Sunday, August 18, 2013

Summer 2013

Welcome back to school.  Even though you have not been in class, I hope you have been paying attention to some sort of news.  This summer has had its fair share of intriguing stories.  Below are a few from various aspects of society.

Celebrity news

The big celebrity news had to be the birth of Prince George Alexander Louis.  Prince George was born on July 24th to Prince William and Kate Middleton.  The news was filled with every detail of the baby’s coming arrival and all the events that have happened since his birth.

International unrest
Egypt is a mess.  It has been a mess for more than 2 years.  In 2011 the people protested to force the leader out of office.  After a successful overthrow, Egypt conducted its first democratic elections in decades.  While not everyone was pleased with Mohamed Morsi’s election to lead Egypt, it did seem as though Egypt was moving in a democratic direction.  Just over a year later, the people have taken to the streets again to force Morsi out of office.  The political unrest has resulted in approximately 900 deaths in the past four days as the government of Egypt tries to establish some stability.

Uneven playing field

The biggest sports story has to be the ongoing steroids suspension in major league baseball.  Around a dozen
players were suspended a couple of weeks ago for using illegal performance enhancing drugs.  Every player has accepted the suspension without appeal, except one.  Alex Rodriguez is continuing to fight the charges against him.  To me the entire story is ridiculous.  Throw them all out of the game for cheating and lying.  We need better role models in society and in sports.  I could also mention the ongoing saga of Johnny Manziel, but I get nauseous every time I see another story about him…

Close to home

Idaho is on fire.  After a dry winter and a hot summer, the conditions are perfect to have an incredible fire season.  Over the past few days the Sun Valley area has gained the nation’s attention as over 700 firefighters are going to battle with the fire which has destroyed 100,916 acres to date.  The fire started by lightning on August 7th and has been spreading even since.  More than 2,300 residences of Sun Valley and Hailey have been evacuated.

Do you pay attention to the news?  Why or why not?  Which types of stories interest you?  What do you think was the biggest story of the summer?


  1. Yes I do, I enjoy reading about the worlds problems and successes. I am interested in sports and what is going on elsewhere in the world. I think Egypt's killing was the biggest story this summer.

  2. I definitely pay attention to the news. I read the 12 stories to catch up on in the Idaho Statesman and I watch the news regularly. I find a praticular intest in any nation or world stories. I agree with lucas on egypt's overthrowing of the president.

  3. I do and I don't. I do when it's interesting and catches my attention. I don't when it's boring or I've already heard it. Stories that most interest me are ones about crime or ones that are just really unique. I think the biggest stories of the summer were about the fires and the story of the teenage girl who was kidnapped by a ''family friend.'' The ''family friend'' killed the teenage girl's mother and brother. And The girl was kidnapped in San Diego and found in Cascade by an Idahoan couple riding horses. Who were suspicious with the man who claimed they were fishing, even though the girl had clothes that were not for camping. Once they got back to their home and saw on the news the story about the abduction they called police immediately.

  4. Like Anika, I am sometimes interested in the news. Big stories, like the fires in Idaho or the kidnapping in San Diego, tend to get my attention. But politics and smaller headlines do not really interest me. As for the biggest story of the summer, I have to say the fires in Sun Valley has to be the biggest. I mean, who can ignore the fact that Idaho has become a living barbecue (again)? I just hope the firefighters can get this thing under control before it gets any worse. The people in Ketchum and Hailey are in my prayers.

  5. I try to pay attention to news, I like watching news because I think it's good to see how other places of the world work... I like stories about other places of the world, and crime stories, that are unsolved. To me the biggest story to me this summer was when the girl named Hannah Anderson got kidnaped in San Diego. One of the other biggest stories is the Idaho forest fires...

  6. Yes I pay attention to the news because when everyone knows about a news story I can join in the conversation. To me the biggest news story was the birth of Prince George Alexander Louis. I like how his parents are trying to keep things down to earth for him. I hope they are successful.

  7. I do listen to the news , but I only look into a story more if it effects me or is a headline across the country. I think that one of the biggest stories this summer was the kidnapping of Hannah Anderson and the murdering of her mother and brother. I think this because a kidnapping is very rare, the last one was ,I think, ten years ago when three young women hitched rides w/ a man that took then to his basement an took them hostage, they were only found this year. When I was sleeping outside with my cousins watching a meteor shower, the rescue helicopters were making a ton of noise from going back and forth from St.Lukes, searching for and rescuing her. My heart goes out to her and her dad. I also think that a very interesting/sad story was an article about a large cat rescue center. A small rodent got into one of the tiger's cages and in that process transmitted a weird disease that made the tiger have a sickness, and then a seizure, causing it to die. This disease went around to almost all of the large cats, so the center's rate dropped dramatically. This story made me very sad because, as you guys will learn, care ALOT about animals .

  8. Yes I listen to news on the radio or when my parents watch it on the tv then i come in and watch it with them. The most interesting news this summer is the fire in Idaho. It's burning near Baumgartner campground where I went with with my family this summer. It's weird how the place I have been before might be different the next time I go there.

  9. Yes, I sometimes listen to the news, but not that much. The stories that interest me the most are the ones that get my attention, for example, the girl that got kidnapped in San Diego and then brought to Idaho or the fires up by Sun Valley. The story that I thought was the biggest news was how the book keeper convinced the gun-man to not kill anyone in the school.

  10. I do pay attention to the news. I pay attention to it because it's very important to know whats happening.The most interesting story I thought was all the fires that were happening in our state. When I heard about Sun Valley and Hailey's evacuations I was concerned. The reason Sun Valley and Hailey were evacuated because the air quality was at the purple and the fires were getting really close to both of their towns. The biggest story was the royal baby, Prince George. The world was tuned in from the moment Princess Kate went into the hospital. The news coverage of it was crazy! Every channel was talking about this story. I will continue to watch the news so I can stay informed on world events.

  11. Sometimes I do pay attention to the news because you never know what crazy thing may happen in the world next! The type of stories that interest me are the ones that are mysterious and scary! I think that when Hannah Anderson got kidnapped, and when she lost her mom and her eight year old brother was the biggest story of the summer!

  12. sometimes i do pay attention to the news. I think that it is very interesting that only 700 firefighters are fighting fire. sand that the fires have burned more than 100,000 acers

  13. I don't normally pay much attention to the news because some stuff is not that interesting and other stuff I don't understand that well so I think its kind of boring. But when there is a mystery or crime that is being reported I think that is interesting
    I think the biggest stories of the summer were the wild fires of Idaho and the kidnapping of Hanna Anderson and the killing of her mom and brother.

  14. I like to pay attention to the news because its important and it usually affects me in some way. My mom watches the news all the time so I'm surrounded by it. I like sports stories ,like the Alex Rodriguez steroids story. Probably the biggest story of the summer was all the wildfires and the damage they caused. One that I noticed was the Little League World Series. It was the first time a team from Australia and the Czech Republic have came to it. Also ,a little league team from Nampa made it to the Northwest Regional.

  15. I definitely pay attention to the news. The best story yet was the kidnapping in cascade. I was in cascade when they killed James DiMaggio. You should have seen the police that were there, they had more than police they had the FBI. It was hectic!

  16. I think you should pay attention to the news,because if you don't you won't learn about current events that inform us about what is happening.

  17. Yes, I pay attention to the news because I think it is important to know what's going on in your city, state, country, and world. The types of News stories that interest me are the tragedy stories because they affect us the most. The biggest story of the summer in Idaho was probably the big Idaho fires. I lived near the foothills so there is lots of smoke.

  18. Yes i do pay attention to the news because it is interesting to know what is going on in the world.
    I like current events. I think the biggest story of the summer was the kidnapping because it lasted for a week. It also involved someones life.

  19. Yes, I do pay attention to the news especially this summer I watched it a lot. I think its important to know what going on in the world. Stories that interest me are world news, crimes, kidnapping, and celebrity those stories catch my eye. I think the biggest story this summer was Prince George Alexander Louis being born.

  20. i do pay attention to the news and i think it is very interesting. i enjoy the kidnapping stories because they always last a couple days, sometimes weeks and there is new info about it everyday. The biggest story was probably the kidnapping of that 16 year old girl.

  21. Most of the time I pay attention to the news. Just incase something happens near bye like the girl who got kidnapped. I was in McCall when they found the man who kidnapped her. It was cool seeing all the news cars. I hope I can keep up with the news this school year.

  22. i usually pay attention to the news especially when something big is going on in the world.many different types of news stories interest me but i especially like chase and crime ones like the amber alert for hannh anderson but i also like sports and celebrity news..i thinkthe biggest story of the year was the tragic boston bombing.

  23. yes i pay attention to the news. I think you should because its good to know whats going on around the world. I think the biggest stories are happening in Idaho.These fires just wont stop burning.

  24. Yes I pay attention to the news. I pay attention because if something big happens I would like to know. The crime and sports stories interest me the most. I think that Hannah Anderson was the biggest story of this summer.

  25. Yes, I pay attention to the news. I enjoy reading the newspaper. I usually am interested in kidnapping stories because they are intense. I think the biggest story was the Hannah Anderson story. I was leaving Cascade and drove by the helicopter as it was taking off to drop the searchers. This was about 5 hours before she was found.

  26. I usually pay attention to the news, because it is important to know what is going on in the world. Celebrity news because they are intense. I think the biggest news story of the summer was the amber alert of Hannah Anderson.

  27. I pay attention to the new because I want to stay up to date on the current events. My favorite stories are crime and sports because those are the most exciting. I think the most important story of the summer was hannah anderson.

  28. I sometimes pay attention to the news. At times it is boring but I pay attention to personal stories or stories that will affect me. The fires are the biggest headlines of the summer.

  29. Most the of the time i pay attention to the news and it is really important important to pay attention to it so you know what is going on around you. The stories that seem to interest me the most are the crime stories. They just appeal to me for some reason. I think the biggest story of the the summer was Egypt's killing.

  30. i do watch news not as much as id like to but i still know whats going on in the world. i think that malala yosasaia and her getting shot for protesting about womens rights in this world is a big part of news and i find that stuff interesting.

  31. I don't really pay attention to the news because I tend to get super bored by it. but I do pay attention to weather because I like to know how hot or cold it is and I also pay attention to fires in the Idaho area.


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