out.

  11. Austin- I think the threats from korea are just stupid. I think everyone is just so worried about it actuallly happening that they dont actually think about it. The united states should respond by staying calm and think of a good idea. I think they should respond by just keeping the united states safe. I do not think they should just go attack becuause they are threatened.

  12. welles- i think that the threats from korea are stupid. the US shoud just be calm and not have a large reaction because then korea will think that they could do it. we need to attack if they attack because then they would keep attacking and then it would get really bad.

  13. Graci- I think the threats from North Korea are unreasonable. They should not be trying to intimidate the United States or South Korea by nuclear weapons. The United States and South Korean governments should tell the people so we are prepared if North Korea does attack. If they do attack, the USA and South Korea should work together. If North Korea attacks a USA military base in Asia or South Korea, we should try to be prepared and try protect as many people as we can. But, we shouldn't start using nuclear weapons back to North Korea, unless they kill thousands of people, because we and North Korea could start a nuclear war, and neither country would win.

  14. Emily- I think threats from North Korea are just unreasonable and we don't need to really worry about them at the moment. We are prepared if they do decide to actually attack. I mean, North Korea has threatened us a ton, but they've never actually succeeded at sending over nuclear weapons. We shouldn't pay attention, unless the threats get very serious. We should always be prepared and never be off guard. If North Korea attacks a military base in South Korea or Asia then we should make sure that those military bases are prepared in case they do attack. Making sure no innocent people get hurt is also a big part in this. Also, instead of attacking North Korea before they get the chance to attack us, we need to protect people as much as we can, as well as protecting the military bases in South Korea and Asia.

  15. Kylee-I think the threats ae fake and they are just trying to sike us out. We should respond by always staying ready. The way the usa should respomd if north korea attacks south korea or our us base in asia is get5 ready anfd attack them.

  16. I don't think Korea will attack us because if they do they will lose china as an ally. I think the united states should prepare for the worst just in case but I don't think much will happen. I think the USA should respond in sending an attack towards korea to tell them what they are doing is not right

  17. Robert Fritz- I think that the threats from North Korea are immature and basically just a form to get back at the U.S. However I don't really know what they're trying to accomplish by sending us threats. The only result of war is hatred and blood shed. Ever heard of the phrase'' Haters got to hate''. Thats basically what's going on here. I think that the U.S should not just think of this as a false alarm because we as a country need to prepare for warfare the best we can and hopefully scare them out of their revenge. I don't really want to go into war because i don't want these crazy koreans coming out of nowhere and nuking Idaho. I think that they should send a message saying that if you attach another area we will be authorized to fight back. I would tell them this because unnecessary blood shed is not worth revenge. I don't believe that they will attach this year though because if they do we'll definitely give them a run for their money. Or because since we're the the U.S we will just take them out before they become a threat to us. I remember them giving us treats a will ago and that ha escalated a bit so I think that the president will have to find out some way to make a treaty with these crazy North Koreans. Just look at their presidents age. He may be young and healthy but he has no experience in war. Hopefully someone will point that out and this unreasonable threatening war will become settled.

  18. Victoria-I think that the threats from North Korea are just to scare us but we should still stay aware of them just to be safe. If the US responds they should warn everyone but also be ready to be attacked. i dont think that North korea will attack us but if they do it is better to be safe than sorry.

  19. Emile- I think its as scary a being at war with russia. I think the U.S. should not attempt to make an agreement with north korea and stand prepped for any attack.If North Korea decides to attack we should proceed with caution and hold Kim Jon Un captive and tell them to give over all weapons of theirs.

  20. mckai- I think the threats are unrealistic but could happen and there misels could probably hit Hawaii. I think we should dough them but be respectful and not insult them. We should not fire a nuke at them but destroy the misel before it hits any thing

  21. "BEN" i think that we should threaten them with our advanced technology so north Korea will STOP!!!!!!

  22. I think that we should respond by blowing up their bases and respond aggressively. Connor


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