Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Super Bowl Commercials

Chances are if you did not watch the Super Bowl you have heard about the commercials.  Super Bowl commercials have taken on a life of their own.  They have become bigger than the game itself for many people.  I must admit, even I, who turns the channel every time a commercial airs, was anxious to watch the new batch of advertisements to Super Bowl XLVII.

Advertising during the Super Bowl is a gamble.  You have to hope that the cost of the ad will pay off with the increase in business.  History has shown the commercials work, but even then there are only a few companies that can afford to spend $3.8 million on one 30 second advertisement.  But companies like Budweiser, Doritos, and  Go Daddy.com seem to ante up each year.

While the commercials and the budgets have gotten bigger, many are beginning to question whether the advertisements still meet the family entertainment the Super Bowl tries to promote.   As the years have progressed the ads have become closer to PG-13 to R rated than PG. 

I have attached a link to the commercials below.  Go down about half way down the page and you can view all of them.

The commercial at the top was my favorite, followed by the Budweiser commercial with the Clydesdale. 

Which commercial was your favorite and why?  What is your reaction to the cost of a 30 second commercial?  Do you think it is worth it?  What do you think about the content of some of the commercials?  Have the commercials become to risqué?  


  1. Charlie- I never had a chance to watch the super bowl because I was on a 7 hour car trip. I did have a chance to listen to it in the car. I did get a chance to watch the Doritos commercial and I thought that was very funny. WOW!! is my reaction to the crazy cost of a 30 second commercial. Like I said before I never had a chance to watch the super bowl but I think that a PG-13 and almost R rated content is very unreasonable considering that my 4 year old sister was watching it. Yes, just look at the Mercedes Benz commercial or the Beyonce performance.

  2. -Sam-My favorite commercial was the two Doritos commercials but I have to give it to the Budweiser one with the Clydesdales, it really was touching. What made these commercials funny is the sheer ridiculousness of these clips. I assumed that since the Super Bowl sees one of the largest audiences in all of television then the advertisement cost was going to be high but not as quite as I had anticipated. My guess was about a million give or take a few hundred thousand. The small window that these companies have to make a good impression is very small. This use of a company’s money is not a very good ‘bang for your buck’. I think that the content of this year’s commercials are worse than previous years, especially the KIA one where the dad makes a save using the voice control. I don’t think that it has gone too far, but it might be pushing it a little. Not all commercials have not inappropriate content but I think that commercials can be close to be having a not right commercial where families cannot watch toghther.

  3. ben: my favorite commercial was the jello comercial because it said even tho we lost we got jello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. mckai- My favorite comical is th ADUI comical because his dad gives him the keys to his car the kid gets pumped up and happy goes to the prom kiss prom queen the prom king gives him a black eye and he drives away really really happy. I was amazed . I think it is worth it your business goes up if it is a good commercial. I thought it was really good.

  5. Kylee- I watched the Super Bowl but I didn't really watch the commercials but I did watch the one for big daddy.com. My reaction to the price was like Charlie said WOW!!!!!!!! I do think it would be worth it because a ton of people would know about what you are trying to sell. The content of the big daddy one I would rate it R because I could not imagine my brother or sister watching that.

  6. Robert Fritz- my favorite commercial from the Super Bowl was probably the Doritos commercial because I really thought it was kind of funny when the dog was holding the bag of Doritos and bribed the person so that he would not tell anybody that the dog ate the cat, and then when the mans wife asks him where the family cat is the man just looks over at he window and sees the dog just sitting there with a bag of Doritos and because the Doritos are so good the man just looks over at his wife and straight out lies by shaking his head and saying no My reaction to the cost of a commercial is that it is a ton of money but can be worth it. I would think that because the Super Bowl has such a huge watching audience that the price might be reasonable because when viewers see a commercial it doesn't take a lot of people to buy their product over how many people are watching the Super Bowl. I think that some of the content for the commercials is pretty violent but other commercials like for example Mr. Grant's favorite commercial can acually tell a story then rather just seeing crazy, and weird commercials. I don't think that all of the commercials are risqué but a few of them are because if a younger kid or possibly a toddler sees it then the commercials should be toned down a little bit but I really think that It just matters on the average viewers age.

  7. Mackenzie- my favorite commercial is the one when the parents are telling the kid about baby landia where all the babies come from because when i was little i would tell my parents that all the babies come from a place called baby world. we thought that was coincedental. I think that the cost is very high for just a 30 second commercial but it is worth it ti know that lot of people just saw the one commercial that you made and they will laugh for days. I think that some containt in the commercial i shot tword adults more than kids but kids get some of them so it balances out. i think that the ommercials have not become risque'

  8. Jack- My favorite super bowl commercial is the Doretoz chips because the dad was going out with his friends then the daught said play Queen the dad said no. Then she showed him the chips. I also love the ones with the goat for sale.

  9. Claire- My favorite commercial was the Doritos commercial with the goat because it was really funny. My reaction to the cost of a 30 second commercial is Holy Cow! Like Mackenzie said, I think it is worth it considering how many people watch those commercials. I think the content of the Doritos commercial should be rated G because I think little kids would think it is funny. On the other hand, the commercial about baby landia, like Mackenzie said, is meant for adults and teens mostly. I think that the commercials have become a little risque, but for the most part, not really.

  10. Grace- My favorite commercial was the doritos one with the goat because it's funny to see the goat scream when the guy took all the doritos. I guess it's worth spending that much money because a lot of people will watch the super bowl and they'll see the commercial, so the company will sell more of their products. Some commercials are very unappropiate for kids.

  11. Margaret- My favorite commertial in the superbowl the pepsi commertial and it was my favorite because its simple and its not like boring its fun and colorful. My reaction to a 30 second commertial is amazing why would it cost that much? No it is not worth it that money could buy you a car that would last forever but they use it for 30 secods. I think that the content of most commertials are ok because they all usually do funny commertials and i like funny. No they havent and i thimk that the will stay safe.

  12. welles- i watched pieces of the Super Bowl but not the commercials. my reaction for the cost for a 30 second commercial was: WOW!!! that is crazy!! i think the commercials should be PG-13 because lots of little kids are watching them. no commercials are ok but beyonces performance was inappropriate.

  13. Elizabeth- I like the Doritos commercial with the goat because I thought it was so funny. I think that the amount of money paid for one commercial because it's so weird. If I would get a commercial on theSuper Bowl I would not have alot of money left. Some of the commercials were not very good for young kids like the one with those to people making out. The commercials are stupid because not alot of people want to hear about a new beer.

  14. Victoria- My favorite commercial was the doritos because it is funny and not boring. I think that the 30 second commercial costs a lot but its worth it because all the people who watch the super bowl will see it and thats a lot of people. Most of the commercials are ok but some can be kind of innapropriate sometimes.

  15. Henry-My favorite commercial was the one about why God had made farmers. The reaction that I have on the cost of a 30-second commercial is, why? It could and couldn't be worth it because if your commercial is boring then people won't want to buy your product. On the other hand your commercial could be awesome and have many people buy your product. The content of the commercials were being thankful. No, the commercials have not become too risky.

  16. Emile-i watched the super bowl am i liked the farmer commercial i felt that if was spirtly motivational. I thought that 30 secants for 1 commercial for around 8.3 million dollars was insane sure your commercial was broadcasted to thousands of people but for example the go daddy made a terrible commercial and it was a wast of time and money. over all i think that the commercials were ok but could be better

  17. Madeline-My favorite commercial was the Budweiser commercial that had the Clydesdale horse in it. This is my favorite because I love how the man that took care of the horse got to see him in the parade and that the horse remembered him and wanted to see him too. I think that is very touching and cute. I think that commercials are getting very over priced. I think it was a good commercial that was worth taking the time to watch. Some commercials I think have inappropriate things in them that are not meant for little children. I think that they should only have good clean commercials that the whole family can watch. Yes, because I was watching the super bowl and some of the commercials I saw were definitely not meant for a little kid’s eyes.

  18. Austin- I did not get a chance to watch the super bowl. Our satelite dish was out of alignment. I think that is crazy that they cost so much. I dont think the return on the money spent would be enough to justify that much money. I think some of the content is not appropriate for some viewers. I definately think some are to risque'.

  19. Emily- My favorite commercial was the M&M one because it was just funny and brought a smile to my face. I think it is just crazy how people will spend that much money just to get their company's name out their, but i guess it would be worth it if it did bring in more customers. One commercial that I was really disgusted by was the first Go Daddy commercial. No one wants to see a fat nerd make-out with a girl.. It was just really disturbing to me. I do think that some commercials are risque'.

  20. Graci- My favorite commercial was the M&M one also, like Emily said. It was funny and entertained people instead of just trying to persuade or to inform them. I think a 30 second commercial shouldn't have to be that much because it would only be good if it brings customers in and if it didn't it would have been a huge waste of money. The content of commercials are getting a little risque' because some are gross like the Go Daddy commercial. All the actors do is kiss one another constantly which is kinda disturbing.

  21. Madeline- I have only heard the story about the Pope retiring. All of these stories have and impact on us. Like the pope retiring, we get to witness a Pope stepping down and that has not happened in over six hundred years. President Obama’s speech brought our attention to some problems, and things that need to be changed. Christopher Dorner caused so much sorrow for many different families. North Korea is hurting its people to try to hurt the United States. I think that the Pope retiring is the most important story, because it has an impact on Catholics all over they world.


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