Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Michael Jordan Turns 50

On Sunday, February 17, Michael Jordan turned 50.  By many if not all he is considered the Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.).  He was incredible to watch play.  His physical, mental and emotional abilities were unrivaled.  He forever changed the game of basketball, not to mention to world of sports through his relationship with Nike.  

He was a six time NBA champion, 10 time NBA scoring leader, 6 time NBA finals MVP, 5 time NBA MVP, 11 time All-Star, 2 time Olympic Gold Medalist, and NCAA National champion in addition to many other honors. 

To become the Greatest of All Time did not just happen by accident.  It required constant practice and dedication to refine his craft.  Whenever he reached one pinnacle, he would look for the next challenge.  He was always trying to elevate his game.  He similarly worked to elevate the game of his teammates. 

His willingness to overcome obstacles has allowed him to become awesome.  If I may reference the Kid President, where would we be in Michael Jordan had quit?  No Space Jam.  He didn’t quit ever improving himself or his game. 

Whether it is sports, school, career, family, we all get the chance to be awesome and become the Greatest of All Time at something.  What do you want to be the Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.) at?  How will you share your gifts to make the world awesome and inspire others?  


  1. Grace- I want to be the Greatest of All Time at soccer, school, and whatever I will do in the future. I can share my gifts by volunteering, tutoring, doing community service, and spending time with other people because then I can show them what I know and help them with their struggles.

  2. Emile-well i am totally amazed by Michael Jordans performance in the NBA from his time span from about 1985-1995 for about 10 years. and if i could be G. O. A. T. i would love to be the greatest manga drawer of all time because i love art and i have a true passion for it. i would love to inspire others to be a inspiration for all people.

  3. Henry- I want to be the greatest player in basketball too but with Michael Jordan's career before me I'm not so sure that is possible, but I'm going to be the greatest that I can be. With this I will teach children and other people how to play the sport and help handicapped even play the sport of basketball.

  4. Elizabeth- I want to be the greatest singer who reaches her message out to people that don't really have a dream or passion. To share my musical gift I will write songs that inspire people to stand up and be them self's. Never try to copy any one just be the person God made you and never ever ever give up!!!

  5. Sam- I want to be the greatest of all time at everything, but that will never happen. I would like to be the best at engineering awesome things. Such as structures like the Hoover Dam and the Burj Dubai. I would like to be the one who is the man in charge for the super-structures. I want to be remembered as ‘the man who designed our world,’ or something in a similar context. I share my gifts by making it so that other engineers who word with me have an equal say in what I build. When I am head of a building project I want my co-workers to work with me so we can be more productive. I think that when you make something awesome than you already have inspired other people to follow in your footsteps. I have always been fascinated by Legos and I think that they continue to inspire me today.

  6. mckai- I would want to be the best fighter pilot in the world. I will do that by accomplishing the impossible and making it possible .

  7. Austin- I want to be the greatest all time at working with computers. I would share my gift with the world by making the Iphone 14s when I am older. I will help lots of people and inspire them by being really good with computers and other stuff similar to computers I hope I can change the world by bringing better electronics into the world and make this world a great place.

  8. Kylee- I want to be the greatest of all time at basketball, volleyball, and golf in women's league. I can share my good sportsmanship, positive attitude, and kindness to help these sports and the community be awesome.

  9. Robert Fritz- The thing that I would like to become the best in a business career because that way I could donate a lot of money to people in need of medical care or clean water. Basically I'd just liked to be recognized for my talents. The way that I would share my gifts to make the world a better place would be by helping out a lot of food shelters and donate things that people need more than me. Another thing that I would do is I would give motivational speeches to all the people that want to live the dream. The dream of making the world more awesome. I would say something kind of like this. You have the talent to do whatever you want. I'm not just saying that to. This isn't like when your parents say everything is going to work out perfectly because thats not true, but what is true is that if you don't just sit down and watch TV the whole day and do your best then you could very well live the dream. Live your dream.

  10. Claire- I would want to be the greatest of all time at women's basketball because I have a huge passion for it. I love going out onto the court with my friends (like Kylee) and having a great time. I would use my love for the sport, good attitude, and sportsmanship, to make the world awesome and inspire others. Something I could do to make the world awesome is become a basketball coach and help kids learn the sport and help them have fun with it. I love Michael Jordan, and I think he is a great role model for young athletes.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Jack- I want to be the greatest of all time no? I will be the greatest of all time is what a true competitor should say. I love Michael Jordan and what he has done. Kobe and Michael are the best players of all time. Kobe? 33,862 points to 32,292 and kobe is not done. Jordan spent his time in the d-league and i included that. i want to be a mix. the swag of kobe the fade of kobe the dunks of jordan the spirit of jordan and the team of kobe.

  13. welles- i want to be the greatest of all time in dance and what ever i will do in the future. i will share my gifts of positive attitude, kindness, and sportsman ship with others and my community. i want to use these as something that can help me do good and succeed in life.

  14. Mackenzie- I woud like to become the G.O.A.T at Tae-Kwon-Do and go to the Olympics. I would encourage children and young adults to follow your dream and never give up. I will share my gifts by helping children get active in a fun and exciting way to help fight obesity in children and adults.

  15. victoria- I would love to be the greatest engineer of all time. I would share my gifts to the world and succede in life by being kind and supportive to others

  16. Emily- I want to be the Greatest of All Time at soccer and whatever I do in the future. I will spread my gifts by being nice to others and helping people with what they need help with and maybe even help people learn to play soccer.

  17. Charlie-I want to be the G.O.A.T at ski racing or lacrosse. So that I can show kids that they can be what ever they want to be with a good education and a passion it mind. Also I want to be a great father or what ever I turn out to be, and care for what needs to be cared for.

  18. Madeline-I want to be the greatest veterinarian, student, and anything that I must accomplish in the future. I want to do this, because I want to be the best at what I do. I will use these things that I want to achieve, to inspire others to always try their best at everything, especially those things that you want to be good at.

  19. Graci-I want to be the Greatest of All Time at competitive dance. I love dance a lot and I have a huge passion for it. To inspire and share my gifts and talents with other people are I could help people who are struggling in technique, flexibility, etc. in dance.

  20. Margaret- I want to be the greatest friend, daughter, doctor, student, gymnast, tennis player, and competitive dancer. To inspire other people and share my gifts to people, I want to do my best in everything and share my talent with everyone.

  21. Ben: i want to be an amazing basketball player to inspire people all over the world


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