Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Michael Jordan Turns 50

On Sunday, February 17, Michael Jordan turned 50.  By many if not all he is considered the Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.).  He was incredible to watch play.  His physical, mental and emotional abilities were unrivaled.  He forever changed the game of basketball, not to mention to world of sports through his relationship with Nike.  

He was a six time NBA champion, 10 time NBA scoring leader, 6 time NBA finals MVP, 5 time NBA MVP, 11 time All-Star, 2 time Olympic Gold Medalist, and NCAA National champion in addition to many other honors. 

To become the Greatest of All Time did not just happen by accident.  It required constant practice and dedication to refine his craft.  Whenever he reached one pinnacle, he would look for the next challenge.  He was always trying to elevate his game.  He similarly worked to elevate the game of his teammates. 

His willingness to overcome obstacles has allowed him to become awesome.  If I may reference the Kid President, where would we be in Michael Jordan had quit?  No Space Jam.  He didn’t quit ever improving himself or his game. 

Whether it is sports, school, career, family, we all get the chance to be awesome and become the Greatest of All Time at something.  What do you want to be the Greatest of All Time (G.O.A.T.) at?  How will you share your gifts to make the world awesome and inspire others?  

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What A Week

This was a crazy week in the news.  There are so many stories I am having a hard time deciding which one to choose from.  Below are a summary of my top four:

Pope Benedict XVI Resigns

Pope Benedict has decided to retire after 8 years of service.  At the age of 85 he no longer feels as though he can completely fulfill the duties of the Papacy.  This breaks a 600 year tradition of the Pope serving until death.  The news of his chosen retirement has sparked many questions.  We may be witnessing the start of a new tradition of the Pope retiring instead of dying in office.  He has set the date of February 28 as his last.  The speculation of who the next Pope will be extensive until the Cardinals meet to elect the new Pontiff.

The State of the Union

The President’s annual message to Congress was delivered on Tuesday evening.  This is the time for the President to reflect on the accomplishments of the past year and set the presidential direction for the coming year.  With our current economic situation, many Democrats and Republicans were supportive and critical of the president’s ideas about how to best support the continued growth of our nation’s economy.  I have not read the complete text, but I did read about money dedicated to fixing bridges and roads in addition to a proposed increase in minimum wage.  In addition to the economy, the President addressed other matters of foreign affairs, including North Korea (see below).

Christopher Dorner, former LAPD, is thought dead after massive manhunt

Christopher Dorner, a former member of the LAPD, has been at large for the past week.  After being released from his position as a police officer, this former Naval reservist vowed to bring revenge on the police force and their families for his firing.  He killed the daughter and fiancé of a former co-worker last week.  After evidence indicting Dorner was found, a manifesto was discovered on Facebook in which he listed the names of his potential victims.  For the past week he has committed numerous crimes over and above murder.  On Tuesday evening he was allegedly found in a cabin in the mountain resort of Big Bear.  A shootout occurred between police and Dorner which resulted in an additional death and injury of San Bernardino officers.  Eventually, Dorner’s cabin caught on fire.  The police are still investigating to ensure Dorner was in the building at the time. 

North Korea Third Nuclear Test

On Monday evening, North Korea conducted its third nuclear weapons test.  The U.S. Seismological Department detected an earthquake with a 5.1 magnitude in the mountains of North Korea.  Later it was discovered and confirmed to be a nuclear tests carried out by the North Koreans.  North Korea is a communist state.  It is estimated that at least 25% of the country’s children live in absolute poverty.  One of the contributing factors is North Korea’s continued investment in nuclear warfare instead of investment in the necessities for its people.   This test was held against the direct wished of the United Nations and their biggest ally, China.  North Korea has continued to invest in weapons of mass destruction in order to defend itself against the cruel treatment and ongoing aggression of the United States.  Although many experts agree it will be sometime before North Korea will possess the ability to launch an attack against the United States, with each test they get one step closer.

Have you heard of any of the above stories?  What about the stories interests you?  Which story do you think is the most important and why?  

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Super Bowl Commercials

Chances are if you did not watch the Super Bowl you have heard about the commercials.  Super Bowl commercials have taken on a life of their own.  They have become bigger than the game itself for many people.  I must admit, even I, who turns the channel every time a commercial airs, was anxious to watch the new batch of advertisements to Super Bowl XLVII.

Advertising during the Super Bowl is a gamble.  You have to hope that the cost of the ad will pay off with the increase in business.  History has shown the commercials work, but even then there are only a few companies that can afford to spend $3.8 million on one 30 second advertisement.  But companies like Budweiser, Doritos, and  Go seem to ante up each year.

While the commercials and the budgets have gotten bigger, many are beginning to question whether the advertisements still meet the family entertainment the Super Bowl tries to promote.   As the years have progressed the ads have become closer to PG-13 to R rated than PG. 

I have attached a link to the commercials below.  Go down about half way down the page and you can view all of them.

The commercial at the top was my favorite, followed by the Budweiser commercial with the Clydesdale. 

Which commercial was your favorite and why?  What is your reaction to the cost of a 30 second commercial?  Do you think it is worth it?  What do you think about the content of some of the commercials?  Have the commercials become to risqué?