Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

On Monday, January 21 we are remembering the life and teaching of Martin Luther King, Jr. throughout the United States.  While we each may enjoy a day off of school, we do not want to lose the purpose of commemorating his life and his impact on the United States and the world by taking the day for granted.

Martin Luther was born in Atlanta, Georgia.  He was the son, grandson, and great grandson of Baptist ministers.  While he initially was reluctant to accept his inherited occupation, during his time at Morehouse College, Dr. King began to learn how to use his devout Christian beliefs and his natural ability to gather people to promote the ideas of social change.

As his life continued, he actively engaged in the promoting the civil rights of African Americans and the social changes so long overdue.  While the civil war ended nearly 100 years prior to Dr. King, it was not until the 1960’s that America began to recognize the equality of African Americans. 

The teachings of Martin Luther King are as relevant today as they were 40 years ago.  Even though we have taken great strides as a country, we still hear and see acts of prejudice and bigotry in our society.  While we strive for equality and tolerance, we know there is still hate in the world.  Dr. King would encourage us to seek out acts of hate and intolerance in the world and find peaceful solutions to promote the human spirit.

In addition to Monday being a day for remembrance, it should also be a day of action.  A day dedicated to doing something to promote humanity and discourage intolerance.

The following is a link to the King Center.  The website includes many interesting and thought provoking ideas, including a biography of Dr. King and the history of the holiday.

What do you think Dr. King would think of our world today and the changes the country has undergone?  Can you think of situations in our world today where intolerance and prejudice exist?  What actions are you willing to take to promote the human spirit and the ideas of tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness?


  1. I think Dr. King would be happy because it has changed tremendously sence his time. How in sport there are twice as many black people play.


  2. Dr. King might think our world has changed alot he might not approve of all the violence though. In this world we have tons Of things that are poor choices and bad things.I would love to just stand uP and tell all the world that we are all created equal like Dr. King did.

  3. Margaret- I think that Dr. King would think that today and right now is amazing becayse we have treated blacks the way that we would want to be treated. I dont know anywhere where intolerance and prejustice would be in.I am willing to take action by helping people to relize that everyone is equal and we should treat others the way we would want to be treated.

  4. Austin- I think Dr. King would be very happy with are world today. I think he will like that all black and white people are getting along together. I dont know anywhere where intolerance and prejustice would be in. I will help people take action to help them relize that they should treat others as they would like to be treated.

  5. Henry- I think Dr.king would be very pleased with our world today and he would be proud that we did what was right and have equal rights. There aren't very many intolerence and prejudstice things that I know of. I will try to spread what should be spread, that is the golden rule, "treat others the way you would like to be treated".

  6. Charlie- I think Dr. King would be shocked considering that when he was alive they had two seperate drinking fountains for people with different skin tone. I think it has changed a lot but not as much as Dr. King wanted it to. I think that now they judge you more on your religeon not as much as your skin color. I say that religeon and skin color does not matter what matters it how you act and respect people.

  7. Sam-I think that Dr. King would think that our world has developed and changed so much, he might campaign for something other than civil rights, maybe world peace or something on the global scale. Some people in this county are still prejudice in parts of the country and he might make it his mission to make sure those people are more aware of the fact that all people are created equal. Although there are still some problems in our country, we have come a long way. I think that he would make it his mission to make sure society is as fair as possible. I can’t think of any obvious situations of intolerance except of something like bullying which is already being addressed nationally. Some actions that I am willing to promote are the human spirit and peoples overall well-being. People should be positive to others even when they are messed up. Also, giving compliments to people is a great way to boost their spirits. God bless Martin Luther King Jr.

  8. Claire- I think Dr. King would think of our country as very developed in terms of civil rights. when he was still alive, white people didn't care about how the African Americans were being treated. A situation where intolerance and prejudice exists would be, like Jack said, if you were on a sports team, and you were playing another team with a person who was African American. Some actions I am willing to take to promote the human spirit and the ideas of tolerance, acceptance and forgiveness is if someone is being bullied or teased, to stand up for them. Another action I am willing to take is if someone is new at school, to welcome them in, and get to know them better.

  9. Graci- I think Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would think our country has developed to see that everyone is equal and it doesn't matter they way you look. Situations in the world that consist of intolerance and prejudice is in Africa when African Americans get treated like slaves to work for other people. Actions I am willing to promote human spirit and ideas of tolerance, acceptance and forgivenss is to stand up for someone who is getting teased about the way they look, religion or skin tone.

  10. Grace- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would like our world today because there has definetley been some improvements about black and white people. I'm sure there is intolerance and prejudice around the world. For example, some people bully other people because of physical features. I would stand up for other people if they are being mistreated because it's the inside that counts.

  11. Robert Fritz- I think that Dr. King would have been very proud of his fellow americans and proud of himself for turning around the course of events. i also think that he would be happy that we saw it his way and stopped all of the desegregation. I can still think of places where intolerance and prejudice still exist because some people just have grudges that run in the family because you learn from your parents and if your parents tell you that something is bad it's going to be passed down through generations. Some actions that I would take to boost the tolerance level would be to make people feel better about themselves so that they can do something with their lives just like Dr. Martin Luther King, .Jr. God bless Dr. king, Jr.

  12. Jack- his word has inspired many from many places. what he has done to sports, acting, and other thing that he has helped. what he accomplished in his life is astonishing. i wish we had people in this day that give that hard work to what he does. black people should be treated the same way as white people!

  13. Kylee-I think he would be very proud of our country and would love and feel great about the changes that were made.I think a place were it still exists is in some school with bullying how kids are getting treated differently if they dont look the same as others.Some actions that I am willing to take are to help someone who is struggleing through segargration

  14. Emile-thanks to dr king our country has overcome abuse a mis conduct to black people. i think in Israel catholic people are being attacked by the Muslims for their land. i think that be can help increase humane spirit by making more jobs and creating organizations for poor people.

    1. welles-i think he would be proud of us that we are not as prejudice. in the south people still think that whites are better than blacks in some places. i could orginize jobs that the money made goes to the poor.

  15. Madeline- Martin Luther King would be happy to see the progress that we made, and that we are continuing to make progress. This country has progressed, but not fully overcome racial discrimination, and prejudice involving the color of your skin. When immigrants come fro Mexico and other country’s some people are prejudiced against them. Some things that I could do to prevent these actions, are to stand up to someone when they are being prejudiced against another no matter how hard it is to tell them it is wrong.

  16. ben- martin luther king day is a day celebrated because of the speeches that martin luther king had done and even tho he is dead he can still see the change he made from heaven seeing 'whites' and 'blacks' going to school and getting along without conflict is probably allowing him to rest in peace even tho he lived in the time of war killing and death but we celebrate it every year and probably wont forget about him for a long time but he is like a saint that made a difference in the world like jesus he made a difference in the world by dying for our sins the end

  17. victoria- i think that he would be very proud of how far we have gotten but i also think we have more work ahead of us. im not sure where intolerance and prejustice would be. I am willing to prevent these actions because i think all people should be equal.

  18. Mckai- I think he would be proud of us but he would say there is much farther to go. sports face book on line and at schools.
    acts of service to all and live a christ like life


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