Wednesday, May 15, 2013

First Year of Middle School

Congratulations.  You are two and a half weeks from completing your first year of middle school.  As you are well aware, school is more challenging.  You are expected to take more accountability for yourself and your work.  I would like to say you have done a nice job.

Middle school requires you to change classes every 43 minutes.  You have 6-7 teachers instead of 1 or two.  Each of you teachers has a different personality and expectations.  By now you have a good idea what upsets each one of us and what makes us happy.  You understand the nuances with our tests and teaching styles.

You have also realized that with middle school come more privileges.  You have your own locker.  A private space to hang up your pictures of One Direction or whatever else you may have an interest.  You have lunch with the older students and use the annex for afternoon break.  You no longer have to wear the school plaid or blue shorts and pants.  Next year you get even more privileges.  You are eligible to fully participate in TVCS sports and dances.  In addition, you get to play in the Hallissey tournament and enjoy the assembly.

Before we move on to next year, I would like you to reflect on this past.  What was your favorite part of being in the middle school?  How would you describe each of your middle school teachers?  What advice would you give to next year’s sixth graders?


  1. Sam-My favorite part of being in middle school was the teachers and the privileges. My teachers were some of the most amazing I have ever had. They cared about me and helped me to academic sues. My teachers have made sure that I had gotten and attained the content that they were teaching. I am happy to be in middle school, but my teachers are really why I am in middle school in the first thing. Just being in middles school is cool, you know, saying that would have your own locker and all of that is nice as well. Being able to wear sweatshirts and khaki pants was a huge improvement to our past uniform. What advice is that I would give to next year’s middle scholars is to have your locker organized so that you can get what you need from it. Having your binder organized as well will help you a lot as it is critical to have good organization skills. Also make sure that you have a good relationship with all your teachers. Be polite and respectful when you talk to them.

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  3. Robert-My favorite part of middle school was probably all of the mew privileges and some of the new teachers. I really enjoyed that during assemblies and such I could actually see rather than trying to straighten up my back which really hurt. I still remember one assembly where I had to sit in front of this toddler and he decided that kicking was fun so he kicked me 20 minutes straight. His mom told him to say sorry but he just looked at me and said no denying what he had done. Science olympiad was also a really fun, and new experience. The time that my partner and I took the test was kind of interesting because I did the best that I could when some of my partners just wrote down the answers that I told them. Next the thing that I have really enjoyed are some of the teachers. I think it's been really funny when some of the people in Mr. yanci's class goof off and actually get called on it for once. I have a pretty good idea of what he would say. It would sound kind of like this, be quite, what do you think this class is about? Your here so that you can improve yourself, not day dream! I find when a student keeps getting embarrassed by a teacher hilarious. The one class that I really think that stood out was science. At the start of the year we had this test about gadgets and such materials and everyone aced it but then the next 10 tests the average was a C+ and Mrs. McClure tried to explain in the nicest possible way how stupid we were. That also gave me some laughs. I would describe each of my middle school teachers as very stern, happy, smart, and hardworking because I remember them all telling me stories where they had to get smarter because one of their students had asked them a question which they couldn't really answer so they would work hard and try to find out the next or following day so that they could answer that students question. Some advice that I would give to the future sixth graders would be not to take Mrs. McClure's class to lightly and not dose off on Mrs. Governale's life lesson stories or she will embarrass you in front of your whole class, and always remember that because their your superiors you better listen to them and not give them an attitude or they will try there best to give you a B even if you deserve an A.

  4. Margaret- My favorite part about middle school is probaly having lockers and having more responsibility for things and homework. I would describe each of my middle school teachers caring about you and your work and responsible and hard working. Be ready for a big change because it was from student: I forgot my homework can i turn it in tommorow? teacher: yes i forgot my homework teacher: you get a 50%. Also you will have a lot more responsibility.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Jack-My favorite part of being in middle school was the teachers and the privileges. I enjoyed all the locker commotion and assemblies. It was hard when you forgot your homework and you would get a 70% or if in Mrs. McClure 50%. I would describe each of my middle school teachers as very stern, happy, smart, and hardworking because its fun and all but you need to work to get a B or very hardt o get an A. My teachers have made sure that I had gotten and attained the content that they were teaching in things like Khan. I also liked that you got to were P.E uniforms instead of sweating in navy pants.

    P.S 5th graders, dont talk out of turn, dose of in Mrs Governales Life lesson, dont talk about kobe to Mr. Grant, and finally do not complain if a teacher gives homework with like 1 minute left!

  6. Mackenzie- My favorite part of middle school was getting to switch classes and get to see a new teacher every 45minutes. I would describe Mrs. Russell as always happy and ready to help you lean. Mr. Yanci is so protective over his m&ms. Mrs. Gamboa has a great sense of humor. Mrs. Mecluer always has the best ways to explain what she is teaching. Mrs. Governalie can really relate to what you are feeling and Mr. Grant can always help make a point with his ruler. Dear next years six graders it will be a great year ust be carful about talking about kobe around Mr. Grant.

  7. Claire- My favorite part about middle school was probably changing classes, and getting a locker. I liked changing classes because if you didn't like a teacher, you would only have them for about 45 minutes each day, compared to having them all day. I liked lockers because it was like your own little room to express your personality. Here is what I think of my middle school teachers: Mrs. Russell is a very kind teacher who knows how kids learn. Mrs. McClure is a tough teacher who expects a lot from kids, but has a love for science. Mrs. Gamboa is a very good grammar teacher who makes English fun! Mrs. G teaches you life lessons I don't think you could learn anywhere else. Mr. Grant teaches you all about Social Studies and uses his meter stick to help with that. Lastly, Mr. Yanci is one of the funniest teachers I know, who enjoys M&M's. Some advice I would give to next year's sixth graders would be to make sure you have an organized locker because you don't have very much time to grab your books and head to your next class. I would also say to work twice as hard entering middle school because all your classes are going to be a challenge. Also, if Mr. Yanci gets mad, just know that he isn't always like that, he is an awesome and funny teacher! Lastly, I strongly recommend doing Science Fair if you are a person who likes to work independently, and hates people being flaky. Good luck to all those entering middle school, you will love it!!!

  8. Grace- My favorite part of middle school was having lockers, different teachers, more privaleges, and getting involved in student council. Mrs.Russell is very kind and organized and makes sure that you are prepared for quizzes, tests, and life. Mrs.McClure is very funny and scientific and she expands your thinking skills by continuously challenging you every day. Mrs.Gamboa is very fun and creative by giving different projects and fun assignments. Mrs.G is very sweet and inspiring with all of her stories and quotes. Mr.Grant is very cool and funny because of his teaching styles and because he likes to hit his meter stick on desks. Mr.Yanci is very funny and unique because of his sense of humor and his love for M&Ms. I would tell the 6th graders to have an organized locker, study extra hard for at least two days in advance on tests and quizzes, work hard, do your best, S.L.A.N.T, run for student council, and have fun!

  9. Kylee-The best thing about middle school was the lockers also having a lot of different teachers. Mrs. Russell she is funny and nice. Mrs. Mclure is fun and is always willing to try something new. Mrs. Gamboa is sweet and is very creative. Mrs. G is sweet and loves to smile. Mr. Grant is funny and is very inspiring. Mr. Yanci is funny and not afraid to speak his mind. Some advice I would give is stay organized.

  10. Emily- The best part about middle school was getting lockers and all the privileges we get. All of my teachers were nice, funny, and really tried to help their students. But just because they are nice most of the time doesn't mean they don't get angry or mad sometimes. Advice i would give to next years sixth graders is to study for test, DO NOT TALK, and to do your homework and turn it in on time, like Khan Academy; never forget to do that. And if you are in Mr. Grant's S.S. class, watch out for the meter stick and get the blog in.

  11. Charlie- My favorite part of being in middle school was that you had a locker and a lot more freedom and responsibility. Some of my teachers really wanted her students to get good grades and others just gave the student that responsibility of wanting good grades. My advice is get involved, have fun, relax, and stay on task. And if you can maintain 4 quoters of doing so you do great. :) :P

  12. Henry- My favorite part of being in middle school was having al the different teachers and getting taught by all of their different teaching styles. I would describe the teachers as caring, charismatic,and determined. The advice that I would give to the upcoming sixth graders is to get involved. Try to do things until the teachers tell you stop.

  13. mckai- my favorite part of middle school was the field trips.Mr grant big cool and serious. Mrs.russel fun smart and nice. Mr yanci playful loving funny and a great God father.mrs gamboa serous funny smart and intelagant. mrs governally intresting caring and cool. mrs miller artistic serous and fun. mrs macler serous very intelagant and knows the anser to every thing. SCHOOL IS NOT A JOKE HERE IT IS SEROUSE

  14. Madeline- my favorite part of middle school was having all the different teachers. They are some of the best teachers I have ever had. I also enjoyed having lockers, and my advice to next year’s sixth graders is to keep their lockers clean, and stay organized. Each of my middle school teachers has different expectations for homework, and tests. All the teachers care so much about all of the students, and want us to succeed. I enjoy the conversations that we have in class. I have learned so much and am looking forward to a great next year. I would describe my middle school teachers as caring, kind, fun, and inspirational. My advice to next year’s sixth graders is to study, be prepared, do khan academy when assigned, complete blog posts, and get involved in school activities.

  15. Austin- My favorite part of middle school this year was getting to be more independent. I really like how all the teachers gave us lots of space and the responsibility to do stuff on our own. I would describe all the middle school teachers as kind, loving, and care about where we will be in our life. I would tell next years sixth graders to be prepared to have a little more homework than in the past. I would also tell them that some of the teachers may be a little scary when they pick up meter sticks but they are just trying to be funny.

  16. Graci- My favorite part about being in middle school this year was getting to switch classes each period. We got see each of the teachers different teaching habits Also, we get to be more independent. Having lockers are ok to put your school supplies in, but they get really messy if you don't clean them out every once in awhile. All the teachers of the middle school are kind and care about each of their students. The teachers help us in any situation. I would tell the next year sixth graders to be prepared for all your classes with the supplies you need or you might get in trouble. Also, be prepared for the teachers to be harder on you on tests, quizzes, and homework.

  17. Emile-Having a locker and being able to have freedom in between classes feels amazing and being trusted and responsible enough to do it is an excitement and honor. All of the teachers are really fun they always ingage with the class and have energy and excitement about what they are teaching. For next years 6th grade i would seggest that they study for science tests like crazy and always write essays on Mr. Grants tests.

    I am Emile Murdock, and i approve this message.

  18. Victoria-My favorite part about being in middle school is changing classes and having different teachers. Each of my teachers is very kind and understanding but still very good teachers. The advice i would give to incoming 6th graders is to stay organized and use your planner for your homework and never forget to turn in your homework on time.

  19. Elizabeth- My favorite part of middle school was just having amazing teachers and fun memories. I loved going to the garden with all the middle school and farming I also loved having lockers. All of my teachers are kind and have alot of knowledge. Mrs. Russell is one of the best math teachers you can get. Mrs. McClure is a fun and sweet teacher I have learned alot from her this year. Mrs. Gamboa is a funny teacher I loved having her this year. Mrs. G has alot of cool stories and caring for one another. Mrs. Miller is a great and cretive art teacher. Mr. Grant is funny and very intresting to learn from. Mr. Yanci has alot of fun with everything I love how he's notup tight. Next years six graders should not be afriad of Mr Grant he really funny and also don't stress about lockers they'll get the hang of it one day.

  20. welles-my favorite part of 6ht grade is having lockers and more teachers. all the teachers are really nice and help a lot. they all have different personalities and sometimes it can be hard to ajust to them. always do your homework and stay on task! always ask ???s.. dont stress about lockers u will love them

  21. Isaiah-My favorite part of middle school were all the extra responsibilities and flexibility and different personalities of my teachers. Mrs. Russell is passionate Mrs Macclure had very interesting thhings to say Mrs. Gamboa was understanding Mrs.G is very wise you are very flexible and helpful and Mr Yanci is funny. Fifth graders should just be ready for more responsibilities but even more privileges.

  22. Isaiah-My favorite part of middle school were all the extra responsibilities and flexibility and different personalities of my teachers. Mrs. Russell is passionate Mrs Macclure had very interesting thhings to say Mrs. Gamboa was understanding Mrs.G is very wise you are very flexible and helpful and Mr Yanci is funny. Fifth graders should just be ready for more responsibilities but even more privileges.

  23. all of my teachers are great and I sill don't know all there personalities. I am super exited ad can't wait to go to 7th grade!!!!!!!Mr.Grant is my favorite and I an not just typing that because this is his blog I really mean it. I like the privileges and responsibilities he give us and,the things I really enjoy is the blog it is a way to respond without being in the class!!!!!!!Mr. Yanci is strict but really funny:)


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