Thursday, March 14, 2013

New York Soda Ban

On Tuesday of this week New York City was set to implement a new mandate passed down from Mayor Michael Bloomberg eliminating the sale of sugary drinks in quantities greater than 16 ounces in restaurants, movie theaters, and other food service establishments.  At the last hour a New York Supreme Court justice struck down the law, but the mayor vows to fight the appeal.

This is just one of a series of city ordinances the mayor has implemented dealing with public health issues.  Earlier in his term he has pushed to disallowed smoking in restaurants and bars in the city, banned the distribution of food containing artificial trans-fats and the posting of calorie counts at chain restaurants.  His rationale is to look out for the well being of the citizens of New York City.  The fact is that 60% of adults and 4 of 10 children in New York City are overweight.  It is the definition of a health crisis. 

While the obesity rate for New York City is 24% among adults, which is below the national average of 35%, the trend for adults contracting Type 2 Diabetes is outpacing the nation.  According to the Huffington Post, the United States pays $245 billion each year battling Type 2 Diabetes. 

According to Mayor Bloomberg, “It would be irresponsible not to try to do everything we can to save lives.”

The Supreme Court of New York struck down the ordinance calling it "fraught with arbitrary and capricious consequences".  Some of the difficulties with the ban include establishments run by the state, not the city, would not have to abide by the ruling.  For example, because 7-11 is monitored by the state of New York, it does not fall under the city’s jurisdiction.  Therefore, the sale of Big Gulps would not be affected.

Mayor Bloomberg has vowed to continue this fight in spite of the court’s ruling.  He is committed to doing whatever he can to improve the overall health of New York City, by whatever means available to him as mayor.

What do you think about the ban of sugary drinks in New York?  Is Mayor Bloomberg acting responsibly or is he over-extending the powers of his job and violating peoples’ right to choose?  Do you think obesity is an issue in our country?  If so, does the government have a responsibility to do something about it?  


  1. Margaret- I think that banding sugary drinks is cray cray. He is violating peoples' right to choose because he does not need to teach them how to live. Yes i do think obesity is a problem in our country and we need to help that but not be taking away all of our sugary drinks because every drink has sugar in it but water. No i don't think they have the responsibility to do something about it because they dont controle us and if we want to be fat and live that kind of a life we can.

  2. Emily- Banning sugary drinks is weird to me. All people drink them, some more than others, but it doesn't mean that they should be banned. Mayor Bloomberg is obviously violating peoples' right to choose. Yes, I do think that obesity is a problem in our country, but sugary drinks are not the problem to it. The main problem is not eating healthy and not working out. Government can give suggestions, but they shouldn't make laws about how healthy we should be. Maybe some people just don't want to live the healthy life, or can't help it. Plus, making a law on it is wrong and just says something about our government and how they like to control us and our lives.

  3. Sam- I think that this ban on sugary drinks is a step in the right direction, and that if our health is this bad, especially in New York City where this is needed. This ban should have happened a long time ago when this problem was not such a problem. I think that the US government should have seen this problem coming before it became such a big deal. Something should have been done earlier to prevent such a big problem. I don’t know why Mayor Bloomberg would even oppose this ban. If he wanted he wanted for his city to be a healthy city then he shouldn’t resist this ban in the least. The statistics don’t lie, your town is mostly obese and you want to oppose a law that would help your city. He is acting irresponsibly and he has violated his duty as mayor to not just be liked by the people, but to take care of them as well. And by resisting this ban he has failed the second part of being a mayor. I do think that obesity is a problem in our problem and that we need to do something about that because according to statistics, most of us are obese. I think that it is the government’s job to make sure something is done about our health crisis; the government should be somewhat responsible about our health.

  4. Mackenzie- I think that the cut back on sugary drinks is good and bad because we will be cutting back on sugar but some people who drink one every day might not be prepared to not have it anymore. I think that he is kind of taking it too far because he is not allowing people to make their own disisiuan. I actually think that it is not a problem in the country because it is worse in some places than others.

  5. Grace- The ban of sugary drinks in New York is, in my opinion, reasonable and logical. Mayor Bloomberg is responsible because as a mayor, one of your jobs is to make the city a better place. He is doing that by helping the people be healthy and get better. It's not like he's banning all soda, he's just banning sugary drinks in quantities greater than 16 ounces in restaurants, movie theaters, and other places. Obesity is sort of an issue in our country because there are tons of people that are obese, and that can cause a shorter life expectancy. Like what Mayor Bloomberg said, we need to try to save people's lives because everyone deserves to live on Earth for as long as they want. Everyone who is obese is trying to eat better and be healthy, and a little help from the government is useful and greatly appreciated.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Robert Fritz- I think that the ban of sugary drinks is stupid and unreasonable because to all of those people that are obese, if they really are overweight then I don't believe that banning just one size is a good decision because if those obese people really like eating unhealthy then that's not going to stop them. All that they would need to do is by two drinks the size below 16 oz which could just increase spending and increase the obesity rate. However to some obese people this will help because it could be a little wall to cross or be a notification to cut down on sweets. Mayor Bloomberg is definitely abusing his power because even at hospitals if a patient is about to die from a serious injury or accident if they're capable to think then they may choose if they will have treatment or not. Basically it's good to try to help people loss weight but that's the citizens choice, not his. I do think that obesity is a problem in the U.S but because choosing to be obese is a right we just need to try to influence people to become skinnier by showing all the benefits your hard work to become skinny could help you. The government does not have this problem as a responsibility because again it's not their choice to make but they could still try to help make people be more enthusiastic to becoming less over weight.

  8. Madeline- I thank that the ban of sugary drinks in New York is rational and logical. I think that Mayor Bloomberg is acting responsibly by making this decision, because if the people are not going stop drinking all that soda which they know is really bad for them, than he has the right to take the initiative. I think that the obesity level in our country is way to high, and part of that is because the amounts of soda people drink. The government has part of the responsibility to do something about obesity, because who will pay to cure the people when they get sick from being way overweight? The rest is up to us. If we can’t stop ourselves from buying a gigantic soda at the movie theater, then yes, maybe the government should make it harder to buy one.

  9. ben: i think that would be a hard decision to ban sugary drinks just think of the drinks that he likes and isnt gatorrade a sugary drink.?

  10. Austin- I think its ridiculous that the state government has to waste time to monitor how much suger a person can have. I agree he has over stepped his government responsibility. I think obesity is a problem in our country but I do not think that the government should have to monitor what people drink. They should let people make their own decisions.

  11. Elizabeh- This bann on sugary drinks over 16oz is smart but people have the right to choose if they want this in their body. The mayor is being a bit to over ruleing he cant tell people to not drink all that. Yes this is a major problem because people could die from it and also die from diabties. The goverment is not your doctor so technically they dont have anything to do with this or stop it.

  12. Claire- The ban on sugary drinks in New York is reasonable because way to many people in this country walk out of places with a 32 oz. custom cup filled with their favorite sugary drink. Even though Mayor Bloomberg banned the sale of sugary drinks over 16 oz., it's not like that is going to stop anyone. Mayor Bloomberg is acting responsibly because he is concerned about people's weight and what they consume. I think obesity is a huge problem in the United States especially in children. The children see their parents drink sugary drinks, and they think it is okay for them to drink it too. The government doesn't really have a responsibility to do something about it because all the people that drink sugary drinks don't really care, won't listen, and won't stop drinking those drinks.

  13. Jack- This is a good because if you want obesedy in amerca you would think in a diffrent manor but i think it is to far for someone to get a 32oz soda i mean thats crazy.

  14. jack- a 16oz is even enough and i think it is a good move but people should be able to get what they want.

  15. Charlie- I think that the ban of sugary drinks over 16oz is good and bad. It is good because it limits the amount of sugar in your body, it is bad because it violates the rule of freedom to chose want you want. The mayor is being responsible in that he is doing the right thing for his state, but i think that the people should have a say in this change. i think that obesity is a fat problem in the USA and we need to help stop it, so in this case Mayor Bloomberg is making a good choice. The government does not really have a big responsibility because like what Claire said people will buy 2 drinks or just not really care.

  16. Kylee-the ban of sugary drinks is a really good idea to stop obeastity. I think he is makeing a good decision to help people who its hard for them to stop eating and drinking bad things. I think it is a BIG issue in our coutry. Yes I do think the goverment is responsible for some of it because they chould make that same law every where and it whould help people not be so tempted.

  17. Isaiah-I think the ban of soda is good because he is trying to something to stop obesity. At the same time freedom is what started this country. I think a better thing to do is to either ban all soda dispensers or no soda for 8th grade and under. I think people have the right to choose whether they drink soda or not but i still think it is ridiculous how they know what will be coming but they dnt do anything. Obesity is a problem in the U.S. due to how much money we spend on curing type 2 diabetes

  18. Mckai- I think it is perfectly fine restricting that because movie theaters could say drinks over 32oz. from some where else cost $1.00 to get a refill or something like that. I think he is doing his job fine if any one disagrees so be it. Yes I do I think that if we americans can get on better diet than that rate will go down but we figured out what food is good and bad. I think he does because it effects the economy big time in america.

  19. Emile-its an ok law but honestly i think that controlling people and what they drink and do is their decision. I do think it violates peoples rights because its not a "free choice". yes but if its in New York i wouldn't mind it as much because we dont have the ban. I do not think the government is responsable but Michel Obama is trying to help but she is not employed by the government and she is still trying to help.

  20. welles- the mayor;s law really wasnt very good because it won't stop people who want more will just buy more of them untill they are happy with the amount. he is over extending his power because this wont stop it. the government does have to do something about obesity because it is a problem but they need to do it in a more effective way than this.

  21. Graci- The mayors law was fair and not fair. Both yes and no, he banned people from making their own decisions but it will also help stop obesity in the United States. Yes, I think obesity is a big issue in our country. The government could help by not putting as many fast food places in one city or decreasing the number of fast food places in the whole country. But, the government should not make the choices for the people, citizens get to to choose what they want to do.

  22. Henry-I think that the banning of sugary drinks is really ridiculous,I mean kids and even adult love them. I think that mayor Bloomberg is overusing his power of the people. But yes, this is a problem in our country now that more people are being addicted to these drinks. The government does have a say in this because they can ban fat and sugary foods.


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