Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Earth Day 2013

April 22 marks the 33 Earth Day in the United States.  The idea for a day dedicated to the environment originated 7 years earlier by Senator Gaylord Nelson.  He was concerned over the lack to awareness and regulations of the pollutants being released into our world. 

Now more than 30 years later, Earth Day and its organizers have increased public awareness of pollutants, identified and promoted “green” acts, have leveraged our schools and communities to enhance the knowledge and dedication of our youth to the cause, and countless other accomplishments. 

The Earth Day website ( is tracking personal pledges to commit “green” acts.  The pledges include recycling grocery bags, unplugging appliances, recycle paper and plastic, and buying more local food.  While each of these acts may seem futile on their own, the impact of the collected group across the globe will have a significant impact on our environment, especially over an extended period of time.  To date the website has over 1 billion personal pledges.  

What do you think of Earth Day?  What are some additional ways we can support Earth Day at school and in our community?  What are things you do at home?  Are there any additional activities you would be willing to commit to at home to support “green” living?


  1. Charlie- I think Earth day encourages people to stay clean, but also some people act like another day comes in and goes away without embracing earth day. Now that I think about it, I myself did not do much except say it is Earth Day. I think that we should encourage reducing reusing and recycling a little more at St.Joes. I try as hard as I can to make sure to put things like thrash in the thrash can and recyclable stuff in the recycling bin. Like I just said, I think we all are lazy sometimes and just need to think about what we do. I think just staying aware and being on top of it is a way to stay clean in any aspect in life.

  2. jack-I think earth day makes people want to be clean. St Joes is one of the best and cleanist schools in idaho. If you reduse reuse and resicle yu are doing good for the comunity around you.

    1. Jack- Other ways that we can support Earth day in our comunity is by encouraging other people to recycle. This will ot only save america money but it will help the environment

  3. Austin- I really like earth day because it encourages people to recycle. Some additonal ways that we can support Earth day in our comunity is by encouraging other people to recycle. Don't just tell people that you know. You should tell everyone. At home my family and I recycle everthing we can to keep the world a clean place. There are some additinal acticites that I would be willing to do. I am really willing to do anything to keep the world clean. One thing that I am planning on doing though is cleaning up parks, streets, and schools. Remember to stay green!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Grace- Earth Day is a great day to really stop and think about how you are reducing, reusing and recycling to help the planet. It's also nice to have a day reserved for the Earth because people usually don't think about helping and taking care of our planet. Earth Day is when you get to actually think about it and you go out and do something like plant a tree. I think it's great. Some ways of supporting Earth Day at school is maybe take the whole school out to a park or something and have everyone plant trees for the day. Or, if we really need to have some classes, maybe we could not use any electronics while in class like computers or smartboards. Some ways of supporting Earth Day in our community is if everyone washes their clothes in the sinks with soap and then drying them outside on ropes, like in the old-fashioned days. Or maybe everyone walks or rides their bikes to school instead of cars. At home I would be willing to not use any electronics for the whole day.

  5. Sam-Earth day is a day celebrated to the Earth. I think that it is good that we have an Earth Day in the first place. Sometimes it is not as convenient to do the Earthly thing. The Earth is just borrowed from the nest generation. It’s good to raise awareness about these kinds of the things; people need to know what they are doing to the environment. This day is just really good to have, it benefits everybody. Some additional ways we can celebrate earth day is to just think about how we impact the earth each and every day. If we can reduce how much impact we make on the environment, then we will be successful in fulfilling our promise to the world. Also doing things like planting trees, cleaning up trash, and various things will help in the end of making our earth a cleaner place. Getting outside will help the environment because it makes people not want to leave trash and other waste outside. They see how beautiful the earth is and they then want to protect it. Some things that I do by myself to protect the environment is I try to not use plastic water bottles. Those types of bottles consume so much energy in trying to make them. They also take forever to be broken down in a land fill. Also I try not to leave the water running when I brush my teeth. I try to get outside whenever I can, but playing on the Wii uses electricity. So I try to get outside as much as possible. Some additional activities I would be willing to do or participate in for Earth day are trying to go one day without going on electronics. That would reduce my energy usage. Also just being open minded on the whole “save the earth” will help me to be greener in my lifestyle.

  6. Claire- Earth Day encourages people to think about what they throw away, like plastic bags, and what harm it can do to the Earth. It is a great day to give back to the Earth for all the things it has given us. Some additional ways we can support Earth Day at school and in our community is to educate kids on why it is important to clean up the Earth. Also to recycle at home and at school so it will encourage kids to do the same. Some things that I do at home are recycling, using reusable grocery bags, and limiting the amount of plastic bags we throw away. Some additional activities I am willing to commit at home to support "green" living are to carpool more often, and also, like Sam said, to reduce energy usage.

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  8. Robert - I think that earth day is a really great way to help the environment. Even though we should be giving are all already to help the environment it's nice to have a day thats dedicated to earth because without it where would we be. Earth Day is also a fun day to learn and tech more facts about the earth like garbage pollution helps kill animals or leaking poisonous gases into lakes and rivers. Some additional ways to support Earth Day at school and our community would be to teach about it at school and have parties in the community to celebrate Earth Day. Some things that I do at home would be occasionally picking up trash around the neighborhood or wherever i am. I also help my parents plant trees and plants of the yard. Other activities that I could do at home to help the earth and the environment would be to add money to a fund to stop the deforestation of the Amazon Forest. We only have one earth so we should try to preserve it with the help of Earth Day.

  9. Madeline Earth day is a day when we should stop and think about the planet we live on, and how we can take care of it. What can we do? We can reduce, reuse, and recycle. We can at school and in our community, recycle paper that we use, and reuse plastic bags. We can plant trees, use pesticides correctly, and not harm the animals living around us. At home I recycle paper. We have a drawer that we keep all our plastic bags in to reuse. We just planted four new fruit trees in our orchard. We also have three beehives now, because honeybees are in trouble and need help. At home before I recycle paper, I could be more carful and check to see if I could reuse that paper for something else.

  10. Elizabeth- I think Earth Day is a great way to celebrate this creation that God gave us. A way we can show that we celebrate Earth Day is planting a garden at our school. Another idea is to use resuseable things insted of throwing away things. Things we can do at home to care for the earth is we can plant a garden not litter and reduce resuse and recycle. I would walk to school for a week to cut down on car exhaust if my hose wasn't so far from school. I would also try to cut down on using plastics because it takes a long time to break them down.

  11. Graci- I think Earth Day is a great way to help people to stop and think what God created for us. Also, to let people know that we need to stop polluting the Earth or it could get destroyed. Additional ways we can support Earth Day in our school and community is to reduce, reuse and recycle more at our school. Instead of bringing plastic water bottles, we can use the Earth healthy water bottles. At home, we could reuse plastic water bottles (like refilling them) instead of throwing them out. Things I can do to stay "green" living is to pick up trash I see laying around in public.

  12. Kylee-I think earth day is a creative way to get the word out to the world that we are killing this earth and that its our home. One way you can help in your neighborhood is to recycle and get the word out. Things you can do at school is tell everyone to bring reusale contaners. Yes I would committe to doing this at home and school.

  13. Victoria- I think that earth day is a day that people should be environmentally causious of the world around each and everyone of us. Its also a day to be thankful for the nature and beauty God gave us. I think to support earth day at our school we should bring a plastic bag to school for lunch, and then after we are done, we can reuse it and then recycle it. At home we can recycle the things that need to be recycled instead of just throwing them in the trash.

  14. Emily- Earth Day helps people realize that they need to care for the Earth more. At St. Joes, we need to recycle more bring water bottles and not use plastic water bottles. AT home we never use plastic water bottles and we reuse some things. In the community we should bring our own shopping bag whenever we go shopping and plant more trees and other plants so our community looks clean and healthy.

  15. Henry- Earth day is very important to everybody. Some additional things that we can do at school and our communities is REDUCE, REUSE, and then recycle and not put harmful substances in our air. We can do the same things maybe use filtered water containers. Our school could invest in these filtered water bottle insted of the plastic water bottles.

  16. Emile-Earth day i think is a great time to actually think about whats around you and how to perserve it for you generation and more to come. Personally I think to improve earth day just take the bus to work do a car pool and dont litter but as a school we could go out and pick up trash on the parks or clean up the Boise river. I dont play video games because it uses earth energy and i walk to tennis practice instead of taking the car. get a hybrid if you want to be "greener" in our community.

    -I am Emile Murdock and I approve this message

  17. Ben- earth day my opinion of earth day is that its a day of celebrating and honoring earth and its greatess when people plant trees and grow gardens to help the earth

  18. Margaret- I think earthday is a wonderful thing to have in the United States. You can pick up garbage and helpout in your community more. Aslo at home you can recycle. Hvea glass, reclyclijng, and garbage pin to keep everything separate.

  19. welles- i think earth day is awesome day to celebrate the world we live on. at school we can recycle and reuse. at home we can turn off lights walk places, not watch so much tv.

  20. mckai- I think Earth day is cool because the world needs a day to owner the creation of the world. In our school we should reuse more than recycle and reduce. I planted one cherry tree and usually 5 rose bushes. hang the earth day flag, plant more trees for people and me


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