Monday, May 11, 2015

First Year of Middle School

Congratulations.  You are two and a half weeks from completing your first year of middle school.  As you are well aware, school is more challenging.  You are expected to take more accountability for yourself and your work.  I say you have done a nice job.

Middle school requires you to change classes every 43 minutes.  You have 6-7 teachers instead of 1 or two.  Each of you teachers has a different personality and expectations.  By now you have a good idea what upsets each one of your teachers and what makes us happy.  You understand the nuances with our tests and teaching styles.

You have also realized that with middle school come more privileges.  You have your own locker.  A private space to hang up your pictures of One Direction or whatever else you may have an interest.  You have lunch with the older students and use the annex for afternoon break.  You no longer have to wear the school plaid or blue shorts and pants.  Next year you get even more privileges.  You are eligible to fully participate in TVCS sports and dances.  In addition, you get to play in the Hallissey tournament and enjoy the assembly.

Before we move on to next year, I would like you to reflect on this past.  What was your favorite part of being in the middle school?  How would you describe each of your middle school teachers?  What advice would you give to next year’s sixth graders?