Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What A Week

This was a crazy week in the news.  There are so many stories I am having a hard time deciding which one to choose from.  Below are a summary of my top four:

Pope Benedict XVI Resigns

Pope Benedict has decided to retire after 8 years of service.  At the age of 85 he no longer feels as though he can completely fulfill the duties of the Papacy.  This breaks a 600 year tradition of the Pope serving until death.  The news of his chosen retirement has sparked many questions.  We may be witnessing the start of a new tradition of the Pope retiring instead of dying in office.  He has set the date of February 28 as his last.  The speculation of who the next Pope will be extensive until the Cardinals meet to elect the new Pontiff.

The State of the Union

The President’s annual message to Congress was delivered on Tuesday evening.  This is the time for the President to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year and set the presidential direction for the coming year.  With our current economic situation, many Democrats and Republicans were supportive and critical of the president’s ideas about how to best support the continued growth of our nation’s economy.  I have not read the complete text, but I did read about money dedicated to fixing bridges and roads in addition to a proposed increase in minimum wage.  In addition to the economy, the President addressed other matters of foreign affairs, including North Korea (see below).

Christopher Dorner, former LAPD, is thought dead after massive manhunt

Christopher Dorner, a former member of the LAPD, has been at large for the past week.  After being released from his position as a police officer, this former Naval reservist vowed to bring revenge on the police force and their families for his firing.  He killed the daughter and fiancé of a former co-worker last week.  After evidence indicting Dorner was found, a manifesto was discovered on Facebook in which he listed the names of his potential victims.  For the past week he has committed numerous crimes over and above murder.  On Tuesday evening he was allegedly found in a cabin in the mountain resort of Big Bear.  A shootout occurred between police and Dorner which resulted in an additional death and injury of San Bernardino officers.  Eventually, Dorner’s cabin caught on fire.  The police are still investigating to ensure Dorner was in the building at the time. 

North Korea Third Nuclear Test

On Monday evening, North Korea conducted its third nuclear weapons test.  The U.S. Seismological Department detected an earthquake with a 5.1 magnitude in the mountains of North Korea.  Later it was discovered and confirmed to be a nuclear tests carried out by the North Koreans.  North Korea is a communist state.  It is estimated that at least 25% of the country’s children live in absolute poverty.  One of the contributing factors is North Korea’s continued investment in nuclear warfare instead of investment in the necessities for its people.   This test was held against the direct wished of the United Nations and their biggest ally, China.  North Korea has continued to invest in weapons of mass destruction in order to defend itself against the cruel treatment and ongoing aggression of the United States.  Although many experts agree it will be sometime before North Korea will possess the ability to launch an attack against the United States, with each test they get one step closer.

Have you heard of any of the above stories?  What about the stories interests you?  Which story do you think is the most important and why?  


  1. Charlie- I have heard about all of these stories. The store that truly interests me is Pope Benedict decided to retire breaking the 600th year old tradition to serve to death.I think the it is going to be hard to chose a new Pope, also that I think it is getting a little suspicious that North Korea is doing all those nuclear weapons test.

  2. Isaiah- I have only heard about the pope resigning. I do think it is quite weird to try and kill youre own co-workers because they fired you. I think it is kind of cool how the pope can commit that he is getting a little old for the job. But Korea that is a little scary but the fact that a nuclear weapon can trigger an earthquake is pretty cool. I think the most important story is the nuclear weapons because they plan to launch it on the United states one day. But for today I think the pope resigning is pretty important since there are more than a million catholic/christians

  3. Grace- I have heard about two of the stories, the one about Pope Benedict the Sixteenth and the one about Cristopher Dorner. What interests me in the story about the Pope, is that we get to experience having the Pope retire and pick a new Pope. That's something that no one alive has ever seen before. I don't understand why someone would be so angry about being fired that they would go out and kill someone else's fiance and daughter. It's just so horrible. I think that the North Korean story is more important because it could lead to a war and affect a lot of people.

  4. Robert Fritz- I have heard of the story of Pope Benedict xvi Resigns but the reason to that is because since i live in a Catholic environment all of the kids at school talked about it which I eventually heard. Even though i didn't get on the internet Im sure to hear something from my fellow students. The story that interests me most is the story about the Pope because i'm interested in who is going to be the next Pope. The story that I think is the most important in my opinion would be the story about North Korea doing there THIRD Nuclear Test because I also think that most likely they will end up attaching us which could end up in a full-fledged war which could lead to a lot of funerals. Also because our president right now is so focussed in peace it's possible that he might not even do anything at all and if they do bomb us then he might just blame it on the earlier president Bush. I just hope that they can think for the country before something that they would regret happens.

  5. Claire- I have heard about Pope Benedict XVI resigning, and the manhunt for Christopher Dorner. I saw heard about these two stories from the Idaho Statesman. These two stories interest me the most because a Pope hasn't resigned in 600 years, and we will be some of the first people in our family to experience this. Also, I think it is scary that just because Christopher Dorner was fired, he has killed multiple people. I think the manhunt for Christopher Dorner is the most important because he is thought to be dead. That is good because if he was still alive, I bet he would commit numerous more crimes.

  6. Jack- I have heard about the pope. I think it will be a huge job to get a new pope because a breaking tradition has not happend in 600 years. I am exited to see who the new pope is but be sad to se an amazing man Pope Benedict XVl.

  7. Mackenzie- I heard that the pope was resigning because he is having health issues including his strength of mind and body. I think that his decision was good because he realized that he was unable to do his best for the church and its people. I also think it was a bad decision to resign because some people will be mad and say that he broke the 600 year tradition of being the pope until he died. I think the the story of the pope resigning is the most important mainly because I am catholic but also because he is seen a the holy figure of our church

  8. Sam-I have heard of all of the following but the North Korea and the LAPD officer I have heard the least about. I watched part of the State of the Union, President Obama spoke well to his ideas and his ways of moving forward. What interests me in these stories is since I am a member of the Catholic church then it should concern me if the Pope’s position would to change. I think that just being a Catholic I should know about those things. Any news about Korea or any communist nation seems to interest me because I have seen numerous movies about conflicts in those countries. I have always wanted to find out if what is told in the movie is true. I like to see what fact is or what fiction is. Korea, Vietnam, Iran, China, Russia all scare me in some way, mostly because I have seen too many movies about these countries. But I think that if I was to learn more about these countries then I probably wouldn’t be so scared. The state of the Union and the LAPD officer manhunt are mainly happenings in our country and those type of news articles I pay attention to as I like to stay informed but I tend to think more internationally. I think that the State of the Union is the most important because it’s mainly how the president wants this country to be run. This is very important because I like to be informed on what is going on in our country, I think that the State of the Union is broad and it covers most of what I hear in the news so I think that this news event is most important.

  9. Kylee- I heard of the pope Benedict one. The one that interests me is the one about the bomb because like Charlie said why would they be testing them. The one that was the most important was the presidents speech because he was telling everything he was going to improve.

  10. Emile-i have heard of the man Christopher and North Koreas nuclear tests plus the pope resining. I think to an extent that that all of theses storys are sad really but they do make and will make history but the most interesting one i think is North Korea is doing their nuclear tests are scaring me because if they even think to mess with us then they will be at the end of our gun barrel.

  11. Graci- I have heard the stories about the pope resigning and about North Korea's nuclear tests. The one that interests me the most is Pope Benedict XVI resigning because a pope hasn't resigned in 600 years. But, I think it's very humble of him to notice that he can't lead the church anymore because of his health issues. I think the North Korean story is the most important because the tests could hurt people or affect them.

  12. Emily- i heard about Pope Benedict XVI resigning and the state of the union. The story that is the most interesting is Pope Benedict XVI resigning. it hasn't been done in over 600 years, and that surprises me a lot. The nuclear tests in North Korea is the most important because it could someday impact the United States.

  13. welles- i have heard about pope benedict xvi resigning. the most interesting story is pope benedict xvi becuase no one has resined in 600 yrs. the most important is also about the pope because being Catholic he is the head of the church and a holy figure.

  14. victoria-I have heard of the story of our pope resigning. The pope's story interists me because no one would have ever thought that he would resign because n oone has done this in a long time. I think that the North korea's story because it can effect many people.

  15. Austin- I heard about Pope Benedict retiring. The story that interested me the most was the one about the weapons. I am not a really big fan of the whole weapond thing and stuff like that but I just think it is more interesting than the other stories. I think the most important story is about Pope Benedict. I think this because I think it is a big deal that he is breaking a six hundred year tradition of being Pope until death.

  16. Elizabeth- I have heard of the Pope stepping down and the man hunt police dude. I think the man hunt police guy interests me because i kinda wanna know why this guy just went on a killing spree. Also what was going throw this dudes head. The most important to me would be the Pope stepping don and passing his job to someone else. I mean that this is a lot to the Catholic faith because he is a leader who we can see.

  17. Margaret- NO, i have not heard any of these stories.I think that the fact so much is going on right now really interests me and i am surprised why would someone even hurt his family. The story that si most important to me is the one when the guy killed his dauter and wife and i think that because when something bad like that happens something is wronge with that man becasue i would never think of hurting my family not even my brothers.

    1. Margaret- actually i have heard one of these stories the one when the pope is resining sorry.! whoops

  18. mckai- I have only heard about the pope. most of these stories don't interest me they scare me. I think the nuclear testing is important because they could be or are planing a attack.

  19. Henry- I have heard of the pope story and the LAPD story. The one that is kor interesting to me is that LAPD story and trying to figure out why a former police officer would murder one of his own. The most important one to me is the pope story because this hasn't happened in 600 years and he is the leader in our church.

  20. i am so interested why the pope resigned because he was respected by everyone in the world and asked if he could resign from that :Ben


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